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acrimony: mean temper or language marked by irritation, anger, or resentment.
adopt: mean to take an opinion, policy, or practice as one's own.
allot: mean to give as a share, portion, role, or lot.
answer: mean to say, write, or do something in return.
attack-1: mean an attempt to injure, destroy, or defame.
background: mean the place, time, and circumstances in which something occurs.
begin: mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.
brave: mean having or showing no fear when faced with something dangerous, difficult, or unknown.
breach: mean the breaking of a law, duty or obligation.
caprice: mean an irrational, fanciful, or impractical idea or desire.
cite: mean to bring forward as in explanation, proof, or illustrations.
color: mean a property of a visible thing that is recognizable in the light and is distinguished from other properties, such as shape, size, and texture.
common: mean generally met with and not in any way special, strange, or unusual.
commotion: mean great physical, mental, or emotional excitement.
conduct: mean to use one's powers to lead, guide, or dominate.
confidence: mean a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment.
congratulate: mean to express pleasure in the joy, success, or prospects of another.
contrary: mean inclined to resist authority, control, or circumstances.
correct-2: mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth.
courage: mean mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship.
decline: mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering.
demand: mean to ask or call for something as due or as necessary or as strongly desired.
deterioration: mean a falling from a higher to a lower level in quality, character, or vitality.
dictate: mean to issue something to be followed, observed, obeyed, or accepted.
discard: mean to get rid of as of no further use, value, or service.
disclaim: mean to refuse to admit, accept, or approve.
disguise: mean to alter the dress or appearance so as to conceal the identity, intention, or true feeling.
dismay: mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion.
distant: mean not close in space, time, or relationship.
dominant: mean superior to all others in power, influence, or importance.
doubtful: mean not affording assurance of the worth, soundness, or certainty of something or someone.
dull: mean not sharp, keen, or acute(ask).
educe: mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved.
element: mean one of the parts, substances, or principles of a compound or complex whole.
error: mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper.
exaggeration: mean an overstepping of the bounds of truth, especially in describing the extent, size, kind, or amount of something.
exceed: mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree.
extemporaneous: mean composed, done, or devised at the moment and not beforehand.
extrinsic: mean external to a thing, its essential nature, or its original character.
fantastic: mean conceived, made, or carried out without evident reference or adherence to truth or reality.
fashion: mean the usage, as in dressing, decorating, or living, that is accepted by those who want to be up-to-date.
fast: mean moving, proceeding, or acting quickly.
feeling: mean a subjective reaction or response to a person, thing, or situation.
female: mean of, characteristic of, or like a female, especially of the human species.
fidelity: mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty or by a sense of what is right or appropriate.
fit-1: mean right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance.
forbearing: mean not inclined by nature, disposition, or circumstances to be severe or rigorous.
frustrate: mean to check or defeat another's desire, plan, or goal.
full: mean containing all that is wanted or needed or possible.
gather: mean to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit.
hamper: mean to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting.
harbor: mean to provide a place, such as one's home, quarters, or confines, where someone or something may stay or be kept for a time.
have: mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one's own.
humble: mean lacking all signs of pride, aggressiveness, or self-assertiveness.
importance: mean a quality or aspect that is felt to be of great worth, value, or influence.
incisive: mean having or showing or suggesting a keen alertness of mind.
indecorous: mean not conforming to what is accepted as right, fitting, or in good taste.
indiscriminate: mean including all or nearly all within the range of choice, operation, or effectiveness.
injure: mean to affect someone or something so as to rob it of soundness or strength or to reduce its value, usefulness, or effectiveness.
injustice: mean an act that inflicts undeserved damage, loss, or hardship on a person.
irregular: mean not conforming to, in accordance with, or explainable by rule, law, or custom.
jerk: mean to make a sudden sharp quick movement.
junction: mean an act, state, or place of meeting or uniting.
justice: mean the art, practice, or obligation of rendering to another what is his, her, or its due.
justify: mean to be what constitutes sufficient grounds for doing, using, saying or preferring something.
keep-1: mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.
last: mean following all others in time, order, or importance.
level: mean having a surface without bends, curves, or irregularities, and with no part higher than any other.
liberal-2: mean freed from or opposed to what is orthodox, established, or conservative.
limp: mean deficient in firmness of texture, substance, or structure.
loose: mean not tightly bound, held, restrained, or stretched.
lure: mean to draw one from a usual, desirable, or proper course or situation into one considered unusual, undesirable, or wrong.
maintain: mean to uphold as true, right, just, or reasonable.
majority: mean a number or quantity or part larger than some other expressed or implied, particularly in reference to an election.
malice: mean the desire or wish to see another experience pain, injury or distress.
mania: mean a state marked by exaggerated reactions and a loss of emotional, mental, or nervous control.
masculine: mean of, characteristic of, or like a male, especially of the human species.
matrimonial: mean of, relating to, or characteristic of marriage.
meager: mean falling short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable.
meddle: mean to concern oneself with someone or something officiously, impertinently, or indiscreetly.
mend: mean to put into good order something that is injured, damaged, or defective.
mirth: mean a mood or temper of joy and high spirits that is expressed in laughter, play, or merrymaking.
miscellaneous: mean a group, collection, or mass, or the things that make up a group, collection, or mass, marked by diversity or variety.
moderate-1: mean not excessive in degree, amount, or intensity.
modern: mean having taken place, come into existence, or developed in times close to the present.
mysterious: mean beyond one's powers to discover, understand, or explain.
nearest: mean closest in time, space, or degree.
nearly: mean within a little of being, becoming, reaching, or sufficing.
new: mean having recently come into existence or use or into a particular state or condition.
nightly: mean of, relating to, or associated with the night.
novice: mean one who is a beginner in something, such as a trade, a profession, a career, or a skill.
offer: mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance.
onward: mean in the act of advancing or going ahead, as in a movement, progression, series, or sequence.
plan: mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end.
power-3: mean the right to govern or rule or determine.
powerless: mean unable to effect one's purpose, intention, or end.
prevailing: mean generally circulated, accepted, or used in a certain time or place.
priority: mean the act, the fact, or the right of being in front or going ahead of another.
process: mean the series of such things as actions, operations, or motions involved in the accomplishment of an end.
proficient: mean having or manifesting the great knowledge and experience necessary for success in a skill, trade, or profession.
prosaic: mean having a plain, practical, unimaginative quality or character.
provoke: mean to rouse someone or something into being, doing, or feeling.
ration: mean the amount of food, supplies, or money allotted to an individual.
receive: mean to permit to come into one's possession, presence, group, mind, or substance.
regular: mean being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average.
reproduction: mean something that closely resembles a thing previously made, produced, or written.
rescue: mean to set free from confinement, risk or danger.
rich: mean having goods, property, and money in abundance.
ruin-2: mean to subject to forces that are destructive of soundness, worth, or usefulness.
sacred: mean protected by law, custom, or respect against abuse.
save: mean to keep secure from injury, decay, or loss.
shake-1: mean to exhibit vibrating, wavering, or oscillating movement often as an evidence of instability.
share: mean to have, get, or use in common with another or others.
sign-2: mean something, such as a gesture or action, by which a command or wish is expressed or a thought made known.
single: mean one as distinguished from two or more or all others.
slatternly: mean deficient in neatness, freshness, or smartness, especially in dress or appearance.
soft: mean devoid of harshness, roughness, or intensity.
stir-1: mean signs of excitement or hurry accompanying an act, action, or event.
strange: mean departing or varying from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected.
supererogatory: mean done without need, compulsion, warrant, or provocation.
superficial: mean lacking in depth, comprehensiveness, or solidity.
supremacy: mean the position of being first, as in rank, power, or influence.
surrender: mean the yielding up of one's person, forces, or possessions to another person or power.
swing-2: mean to move to and fro, up and down, or back and forth.
tardy: mean not arriving or doing or occurring at the set, due, or expected time.
thin: mean not thick, broad, abundant, or dense.
thing: mean something considered as having actual, distinct, and demonstrable existence.
think-2: mean to use one's powers of conception, judgment, or inference.
touch: mean to get or produce or affect with a sensation by or as if by bodily contact.
trespass: mean to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another.
unity: mean a combining of parts or elements or individuals into an effective whole or the quality of a whole made up of closely associated parts.
unnerve: mean to deprive of strength or vigor and the capacity for effective action.
versatile: mean marked by or showing skill or ability or capacity or usefulness of many kinds.
vicious: mean highly reprehensible and offensive in character, nature, or conduct.
vitalize: mean to arouse to activity, animation, or life.
waste: mean to spend or expend futilely or without gaining a proper or reasonable or normal return.
weak: mean not strong enough to endure strain, pressure, or strenuous effort.
weaken: mean to lose strength, energy, or vigor.
worry: mean to torment to the point of destroying one's peace of mind or to disturb or irritate acutely by persistent acts.