永和九年,歲在癸丑,暮春之初, | In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the beginning of the late spring, |
會于會稽山陰之蘭亭,修禊事也。 | we have gathered at the Orchid Pavilion in the North of Kuaiji Mountain for the purification ritual. |
群賢畢至,少長咸集。 | All the literati, the young and the old, have congregated. |
此地有崇山峻嶺,茂林修竹; | There are high mountains and steep hills, dense wood and slender bamboos, |
又有清流激湍,映帶左右。 | as well as a limpid flowing stream reflecting the surrounding. |
引以為流觴曲水,列坐其次; | We sit by a redirected stream with floating wine goblets. |
雖無絲竹管絃之盛, | Although short of the company of music, |
一觴一詠,亦足以暢敘幽情。 | the wine and poems are sufficient for us to exchange our feelings. |
是日也,天朗氣清,惠風和暢。 | As for this day, the sky is clear and the air is fresh; the mild breeze greets us. |
仰觀宇宙之大, | I look up at the immense universe. |
俯察品類之盛; | I look down at myriad works [of poetry]. |
所以遊目騁懷,足以極視聽之娛,信可樂也。 | As our eyes wander, so do our minds too. Indeed, it is a pure delight for all our senses. |
夫人之相與,俯仰一世, | Acquaintance will quickly span a lifetime. |
或取諸懷抱,晤言一室之內; | Some would share their ambitions in a chamber; |
或因寄所託,放浪形骸之外。 | others may indulge into diverse interests and pursuits. |
雖趣舍萬殊,靜躁不同; | The choices are plenty and our temperaments vary. |
當其欣於所遇,暫得於己,怏然自足, | We enjoy the momentary satisfactions when pleasures regale us, |
不知老之將至。 | but we hardly realize how fast we will grow old. |
及其所之既倦,情隨事遷,感慨係之矣。 | When we become tired of our desires and the circumstances change, grief will arise. |
向之所欣,俛仰之間,已為陳跡, | What previously gratified us will be in the past, |
猶不能不以之興懷; | we cannot help but to mourn. |
況修短隨化,終期於盡。 | Whether life is long or short, there is always an end. |
古人云: | As the ancients said, |
「死生亦大矣。」 | "Birth and death are two ultimate events." |
豈不痛哉! | How agonizing! |
每覽昔人興感之由,若合一契; | Reading the past compositions, I can recognize the same melancholy from the ancients. |
未嘗不臨文嗟悼,不能喻之於懷。 | I can only lament without being able to verbalize my feelings. |
固知一死生為虛誕, | It is absurd to equate life and death, |
齊彭殤為妄作。 | and it is equally foolish to think that longevity is the same as the short-lived. |
後之視今, | The future generations will look upon us, |
亦猶今之視昔, | just like we look upon our past. |
悲夫! | How sad! |
故列敘時人,錄其所述; | Hence, we record the people presented here today and their works; |
雖世殊事異, | Even though time and circumstances will be different, |
所以興懷,其致一也。 | the feelings expressed will remain unchanged. |
後之覽者,亦將有感於斯文。 | The future readers shall also empathize the same by reading this poems collection. |