

Posted by on 2022.07.27, 40 views
taste is the property of a substance that makes it perceptible to the gustatory sense味道是物质的属性,使之可以被味觉感知

既然味觉gustatory sense说到了,能不说嗅觉么?当然不能,对,嗅觉是olfactory sense,两个词很接近所以很好记

taste泛指味道,包括酸甜苦辣,不过国外说法是酸甜苦咸there are four fundamental TASTES: sour, sweet, bitter, and salt,动词my lunch dish tastes good午餐味道不错

flavor 指味觉+嗅觉交互,implies the interaction of the senses of taste and smell,如the flavor of food同时表示味道和气味, 如the hot, spicy flavor of Mexican food墨西哥菜又麻又辣

savor表示精致或浓郁的味道,让美食家喜欢,比如用于葡萄酒implies a delicate or pervasive flavor appealing to a sensitive palate如sip slowly to get the full savor of the wine慢慢饮酒,品尝浓郁精致的味道。

最后tang也表示味道,特指刺激的气味,如醋的气味implies a sharp penetrating taste,如there is a tang of vinegar in the room房间里有股刺鼻的醋味

for one reason or another, TASTE also means liking, interest, or enjoyment不知什么原因,taste除了表示味道,还表示喜欢品味兴致,比如a good taste for music喜欢音乐,an excellent taste in wines对酒很有品味。表示品味的还有palate: implies a liking based on pleasurable sensation,如the discriminating palate of a tea taster品茶师的敏锐品味。

表示兴致喜欢的还有3个词relish, gusto和zest,都翻译成”兴致”,但它们都是taste品味的同义词。relish表示喜欢并且想要得到满足suggests capacity for keen gratification,如took RELISH in pointing out the mistakes made by others喜欢指出别人错误,gusto表示兴致盎然implies hearty relish that goes with high spirits,比如sang the old song with GUSTO兴致盎然的唱那只老歌,或者说兴高采烈。最后的zest强调急切的兴致implies eagerness or avidity in doing, making or experiencing,比如possessed a ZEST for life对生活有热切的兴致

美味只有delicious? No! basically they all mean agreeable to the taste, but there are some differences.

如果是意想不到的unexpected good taste美味可以用palatable,如surprised to find Indian food palatable没想到印度食物很美味。引人胃口的用appetizing,to whet one’s appetite”磨刀”一样磨快胃口,可以指色香味,如appetizing desserts引人胃口的点心。savor上边见过他,表示精致浓郁的味道,作为形容词的savory表示味道辛辣可口的,如egg rolls with various savory fillings蛋卷夹酸辣的填料,上边是葡萄酒的味道to get the savor of wine. tasty通用泛指浓郁引人胃口,如a tasty meal可口的一餐。最后toothsome和牙齿有关,牙齿喜欢鲜嫩香甜,所以toothsome有tender, luscious 的意思,比如sushi最好就用toothsome,还有虾鱼,还有crisp toothsome fried chicken也适合用这个词,酥脆可口的炸鸡


1) Epicure美食家,本来是一个人名,表示人挑剔又讲究享受,fastidious and voluptuous,如a delicacy only an epicure would appreciate 只有美食家才能鉴赏的精致美食。2) gourmet美食鉴赏家,表示能鉴赏美食的人connoisseur in food and drink,with discriminative taste, 如a gourmet meal大餐=a meal of very high quality.如the gourmet rates the restaurant highly那位美食家对餐馆评价高。3) gastronome 美食专家,指有专业知识懂得怎样制作款待美食a person with expert knowledge, knows how to prepare and serve,如a banquet that attracts gastronomes all over the world吸引全世界美食专家。4) gourmand 是我这样不懂美食,但是喜欢吃东西的吃货,如the dinner fit for gourmand not gourmet一顿适合吃货,但不适合美食家的晚饭 5) bon vivant字面意思,会生活的人one who enjoys food and drink,我打赌 让老外选10个最喜欢的词,这个词肯定入选,字面意思是good liver,谁不想当bon vivant,只不过我们头的小伙伴除了吃喝,还有别的爱好,那就是 周五晚上来小寨子玩,做个bon vivant

聊了味道美味,能不说芳香?I don’t think so我认为不能Let’s talk about another aspect of our topic today: the smell今天话题dinner 的另一方面是气味

smell is the property of a substance that makes it perceptible to the olfactory sense气味是物质的属性,使之可以被嗅觉感知

1) smell泛指各种气味,如an odd smell permeated the room房子充满一股怪味。2) scent强调某种物质”特有”的smell: characteristic smell of something,如dogs trained to detect the scent of narcotics训练狗检测毒品特有的气味 3) odor强调浓重的气味: strong and heavy smell,如a type of cheese with a pronounced odor一种味重的乳酪 4) aroma刺鼻弥漫但又好闻的气味: a penetrating, pervasive, pungent, but usually pleasant smell如the aroma of freshly ground coffee鲜蘑咖啡的浓郁香气。

可以只聊气味,不聊香甜的气味么?I don’t think so

1) fragrance 指花或植物的香气pleasant odor of flowers or other growing things, 如the fragrance of pine松树的芳香气味。2) perfume 香水味是浓重的,预制的合成液体的,如the perfume of lilacs丁香花香水味 3) boutique表示酒的独特又精致的气味,如boutique of ripe apples 熟苹果的独特气味。4) scent也表示合成品的浓重气味,但比perfume淡一些,如the scent of furniture polish家居油漆的鲜芒果味。5) incense烧 香的味,如incense of a bazaar巴扎里的香料味 6) redolence指混合的多种味道,如厨房里的蒜味,不一定是香气,如记录中雨后森林的the redolence of the forest after rain.