(1) 索求
ask: implies no more than the statement of the desire: ~ a favor of a friend.
request: implies greater formality and courtesy: ~s the pleasure of your company at the ball.
solicit: suggests a calling attention to one's wants or desires, often publicly, in the hope of having them satisfied: a classified ad that ~s a situation as a babysitter. (classified有2个意思 1、定为秘密的secret,如a classified report/info秘密报告/信息 2、分类的arranged in classes ,如garbage classification垃圾分类,如本例分类广告classified ad是指报刊上按广告内容分区的广告) 又如to solicit bribes索贿,to solicit prostitute召妓,本例to solicit a situation招工
ask请求要求: 仅表示声明愿望,request请求: 更礼貌正式,solicit索求索要: 表示公开需求愿望,以期得到满足
记忆方法: 1) 索求的意思是表达意愿想要获得mean to seek to obtain by making one's wants known. "索"是会意字,有3个意思 1、捆木头的大绳子,后泛指大绳子或大链子,如索道钢索绞索线索 2、搜寻查找,如索引思索搜索探索 3、讨取要,如索还索求索取索贿勒索
(2) 知道
know: stresses assurance and implies sound logical or factual information as its basis: whatever we don't ~, we can find out. (sound有理有据implies a basis of flawless reasoning or solid gounds无瑕的推理,坚实的基础,如a sound proposal for combatting terrorism打击恐怖主义的合理建议)
believe: too, stresses assurance but implies trust and faith rather than evidence as its basis: no longer ~d in the Tooth Fairy. Tooth Fairy牙仙牙仙子是西方国家儿童时代的梦幻人物,传说中当孩子到了换牙年龄,如果把脱落的牙齿放在枕下,牙仙会在他们睡着时把牙齿取走,留下硬币,缓解孩子们牙齿脱落时的疼痛和紧张
think: suggests probability rather than firm assurance and implies mental appraisal of pertinent circumstances as its basis: ~s she will do well on the test. (appraise专业估价,或泛指仔细评估commonly implies a fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used of any intent to give a critical judgment,如a real estate agent appraised the house一个房产代理对房屋估价,如they appraised the painting at £200,000他们将这幅画估价20万英镑,如there is a need to appraise existing techniques有必要评估一下现有技术)
know知道: 强调确信,具备逻辑事实依据,believe相信: 也表示确信,但更强调信任信念而非证据,think认为: 表示较大可能性而非确信,基于大脑对相关情况的评估
记忆方法: 1) 知道的意思是认为真实mean to hold something in one's mind as true or as being what it purports to be. purport声称=claim
(3) 交谈
speak: may refer to any utterance, however coherent OR disconnected, and with OR without reference to hearers: too hoarse to ~ clearly.
talk: usually implies one or more listeners and related conversation or discourse: ~ over a problem with an adviser. (discourse讨论交谈辩论演讲refers to written or spoken discussion, communication, or debate口头或书面的讨论交谈辩论演说,篇幅较长,如a discourse on critical theory对批评理论的一场讨论,如a tradition of political discourse政治演讲的传统,可以根据谐音记忆,discourse主要意思是discuss讨论)
converse: implies an interchange in talk of thoughts and opinions: a multitude of subjects on which they happily ~d.
speak说话: 泛指发出语音,无论是否连贯有无聆听,talk谈话: 指有人聆听,交谈讨论,converse交谈: 指通过谈话交流思想观点
记忆方法: 1) 交谈的意思是说话表达思想mean to articulate words so as to express one's thoughts. (articulate两个意思: 1口齿清楚2用词准确)
(4) 观看
see: stresses the fact of receiving visual impressions: she ~s well with her new glasses. VIS词根表示看to see,对应的词根AUD表示听to hear (impression印象, 是指较深入持久的感觉a deep and persistent feeling or effect,如a general/overall/initial/lasting impression总体/整体/初次/持久印象,如she gives the impression of being very busy她给人的印象是特别忙)
look: stresses the directing of the eyes to or the fixing of the eyes on something: ~ed long and hard at his receding form.
watch: implies a following of something with one's eyes as as to keep it under constant observation: ~ing the clock as closely as a cat ~es a mouse. observe观察是see的同义词,强调专注不遗漏
see看见: 强调接收视觉印象的事实,look看: 指将视线朝向、定于某物,watch注视观看: 指持续跟踪观察某物
记忆方法: 1) 观看的意思是用眼察觉mean to perceive something by use of the eyes. perceive觉察和observe观察在一组,可用于视觉或其它感官,常暗示有洞察力,不过这里仅仅是表示简单的看
(5) 建议
advice: implies real or pretended knowledge or experience, often professional or technical, on the part of the one who advises: a book of ~ for would-be entrepreneurs. (technical有2个意思, 1、专科的专业的connected with a particular subject,如technical terms专业术语 2、技术的工艺的involving practical use of machines, methods,or skills需要使用机器方法技能,如technical problems技术难题,technical support技术支持,technical complexity技术复杂度,如their technical ability is exceptional他们技艺超群)
counsel: often stresses the fruit of wisdom or deliberation and may presuppose a weightier occasion, or more authority, or more personal concern on the part of the one giving counsel: the benefit of a father's ~. 如川普在就职前见奥巴马时表示要听取他的建议President-elect Trump said he had "great respect" for Obama, called him a "very good man" and said he would seek his "counsel" in the future (这一组两个词解释中都用到了习语on the part of someone=on someone's part,意思是由谁或来自谁by or from someone,又如it takes a lot of work on everyone's part[on the part of everyone] to finishe the project on time需要每个人共同努力才能按时完成项目)
advice建议: 表示提供建议的人具备知识经验,特别是专业技术方面的知识经验,counsel建议: 强调源于智慧深思,更郑重权威关切
记忆方法: 1) 建议的意思是推荐做决定或行为mean a recommendation as to a decision or a course of conduct. conduct行为,特指受自我控制的行为controlled behavior,如南海行为准则COC(code of conduct) in the SCS,这里其实只是表示行为action