memory: applies both to the capacity to bring back what one has once experienced or known and to what is remembered: no ~ of that incident. good memory lives美好的回忆历久弥新;人的记忆(力)分为short/long term memory短/长期记忆(力),将短期记忆转化为长期记忆的"唯一"的方法是复习,Scott Hagwood的<Memory Power记忆的力量>一书介绍了"罗马房间Roman room"、"5个1 Five ones"等帮助高效记忆的方法。其中,"5个1"认为频繁地复习太耗费时间,也没有必要,只要在一刻钟/小时/天/星期/月时各复习一次,就可以高效地将短期记忆转化为长期记忆,花的功夫很少,效果却最牢,能用于较困难的内容。比如学习同义词时,适合采用这种方法。
remembrance: applies to the act of remembering or the fact of being remembered: any ~ of his deceased wife was painful. 如they wore black in remembrance of those who had died他们身穿黑色衣服,以纪念那些亡故者(注: 表示动作),如he had clung to the remembrance of things past过去的事情他记住不忘(表示被记住未忘记这一事实)
recollection: suggests the act of consciously bringing back to mind often with some effort or the thing brought back: after a moment's ~ he produced the name. produce这里表示出示 recollect费力地回忆implies bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered回想忘记的或零散的事情,如as near as I can recollect就我所能回忆起的,as near as表示程度数量准确度等接近
reminiscence: suggests the act of recalling incidents, experiences, or feelings from a remote past or things so recalled: recorded my grandmother's ~s of her Iowa girlhood. recall回忆并说出suggests a summoning back to mind and often a telling of what is brought back回想并且说出,如can't recall the words of the song记不起歌词,其中words表示歌词比lyrics随意 动词是reminisce,如old college friends like to reminisce老校友喜欢叙旧,如people love to reminisce about the good old days人们喜欢追忆诉说过去的美好时光
memory记忆(力): 指记住往事的能力,或被记住的往事,remembrance回忆: 指动作,或被记住未忘记这一事实,recollection回忆: 表示费力,reminiscence回忆叙旧: 表示回忆诉说遥远的过去
记忆方法: 1)首字母MRRR人人美人<==回忆 "忆"是形声字,本来右边是"意",后简化为乙。从心意声。本义是"思念,回想",和过去的人和事有关,如回忆追忆记忆问女何所忆能不忆江南
2)回忆的意思是记忆mean the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered.