care: implies oppression of the mind by responsibility and apprehension: a face worn by a host of ~s. (apprehension害怕焦虑担心implies a mind preoccupied with fear and anxiety,如approached the dangerous undertaking with great apprehension接手这项危险任务时十分害怕,这里没有把anxiety焦虑译出来,如下文所述焦虑anxiety本质上就是害怕fear,但更严重) 又如谚语care kills a cat忧虑杀死猫,忧虑对即使"有九条命"的猫来说都会危及生命,对仅有一条命的人之危害就更不用说了,还比较喜欢the sky is so blue, the sunshine so bright, why is your face full of care天这样蓝,阳光这样明媚,为什么你的脸上满是忧虑
concern: implies a troubled state of mind and the interest, relation, affection, or responsibility that produces it: your happiness is my only ~. (troubled有2个意思 1、有很多问题having many problems,如a troubled child/student问题儿童/学生/marriage坎坷的婚姻/times乱世/country动荡的国家 2、担心焦虑的being worried and anxious,如a troubled expression/look/face焦虑的表情/样子/面容,注意到worry担心和anxiety焦虑是本组后两个词,这里显然用义项2)
solicitude: implies great concern or apprehension and connotes thoughtful or hovering attentiveness: behaved with typical maternal ~. (attentive本身表示thoughtful关心关照体贴,强调持续反复,emphasizes continuous thoughtfulness often shown by repeated acts of kindness,如a wonderfully attentive host主人一直很关照) hover鸟在空中飞翔盘旋,hovering这里形容高度关注
anxiety: stresses anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure: plagued by ~ and self-doubt. (anguish十分痛苦means extreme grief or pain,如mental anguish心里十分痛苦,如they watched in anguish as fire spread through the house看到大火烧过房子,心里十分痛苦,如拉丁短语per angustus ad augustus通过苦难走向辉煌,angustus很可能是拉丁中的anguish,都表示十分痛苦极端痛苦)
worry: suggests prolonged fretting over matters that may or may not be real cause for anxiety: a businessman’s endless list of ~ies. (fret烦恼,放不下心的to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax,如fretting over/about it won't help烦恼于事无补,如she told me not to fret about/over it她让我不要再为那事烦恼) 又如a gifted American psychologist has said, 'worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go'一位有才华的美国心理学家曾说过,"烦恼是感情的发作,脑子紧紧抓住某种东西就是不肯放",是丘吉尔<painting as a pastime绘画消遣>的第一句,新四第58篇
care忧虑: 因为责任重、常担心而使人思想压抑,concern关注: 指由于亲缘感情责任利益而担忧,solicitude牵挂: 指持续高度关注担心,anxiety焦虑: 强调使人十分痛苦地感到不安或害怕,worry担心;烦恼: 表示一直想不好的事情可能会发生,放不下心,但还没有达到anxiety焦虑的地步
记忆方法: 1)首字母CCSAW常常看到<=忧虑 ("愁"意思简单,字面意思是"牵挂秋天成熟的庄稼", 表示"遇到不好解决问题时的一种心理状态",如发愁离愁别愁; "忧"有2个意思 1、愁 2、担心忧虑即担忧,如诗经《黍离》"知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求"是说"了解我的人知道我在为国担忧(忧心),不了解我的人以为我是心有所求",同样地,"先天下之忧而忧"也是第2个意思,可见忧比愁范围广;"虑"也有2个意思 1、担忧 2、思考,如"人无远虑必有近忧"中的虑同时表示担忧和思考,即虑比忧范围广,小结: 愁<忧<虑)
2)忧虑的意思是充满担忧mean a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this. (engross全神贯注to hold one's attention or interest completely完全抓住人注意力或兴趣,也就是充满,如they were engrossed in conversation他们全神贯注地聊天,如an engrossing story引人入胜的故事)