

【同义词辨析】 2019-11-14 杀死kill-execute

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:07:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
kill: merely states the fact of death by an agency of some sort in some manner: frost ~ed the plants.  霜冻 形近词froth泡沫

slay: is a chiefly literary term implying a killing marked by deliberateness and violence: ~ thousands of the enemy.

murder: specifically implies a killing with stealth and motive and premeditation and therefore full moral responsibility: convicted of ~ing his parents.

assassinate: applies to a deliberate killing openly or secretly often for impersonal or political motives: terrorists ~d the Senator.

dispatch: stresses quickness and directness in putting to death: ~ed the sentry with a single stab.

execute: stresses a putting to death as a legal penalty: to be ~d by firing squad at dawn.

kill杀死: 泛指被某人或某物杀死事实,slay残杀: 主要用于文学,表示谋杀残杀,murder谋杀: 特指秘密地有动机地有预谋地杀死,因此承担全部责任,assassinate刺杀: 指或公开或秘密地杀死,出于和个人无关的目的或政治目的,dispatch迅速杀死、快件: 强调快速直接杀死,execute处决: 强调作为法律处罚

记忆方法: 1)首字母KSMADE想成南韩制造<==杀死

               2)杀死的意思是剥夺生命mean to deprive of life.


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