

【同义词辨析】 2017-04-26 劫掠spoil-loot

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:04:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

spoil: more commonly spoils, applies to what belongs by right or custom to the victor in war or political contest: a governor who relished doling out the ~s of office.  (relish: 喜欢enjoy)

pillage: applies to things taken with more open violence or lawlessness: filled his capital with the ~ of Europe.

plunder: applies to what is taken NOT ONLY in war BUT in robbery, banditry, grafting, or swindling: a fortune that was the ~ of years of political corruption.

booty: implies plunder that is to be shared among confederates: the thieves planned to divide their ~ later.

prize: applies to spoils captured on the high seas or in the territorial waters of the enemy: a pirate ship ruthlessly seizing ~s.

loot: applies especially to what is taken from victims of a catastrophe: prowlers searched the storm-damaged cottages for ~.

spoil: 从权利上习俗属于胜利者pillage: 更公开的非法暴力plunder: 不但是战争,还包括抢劫土匪贪污诈骗booty: 被分赃的东西,prize: 海上劫掠的东西,loot: 特指从自然灾害受害者劫掠。

记忆方法: 1)首字母PPP Bu Lao Shi三个人不老实==>劫掠钱财

              2劫掠的意思是通过暴力或欺骗从别人处抢骗东西mean something taken from another by force or craft.


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