

[同义词辨析] 2017-11-29 做戏dramatic-histrionic

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:02:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
dramatic: applies to a speech, action, gesture, or situation capable of stirring the imagination and emotions deeply: a ~ meeting of world leaders.   drama是play的正式名称,二者含义相同,如a costume/historical/radio/Greek drama古装/历史/广播/希腊戏剧     (dramatic有4个意思 本义是1、戏剧的of or about plays or theatres,如a local dramatic society地方戏剧协会, a dramatic arts major in college戏剧艺术专业大学生  引申为2、激动人心令人印象深刻exciting and impressive,如a dramatic victory/escape激动人心的胜利/逃亡  3、突然的巨大的令人吃惊的sudden, very great, and often surprising,如a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement涨/跌/变/巨大的改进,如dramatic results/developments/news/effects出人意料的结果/突飞猛进的发展/令人吃惊的消息/效果   4、夸张做作artificial and exaggerated,如a dramatic gesture夸张的手势,如don't be so dramatic别那么夸张做作!    这里是义项2: 激动人心的)     注意手势姿势发音是/estʃə/不是/gestʃə/

theatrical: implies a crude appeal to the emotions through artificiality or exaggeration in gesture, action, or vocal expression: a ~ oration.    artificial不自然做作    theatre剧院,形容词theatrical表示剧院(才有)的,比dramatic增加了夸张做作的贬义

melodramatic: suggests an exaggerated emotionalism or an inappropriate theatricalism: making a ~ scene in public.       melodrama煽情情节剧音乐剧,里边都是煽情夸张的情节,做作夸张不自然,如a playwright who eschews melodrama and claptrap剧作家避免煽情音乐剧和claptrap空话噱头胡言乱语   

histrionic: applies to tones, gestures, and motions and suggests a deliberate affectation or staginess: a ~ show of grief.    stage舞台

dramatic引人注目令人激动: 指令人激动注目吃惊,theatrical: 通过夸张做作来吸引关注,melodramatic: 不恰当的造作夸张,贬义更明显,histrionic: 精心装模作样好像在演戏

记忆方法:   1)首字母记忆DTMH排序成MHDT梦回大唐<==逢场做戏         做戏的意思是演戏,比喻做出某种姿态给人看,如他只是在人前做戏。  逢场做戏原指旧时走江湖的艺人遇到适合的场合就表演;后指遇到机会,偶尔凑凑热闹,如他从来不打扑克,这次不过是逢场做戏,应酬一下客人而已。   


                3)做戏的意思是像在演戏mean having a character or effects typical of acted plays.


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