

[同义词辨析] 2017-11-22 体面decorum-etiquette

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:02:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
decorum: suggests conduct that is in accordance with good taste or with a code of rules governing behavior under certain conditions: had failed to exhibit the ~ expected of an army officer.   

decency: implies behavior consistent with normal self-respect or humane feeling for others, or with what is fitting to a particular profession or condition in life: maintained a strict ~ in dress.   

propriety: suggests an artificial standard of what is correct in conduct or speech: regarded the ~ expected of a social matron as stifling.   

dignity: implies reserve or restraint in conduct prompted less by obedience to a code than by a sense of personal integrity or status: conveyed a quiet ~ and sincerity that won him respect.   

etiquette: is the usual term for the detailed rules governing manners and conduct and for the observance of these rules: the ~ peculiar to the U.S. Senate.

decorum得体: 符合品味规则,泛指通用,decency: 体面,指自尊合乎人情、符合职业身份,propriety人造标准,dignity自制矜持源自高贵品格身份,etiquette言行举止方面的规则,术语

记忆方法: 1)首字母记忆DDDPE, PE(physical education)是体育培养人的体魄体态,三个D想成得得得<==很得体

               2)得体的意思是符合行为规范mean observance of the rules governing proper conduct.


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