

[同义词辨析] 2017-11-17 推动push-propel

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:02:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
push: implies the application of force by a body already in contact with the body to be moved: ~ the door open.    注意两个词的区别: move移动remove移除

shove: implies a strong and often fast, sudden, or rough pushing that forces something along or aside: ~d the man out of my way.

: suggests less steadiness and greater violence than push and implies the application of a single abrupt movement or action: ~ the money into my hand and ran away.

propel: suggests a driving rapidly forward or onward by a force or power that imparts motion: ship ~led by steam.

push: shove: thrust: propel
驱动: 使向前移动


记忆方法: 1)首字母PSTP

              2)推动的意思是用力使向前两边移动mean to cause to move ahead or aside by the application of force.


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