

[同义词辨析] 2017-10-31 装备furnish-arm

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:01:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
furnish: implies the provision of any or all essentials for performing a function or serving an end: a sparsely ~ed apartment.

equip: suggests the provision of something making for efficiency in action or use: a fully ~ped kitchen with every modern appliance.

outfit: implies provision of a complete list or set of articles as for a journey, an expedition, or a special occupation: ~ted the whole family for a ski trip.

appoint: implies provision of complete and usually elegant or elaborate equipment or furnishings: a lavishly ~ed penthouse apartment.

accoutre: suggests the supplying of personal dress or equipment for a special activity: the fully ~d members of a polar expedition.

arm: implies provision for effective action or operation especially in war: ~ed to teeth.    武装到牙齿         action和operation都可以指军事行动

furnish: equip: outfit: appoint: accoutre: arm:



                 2)装备的意思是配备所需mean to supply one with what is needed.


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