

[同义词辨析] 2017-10-25 降格abase-humiliate

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:01:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
abase: suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or prestige: a fine stage actor who ~d himself by turing to television.

demean: suggests unsuitable behavior or association as the cause of loss of status: commercial endorsements ~ the Olympics.

debase: emphasizes loss of worth or quality: ~ a currency; and especially deterioration of moral standards: drunkiness has  ~d the Mardi Gras.

degrade: suggests a downward step, sometimes in rank, more often in ethical stature, and typically implies a shameful or
corrupt end: the public altercation ~d both candidates.

humble: frequently replaces degrade when the disgrace of a reduction in status is to be emphasized: they were delighted to see the bully ~d by a boy half his size.

humiliate: implies the severe wounding of one's pride and the causing of deep shame: ~d by his suggestive remarks.

abase:丧失或放弃尊严或声誉,demean:不恰当的行为或结合,debase强调降低价值或道德标准,degrade降低位阶或道德高度,带来可耻腐败,humble同debase,humiliate使屈辱: 严重伤害自尊带来耻辱



记忆方法: 1) HDA想像成“好大啊”

                 2) 降格的意思是降低身份尊严mean to lessen in dignity
or status.


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