

【英文】美国大学拉丁校训American University Latin Mottos

jason246 发表于 2024-10-13 17:08:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

American University Latin Mottos

We cannot hide the fact that we have a very strong legacy of Latin. Latin words and phrases appear in our everyday lives, a piece of history and tradition. It can be a way to reflect the origin of universities in medieval institutions, its guiding principles and a connection to a tradition of education. It is about paying tribute to a language tradition and to higher education. The Latin language is an anchor; it was the foundation of education and though no longer spoken it lives on through its use at institutions of learning, like the ones below.

Ad Summum To the to top University of Alaska Fairbanks
Cor prudentis possedibit scientia The wise heart will possess knowledge Emory University
Crescat scientia; vita excolatur Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched University of Chicago
Disciplina praesidium civitatis Education, the Guardian of Society University of Texas
Fiat lux Let there be light University of California
In Tempore In Time University of Houston
In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen In Thy light shall we see light Columbia University
In lumine Tuo, videmus lumen In Your Light we see the light University of Great Falls
Lux et Lex Light and Law University of North Dakota
Lux et veritas Light and truth Yale University
Mens Agitat Molem Minds Move Mountains University of Oregon
Mens et Manus Mind and Hand Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mihi cura futuri The care of the future is mine Hunter College
Natura et Revelatio Coeli Gemini Nature and Revelation are twin sisters of heaven Macalester College Minn.
Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat Let him who deserves it bear away the palm University of Southern California
Per aspera ad astra Through adversity to the stars Stevens Institute of Technology
Perstare et Praestare To Persevere and to Excel New York University
Pro Scientia et Religione For Knowledge and Religion University of Denver
Sapientia In Aeterum Est Wisdom is eternal University of Northern Colorado
Sapientia ipsa libertas Knowledge itself is liberty College of Charleston
Ut Aquila Versus Coelum As an eagle towards the sky Bowdoin College Maine
Veritas Truth Harvard University
Veritas et Justicia Truth and Justice Albright College Pa.
Vires, Artes, Mores Strength, Skill, Character The Florida State

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