

【同义词练习】 第25/30周(2023.10.09--2023.10.15)

jason246 发表于 2023-10-19 08:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. implies institution, establishment, or enactment by a supreme or unquestioned authority: nature has ~ed that we humans either swelter or shiver.
  a) impose
2. implies a subjecting to what must be borne, endured or submitted to: morality cannot be ~d by law.
  b) decree
3. implies an authoritative directive given orally or as if orally: in matters of love, do as the heart ~s.
  c) dictate
4. applies especially to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust: forced to ~ from office.
  d) resign
5. implies an authoritative pronouncement that is clear, definite, and incontrovertible:  the ~d procedure for requesting new supplies.
  e) prescribe
6. implies a formal pronouncement by one of great or absolute authority: the Pope ~d that next year will be a Holy Year.
  f) ordain
facdeb Right group dictate mean to issue something to be followed, observed, obeyed, or accepted.

1. denotes a complex organic poison produced by a living organism, especially a bacterial or virus: the ~s causing the plague; it may also imply an insidious undermining effect like that of a bacterial toxin: a nation undermined by the ~ of ethnic divisiveness.
  a) venom
2. may apply to any cause of ruin, destruction, or tribulation: the ~ of his existence.
  b) poison
3. is applicable to any deadly or noxious substance (such as strychnine, arsenic, or carbon monoxide) or to anything felt to have a comparable effect: a friendship destroyed by the ~ of jealousy.
  c) bane
4. stresses the use of charm and persuation to deceive: his ingratiating ways ~d us all.
  d) beguile
5. applies to what is felt to have a corrupting quality poisonous to mind and spirit: the ~ of apathy; or to a submicroscopic agent of infection working with insidious deadliness or destructiveness: the ~ that caused AIDS.
  e) toxin
6. applies to a poison-containing fluid secreted by an animal such as snake, bee, or spider and injected into another animal in defensive or predatory action; it may also imply a malignant hostility: a review full of ~.
  f) virus
ecbdfa Right group poison mean material that when present in or introduced into a living organism produces a deadly or injurious effect.

1. suggests a divergence from the usual or normal, especially in behavior: the ~ eating habits of young children.
  a) strange
2. stresses unfamilarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unacccountable, or the new: immigrants adjusting to ~ new customs.
  b) odd
3. suggests an old-fasioned but pleasant oddness: a ~ and remote village in the mountains.
  c) eccentric
4. applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric: islanders having ~ customs and suprestitions.
  d) quaint
5. suggests a dubious sometimes sinister oddness: puzzled by the ~ happenings since her arrival.
  e) peculiar
6. implies an absence of peers and the fact of being without a known parallel: a career that was ~ in the annals of science.
  f) unique
7. stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating form the normal or expected: disburbed by his friend's ~ behavior.
  g) queer
8. applies to the upper inner rim of something hollow: fill the cup to the ~.
  h) outlandish
9. suggests individuality and puzzling strangeness: a ~ feeling of impending disaster.
  i) brim
10. applies  to a possibly fantasic departure from the regular or expected: an ~ sense of humor.
  j) erratic
11. implies a marked distinctiveness: a problem ~ to inner-city areas.
  k) singular
cadhgfjikbe Right group strange mean departing or varying from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected.首字母SSUPEEOQQO组合成eq so eq soup(因为)平等所以汤相等<==奇怪逻辑

1. applies to an offense that outrages the public conscience or damages the integrity of an organization or group: the affair was a public ~.
  a) sin
2. usually suggests an emotional reaction to a situation that calls forth rejoicing of happiness or elation: heard the news with a ~ heart.
  b) joyful
3. applies to the infraction of any law, rule, or code: at that school no ~ went unpunished.
  c) vice
4. implies serious offense punishable by the law of the state: the ~ of murder.
  d) offense
5. applies a habit or practice that degrades or corrupts: gambling was traditionally the gentlemen’s ~.
  e) scandal
6. implies an offence against moral or religious law OR an offense of any sort that is felt to be highly reprehensible: the ~ of blasphemy.
  f) crime
ebdfca Right group offense mean a transgression of law or custom.

1. implies the making of a difference in some particular respect without suggesting loss of identity: slightly ~ed the orighinal design.
  a) modify
2. implies making either an essential difference often amouting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another: ~d the shirt for a larger size.
  b) vary
3. stresses a breaking away from sameness, duplication and repetition: you can ~ the speed of the converyor belt.
  c) cunning
4. implies great skill in constructing or creating: a writer who is ~ in his manipulation of the reader.
  d) change
5. suggests a difference that limits, restricts,  or adapts to a new purpose: ~ied the building for use by the handicapped.
  e) alter
edbca Right group change mean to make or become different.首字母CAVM变为CAVE(洞穴)<==改变最后一个字母

1. implies a getting ahead so as to stop or interrupt something in course or to render something ineffective or harmless: a government order that effectively ~ed a free election.
  a) ostensible
2. suggests a discrepancy between an openly declared or logically implied aim or reason and the true one: business was the ~ reason for their visit.   (discrepancy差异不相符:本应相同的事物有差异a difference between two things that should be the same,如the discrepancy between press and radio reports新闻和广播报道之间的出入)
  b) prevent
3. implies the taking of advance measures against something possible or probable: measures taken to ~ an epidemic.
  c) anticipate
4. may imply a getting ahead of another by being a precursor or forerunner or the checking of another's intention by acting first: ~d the firing so she decided to quit first.
  d) forestall
dabc Right group prevent mean to deal with beforehand.

1. implies a departure from the usual or normal type: that joyriding incident must be regarded as an ~ episode in his life.
  a) aberrant
2. is lease explicit about the nature of the assistance given: people who ~ the development of the area.
  b) champion
3. suggests a supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling: allies refused to ~ the call for sanctions.
  c) advocate
4. suggests the public defending of those who are unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate their own cause: ~ the rights of pregnant women.
  d) back
5. implies extended support given to something attacked: ~ the legitimacy of the military action.
  e) support
6. stresses a verbal urging or pleading: ~d a return to basics in public school education.  verbal语文,包括书面written和口头oral,如标准化考试中的verbal test语文考试,但有一个特例verbal agreement只表示口头协议,不表示书面协议,一般也不用oral代替)  plead: 1恳求, 2辩护,这里用1)
  f) uphold
aedbfc Right group support mean to favor actively someone or something that meets opposition.

1. too, stresses assurance but implies trust and faith rather than evidence as its basis: no longer ~d in the Tooth Fairy.
  a) partner
2. may add little to partner, or it may distinctively imply a fellow partner: the actions of one partner may commit his or her ~s.
  b) colleague
3. suggests an often temporary association in a common cause: agreed to act as ~ies for the duration of the conflict.
  c) ally
4. applies usually to an associate in office or in professional or academic relations: presented a lecture to his ~s.
  d) copartner
5. often suggests a closer or more permanent union for strength and solidarity: joined his ~s in a toast to the new undertaking.
  e) believe
6. implies an associate in business or one of two associates, as in some games, a dance, or  marriage: now, all change ~s.
  f) confederate
edcbfa Right group partner mean an associate.

1. suggests a violent and forceful thrusting that results in a heaving up or an overthrowing: a nation in need of peace after years of ~.
  a) upheaval
2. suggests a shaking up or stirring up that is accompanied by uproar, din, or great disorder: the town was in a ~ over the war news.
  b) shrivel
3. carries a stronger impression of a becoming wrinkled or crinkled or shrunken: leaves ~ in the hot sun.
  c) turmoil
4. suggests disturbing, sometimes violent, bustle and hubbub: the unexpected dinner guests caused quite a ~.
  d) commotion
5. suggests a state devoid of calm and seething with excitement: a well-ordered life that was suddenly thrown into ~.
  e) tumult
aebdc Right group commotion mean great physical, mental, or emotional excitement.

1. carries a stronger implication of certainty and may suggest arrogance or lack of objectivity in assessing one's own powers: moved among the guests with great ~.
  a) assurance
2. implies an ease or coolness under stress that reflects perfect self-control and command of one's powers: she answered the insolent question with complete ~.
  b) untiring
3. implies a manifest self-possession in trying or challenging situations: handled the horde of reporters with great ~.
  c) aplomb
4. implies the extraordinary ability to go on continuously and without interruption: ~ researchers who fight against the disease.
  d) self-possession
5. stresses faith in oneself and one's powers without any suggestion of conceit or arrogance: had the ~ that comes only from long experience.
  e) confidence
adcbe Right group confidence mean a state of mind or manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment.

1. like obliterate, implies rendering a thing undecipherable or non-existent by smearing over or hiding completely: ~ offensive language with black ink.
  a) cancel
2. implies a covering up or smearing, OR utter destruction that removes all traces of a thing's existence : a outdoor mural almost ~ by graffiti.
  b) erase
3. implies a rubbing or wiping out, as of letters or impressions, often in preparation for correction or replacement by new matter: ~ what you write and start over.
  c) delete
4. commonly implies a restoration to consciousness by arduous efforts to overcome a serious impairment: ~ a nearly drowned person with artificial respiration; and can suggest a restoring to vitality of someone or something in which life seems nearly or wholly extinct: labored to ~ her old interest in sports.
  d) efface
5. removal of an impression, impress, or image by damage, or elimination of a surface, or every sign of its existence: coins with date ~ by wear.
  e) blot out
6. a deliberate exclusion, or a directive to the exclusion, of written matter: his editor ~ all unflattering references to others.
  f) obliterate
7. stress a removal or destruction that leaves no trace: ~ all references to the deposed leader.
  g) expunge
8. implies an action, as marking, revoking or neutralizing, that nullifies or invalidates a thing: a crime that ~ all her good deeds.
  h) resuscitate
efbhdcga Right:) group erase mean to strike out or remove something so that it no longer has any effect or existence.

1. may stress EITHER weight of sound argument and evidence, OR lucidity of presentation: the prosecutor's ~ summation won over the jury. (summation总结概括)
  a) dive
2. suggests a power to overcome doubt, opposition, or reluctance to accept: a documentary that makes a ~ case for court reform.
  b) telling
3. suggests intent and may imply more deliberateness and more skill than plunge: pilots trained to ~, climb, and bank in unison.
  c) sound
4. suggests an immediate and crucial effect striking at the heart of a matter and may OR may not imply soundness and validity: a ~ example of bureaucratic mentality.
  d) compelling
5. implies being supported by objective truth or generally accepted authority: absence will be excused for ~ reasons.
  e) cogent
6. implies a basis of flawless reasoning or solid gounds: a ~ proposal for combatting terrorism.
  f) valid
edabfc Right:) group valid mean having such force as to compel attention or acceptance.

1. applies to what can be discerned, often to a minimum extent, by the senses: a ~ difference in sound.
  a) palpable
2. suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance especially as distinguished from what is so intangible as to elude such determination: exerted a ~ influence on world affairs.  (注意不要用成ponderous笨重)
  b) appreciable
3. applies to what is distinctly discernible by the senses or definitely measurable: an ~ increase in temperature. (distinct==clearly different区别明显, definite=clear,unmistakable明显)
  c) sensible
4. suggests what can be handled or grasped either physically or mentally: submitted the gun as ~ evidence.
  d) perceptible
5. applies to what is clearly apprehended through the senses or impresses itself strongly on the mind: a ~ change in weather.
  e) tangible
6. suggests a cowing, subduing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture that requires courage: problems that would ~ even the most intrepid of reformers.
  f) ponderable
7. applies either to what has physical substance OR to what is obvious and unmistakable: the tension in the air was almost ~.  (obvious明显: conspicuousness in the thing and no need for perspicacity in the observer事情清楚不需敏锐观察his motive is obvious to all but the most obtuse他动机明显)
  g) daunt
dfbecga Right:) group perceptible mean apprehensible as real or existent.

1. implies a quality that is beyond comprehension because known or knowable only to possessor of a restricted body of knowledge: a book filled with spells and ~ lore. (lore:口传的知识)
  a) inscrutable
2. suggests an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent contradiction: the ~ of the reclusive billionaire.
  b) mysterious
3. suggests a quality that excites wonder, curiosity, or surmise, yet baffles attempts  to explain it: couldn't account for the ~ noise upstairs. (baffle: to confuse and puzzle使疑惑,难以解决)
  c) riddle
4. applies to something that defies efforts to examine or investigate it, or to interpret its significance or meaning: sat calmly with an ~ smile on her face.
  d) arcane
dcba Right:) group mysterious mean beyond one's powers to discover, understand, or explain.

1. can apply to a substructure but is used chiefly in a figurative sense: laid the ~ for future negotiations.
  a) base
2. implies a vigorous denial of personal responsibility, acceptance, or approval: the radical group ~ed any responsibility for the bombing.
  b) basis
3. tends to imply solidity in what underlies and supports and fixity or stability in what is supported: the beliefs rested on a ~ of firm conviction.
  c) disavow
4. suggests solidity and is likely to imply a substratum comparable to the earth in its capacity to support and sometimes to justify: behavior that was ~ for dismissal.
  d) groundwork
5. implies an underlying element that supports or seems to support something material or immaterial: the ~ of a column.
  e) foundation
6. similar in meaning, is rarely used of material things and usually carries a more definite implication of support: used those facts as the ~ of her argument.
  f) ground
dcefab Right:) group base mean something on which another thing is built up and by which it is supported.

1. implies the posture of one lying at ease or in comfortable repose: he was in his hospital bed.
  a) prone
2. suggests a violent and forceful thrusting that results in a heaving up or an overthrowing: a nation in need of peace after years of ~.
  b) recumbent
3. implies lying full-length as in submission, defeat, or physical collapse: a runner fell ~ at the finish line.
  c) upheaval
4. implies lying on one's back and suggests inertness or abjectness: lying ~ upon a couch.
  d) supine
5. implies a position with the front of the body turned toward the supporting surface: push-ups require the body to be in a ~ position.
  e) prostrate
bceda Right:) group prone mean lying down.

1. applies to an element or factor that outweighs all others with which it may come into comparison in influence, power, number, or effect: ~ evidence in his favor.
  a) dominant
2. applies to something that exerts, often temporarily, the most marked influence on a person or a situation: at the time fear was my ~ emotion.
  b) paramount
3. implies compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own: a country that once ~ed the Jesuits.  耶稣会会士
  c) preponderant
4. applies to something that is uppermost because it rules or controls: a ~ wolf.
  d) banish
5. indicates quality or rank to which everything else is clearly subordinate or inferior: the ~ power resides in the people.  quality属性泛指任何属性,如权力影响力重要性地位等,这里应指power权力
  e) predominant
6. implies supremacy in importance, rank, or jurisdiction: inflation was the ~ issue in the campaign.
  f) sovereign
cedafb Right:) group dominant mean superior to all others in power, influence, or importance.

1. applies to something made up of separate items that are or seem pressed together: paintings hung ~ together.
  a) exiguous
2. implies a marked deficiency in number or measure that makes the thing described compare unfavorably with others of its kind: tried to function and thrive despite ~ resources. 
  b) close
3. implies a concentrated condensed abundance of parts or units: a ~ head of hair.
  c) thick
4. implies compression of parts or elements so close as to be almost impenetrable: the ~ growth in a tropical rain forest.
  d) compact
5. suggests a firm, neat union or effective consolidation of parts within a small compass: a ~, muscular body.  (compact有3个意思 1、小型袖珍smaller than other things of the same kind,如a compact camera/car/design小型(袖珍)相机/小型车/袖珍设计  2、密实夯实something is pressed and harder and fills less space,可以作形容词或动词,如compact(ed) soil/dirt/snow/disc夯实的土灰雪/CD(光碟光盘)  3、身体短小结实short but solid and strong,如a compact body身体结实,如a compactly built hockey player身体结实的曲棍球运动员;另外compact可以单用,表示1、小型车a small car 2、女式化妆盒a small flat case containing makeup for a woman's face 3、正式协议a formal agreement) firm坚硬  consolidation使坚硬  (neat整齐整洁implies clearness from dirt, clutter, or admixture不脏不乱,如neat workmanship工整的工艺,还可表示娇小玲珑,如her neat figure她那娇小玲珑的身材)
  e) dense
baced Right:) group close mean massed tightly together.

1. implies an open or flat denial of the truth of an assertion, and usually suggests the reverse is true: her report ~ every point of his statement to the press.
  a) traverse
2. implies not so much an intentional opposition as some inherent incompatibility: laws against whaling that ~ Eskimo tradition.
  b) deny
3. chiefly a legal term, implies a formal denial (as of an allegation or the justice of an indictment): ~ the accusation of fraud in his opening remarks.
  c) fear
4. implies an opposing, usually by disputing, of the truth of what another has said: no one dares ~ the truth of what I've said.
  d) contravene
5. implies a firm refusal to accept as true, to grant or concede, or to acknowledge the existence or claim of: tried to ~ the charges.
  e) gainsay
6. implies a forceful, direct attacking, disputing or contradicting of something or someone, often by prolonged argument: dared to ~ his motives.
  f) contradict
7. often the most general term, implies anxiety and loss of courage: ~ of the unknown. (对比: anxiety焦虑不安害怕 worry烦恼)
  g) impugn
fdaebgc Right:) group deny mean to refuse to accept as true or valid.

1. may connote crafty cunning, vulgarity, or immorality and regularly implies an outraging of one’s sense of decency or propriety: refused to listen to such ~ talk.
  a) fecund
2. emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruits or offspring, or projects, inventions, or works of art: came from a remarkably ~ family.
  b) base
3. the strongest of these words, tends to suggest disgusting depravity or foulness: a ~ remark; the ~st of crimes.
  c) vile
4. stresses the ignoble and may suggest cruelty, treachery, greed, or grossness: real estate developers with ~ motives.
  d) low
dacb Right:) group base mean deserving of contempt because beneath what is expected of the average person.

1. implies guidance by one who finds ways to avoid or overcome difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan: ~ his son’s election to the governorship.
  a) pilot
2. implies a going ahead to show the way AND often to keep those that follow under control and in order: the flagship ~ the fleet.
  b) wont
3. implies an ability to keep to a chosen course and stresses the capacity for maneuvering correctly: ~ the ship through the narrow channel.
  c) lead
4. implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties and dangers: ~ the other scouts through the darkened cave.
  d) engineer
5. applies to an habitual manner, method, or practice that distinguishes an individual or group: as was her ~, she slept until noon.
  e) steer
6. suggests special skill or knowledge used in guiding over a dangerous, intricate or complicated course: successfully ~ the bill through the Senate.
  f) guide
dcefba Right:) group guide meaning unknown

1. adds implications of effort clearly directed toward attaining or accomplishing: pursued her ~ with great courage.
  a) aim
2. sug, sth that is attained only after prolonged effort and hardship: worked years to achieve her ~.
  b) end
3. implies carefully calculated plan and more carefully ordered details and sometimes scheming: the order of events was by ~, not by accident.  (注by accident: 没有目的,无意地 by chance: 偶然地)
  c) object
4. implies sth. tangible and immediately avialable: their ~ is to seize the oil field.
  d) intent
5. sug. clearer formulation and greater deliberation: the clear ~ of the law.
  e) objective
6. sug. a more settled determination and more resolution: she stopped for a ~, not for an idle talk.
  f) design
7. stresses the intended effect of the action often IN distinction or contrast with the action or the means as such: will use any means to achieve his ~.
  g) goal
8. implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about: announced his ~ to marry.
  h) intention
9. may EQUAL end, more oft. applies to an individually determined wish or need: the ~ of the research.
  i) purpose
agfedibhc Right:) group intention mean what one intends to accomplish or attain.

1. applies to power expended or capable of being transformed into work: a social reformer of untiring ~.
  a) might
2. implies the actual effective exercise of power: used enough ~ to push the door open.
  b) force
3. implies great or overwhelming power or force: all of his ~ was needed to budge the boulder.  挪动巨石  (overwhelming巨大压倒性的不知如何应对的very great or strong, so powerful that one cannot resist or decide how to react,如they voted overwhelmingly against the proposal他们以压倒多数票反对这项提案)
  c) power
4. may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon: the incredible ~ of flowing water.
  d) strength
5. applies to the quality or property of a person or thing that makes possible the exertion of force or the withstanding of strain, pressure, or attack: use weight training to build your ~.
  e) energy
ebacd Right:) group power mean the ability to exert effort.首字母PFESM想成SMF什么(方)法,PE体育<==增强力量

1. stresses BOTH the ease with which something yields to pressure and the quickness of its return to original shape: the cake is done when the top is ~.
  a) lithesome
2. implies flexibility and ease and quickness in moving but does not stress excellence of  coordination or grace: her long ~ fingers moved over the keyboard.  (grace优美优雅: simple elegance or refinement of movement动作简单精致,如the gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如)
  b) springy
3. may suggest a strength and vigor that make for sure graceful movement: drew back the bow with a single ~ effort.
  c) supple
4. suggests a slender supple body and nimble graceful movement: the ~ form of a tiger. nimble动作轻快light and swift,a nimble tennis player动作轻快的网球运动员)
  d) limber
5. implies light easy supple grace in bearing or movement: ~ as a bird in flight. (bearing姿态举止: usually implies characteristic posture常表示姿态姿势,a woman of regal bearing举止高贵的妇女,regal皇家的)
  e) lithe
6. stresses flexibility of muscles and joints and perfect coordination, ease, and rapidity in movement: the light ~ spring of a cat.
  f) lissome
Wrong bdaefc Right:) group supple mean showing freedom and ease in bodily movement.

1. implies being unduly and arrogantly positive in laying down principles and expressing opinions: very ~ about deciding what is art and what is not.
  a) doctrinaire
2. stresses autocratic, high-handed methods and a domineering manner: a ~ manner that alienated her colleagues.
  b) dictatorial
3. stresses assumption or use of prerogatives appropriate to a  magistrate or  schoolmaster in forcing acceptance of one's opinions: the ~ tone of his arguments implies that only a fool would disagree.
  c) think
4. suggests probability rather than firm assurance and implies mental appraisal of pertinent circumstances as its basis: ~s she will do well on the test.
  d) oracular
5. implies the real or implies possession of hidden knowledge and the manner of one who delivers opinions in cryptic phrases or with pompous dogmatism: for three decades she was the ~ voice of fashion.
  e) dogmatic
6. implies a disposition to follow abstract or personal theories or doctrines in teaching, framing laws or deciding policies affecting people: a ~ conservative unable to deal with complex realities.
  f) magisterial
ebfcda Right:) group dictatorial mean imposing one's will or opinions on others.

1. applies to idea formed after considering instances of a category, or more broadly, to any widely accepted idea of what a thing ought to be: a society with no ~ of private property.
  a) idea
2. suggests the result of reflecting, reasoning, meditating, rather than imaging: commit your ~ on paper.
  b) concept
3. implies a particularly distressing or sorry plight: conflicting obligations that that put me in a real ~.
  c) thought
4. interchangeable with concept, stress the process of formulating and imaging, and may apply to a more individual or peculiar rather than a widely held one: a writer's ~ of the situation.
  d) conception
5. applies to idea or notion resulting immediately from external stimulation: the first ~ is of soaring height.
  e) pickle
6. suggests an idea not much resolved by analysis or reflection, and may suggest the tentative, capricious, or accidental: the oddest ~ fly in and out of her head.
  f) impression
7. applies to mental image or formulation of something seen or known or imagined, OR to pure abstraction, an assumption, OR something vaguely sensed: a head filled with innovative ~.
  g) notion
bcedfga Right:) group idea mean what exists in the mind as a representation or formulation.

1. implies that essential or striking qualities are so weak or diluted that as to seem utterly insipid or vapid: a set of ~ opinions on national issues.
  a) watch
2. implies a following of something with one's eyes as as to keep it under constant observation: ~ing the clock as closely as a cat ~es a mouse.
  b) whishy-washy
3. stresses the fact of receiving visual impressions: she ~s well with her new glasses.
  c) see
4. stresses the directing of the eyes to or the fixing of the eyes on something: ~ed long and hard at his receding form.
  d) look
bacd Right:) group see mean to perceive something by use of the eyes.

1. implies a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than pull: a child ~ing his sled across the snow.  ==sledge雪橇雪车
  a) haul
2. suggests great effort overcoming resistance or friction: ~ged the dead body across the room.
  b) pull
3. is the general term, BUT may emphasize the force exerted rather than the resulting motion: to open the drawer, ~ hard.
  c) tug
4. applies to strenuous often spasmodic efforts to move something: the little girl ~ged at her mother's hand.
  d) draw
5. is likely to be chosen with reference to public or business rather than private spending and to imply an outlaying of large amounts: vowed to ~ money on education if elected.
  e) drag
6. implies sustained pulling or dragging, especially of heavy or bulky objects: a team of horses ~ing supplies.
  f) expend
debcfa Right:) group pull mean to cause to move in the direction determined by an applied force.


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