

【同义词练习】 第18/30周(2023.08.21--2023.08.27)

jason246 发表于 2023-8-27 12:03:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. implies excessive compliance and weakness in gratifying another's or one's own wishes or desires: ~ herself with food at the slightest excuse.
  a) baby
2. implies excessive and often inappropriate care, attention, or solicitude: ~ing students by not holding them accountable. (solicitude: 牵挂He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister他对我妹妹满心牵挂)
  b) pamper
3. often suggests a recording of one's impressions sometimes by a mental note, but sometimes in writing or speech: he carried a map and ~ every stream and every hill that we passed.
  c) indulge
4. suggests an excessive degree of care and attention to another's health or wellfare: refused to ~ her  teenaged patients.
  d) note
5. implies an inordinate gratification of an appetite or desire for luxury and comfort: ~ by the conveniences of modern living.
  e) mollycoddle
6. stresses a yielding to a person's moods or whims: ~ him by letting him tell the story. (whim: 突然出现改变的想法)
  f) humor
7. stresses the injurious effects of indulging or pampering on character: fond but foolish parents ~ their children.
  g) spoil
cadebfg Right group indulge mean to show undue favor or attention to a person's desires or feelings.

1. may imply conscious exercise of elaborate reasoning as well as inference from evidence: the absurdity of the charge is ~ to all who know him.
  a) evident
2. implies the presence of visible signs which point to a definite conclusion: an ~ fondness for the company of friends.
  b) clear
3. not explained.
  c) evident
4. implies such ease in discovering or accounting for that it often suggests conspicuousness in the thing or little need for perspicacity in the observer: the motives are ~ to all but the most obtuse.
  d) plain
5. implies such sharpness of outline or definition that no unusual effort to see or hear or comprehend is required: my offer met with a ~ refusal.
  e) manifest
6. implies lack of prompting and connotes naturalness: a ~ burst of applause.
  f) spontaneous
7. implies an external display so evident that little or no inference is required: her ~ joy upon receiving the award.
  g) obvious
8. applies to a cause, effect or significant feature that is clear and unmistakable once attention has been drawn to it: ~ defects in the item when sold.
  h) distinct
9. implies an absence of anything that confuses the mind or obscures the issues: it's ~ now what's been going on.
  i) patent
10. manifest: patent: distinct: obvious: apparent: plain: clear:
  j) apparent
jcdghfeiba Right group evident mean readily perceived or apprehended.

1. applies to what is for the time being held off or suppressed: an ~ distrust of the neighbors.
  a) abeyant
2. suggests a usually temporary cessation of activity: political tensions were ~ for the moment.
  b) quiescent
3. applies to a concealed power or quality that is not yet in sight or action but may emerge and develop in the future: a ~ sadism that emerged during the war.
  c) exemplar
4. suggests the inactivity of something, such as a feeling or power, as thought it were sleeping and capable of renewed activity: a ~ passion existed between them.
  d) latent
5. suggests either a faultless example to be emulated or a perfect typification: cited Hitler as the ~ of power-mad egomania.
  e) potential
6. apples to what does not yet have existence, nature, or effect but has the capacity for having it and is likely soon to do so: a toxic waste dump that is a ~ disaster.
  f) dormant
abdfce Right group latent mean not now manifest or showing signs of activity or existence.

1. implies want of due or necessary diligence or care through indolence, sluggishness or indifference: the ~ workmanship and
  a) lax
2. implies culpable inattention to one's duties or business: I had been ~ in my letter writing.
  b) slack
3. implies blameworthy carelessness shown in slackness, forgetfulness or negligence: had been ~ in her domestic duties.
  c) neglectful
4. adds an implication of laziness and deliberate inattention: the society callously ~ of the poor. (callous: 冷酷无情cruel and shows no concern for other people: his callous disregard for human life他漠视别人的生命)
  d) negligent
5. implies a blameworthy lack of needed strictness, severity, or precision: a reporter who is ~ about getting the facts straight.
  e) remiss
6. implies great coolness and steadiness under strain perhaps stemming from a  constitutional coldness: an Olympian diver of remarkable ~.
  f) sangfroid
bdecaf Right group negligent mean culpably careless or indicative of such carelessness. (culpable: 应责备负责responsible for something wrong or bad)

1. adds to exact an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation: the ~ terms of the contract.
  a) exact
2. implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort or implies a failure to use one's intelligence: ~ peasants afraid of revolutionary ideas.
  b) accurate
3. stresses great, sometimes excessive, precision and delicacy of action, adjustment, or discrimination: makes ~ distinctions between freedom and licence.
  c) correct
4. usually implies freedom from fault or error: socially ~ dress.
  d) simple
5. stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth: a suit tailored to ~ measurements.
  e) precise
6. is close to correct but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault: the ~ thing to do.
  f) right
7. implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercising care: an ~ description of the whole situation.
  g) nice
edgcafb Right group correct mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth.

1. applies to the money or property inherited from one's father, but also generally to one's ancestral inheritance: the intellectual ~ of the Renaissance.
  a) inheritance
2. occasionally replaces plume, sometimes with a slight suggestion of adorning oneself with one's virtues or achievements: ~d herself on her awards.
  b) heritage
3. generally implies the rights to which one is entitled by nativity, as by being a native-born citizen or a descendant of a particular family: honor that was their ~.
  c) patrimony
4. may apply to anything that is passed on not only to an heir or heirs but to the succeeding generation or generations: want, the ~ of waste.
  d) birthright
5. refers to what passes from parents to children, such as money, property, or character traits, or to the fact or means of inheriting: brown eyes, her ~ from her father.
  e) preen
cedba Right group heritage mean something which one receives or is entitled to receive by succession, as from a parent or predecessor.

1. implies a declaration, especially for the first time, of something that is of interest or is intended to satisfy curiosity: ~ their engagement at a party.
  a) proclaim
2. implies the making public, especially through print: ~ed the list of winners.
  b) promulgate
3. implies explicitness and usually formality in making known: the referee ~ the contest a draw.
  c) announce
4. applies to calling public attention to something by widely circulated statements, often marked by extravagance or a lack of restraint: ~ a new model of vacuum cleaner.
  d) slothful
5. implies a temperamental inability to act promptly or speedily when promptness or speed is called for: the agency is usually ~ about fulfilling requests.  sloth是南美一种动物叫树懒,它生活在树上行动非常缓慢a South American animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly. 这个词常形容人又,如房龙在《人类的故事the story of mankind》中说: "the human mind is slower than the proverbial turtle, is lazier than the well-known sloth"人类思维进步的速度比伊索寓言中的乌龟,比众人皆知的树懒懒
  e) declare
6. implies a clear, forceful, authoritative oral declaring: the president ~ a national day of mourning.
  f) advertise
7. implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law: ~d an edict of religious tolerance.  (doctrinedogma都表示教条,后者表示僵化教条the dogma that the king can do no wrong认为国王永远正确的教条)  (edict: 法令In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism1741年叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令允许佛教存在)
  g) publish
cgefdab Right group declare mean to make known publicly.

1. suggests despair and the cessation of effort or resistance and often implies acceptance or resignation: the situation of the trapped miners is ~.
  a) scholarly
2. sometimes interchangeable with learned and scholarly, can imply a love of learning for its own sake, a taste for out-of-the-way knowledge, or even mere pedanticism: a mind filled with ~ and arcane lore.
  b) hopeless
3. implies academic knowledge gained by long study and research and is applicable to persons, their associations, OR their writings and professional publications: members of a ~ society.
  c) learned
4. implies learning and applies particularly to persons who has attained mastery of a field of knowledge or to their utterances, ideas, or writings: a ~ study of the causes of war.
  d) erudite
bdca Right group learned mean possessing or manifesting unusually wide and deep knowledge.

1. implies a capacity to arouse tenderness or compassion: the ~ innocence in a child's eyes.
  a) impressive
2. stresses yearning or longing but not necessarily readiness for action: ~ for adventure on her first trip to India.
  b) touching
3. applies to what keenly and sharply affects one's sensibilities: a ~ documentary on the plight of the homeless. (a poignant reminder of the passing of time伤感的感到时光飞逝)
  c) poignant
4. may apply to any stirring that produces a strong emotional effect including thrilling, agitation, saddening, or evoking pity or sympathy: a ~ appeal for charitable contributions. (agitate: 鼓动煽动they agitated for a reversal of the decision他们鼓动撤销决定)
  d) affecting
5. is close to moving, but often suggests pathos: an ~ reunion of a mother and her child. (pathos悲怆伤感: a quality that evokes pity or sadness本身是希腊词根,表示suffering痛苦)
  e) moving
6. implies a capacity to move to pity or(应该是and) sometimes contempt: ~ attempts to justify gross negligence. 
  f) athirst
7. implies such forcefulness as compels attention, admiration, wonder, or conviction: an ~ list of achievements.
  g) pathetic
bfcedga Right group moving mean having the power to produce deep and usually somber emotion

1. applies especially to a situation involving no more than slight inconvenience or minor annoyance: took the wrong road by ~.
  a) misfortune
2. applies to a state of grave or persistent misfortune: had never experienced much ~ in life.
  b) gusto
3. may apply either to the incident or conjunction of events that is the cause of an unhappy change of fortune or to the ensuing state of distress: never lost hope even in the depths of ~.  incident事件an event or happening,可大可小,如1 an amusing incident一件趣2 Lugou Bridge Incident七七卢沟桥事变
  c) adversity
4. implies a hearty relish that goes with high spirits and vitality: sang all the old song with ~.
  d) mischance
5. applies to a trivial instance of bad luck: the usual ~s that are part of a family vacation.
  e) mishap
dcabe Right group misfortune mean adverse fortune or an instance of this.

1. implies an expressed or clear decision or determination to do or refrain from doing something: both nations ~d to stop terrorism.
  a) resolve
2. implies previous consideration and a cutting off of doubt, wavering, debate, or controversy: will ~ tonight where to build the school.
  b) rule
3. implies a fixing of the identity, character, scope, bounds, or direction of something: ~d the cause of the problem.
  c) settle
4. implies the arrival at a conclusion that brings to an end all doubt, wavering or dispute: the court's decision ~s the matter.
  d) determine
5. suggests sourness as well as bitterness and applies especially to mood or temperament: an inbred ~ that pervades even his personal letters.
  e) decide
6. implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority: the judge ~d that the evidence was inadmissible.
  f) acerbity
aedcfb Right:) group decide mean to come or cause to come to a conclusion.首字母DDSRR想成人人懂的事<==应当做决定

1. suggests having direct recourse, as by a letter OR in person, to one able to supply what is needed: ~ to a bank for a loan.
  a) alert
2. stresses readiness or promptness in meeting a problem or a danger or in seizing an opportunity: ~ traders anticipated the stock market's slide.
  b) wide-awake
3. suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness: ~ taxpayers forestalled all attempts to raise taxes.
  c) apply
4. stresses keen awareness of and watchfulness for opportunities and developments more often than for dangers: ~ observers will recall other summit meetings.
  d) vigilant
5. is the least explicit term: played under the ~ eyes of their mothers.
  e) watchful
cadbe Right:) group watchful mean being on the look-out especially for danger or opportunity.

1. can apply when sincerity of intention is in question: ~ sale of securities.   securities证券总称,包括股票股权债券等
  a) authentic
2. applies to a sowing of ideas in many minds so that they spread through a class or nation: ~d an unquestioning faith in technology.
  b) genuine
3. implies accordance with an original or a type without counterfeiting, admixture, or adulteration: ~ maple syrup; or it may stress sincerity: ~ piety.
  c)  veritable
4. implies a correspondence with truth and typically conveys a suggestion of affirmation: in the grip of anxiety that drove him into a ~ trance; or asserts the suitability of a metaphor: ~ hail of questions.
  d) inseminate
5. implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact or actuality: the ~ story.
  e)  bona fide
Wrong edbca Right:) group authentic mean being actually and exactly what is claimed.

1. is a somewhat bookish term for labor involving pain or suffering: years of ~ were lost when the building burned.
  a) toil
2. applies to physical or intellectual work involving great and often strenuous, onerous and fatiguing exertion: believes the farmers are poorly paid for their ~.
  b) travail
3. implies dreary, monotonous labor exhausting to the mind or body: the ~ of performing the play eight times a week.
  c) work
4. implies prolonged and fatiguing labor: his lot would be years of back-breaking ~.
  d) labor
5. suggests dull and irksome labor: a job with a good deal of ~.
  e) grind
6. may imply activity of body, of mind, of a machine, or of a natural force, or it may apply to effort expended or to the product of such effort: too tired to do any ~.
  f) drudgery
7. suggests having repellent characteristics such as small-mindedness, ill temper, or cupidity, or it may stress inferiority and suggest poverty or penury: a ~, rundown neighborhood.
  g) mean
bdeafcg Right:) group work mean activity involving effort or exertion.

1. implies a slow, careful,sometimes artful introduction: slyly ~d himself into their confidence.
  a) interpose
2. implies a putting in a fixed or open place between or among other things: ~ a clause in the contract.
  b) insinuate
3. applies to the inserting of something extraneous or spurious: ~d her own comments into the report.
  c) insert
4. suggests the inserting of an obstruction or cause of delay: rules that ~ barriers between children and creativity.
  d) intercalate
5. implies an abrupt or forced introduction of something that breaks in or interrupts: quickly ~d a question.
  e) resolution
6. stresses firm determination to achieve one's ends: the strong ~ of the pioneer woman.
  f) interpolate
7. suggesting an intrusive inserting of something into an existing series or sequence: a book in which new material is ~d with the old.
  g) introduce
8. is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or a person into a group or body  already in existence: ~d a new topic into the conversation.
  h) interject
bcfahedg Right:) group introduce mean to put between or among others.

1. implies the use of the voice, but not necessarily of speech or language: preferred ~ to instrumental music.
  a) metamorphose
2. implies a fundamental transforming into some higher element or thing: ~ a shopworn tale into a psychological masterpiece.
  b) transform
3. implies a change fitting something for new or different use or function: ~ the boys' room into a guest bedroom.
  c) transmute
4. implies a major change in form, nature or function: ~ a small company into a corporate giant.
  d) transmorgrify
5. implies a change that exalts or glorifies: ecstasy ~ her face.
  e) transfigure
6. sug. an extreme, often grotesque and preposterous, metamorphosis: the prince  was ~ into a frog.
  f) convert
7. sug. an abrupt and startling change Induced by magic or supernatural power OR the process of a natural development: ~ awkward girls into graceful ballerinas.
  g) vocal
gcfbeda Right:) group transform mean to change a thing into a different thing or form.

1. suggests a gentle wavelike motion: an ~ing sea of grass.
  a) swing
2. suggests the rapid oscillation of an elastic body under stress or impact: the ~ strings of the piano.  elastic能伸缩,如slacks that come with an elastic waistband长裤有可伸缩腰带)
  b) oscillate
3. implies a movement through an arc of something attached at one end or one side: the door suddenly ~ open.
  c) fluctuate
4. stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent: supplies too ~ to last the winter. 
  d) scant
5. implies a slow swinging or teetering movement: the bridge ~ed a little and then fell.   (teeter摇晃蹒跚不稳: unsteady, seesawing movement,如an inebriated man teetering as he stands一个醉酒的人站得摇摇晃晃)
  e) vibrate
6. stresses a usually rapid alternation between extremes of direction: a fan that ~s will cool more effectively.
  f) sway
7. stresses an irregular motion suggestive of reeling or tottering: his whole body ~ed as he crossed the finish line.  (reel来回旋转失去平衡: to turn round and round or be thrown off balance,如a boxer reeling from the blow拳击手被打得晕头转向,即被打懵)  (totter蹒跚摇摇晃晃,如he tottered before he fell他走得摇摇晃晃,然后摔倒了)
  g) waver
8. suggests a constant irregular changing of level, intensity, or value: monetary exchange rates ~ constantly.
  h) undulate
headfbgc Right:) group swing mean to move to and fro, up and down, back and forth.

1. implies failure to maintain a speed or rate set by others: we ~ behind other countries in shoe production.
  a) loiter
2. usually implies a putting off (as a beginning or departure): a tight schedule means we cannot ~ any longer.
  b) procrasinate
3. implies blameworthy delay esp. through laziness, hesitation or apathy: ~ about making every decision.
  c) lag
4. impiles conscious endurance of pain or distress and often a stoical acceptance: the ~ of earthquake victims.
  d) dally
5. implies delay while in progress, esp. in walking: ~ at several store windows before going to church.
  e) delay
6. suggests delay through trifling and vacillation when promptness is necessary: stop ~ing and get to work.
  f) dawdle
7. MORE clearly suggests idleness, aimlessness,and a warndering mind: children ~ing on their way home from school.
  g) suffering
cebgadf Right:) group delay mean to move or act slowly so as to fall behind.

1. stresses an incorporation into the substance of the body or mind: asked to ~ a mass of material in a brief time.
  a) absorb
2. implies a drinking in and may imply an unconscious taking in whose effect may be significant or profound: children ~ the values of their parents.
  b) imbibe
3. implies intense loathing and usually passionate fury: ~d the men who had molested his family.
  c) execrate
4. is likely to suggest a loss of identity in what is taken in or an enrichment of what takes in: a lotion ~ed quickly by the skin.
  d) assimilate
dbca Right:) group absorb mean to take something in so as to become imbued with it.

1. often interchangeable with contaminate, implies the process which begins with contamination is complete and which was pure and clean has been made foul or poisonous: ~ the waters of the lake, so that it became in parts no better than an open cesspool.
  a) financial
2. refers to money as providing public revenue OR to the financial affairs of an institution or corporation: the ~ year of the United States ends on June 30.
  b) fiscal
3. implies money matters conducted on a large scale or involving some degree of complexity: a business deal secured through a complex ~ arrangement.
  c) monetary
4. implies reference to practical money matters as they affect the individual: a struggling single mother constantly in ~ difficulties.
  d) pecuniary
5. refers to money as coined, distributed, or circulated: the country's basic ~ unit is the peso.
  e) pollute
ebadc Right:) group financial mean of or relating to money.

1. implies a clearing from blame or burden: I cannot ~ myself of the charge of overenthusiasm.  如辩方律师需要找exculpatory evidence无罪证据
  a) acquit
2. implies a decision in one's favor with respect to a definite charge: ~ted of murder by a jury.
  b) vindicate
3. may refer to things as well as persons that have been subjected to critical attack of imputation of guilt, weakness, or folly, and implies a clearing through proof of the injustice or unfairness of such criticism or blame: an investigation ~d the senator on all counts.
  c) exonerate
4. implies a release either from an obligation that binds the conscience or from the consequences of its violation: ~d the subject from his oath of allegiance.
  d) exculpate
5. sug. a firm holding of code of right behaviour and guidance of honor and duty: the ~ thing would be to resign my position.
  e) honorable
6. implies a complete clearance from an accusation or charge and from any attendant  suspicion of blame or guilt: a committee ~d the governor from charges of bribery.
  f) absolve
dabfec Right:) group exculpate mean to free from a charge or a burden.

1. applies to what is wildly or fantastically visionary or improbable: ~ plans for restoring the British Empire.
  a) chimerical
2. applies to something that seems real and practical to its conceiver but is impractical or incapable of realization: ~ schemes for creating a rural utopia.
  b) fanciful
3. implies fanciful incredibility or strangeness beyond belief: a ~ world inhabited by prehistoric monsters.
  c) imaginary
4. applies to something which is fictitious and purely the product of one's imagination: a chronic sufferer of several ~ illnesses.
  d) fantastic
5. suggests something affected or created by the free play of the imagination: the ~ characters created by Lewis Carroll.
  e) rule
6. implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority: the judge ~d that the evidence was inadmissible.
  f) visionary
7. implies a devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by ordinary prudence or common sense: the ~ notion that absolute equality is attainable.
  g) quixotic
afdcbeg Right:) group imaginary mean unreal or unbelievable.

1. may stress absence of contradiction between things or between details of the same thing: behavior that is not ~ with her general character.
  a) compatible
2. suggests a pleasing effect resulting from fitness or appropriateness of elements: modern furniture is not ~ with a colonial house.
  b) timid
3. implies the absence of elements making for discord or difficulty: a motto ~ with the company's philosophy.
  c) consistent
4. suggests a more subtle or quieter kind of harmony: a music critic not very ~ to rock.
  d) consonant
5. implies a generally satisfying harmony between personalities or a fitness to one's  personal taste: did not find the atmosphere at the bar ~.
  e) congruous
6. stresses lack of courage and daring and implies extreme cautiousness and a fear of venturing into the unfamiliar or the uncertain: a ~ investor impairing his capital in a vain search for complete security.
  f) sympathetic
7. suggests a capacity for existing or functioning together without disagreement, discord, or interference: looking for a ~ roommate.
  g) congenial
cedfgba Right:) group consonant mean being in agreement with or agreeable to another.

1. applies to a mood that is dominated by a single strong emotion, often that of anger: gave vent to his bad ~ in a series of angry yowls.
  a) mood
2. the most general term, imputes pervasiveness and compelling quality to the principal emotion and may apply not only to the frame of mind but to its expression: the melancholy mood of the poem.
  b) vein
3. applies to mental image or formulation of something seen or known or imagined, OR to pure abstraction, an assumption, OR something vaguely sensed: a head filled with innovative ~.
  c) temper
4. implies a mood that is imposed on one by one's special temperament or one's physical or mental conditions at the moment: in ill ~ and out of sorts through fatigue.
  d) idea
5. suggests a transitory mood or humor usually without any profound temperamental or physical basis: spoke in the same humorous ~.
  e) humor
cadeb Right:) group mood meaning unknown

1. emphasizes the compact concentration of the group, the difficulty of individual movement, and the attendant discomfort: a ~ of fans waited outside the theatre.
  a) crowd
2. implies a massing together and often a loss of individuality: a small ~ greeted the returning athletes. 
  b) throng
3. suggests a rushing or tumultuous crowd, often of inferior, rude, or savage character, often linked by common interests or problems: a ~ of shoppers looking for bargains.
  c)  mob
4. implies a disorderly crowd with the potential or the intent for violence: heard an angry ~ outside the jail.
  d) jovial
5. suggests the stimulation of conviviality and good fellowship or the capacity for these: grew inceasingly ~ with every drink.
  e)  crush
6. strongly suggests movement and shoving or pushing: a ~ of reporters followed the President.
  f)  horde
eafcdb Right:) group crowd mean an assembled multitude of people.

1. applies to a part produced by or as if by breaking off, or shattering, OR left after the rest has been used, eaten, worn away, or lost: only a ~ of the play remained.
  a) segment
2. implies a holding back through fear, uncertainty, or disinclination: ~ about asking her for a date.
  b) section
3. stresses separateness and applies to a separate and detached part of a whole: a puzzle with 500 ~.
  c) member
4. is like division, but applies to a relative small and uniform part: the entertainment ~ of the newspaper.
  d) hesitant
5. applies to a large or diversified part made as if by cutting: the manufacturing ~ of the company.
  e) portion
6. is a general term appropriate when indefiniteness is required: they ran only ~ of the way.
  f) fragment
7. implies an assigned or allotted part: cut the pie into six ~.
  g) piece
8. sug. one of the functional units composing a body: an arm is a bodily ~.
  h) part
9. applies to a part separated or marked out by or as if by natural lines of cleavage: the retired ~ of the population.  (cleavage: 分裂=split)
  i) division
fdgbiheca Right:) group part mean something less than the whole to which it belongs.

1. stresses the mere fact of saying or writing again the words or presenting the ideas of another often with no reference to the source and little concern for precision: ~ a scandalous story told one in confidence.
  a) cite
2. is likely to stress the idea of mentioning for a particular reason, such as proof of thesis or substantiation of a position taken, with or without the idea of quoting another's exact words: his analysis of the causes of student unrest has been ~d in several recent judicial opinions.
  b) repeat
3. applies to any utterance not seriously intended, whether sarcastic, ironic, witty, or merely playful: wry ~s that were lost on her unsophisticated friends.  (witty犀利: 思维聪颖语言锐利suggests cleverness and quickness of mind and often a cutting, caustic tongue,如a film critic remembered for his witty remark一个语言犀利的影评人)
  c) jest
4. usually implies precise repetition of the words of another for a particular purpose: illustrate the use of a word by ~ing classical and modern authors; but sometimes quote is applied to a more general referral to someone as author or source of information: don't ~ me as your authority.
  d) quote
bacd Right:) group quote mean to speak or write again something already said or written by another.

1. implies an orderly, logical, and effective arrangement usually in steps: an effective ~ of birth control.
  a) manner
2. is very general and may be used in place of any of the preceding words: her usual slapdash ~ of doing things.
  b) method
3. may suggest a peculiar and characteristic but perhaps superficial and ephemeral way of doing something: rushed about, in typical New York fashion.
  c) way
4. suggests something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated: headphones that are ~ and can be bent to fit.
  d) system
5. implies an order or course followed by custom, tradition, or personal preference: the preferred ~ of transportation.
  e) fashion
6. suggests a fully developed or carefully formulated method often emphasizing the idea of rational orderliness: followed no ~ in playing the horses.
  f) mode
7. is close to mode, but may imply a procedure or method that is individual and distinctive: a highly distinctive ~ of conducting. (conduct本意是控制引导,引申义有两个1售票 2指挥乐队)
  g) pliable
bcegfda Right:) group method mean the means or procedure followed in achieving an end. (means泛指手段,这里指方法procedure遵循特定方法的流程,也表示方法)


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