hiding in lockdown after being shot: 躲在狭小空间 lockdown原意是封锁,是对旅行、社交活动、或公共空间的限制
pain and raw emotion today: 痛苦和深切的爆发
life in prison without parole: 无期徒刑不得缓刑
charges of involuntary manslaughter: 被控过失杀人
intersecting routes: 交叉路线
i went 21 years without getting on one airplane and i think after this experience i can go the rest of my life without getting on one:
repatriated 85 000 people: 遣返了85000人
was grilled on the Capitol hill: 遭到拷问
miracles do exist and we never lose hope and always fight: 奇迹真的存在,从不放弃希望,永远奋斗
what happened during that time frame: 那一时间段发生了什么
tick-borne illness spreading around the country: 蜱虫传播的疾病在全国蔓延 illness的s和spread的s连读了 tick蜱、壁虱、扁虱(吸血寄生虫,有些种类传播疾病),此外还表示打勾、时钟的嘀嗒声
it took me a year and four different doctors to get the diagnosis: 花了一年时间,看了4位医生才得到诊断
allergic to diary and even gelatin: 对牛奶,甚至是明胶过敏
hives, chest tightness: 荨麻疹和胸闷 hives 1、蜂箱 2、荨麻疹 另外需区分nettle是荨麻,而不是荨麻疹
keep to trails: 这里表示经常跑步 trail路
when the supply chain snarled: 当时供应链一团糟 snarl 1、咆哮 2、混乱一团糟 这里表示供应链一团糟
new reality for many new long-haulers: 长途旅途者;长途运输司机
my goal was not spoiling my kids: 不惯坏(或耽误)我的孩子
but her fortunes didnt last long: 好景不长
sometimes you go a week without a check: 一周都没生意
people lulled into thinking that somehow it was the way: 人们误以为 lull: (贬义)引诱诱导
to make ends meet: 维持生计,量入为出,避免入不敷出
for a raining day: 以防不时之需
because i know it's gonna be a rainbow somewhere: 因为我知道会有彩虹