

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-18

jason246 发表于 2023-7-19 17:12:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-8-9 13:41:07 | 显示全部楼层
scheming to overturn the result: 企图推翻选举结果
to bolt from a tour group: 从一个旅游团奔向朝鲜一侧
wary of of angering Trump supporters they hope to win over: 其他候选人担心激怒川普的支持者,他们想赢得的人群
attorney were just in Court today regarding the ... case: 律师今天还在出庭
after bolting across the border:  冲过边界线   bolt可表示螺栓、门闩、插销、闪电,这里表示像闪电一样,突然的快速移动
he then tagged along a commercial tour: 加入旅行团
history suggests it will be a delicate dance:  历史证明和朝鲜共舞(比喻打交道)很微妙
private Ling was acting on his own initiative: 自己的主意
we have the egges, we have the larvae: 我们有虫卵(eggs),还有幼虫   larvae幼虫幼体;是larva的复数
comes with 25 percent tax on it: 中国出口到美国的产品征收25%关税
41 percent of cobalt and mines on 5 continents: 中国有世界41%的钴,5大洲开采矿藏
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