cluster bombs are designed to scatter bomblets across the battle field: 集束炸弹会向四处炸出小炸弹
dud rate: 哑蛋率 (没有爆炸但后续可能爆炸的小集束炸弹)
our friends upon the hill: 山上的朋友(指国会)
to sign a waiver: 签署弃权书
sentenced him to 90 consecutive life terms: 判处他连续服90次终身监禁
self-described white nationalist: 自称是白人民族主义者
he didnt even know him: 他甚至不认识他(受害人)
things stacking up so far: 目前的情况看
to walk a tightrope: 走钢丝绳
this is a Frankenstein-like scenario: 指被创造者毁灭创造者
how a petty thief built a criminal empire: 小偷怎样构建犯罪帝国
at 11 eastern: 东部时间11点
to use insect repellent: 建议使用驱虫剂
found blood in my urinE: 尿道出血
extremely painful when caught in the urinary tract: 肾结石如卡到了尿道会引起剧痛
pediatric urologist at the Children's hospital: 儿童尿道医生
common in middle-aged men: (肾结石)常见于中年男性
but research shows incidents of pediatric stone diseases rising as much as 10 percent a year: 但儿童发病率每年上升百分之10
3 millimeters is all you need to be incredibly painful: 三毫米的肾结石就会让人十分疼痛 |