

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-06-13

jason246 发表于 2023-6-17 13:06:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-7-10 21:35:01 | 显示全部楼层
will it be enough for the Fed to ease up on raising interest rates? 足以让联邦储备委员会暂缓加息吗
in a case no less serious than concealing and mishandling some of the country's most critical defense secrets: 隐藏和不当处置国家最重要的国防秘密
the mood in the courtroom is weighty and tense: 法庭气氛沉重紧张
sit arms-crossed and silent in front of the judge: 两臂交叉坐着,面对法官保持沉默
we have a country that's got nothing but problems: 我们的国家到处都是问题
while Mr Smith looked at Trump's direction several times today: 朝他方向看了几眼
she's going to be in the driver's seat: 她将主导进程
one factor that will peel away his support: 可能使他支持率降低的因素
Islamic State terrorists: 伊斯兰国恐怖分子
hit its high water mark: (通胀率)到达高水位
all at risk for very large hail: 都有可能降大冰雹
priced out: 物价飞涨无力购买
none of it is a magic wand: 都不是魔力棒
either stopped writing new policies or gone out of business: 不再开展业务或者倒闭
but then a cold spell hit: 但之后有寒流
despite its nickname, Georgia is actually the country's third largest peach producer: 尽管有这个别名,实际是第三大产桃州
where strawberries are also ripe for picking: 草莓也熟了,可以采摘了
the key to staying afloat is variety and a little luck: 要想经营下去,关键是品种,还要一点运气
at the end of the day, it's up to the good Lord and mother nature to whatever happens next: 最终怎样由上帝和自然母亲决定

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