

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-06-03

jason246 发表于 2023-6-4 23:47:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-6-10 17:31:34 | 显示全部楼层
remnants of a tropical storm soaking parts of Florida: 热带风暴残余使佛罗里达一片汪洋
lightning strike: 雷击
record temperatures baking the Midwest: 历史高温烤灼中西部
Aruba: 阿鲁巴(Aruba)是一个位于加勒比海地区的岛屿
an alligator on the loose: 在逃的鳄鱼
the images are just wrenching: 画面令人极为痛苦。wrench: 猛拉猛拧;使人痛苦(尤指以致哭喊出声)
train cars toppled and crushed: 列车车厢翻倒倾轧
as first responders worked quickly to rescue those trapped inside the mangled train cars: 救援人员快速救援受损严重车厢里的乘客
its carriages falling onto a nearby track: 车厢脱轨后翻倒到另一条铁轨
investigators combed through the wreckage: 调查员仔细搜查了残骸
Jose: 男子名 [hoʊ'zeɪ]
shot by a Canadian news outlet traveling aboard a nearby vessel: 由旁边一艘船上的加拿大新闻社人员拍摄
a cordial handshake over dinner is no substitute for a substantive engagement: 宴会上诚挚的握手不能代替实质性的接触
downpour with risk of flooding, soaring heat, and devastating lightning: 可能引发洪水的暴雨,高温,破坏力很强的闪电
a daunting preview of what to come: 令人害怕的预先体验
to pack a punch: 产生巨大影响
now left in ruins after a massive fire: 大火后变为废墟
in Northren Utah residents there are facing nickel-sized hail: 犹他州北部下了硬币大小的冰雹
Arlene is dissipating but that does not mean that the threat is over
on the campaign trail: 竞选巡游路线
for the race's unofficial summer kickoff: 参加竞选的非正式启动仪式
roast and ride: 烤肉和骑马,指竞选活动
people can expect we'll be back in Iowa on Wedenesday: 我们周三会回来
are you going to caucus for him? I'm not sure: 你会支持他妈,我不确定
is Santis your guy? I'm totally listening I have not made up my mind at all你支持Santis吗,还没有决定
you have two candidates, who are they? 你支持两个人,是谁
I'm not 100 % Trumper this time: 这次不是百分百支持川普
taking a shot at Trump: 攻击批评川普
drag shows: 变装表演
hatred being infused these little silly laws: 仇恨被注入这些荒唐的法律
smackdown: 震撼攻击; 美国职业摔角联盟; 攻击波
to find closure: 找到终点
and wild experience our correspondent had when he tried it out: 记者的疯狂体验
I'm a young curvy woman with a petite body brown hair perky breasts soft skin a bubble butt and full lips我是迷人的女郎
but the crowd went wild when her service dog Justin who'd attended every class with Grace also got his very own diploma: 她的服务犬也拿到了文凭
special needs three grader Eli learned his dad was his new bus driver: 身患残疾的三年级学生Eli得知父亲将是他的新校车司机
to rumble with an alligator: rumble有2个意思 1、隆隆声  2、打群架
relationship with her boyfriend just not working out: 与男朋友关系不好
for a buck a minute she will be your AI girl friend: 每分钟1美元,她会成为你的AI女友
it showed a true test of friendship but it also showed the kindness and goodness of our young kids and showed there are people who really care友谊的考验,孩子们的善良关爱,确实有人关心
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