

【同义词练习】 第05/30周(2023.05.22--2023.05.28)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-4 15:42:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to what is so haphazard as to lack all apparent plan, aim, system, care: a real ~ operation.
  a) hit-or-miss
2. implies extreme offensiveness and accumulation of what rots and stints: a ~ smelling open sewer(下水道);  OR disgusting obscenity or loathsome behavior: a record of ~ deeds.
  b) chance
3. stresses chance and lack of definite aim, fixed goal, or regular procedure: a ~ sampling of public opinion.
  c) foul
4. applies to what is done without regard for regularity or fitness or ultimate consequence: his selection of college courses was entirely ~.
  d) haphazard
5. suggests a leaving things to chance and a working or acting without deliberation, intention, or purpose: a ~ tour of the sights.
  e) random
6. implies a jumping or skipping from one thing to another without method or system and a consequently inconsistent performance and lack of continuity: a ~ discussion of current events.
  f) desultory
7. applies to what comes or happens to someone or is done or made without prearrangement, foreknowledge, or preparation: a ~ encounter; a ~ acquaintance.
  g) casual
Wrong acedgfb Right group random mean determined by accident rather than design.

1. indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as being apart or different from others: each and every bowl is hand-decorated and ~.
  a) instance
2. often stresses lack of connection in space or time or a difference in identity between the things in question: the two schools are ~ and unequal.
  b) distinct
3. indicates distinctness, difference, or separation from similar items: a survey of the ~ opinions of the new building.
  c) separate
4. may indicate a clear specific reference or citation as a typical example or a special case: failed in her attempt to ~ a clear example.
  d) several
5. strongly emphasizes individuality and lack of material connection DESPITE apparent similarity or continuity: two ~ issues are being confused here.  两个独自的问题  离散数学discrete mathematics
  e) discrete
bcdae Right group distinct mean not being each and every one the same.

1. implies exact correspondence between or during usually brief periods of time, and especially in periodic intervals: the ~ action of a bird's wings in flight.
  a) coeval
2. implies exact coincidence at a point of time: a ~ ringing of church bells miles apart.
  b) synchronous
3. implies extemporaneousness at some remote time or for a long period and refers usually to periods, ages, eras, or eons: the rise of the leisure class was ~ with the flowering of the arts.
  c) eager
4. is likely to apply to people and what relates to them: Abraham Lincoln was ~ with Charles Darwin.
  d) contemporaneous
5. applies to events: Victoria's reign was ~ with British hegemony.
  e) coincident
6. is applied to events that happen at the same time and may be used in order to avoid implication of causal relationship: the end of World War II was ~ with a great vintage year.
  f) simultaneous
7. implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint: ~ to get started on the trip.
  g) contemporary
bfagdec Right group contemporary mean existing or occurring at the same time.

1. may suggest a virtuous absence of pride or vanity or it may suggest undue self-depreciation or humiliation: a quiet life as a simple ~ parish priest.
  a) lowly
2. implies lack of boastfulness or conceit, without any implication of abjectness: sincerely ~ about her singing talent.  conceit自负是指过度骄傲
  b) rescue
3. stresses lack of pretentiousness: a volunteer willing to accept the ~iest hospital duties.  unpretentious低调, 强调一个人不虚荣不做作stresses lack of vanity or affectation and may praise a person,如a soft-spoken and unpretentious person一个说话轻柔做事低调的人)
  c) humble
4. may suggest mildness or gentleness of temper or it may connote undue submissiveness: the refugees were ~ and grateful for whatever they got.
  d) modest
5. implies a freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action: ~ the crew of a sinking ship.
  e) meek
cdaeb Right group humble mean lacking any signs of pride, aggressiveness, or self-assertiveness.

1. adds to receive an implication of some degree of positive acquiescence or consent even if tacit: refused to ~ a valuable gift from a comparative stranger.
  a) knowledge
2. implies profound, recondite or BOOKISH learning: an ~ unusual even for a classicist.
  b) scholarship
3. implies learning CHARACTERISTIC of an advanced scholar of a specialized field or investigation: a book of fist RATE literary ~.
  c) accept
4. applies to knowledge acquired through formal, often advanced SCHOOLING and close application : the book that is the evidence of the author's s vast ~.
  d) learning
5. applies to facts or ideas acquired through study, investigation, observation and EXPREIENCE: rich in ~ gained from life.
  e) erudition
cebda Right group knowledge meaning unknown

1. usually implies a slowing by something extraneous or encumbering: feels that free enterprise is  ~ged by government regulation.
  a) hamper
2. applies to any substances that can be combined to form a mixture that has qualities  that may be different from its constituents: the ~ of a cocktail.
  b) trammel
3. implies hindering by or as if by OR confining within a net: rules that serve only to ~ the artist's creativity.
  c) shackle,manacle
4. suggests a restraing so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost: a nation that is ~ed by an antiquated class system.
  d) ingredient
5. implies the encumbering or embarrassing  effect of any impeding or restraining influence: ~ing the investigation by refusing to cooperate.
  e) clog
6. are stronger than fetter and suggest total loss of the power to move, progress, or act: a mind ~d by stubborn pride and prejudice(shackle);  hatred can ~ the soul(manacle)
  f) fetter
edbfac Right group hamper meaning unknown

1. has a broad range of application and may imply anything from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated: ~ of the press.
  a) freedom
2. is likely to connote absence or avoidance of excess: proceeded at a ~ rate of speed.
  b) moderate
3. implies unusual freedom granted because of special circumstances: poetic ~; or may connote an abuse of freedom by willfully following one's own course without regard for propriety or the rights of others: the editorial takes considerable ~ with the facts.
  c) license
4. suggests the power to choose or the release from former restraint or compulsion: the prisoners were willing to fight for their ~.
  d) liberty
abcd Right group freedom mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion.

1. stresses lack of the organization and compactness that make for pointedness of expression and strength of style: ~ memoirs that are so many shaggy-dog stories.
  a) wordy
2. implies superfluity resulting from needless repetition or overelaboration: emended the text by removing whatever was ~.
  b) verbose
3. may also imply loquaciousness or garrulousness: a ~ speech that said nothing.
  c) prolix
4. suggests unreasonable and tedious dwelling on details: habitually transformed brief anecdotes into ~ sagas. (北欧传奇) 
  d) redundant
5. adds an implication of resistance to destructive forces or agents: in spite of everything, her faith ~.
  e) endure
6. suggests a resulting dullness, obscurity, or lack of incisiveness and precision: ~ position papers that on one reads.
  f) diffuse
fdaceb Right group wordy mean using more words than necessary to express thought.

1. often carries a further implication of purpose: ~ well before using.
  a) agitate
2. suggests a swinging or swaying motion that is likely to result from violent impact or upheaval: the entire city was ~ed by the explosion.
  b) shake
3. suggests counteracting a bad or harmful influence or overcoming the damage suffered through it: a compassionate heart ~ed his short temper.
  c) rock
4. suggests a violent and prolonged tossing or stirring: strong winds ~d the leaves on the trees.
  d) countervail
5. suggests a violent pulling or wrenching as of a body in a paroxysm: we were ~ed with laughter.
  e) convulse
bcdae Right group shake mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence.

1. suggests a menacing darkness or gloomy anger and refers either to persons OR to skies that promise bad weather: ~ed as he went about his work, never uttering a word.
  a) penurious
2. sug. a frugality so extreme as to lead to stinginess: a ~ attitude with no room for luxurIES.
  b) niggardly
3. sug. keeping a tight grip on one's money and possesions: Folks who are very ~ when charity calls.
  c) parsimonious
4. implies a niggardliness that gives appearance of actual poverty: the ~ woman left behind a fortune.
  d) close
5. implies giving or spending the very smallest amount possible: gave his wife a ~ household allowance.
  e) miserly
6. implies a marked lack of generosity: a ~ child, not given to sharing.
  f) stingy
7. implies a penuriousness motivated by obssesive avariousness and morbid pleasure for hoarding: a ~ man indifferent to the cries of the needy.
  g) lower
gcdabfe Right group stingy mean being unwilling or showing unwillingness to share with others.

1. implies a sudden and often violent onslaught but connotes nothing about length or duration: an ~ of melancholy.
  a) fit
2. sometimes designates a sudden seizure or period of increased activity characteristic of a disease: fell unconscious in a ~; or sometimes refers to a temporary sudden or violent mood or period of activity: works by ~s and starts.
  b) paroxysm
3. emphasizes the preceding travel or movement: an ~ delayed by fog and ice.
  c) access,accession
4. distinctively imply the initiation of an attack or fit: an ~ of sudden rage; or the intensification of a mood or state of mind to the point where control is lost or nearly lost: driven mad by an ~ of guilt.
  d) spasm
5. refers to the sudden occurrence or intensification of a symptom or a state and to its recurrence: ~s of fear.
  e) attack
6. suggests repeated spasms that alternately contract and relax the muscles and produce violent contortions and distortions: a face distorted by ~s of unsuppressed anger.
  f) convulsion
7. connotes sudden involuntary muscular contractions: suffered from ~s of his back muscles; or possession by some emotion or state that momentarily grips and paralyzes: seized by ~s of fear.
  g) arrival
eagcbfd Right:) group fit mean a sudden seizure or spell resulting from an abnormal condition of body or mind.

1. implies bringing under control by or as if by overpowering: the police ~ the unruly man.
  a) surmount
2. suggests a significant action of certain dignity in the defeat of a person rather than a thing: ~ his opponent in the championship match.
  b) vanquish
3. implies surrender and submission, usually as the result of overwhelming by or as if by military action: acity ~ by a month-long siege.
  c) subjugate
4. is likely to imply a complete humbling or reduction to ineffectiveness of the one defeated: ~ a problem.
  d) rout
5. stresses the bringing down or destruction of enemy power: a futile attempt to ~ the leader.
  e) overthrow
6. implies a major action, all-inclusive effort, and a more or less permanent result: working to ~ this perniciousdisease.
  f) conquer
7. implies surpassing or exceeding rather than overcoming in a face-to-face confrontation: severe technical problems to be ~.
  g) manumit
8. stresses bringing into and keeping in subjection,and often implies a humbled and servile state in what is subjugated : ~ the minoritypopulations.
  h) reduce
9. suggests such complete defeat as tocause flight and complete dispersion and disorganization of the adversary: the Guerrillas ~ the attacking force.
  i) lick
10. implies an opposing, often fixed, obstacle that can be dealt with only with difficulty or after a hard struggle: ~ a legal obstacle.
  j) subdue
11. implies a emancipation from slavery: the proclamation ~ all the slaves.
  k) beat
12. implies MERELY the fact of getting better of an adversary at a particular time, often with no more than a temporary checking or frustrating:~ him in tennis match.
  l) defeat
13. close to but less formal than defeat, is somewhat neutral though it may imply the finality associated with vanquish: ~ an opponent at cards.
  m) overcome
jbhiefacdmglk Right:) group conquer mean to get the better of by force or stragegy.

1. stresses dislike or aversion: ~ed to his sweeping generalization.
  a) persist
2. implies a more informally a strenuous protesting or complaining: everybody ~s when taxes are raised.
  b) remonstrate
3. suggests an earnest explanation of one's objection and firm insistence on the merits of one's stand: ~d at length on the reasons for her decision.
  c) expostulate
4. suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinancy or doggedness: the sense of guilt ~. (outlast比...时间长He can outlast anyone on the dance floor他比谁都能跳舞。)
  d) protest
5. implies an attempt to persuade or convince by warning or reproving: ~d on his son's free-spending ways at college.
  e) kick
6. suggests an orderly presentation of objections in speech or writing: an open letter ~ing the government's foreign policy.
  f) object
fecabd Right:) group object mean to oppose by arguing against.

1. applies to a body type that is ample but robust and solid: a ~ fullback.
  a) stubby
2. implies a thick, solid, burly body: a wrestler's ~ physique.
  b) gall
3. is more often used for body parts than of body build: ~ legs.
  c) chunky
4. suggests broad compact sturdiness: a ~, powerful man.
  d) dumpy
5. is likely to suggest short, lumpish graceless of body: an ill-fitting dress that made her look ~.
  e) thick
6. like nerve and cheek, but stresses insolence: had the ~ to demand some evidence.
  f) stocky
7. is likely to suggest an unshapely lack of height: a ~ little man in rumpled clothes.
  g) thickset
8. stresses lack of height or length and real or apparent breadth: ~ fingers that seemed incapable of delicate precision.
  h) squat
cgefdbha Right:) group stocky mean being or having a body that is relatively compact in form.首字母联想STTCSSD排序成TTSSDSC踏踏实实的身材<==非常结实

1. often implies loss of favor or complete humiliation and sometimes ostracism: his conviction for bribery brought ~ upon his family.
  a) badger
2. implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy: ~ed her father for a  raise in her allowance.   (frenzy疯狂狂乱: 因紧张激动而情绪失控,常伴有动作suggests loss of self-control and violent agitation often manifested in action,如shoppers driven to a frenzy during the annual sale年度促销使顾客疯狂)
  b) shame
3. stresses loss of one's good name or the acquiring of a bad repute: a once-proud name now fallen into ~.
  c) infamy
4. implies notoriety as well as exceeding shame: a gangster whose name retains an enduring ~.
  d) ignominy
5. stresses the almost unendurable contemptibility or despicableness of the disgrace: suffered the ~ of being brought back in irons.
  e) dishonor
6. implies particularly humiliating disgrace or disrepute and is likely to stress the strong emotional reaction of the one affected: could hardly live with the ~.
  f) disrepute
7. emphasizes the loss of honor that one has previously enjoyed or the loss of self-esteem: prefer death to life with ~.  (honor荣誉: 表示值得尊敬the right to respect,如it is my honor to serve you很荣幸能效力) 
  g) disgrace
8. adds to disgrace the notion of being severely reproached or condemned: bring ~ on oneself by expulsion from school.
  h) opprobrium
gafcdbeh Right:) group disgrace mean the loss of esteem and good repute or the enduring of reproach or contempt.

1. sug. an exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size OR amount OR degree and often adds an implication of abnormality or monstrousness: the ~ expense of the program (me英式写法).
  a) colossal
2. implies a reducing of a burdensome or depressing weight and often connotes a cheering influence: good news that ~ed his worries.
  b) gigantic
3. implies size far in excess of ordinary measures or accustomed concepts: the ~ size of the new shopping mall.
  c) vast
4. sug. extreme largeness or broadness and immensity of extent: the ~ Russian steppes.
  d) enormous
5. stresses the contrast with size of others of the same kind: a ~ sports stadium.
  e) lighten
6. suggests both hugeness and  ponderousness of bulk: a ~ boulder. (ponderous笨重=clumsy)
  f) mammoth
7. applies esp. to something of stupendous or incredible dimensions: a ~ statue of Lincoln.
  g) huge
8. commonly sug. an immensity of size, bulk or capacity: quickly incurred a ~ debt. 
  h) immense
dehcbfag Right:) group enormous mean exceedingly and excessively large.

1. applies to something that literally or figuratively produces sleep, stupor or lulling drowsiness: beautiful music used as a ~ to escape from the pressures of work.
  a) narcotic
2. implies an incapacity for remaining in a fixed position or on a steady course, when applied to persons, suggests a lack of emotional balance: in love she was impulsive and ~.
  b) unstable
3. implies a substance that causes a dream state and a delusional happiness and suggests an indifference or false sense of security or well-being: price supports that are ~ for distressed industries.
  c) anodyne
4. connotes something sweet and pleasurable that is substituted for something painful: the ~ of rest after a hard day's work.  (to substitute A for B用A代替B,如they were substituting violence for dialogue他们用暴力取代对话,例句是被动句但意思不变)
  d) nepenthe
5. usually suggests something that soothes or calms often by inducing forgetfulness or oblivion: the ~ of religious fervor.  soothe使平静缓解: to calm, or lessen the pain or anger使平静或缓解疼痛愤怒,联想soft柔软,如soothing music舒缓音乐,cold tea is soothing for burns凉茶有助缓解烧伤) (fervor热忱,warm and steady emotions温暖持久的感情,如本例宗教热忱)
  e) opiate
Wrong abedc Right:) group anodyne mean something used to dull or deaden the senses or sensibilities.

1. implies immobility or lack of normally expected response to an external force or influence and often suggests deliberate submissiveness or self-control: a ~ individual incapable of strong emotion.   (immobile固定不动的mean completely still,如Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock乔一动不动,仿佛一尊石雕)
  a) supine
2. applies only to persons and commonly implies abject or cowardly inertia or passivity as a result of apathy or indolence: remained ~ in the face of verbal abuse.
  b) deterioration
3. applies to anyone or anything not in action or in use or at work: a playwright who's been ~ for several years.
  c) inactive
4. implies impairment of such valuable qualities as vigor, resilience, or usefulness: the ~ of her memory in recent years.
  d) idle
5. as applied to things implies powerlessness to move or to affect other things: ~ ingredients in drugs; as applied to persons it suggests an inherent or habitual indisposition to activity: an ~ citizenry uninterested in social change.  indisposition不想,是disposition性格倾向的反义词,这个词还表示小病微恙a slight illness,如indisposition seems serious when away from home不在家的时候小病也好像很严重  )
  e) inert
6. applies to persons, their powers, or implements that are not busy or occupied: tractors were ~ in the fields.
  f) passive
facbed Right:) group inactive mean not engaged in work or activity.首字母IIIPS想成PS III一台PS 3<==空闲

1. suggests a keeping through a delay in letting go: ~ed them for questioning.
  a) detain
2. suggests a keeping in store for other or future use: ~ some of your energy for the last mile.
  b) withhold
3. implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss: managed to ~ their dignity even in poverty.
  c) reserve
4. suggests that the one who testifies is a competent authority or a reliable person who will stand behind an affirmation: willing to ~ for the woman's integrity.
  d) retain
5. may suggest a holding securely of something tangible or intangible in one's possession, custody, or control: keep this while I'm gone.
  e) vouch
6. implies a restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go, often for good reason: ~ information from the authorities.
  f) keep
acdefb Right:) group keep mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control.

1. stresses enjoyment of peace as a way of life and may imply absence of any intent to behave aggressively: a ~ gathering.
  a) retort
2. implies making a return commensurate with the original question or demand: a request that you must ~ at once. (commensurate与...相关依赖于根据(depend on): the salary will be commensurate with experience薪水和经验相关,或薪水根据经验)
  b) rejoin
3. implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need: ~ all the questions on the form.
  c) respond
4. suggests responding to an explicit charge or criticism by way of retaliation: he ~ to her every charge with biting sarcasm.  (sarcasm讥讽挖苦: 目的不是取笑而是使人疼痛如例句)
  d) peaceable
5. often implies sharpness and pointedness in answering: she ~ quickly to his criticism.
  e) answer
6. may suggest a willing or spontaneous and often quick reaction: chose not to ~ to that comment.
  f) reply
dfeabc Right:) group answer mean to say, write, or do something in return. (in return其实就是回应)

1. implies a movement contrary to what is expected, normal, or natural, and is the reverse of progress: infant fatality has ~.
  a) back
2. is likely to stress the idea of mentioning for a particular reason, such as proof of thesis or substantiation of a position taken, with or without the idea of quoting another's exact words: his analysis of the causes of student unrest has been ~d in several recent judicial opinions.
  b) retreat
3. implies a drawing back or in from an extended or outward position: a cat ~ing its claws.
  c) retract
4. is used with up, down, out, or off to refer to any retrograde or reversed motion: ~ed off when her claims were challenged.
  d) recede
5. implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high point in time, space, or attitude: the flood waters gradually ~d.   (如a middle-aged man with receding hair/a receding hairline一个发际后移的中年男子,如"an individual human existence should be like a river---small at first......gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly..."人生像条河,开始很小......逐渐地河变宽,岸退后,水变缓......在新四14篇,选自Russell罗素的<How to grow old怎样变老>。解释中说这个词也可以指时间或态度,但没有查到这种用法,全都用于空间space
  e) retrograde
6. implies a withdrawal from a point or position reached, typically in response to some pressure: under cross-examination, he ~ed from that statement.
  f) cite
efcadb Right:) group recede mean to move backward.

1. implies an intimidating through swaggering threats or insults: tourists being ~ied by taxi drivers.
  a) onslaught
2. suggests a vigorous, destructive attempt to overwhelm by force of momentum or number or intensity: succumbed to the ~ of the disease.  
  b) cow
3. implies an inducing of fear or a sense of inferiority in another: ~d by all the other bright young freshmen.
  c) bully
4. implies a reduction to a state where the spirit is broken or all courage is lost: not at all ~ed by the odds against making it in show business不是展览业,而是娱乐业演艺界show business is the entertainment industry of film, theatre, and television,缩写showbiz,如be in show business从事演艺工作,如he started his career in show business by playing the saxophone and singing他的演艺生涯是从吹奏萨克斯和唱歌开始的)
  d) intimidate
5. implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats: ~d the city council into approving the plan.
  e) browbeat
6. implies a cowing through arrogant, scornful, contemptuous, or insolent treatment: inmates were routinely ~en by the staff.
  f) bulldoze
cadbfe Right:) group intimidate mean to frighten into submission.

1. implies a narrowing by contracting or squeezing: the throat is ~ed by too tight a collar.
  a) shrink
2. implies a contracting by reducing the internal pressure of a contained substance and stresses the limp or empty state that results: ~ his tires to get better traction. (traction牵引力,tract词根表示牵引,如tractor拖拉机contract收缩retract收回指责或诺言)
  b) artifice
3. implies an pressing into a small compass and definite shape, usually against resistance:  ~ed the comforter to fit the box.  (compass小范围: within the compass of a book在一本书的篇幅范围内,还表示指南针圆规)
  c) compress
4. suggests mechanical skill esp. in imitating things in nature, but implies a lack of real creative power and a degree of artificiality: a painter with much of the ~ of Rubens but none of the art. (Rubens鲁宾斯荷兰画家)
  d) constrict
5. applies to a drawing together of surfaces or particles or a reduction of area, volume, or length: caused his muscles to ~.
  e) deflate
6. implies a reducing of something homogeneous to greater compactness without significant loss of content: ~ an essay into a single paragraph.
  f) contract
7. implies a contracting or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions: the sweater will ~ if washed improperly.
  g) condense
decbfga Right:) group contract mean to decrease in bulk or volume. (bulk固体体积,如bulk of skyscrapers楼,volume流体体积,如volume of water大量的水)

1. implies appropriateness to the season or being perfectly fitted to the occasion or situation: ~ weather.
  a) disloyal
2. adds to treacherous the implication of an incapacity for fidelity or reliability and of baseness or vileness: repeated and ~ violations of the treaty公约. (basevile分别表示一般下劣极端下劣,和low(介于之间)组成一组同义词,应该不难记)
  b) traitorous
3. implies either actual treason or a serious betrayal of trust: ~ acts punishable by death.
  c) perfidious
4. implies a lack of complete faithfulness in thoughts or words or actions to a friend, cause, leader, or country: accused the hostage of being ~.
  d) faithless
5. implies readiness to betray trust or confidence: the victim of ~ allies.
  e) seasonable
6. stresses the fact of failing to be true in any manner or degree ranging from fickleness to cold treachery: betrayed by ~ friends.  (fickle多变善变: the group has been notoriously fickle in the past这伙人过去出了名的善变)  (treachery随时背叛: 随时准备背叛,本组倒数第二个)
  f) false
7. applies to any failure to keep a promise or pledge or to any breach or betrayal of obligation, allegiance, or loyalty: ~ allies refused to support the sanctions.   (pledge保证誓言: a serious promise严肃的诺言a pledge of support许诺支援)
  g) treacherous
ecbagfd Right:) group faithless mean untrue to someone or something that has a right to expect fidelity or allegiance.首字母FFDTTP重组成Ta Fan Fu De Pian Ta他反复地骗他<==不忠

1. implies subjection to strain or pressure and resulting tension, pain, worry, or grief: ~ed by the sight of suffering.
  a) distress
2. suggests a loss of tranquillity and implies a disturbing element that interferes with efficiency, convenience, comfort, health, or peace of mind: ~d by sleeplessness.
  b) trouble
3. applies to a bettering or exceeding of what has been done before: ~ herself this time.
  c) ail
4. implies that something unspecified has gone wrong and often suggests a will to find the cause with an eye to aid or correction: what ~s that naughty child?
  d) outdo
abdc Right:) group trouble mean to cause to be uneasy or upset.

1. is the term for reaching an exact result by simpler though often lengthy arithmatic processes: ~d the interest at a monthly rate.
  a) estimate
2. is usually preferred in reference to highly intricate and precise processes that produce a result not readily proven by physical confirmation: ~d when the comet would next appear.
  b) compute
3. implies a loss of power to proceed because of a sudden fear or anxiety or because one does not know how to deal with a situation: ~ed to find herself the center of attention.
  c) dismay
4. applies chiefly to the forecasting of costs or trends and suggests a seeking of usable but tentative and approximate results: the mechanic ~d the cost of repairs.
  d) calculate
5. usually suggests the simpler arithmatic processes or methods that can be carried out in one's head: ~ the number of yards of fabric needed.
  e) reckon
bdcae Right:) group calculate mean to determine something mathematically.CCRE想成ChangChang RE: 常常算,再次(RE)算<==人人提高计算能力

1. often suggests a disagreeable or annoying quality, for it stresses pertinacity more than courage or patience and is likely to imply self-willed opposition to advice, remonstrance, disapproval, or conscience: the infuriating teasing that ~ed despite all her attempts to stop it.
  a) persevere
2. implies an admirable determination and suggests both refusal to be discouraged, as by failure, doubts, or difficulties, and a steadfast pursuit of an end or undertaking: ~d doggedly in his efforts to get good grades.
  b) custom
3. applies to a practice or usage so steadily associated with an individual or group as to have almost force of an unwritten law: the ~ of mourners wearing black at funerals.
  c) persist
cab Right:) group persevere mean to continue in a course in the face of difficulty or opposition.

1. stresses cheerfulness and even joviality: the emcee must be a ~ extrovert. (emcee司仪主持,或说唱音乐者如MC天佑,jovial表示欢快友好,2017-11-14 欢乐merry-jolly)
  a) cordial
2. implies courtsy and kindly consideration: her ~ acceptance of the award.
  b) genial
3. implies easy approchability and readiness to respond pleasantly to conversations or requests or proposals: the dean of students was surprisingly ~. (students前无the,非特指)
  c) socialbe
4. applies to a trivial instance of bad luck: the usual ~s that are part of a family vacation.
  d) mishap
5. stresses warmth and heartiness: the ~ host greeted us at the door.
  e) affable
6. suggest a genuine liking and need for companionship of others and a readiness to engage in social intercourse: ~ people enjoying an ocean cruise. (抽象名词或动名词前也可以加a,如这里的liking, readiness)
  f) gracious
bfedac Right:) group gracious meaning unknown

1. commonly implies an international combination for controlling production and sale of one or more products: carried on delicate negotiations with the oil ~.
  a) syndicate
2. applies to a temporary effective monopoly of something sold on an exchange so that buyers are forced to pay the price asked: maintained his ~ on wheat for three days.
  b) trust
3. in financial circles, refers to a temporary association of individuals or firms to effect a particular piece of business; in more general terms it applies to a combination of things, such as newspapers, business firms, or criminals, interested in a common project or enterprise and often carries suggestions of monopoly: own a horse through the ~.
  c) monopoly
4. implies a conscious determination to subdue: the government ~ed all opposition newspapers.
  d) cartel
5. implies exclusive control of a public service or exclusive power to buy or sell a commodity in a particular market: our modern electric utilities are controlled and regulated ~ies.
  e) suppress
6. applies to a combining of interests and joint undertaking by apparently competing companies to regulate output and manipulate prices: refused to join the commodities ~.
  f) corner
7. historically applies to a merger of companies in which control is vested in trustees and stockholders exchange their stock for trust certificates in the new company, but it is often extended to any large or complex combination of business interests especially when felt to represent a threat to healthy competition: prosecuted for violation of ~ laws.
  g) pool
dfaecgb Right:) group monopoly mean a method of or system for controlling prices.

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