

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-06-02

jason246 发表于 2023-6-4 10:16:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-6-10 12:05:59 | 显示全部楼层
deluge of rain: 暴雨,deluge/ˈdeljuːdʒ/  暴雨,涌现的事物,重音在第1音节
sent the stock market soaring today: 使股市飞涨
got everyone out to safety: 使每个人安全撤离
tornado ripping across Western Texas: rip: rip through呼啸而过,造成灾害: if something such as a fire, storm, or bomb rips through a place, it damages or destroys the place very quickly.
to shatter records: 破记录
holy crap: 天哪
time to be taking shelter getting away from your windows: 现在应该躲避,不要靠近窗户
name storm: 命名的风暴
temperatures creeping into the mid 90s: 气温悄悄升高到90多度
these drain clearing efforts underway for ways: 几天来一直清理下水管道
to beef up flood prevention: 加强防洪准备
cars trudging through pools of water: 在水中艰难前行
touting the bipartisan agreement: 夸耀两党达成的协议
the unemployment rate ticking up to 3.7 percent still near historic lows: 失业率升到3.7%,接近历史低位
apartment building suddenly caved in公寓楼突然陷入坑中
dig him out挖出
the wall is vaulting out: (坟地的)墓穴; 拱顶; 穹隆
that leaves open the possibility that the document is still at large: 那样有可能文件还未找到(搜查到)
the complex said: 复合体;综合设施
the 66-year old millionaire who had hobnobbed with rich and famous and had his own private island: 66岁百万富翁,和富豪名流交往(厮混)甚密,有私人岛屿
Metropolitan Correctional Center: 大都会矫正中心
was placed on suicide watch with marks around his neck: 发现脖子有斑块后被监控以防止他自杀
gymnastics team doctor: 体操队医
to avoid jail time, the guards struck a deal with the prosecutors and admitted forsifying record: 为避免坐牢,狱警和检查官达成协议,承认伪造记录。
psych reconstruction: 精神重建
eroded his status in prison: 损害了他在监狱的地位
chilling 9-1-1 calls: 令人恐惧害怕的求救电话
the suspect still on the run: 嫌犯仍在逃
and a good Samaritan came to the rescue: 一个好心人救助了他。好撒玛利亚人(The good Samaritan)是引自基督教文化中一个著名成语和口头语,意为好心人、见义勇为者。
pulled the two-year-old out of the car and left him alone: 抱出两岁小孩把他放一边
I didnt see any parents around and so I thought I better stop and check on them: 我没见到身边有父母,所以停下来看看怎么回事
check this out, the bus engulfed in flames: 看这个,校车陷入一片火海(flame有火舌的火焰)
the driver who is eight month pregnant rushed to get the kids out as soon as she started to smell smoke, and she was back on the job the very next day: 司机是怀有8月身孕的孕妇,她一闻到烟味,就冲过去救出孩子们; 就在第二天,她又回到了工作岗位
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