

【同义词辨析】 2021-03-29 名词概述(建议打印)

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:26:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
abomination: mean a person or thing that arouses intense dislike.
abridgement: mean a condensed treatment.
acquirement: mean a power or skill won through exertion or effort.
acrimony: mean temper or language marker by irritation, anger, or resentment.
adherence: mean a sticking to or together.
admittance: mean permitted entrance.
adultery: mean illicit sexual intercourse.
affair: mean in general terms something done or dealt with.
air: mean the invisible mixture of gases which surrounds the earth.
alliance: mean an association to further the common interests of its members.
ambiguity: mean an expression capable of more than one interpretation.
amour: mean an instance of illicit sexual relationship.
anger: mean emotional excitement induced by intense displeasure.
anodyne-1: mean something used to relieve or prevent pain.
anodyne-2: mean something used to dull or deaden the senses or sensibilities.
aperture: mean an opening that allows passage through or in and out.
apology: mean matter offered in explanation or defense.
arrival: mean the reaching of a destination.
art: mean the faculty of executing expertly what one has planned or devised.
athletics: mean physical activities engaged in for exercise or play.
atmosphere: mean an intangible quality that gives something an individual and distinctly recognizable character.
attraction: mean the relationship existing between things or persons that are naturally or involuntarily drawn together.
average: mean something that represents a middle point between extremes.
background: mean the place, time, and circumstances in which something occurs.
base-1: mean something on which another thing is built up and by which it is supported.
bearing: mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude.
belief: mean an assent to the truth of something offered for acceptance.
blaze: mean a brightly burning light or fire or something suggesting this.
blemish: mean an imperfection that mars or damages.
boat: mean a floating structure designed to carry persons or goods over water.
bombast: mean speech or writing characterized by high-flown pomposity or pretentiousness.
border: mean a line or outer part that marks the limit of something.
bulk: mean the aggregate that forms a body or unit.
business: mean activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities.
caricature: mean a comic or grotesque imitation.
cause: mean something that produces an effect or result.
celerity: mean quickness in movement or action.
certainty: mean a state of being free from doubt.
chance: mean something that happens without an apparent cause or as a result of unpredictable forces.
cloister: mean a place of retirement from the world for members of a religious community.
color: mean a property of a visible thing that is recognizable in the light and is distinguished from other properties, such as shape, size, and texture.
commotion: mean great physical, mental, or emotional excitement.
compendium: mean a brief treatment of a subject or topic.
confidence: mean a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment.
deception: mean the acts or practices of or the means used by one who deliberately deceives.
delusion: mean something believed to be or accepted as true or real that is actually false or unreal.
dialect: mean a form of language that is not recognized as standard.
difficulty: mean something obstructing one's course and demanding effort and endurance if one's end is to be attained.
din: mean a disturbing or confusing welter of sounds or a situation marked by such a welter.
disaster: mean an event or situation that is or is regarded as a terrible misfortune.
disgrace: mean the loss of esteem and good repute and the enduring of reproach and contempt.
disposition: mean the dominant quality or qualities distinguishing a person or group.
distress: mean the state of being in great trouble or in pain of body or mind.
doctrine:  mean a principle accepted as valid and authoritative.
ecstasy: mean intense exaltation of mind and feelings.
effect: mean a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause.
element: mean one of the parts, substances, or principles of a compound or complex whole.
encomium: mean a formal expression of praise.
end: mean the point or line beyond which something does not or cannot go.
enmity: mean deep-seated dislike or ill-will or a manifestation of such a feeling.
exaggeration: mean an overstepping of the bounds of truth, especially in describing the extent, size, kind, or amount of something.
face: mean the front part of the head from forehead to chin.
fashion: mean the usage, as in dressing, decorating, or living, that is accepted by those who want to be up-to-date.
fate: mean a predetermined state or end.
fault: mean an imperfection or weakness of character.
feat: mean a remarkable deed.
fetish: mean an object believed to have the power to avert evil or attract good.
form: mean outward appearance.
fragrance: mean a sweet or pleasant odor.
freedom: mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion.
function: mean the acts or operations expected of a person or thing.
group: mean a collection or assemblage of separate units.
habit: mean a way of acting that has become fixed through repetition.
harmony: mean the state resulting when different things come together without clashing or disagreement.
haste: mean quickness in movement or action.
haze: mean an atmospheric condition that deprives the air of its transparency.
height: mean vertical distance either between the top and bottom of something or between a base and something above it.
heritage: mean something which one receives or is entitled to receive by succession, as from a parent or predecessor.
history: mean a written record of events.
hypothesis: mean a formulation of a general or abstract principle that is derived from observed data and that explains that data.
idea: mean what exists in the mind as a representation or as a formulation.
implement: mean a relatively simple device for performing work.
importance: mean a quality or aspect that is felt to be of great worth, value, or influence.
influence: mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others.
injustice: mean an act that inflicts undeserved damage, loss, or hardship on a person.
instance: mean something that exhibits the distinguishing characteristics of the category to which it belongs.
item: mean one of the distinct parts of a whole.
joint: mean the place where or the mechanism by which two things are united.
junction: mean an act, state, or place of meeting or uniting.
juncture: mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs.
justice: mean the art, practice, or obligation of rendering to another what is his, her, or its due.
knowledge: mean what is or can be known by an individual or by mankind.
law: mean a principle governing action or procedure.
leaning: mean a strong instinct or liking for something.
likeness: mean agreement or correspondence in details.
liquid: mean composed of particles that move easily and flowingly and change their relative position without perceptible break in continuity.
massacre: mean a great and usually wanton killing of human beings.
mean-2: mean something or someone necessary or useful in effecting an end.
meaning: mean an idea which is conveyed to the mind.
melody: mean a clearly distinguishable succession of rhythmically ordered tones.
method: mean the means or procedure followed in achieving an end.
misfortune: mean adverse fortune or an instance of this.
mixture: mean a product formed by the combination of two or more things.
model: mean someone or something set or held before one for guidance or imitation.
mood: mean a state of mind in which an emotion or set of emotions gains ascendancy.
motive: mean a stimulus to action.
mystery: mean something which baffles or perplexes.
myth: mean a traditional story of ostensibly historical content whose origin has been lost or forgotten.
need: mean a pressing lack of something essential.
occurrence: mean something that happens or takes place.
offense-2: mean a transgression of law or custom.
origin: mean the point at which something begins its course or existence.
outline: mean the line that bounds and gives form to something.
parallel: mean one that corresponds to or closely resembles another.
part: mean something less than the whole to which it belongs.
particle: mean a very small or insignificant piece or part.
pathos: mean a quality that moves one to pity or sorrow.
perimeter: mean a continuous line enclosing an area.
period: mean a portion or division of time.
phase: mean one of the possible ways of viewing or being presented to view.
phrase: mean a group of words which together express a notion and which may be used as part of a sentence.
place: mean the point or portion of space occupied by or chosen for a thing.
poison: mean material that when present in or introduced into a living organism produces a deadly or injurious effect.
pose: mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving.
position-2: mean employment for wages or salary.
power-2: mean the ability of a living being to perform in a given way.
power-3: mean the right to govern or rule or determine.
precision: mean the quality or state of being precise.
predicament: mean a situation from which escape is difficult.
predilection: mean an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something or take a stand without full consideration or knowledge.
price: mean what is given or asked in exchange for something.
priority: mean the act, the fact, or the right of being in front or going ahead of another.
quality-1: mean an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified or understood.
quality-2: mean distinctive merit or superiority.
range: mean the extent that lies within the powers of something to cover or control.
ration: mean the amount of food, supplies, or money allotted to an individual.
readiness: mean the power of doing something without evidence of effort.
receipt: mean a formula or set of directions for the compounding of ingredients especially in cookery and medicine.
requirement: mean something regarded as necessary for success or perfection.
rhythm: mean the more or less regular rise and fall in intensity of sounds that is associated especially with poetry and music.
servitude: mean the state of being subject to a master.
set-1: mean a more or less closed and exclusive group of persons.
shelter: mean the state or a place in which one is safe or secure from what threatens or disturbs.
shoot: mean one of the members of a plant that are outgrowths from a crown or from a main base or one of its divisions.
sign-1: mean a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible.
sign-2: mean something, such as a gesture or action, by which a command or wish is expressed or a thought made known.
smell: mean the quality that makes a thing perceptible to the olfactory sense.
solitude: mean the state of one who is alone.
sorrow: mean distress of mind.
soul: mean an immaterial entity distinguishable from the body.
sound: mean a sensation or effect resulting from stimulation of the auditory receptors.
spoil: mean something taken from another by force or craft.
standard: mean a means of determining what a thing should be.
state: mean the way in which one manifests existence or the circumstances under which one exists or by which one is given a definite character.
stigma: mean a mark of shame or discredit.
story: mean a recital of happenings that is less elaborate than a novel.
strategy: mean an aspect of military science.
structure: mean the parts of or the arrangement of parts in a whole.
sum: mean all that is present in a group or mass.
summit: mean the highest point attained or attainable.
supremacy: mean the position of being first, as in rank, power, or influence.
symbol: mean a perceptible thing that stands for something unseen or intangible.
symmetry: mean a quality in design that gives aesthetic pleasure and which depends on the proper relating of parts to each other and to the effect of the whole.
task: mean a piece of work to be done.
taste-1: mean the property of a substance which makes it perceptible to the gustatory sense.
taste-2: mean a liking for or enjoyment of something because of the pleasure it gives.
tedium: mean a state of dissatisfaction and weariness.
tendency: mean movement in a particular direction or with a particular character.
thing: mean something considered as having actual, distinct, and demonstrable existence.
trace: mean a perceptible sign made by something that has passed.
truth: mean the quality of keeping close to fact or reality and avoiding distortion or misrepresentation.
tumor: mean an abnormal growth or mass of tissue.
type: mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.
unbelief: mean the attitude or state of mind of one who does not believe.
unconstraint: mean a free and uninhibited expression of thoughts or feelings or a mood or style marked by this.
unity: mean a combining of parts or elements or individuals into an effective whole or the quality of a whole made up of closely associated parts.
use-1: mean a capacity for serving an end or purpose.
victory: mean a successful outcome in a contest or struggle.
wage: mean the price paid for services or labor.


    为了便于学习记忆, 将同义词分为四部分: 动词, 形容词, 名词, 与人相关的词, 这是第三部分。


                                                        2021.3.29    Xi'an


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