

【同义词辨析】 2021-03-13 动词概述(建议打印)

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:26:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
abandon: mean to give up completely.
abase: mean to lessen in dignity or status.
abate: mean to die down in force or intensity.
abdicate: mean to give up formally or definitely.
abjure: mean to withdraw one's word or professed belief.
abolish: mean to make nonexistent.
absorb: mean to take something in so as to become imbued with it.
abuse: mean vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval.
accompany: mean to go along with.
accuse: mean to declare a person guilty of a fault or offense.
acknowledge: mean to disclose against one's will or inclination.
adapt: mean to bring one thing into correspondence with another.
adjourn: mean to terminate the activities of (as a legislature or meeting)
adopt: mean to take a opinion, policy, or practice as one's own.
adorn: mean to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential.
advance: mean to help (someone or something) to move ahead.
advice: mean a recommendation as to a decision or a course of conduct.
affect: mean to produce or have an effect upon.
afflict: mean to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear.
agree-1: mean to come into or be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion.
agree-2: mean to go or exist together without conflict or incongruity.
allot: mean to give as a share, portion, role, or lot.
amuse: mean to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly.
analyze: mean to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements.
annoy: mean to upset a person's composure.
answer: mean to say, write, or do something in return.
appreciate: mean to hold in high estimation.
apprehension: mean a feeling that something undesirable will or is about to happen.
appropriate: mean to seize high-handedly.
approve: mean to have or express a favorable opinion of or about someone or something.
ascend: mean to move upward or toward a summit.
ascribe: mean to lay something to the account of a person or thing.
ask-1: mean to address a person in order to acquire information.
ask-2: mean to seek to obtain by making one's wants known.
assent: mean to concur with what has been proposed.
assert: mean to state positively usually in anticipation or in the face of denial or objection.
assume: mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance.
attack-1: mean an attempt to injure, destroy, or defame.
attack-2: mean action in a struggle for supremacy, either military or athletic, which must be defended against.
attack-3: mean to make a more or less violent onset upon.
attempt: mean to make an effort to accomplish an end.
attract: mean to draw another by exerting an irresistible or powerful influence.
avenge: mean to punish a person who has wronged oneself or another.
bait: mean to harass persistently or annoyingly by efforts to break down.
banish: mean to remove by authority or force from a state or country.
battle: mean a meeting, often military, between opposing forces.
bear: mean to put up with something trying or painful.
beg: mean to ask or request urgently.
begin: mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.
behave: mean to act or to cause or allow oneself to do something in a certain way.
boast: mean to express in speech pride in oneself or one's accomplishments.
breach: mean the breaking of a law, duty or obligation.
calculate: mean to determine something mathematically.
care: mean a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this.
caress: mean to show affection by touching or handling.
carry: mean to move something from one place to another.
catch: mean to come to possess or control by or as if by seizing.
certify: meant to testify to the truth or genuineness of something.
change: mean to make or become different.
cheat: mean to get something by dishonesty or deception.
choice-1: mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen.
cite: mean to bring forward as in explanation, proof, or illustrations.
close-1: mean to bring or come to a stopping point or limit.
coax: mean to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering.
comfort: mean to give or offer help in relieving suffering or sorrow.
command: mean to issue orders.
commit: mean to assign to a person or place especially for safekeeping.
compare: mean to set side by side in order to show likenesses or differences.
compensate: mean to make up for what is excessive or deficient, helpful or harmful in another.
compete: mean to strive to gain the mastery or the upper hand.
conduce: mean to lead to an end.
conduct: mean to use one's powers to lead, guide, or dominate.
confer: mean to engage in discussion in order to reach a decision or settlement.
confirm: mean to attest to the truth or validity of something.
congratulate: mean to express pleasure in the joy, success, or prospects of another.
conjecture: mean to draw an inference from slight evidence.
conquer: mean to get the better of by force or strategy.
consider: mean to think about in order to increase one's knowledge or to arrive at a judgment or decision.
contain: mean to have or be capable of having within.
contaminate: mean to make impure or unclean.
continue: mean to exist over a period of time or indefinitely.
contract: mean to decrease in bulk or volume.
contrive: mean to find a way of making or doing something or of achieving an end by the exercise of one's mind.
copy: mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing.
correct-1: mean to make right what is wrong.
creep: mean to move along a surface in a prone or crouching posture.
criticize: mean to find fault with openly.
crush: mean to bring to an end by destroying or defeating.
cure: mean to rectify an unhealthy or undesirable condition.
curve: mean to swerve or cause to swerve from a straight line or course.
debase: mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character.
decay: mean to undergo destructive dissolution.
deceive: mean to lead astray or to frustrate by underhandedness.
decide: mean to come or cause to come to a conclusion.
declare: mean to make known publicly.
decline: mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering.
decrease: mean to grow or make less.
decry: mean to express a low opinion of something.
deface: mean to mar the appearance of.
defend: mean to keep secure from danger or against attack.
defer: mean to delay an action or proceeding.
deform: mean to mar or spoil by or as if by twisting.
delay-1: mean to cause to be late or behind in movement or progress.
delay-2: mean to move or act slowly so as to fall behind.
demand: mean to ask or call for something as due or as necessary or as strongly desired.
deny: mean to refuse to accept as true or valid.
deplete: mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency.
deplore: mean to express grief or sorrow for something.
desire: mean to have a longing for something.
deterioration: mean a falling from a higher to a lower level in quality, character, or vitality.
devote: mean to set apart for a particular and often higher end.
dictate: mean to issue something to be followed, observed, obeyed, or accepted.
discard: mean to get rid of as of no further use, value, or service.
disclaim: mean to refuse to admit, accept, or approve.
discompose: mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action.
discord: mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.
discover: mean to find out something not previously known to one.
discuss: mean to discourse about something in order to reach conclusions or to convince others of the validity of one's position.
disguise: mean to alter the dress or appearance so as to conceal the identity, intention, or true feeling.
dismay: mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion.
disprove: mean to show or try to show by presenting evidence that something is not true.
distribute: mean to give out, usually in shares, to each member of a group.
dupe: mean to deceive by underhanded means for one's own ends.
educe: mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved.
effort: mean the active use of energy in producing a result.
eject: mean to drive or force out.
embarrass: mean to distress by confusing or confounding.
enable: mean to make one able to do something.
encourage: mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose.
ensure: mean to make a thing or person sure.
enter: mean to make way into something.
erase: mean to strike out or remove something so that it no longer has any effect or existence.
error: mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper.
escape: mean to get away or keep away from something.
estimate: mean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance.
estrange: mean to cause one to break a bond of affection or loyalty.
exceed: mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree.
exclude: mean to shut or put out.
exculpate: mean to free from a charge or a burden.
excuse: mean to exact neither punishment nor redress.
execrate: mean to denounce violently and indignantly.
execute: mean to carry out the declared intent of another.
expand: mean to increase in size or volume.
expect: mean to anticipate in the mind some occurrence or outcome.
explain: mean to make something clear or understandable.
express: mean to let out or make known what one thinks or feels.
extend: mean to draw out or add to so as to increase in length.
exterminate: mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something.
extricate: mean to free from what binds or holds back.
fasten: mean to make something stay firmly in place.
fear: mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger.
feeling: mean a subjective reaction or response to a person, thing, or situation.
fit-2: mean a sudden seizure or spell resulting from an abnormal condition of body or mind.
flash: mean to send forth light.
follow-1: mean to come after something or someone.
follow-2: mean to go after or on the track of someone or something.
forbid: mean to debar one from using or doing something or to order that something not be used or done.
force: mean to make someone or something yield.
foresee: mean to know or prophesy beforehand.
foretell: mean to tell beforehand.
free-2: mean to set loose from restraint or constraint.
frown: mean to put on a dark or threatening countenance or appearance.
frustrate: mean to check or defeat another's desire, plan, or goal.
fun: mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter.
furnish: mean to supply one with what is needed.
gather: mean to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit.
gaze: mean to look attentively.
get: mean to come into possession of.
give: mean to convey to another.
go: mean to move out of or away from the place where one is.
govern: mean to exercise power or authority in controlling others.
grant: mean to give as a favor or a right.
grieve: mean to feel or express sorrow or grief.
guide: mean to direct in a course or show the way to be followed.
hamper: mean to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting.
handle: mean to manage dexterously or efficiently.
happen: mean to come about.
harbor: mean to provide a place, such as one's home, quarters, or confines, where someone or something may stay or be kept for a time.
hate: mean to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for.
have: mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one's own.
help: mean to supply what is needed to accomplish an end.
hesitate: mean to show irresolution or uncertainty.
hide: mean to withhold or withdraw from sight or observation.
hinder: mean to interfere with the activity or progress of.
hire: mean to engage or grant for use at a price.
hold: mean the power of getting or keeping in possession or control.
implant: mean to introduce into the mind.
imposture: mean a thing which pretends to be one thing in nature, character, or quality but is really another.
improve: mean to make more acceptable or bring nearer some standard.
incite: mean to spur to action or to excite into activity.
incline: mean to influence one to have or take an attitude toward something.
include: mean to contain within as a part or portion of the whole.
increase: mean to make or become greater or more numerous.
incur: mean to bring something, usually unwanted, upon oneself.
induce: mean to move one to act or decide in a certain way.
indulge: mean to show undue favor or attention to a person's desires or feelings.
infer: mean to arrive at a mental conclusion.
inform: mean to make one aware of something.
infuse: mean to introduce one thing into another so as to affect it throughout.
injure: mean to affect someone or something so as to rob it of soundness or strength or to reduce its value, usefulness, or effectiveness.
intensify: mean to increase markedly in measure or degree.
intention: mean what one intends to accomplish or attain.
interpose: mean to come or go between.
intimidate: mean to frighten into submission.
introduce: mean to put between or among others.
intrude: mean to thrust oneself or something in without invitation or authorization.
invite: mean to request or encourage someone or something to respond or to act.
irritate: mean to excite a feeling of angry annoyance.
jerk: mean to make a sudden sharp quick movement.
jest: mean something said or done for the purpose of evoking laughter.
join: mean to bring or come together into some manner of union.
justify: mean to be what constitutes sufficient grounds for doing, using, saying or preferring something.
keep-1: mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.
keep-2: mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control.
kill: mean to deprive of life.
know: mean to hold something in one's mind as true or as being what it purports to be.
lack: mean to be without something essential or greatly desired.
lapse: mean to fall back from a higher or better state or condition into a lower or poorer one.
let: mean not to forbid or prevent.
lie: mean to tell an untruth.
lift: mean to move from a lower to a higher place or position.
light: mean to start something to burn.
limit: mean to set bounds for.
line: mean to arrange in a line or lines.
long: mean to have a strong desire for something.
lure: mean to draw one from a usual, desirable, or proper course or situation into one considered unusual, undesirable, or wrong.
lurk: mean to behave furtively so as to escape attention.
maim: mean to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage.
maintain: mean to uphold as true, right, just, or reasonable.
make: mean to cause to come into being.
malign: mean to injure by speaking ill of.
match: mean to come up to or nearly up to the standard of someone else.
mature-2: mean to come or cause to come to be fit for use or enjoyment.
meddle: mean to concern oneself with someone or something officiously, impertinently, or indiscreetly.
memory: mean the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered.
mend: mean to put into good order something that is injured, damaged, or defective.
mention: mean to make clear or specific by referring to something explicitly.
misplace: mean to put in a wrong place so as to be as unavailable as lost.
misrepresent: mean to present or represent in a manner contrary to the truth.
mistake: mean to mix things up or take one thing to be another.
mix: mean to combine or to be combined into a more or less uniform whole.
moderate-2: mean to modify so as to avoid an extreme or to keep within bounds.
monopolize: mean to take up completely.
monopoly: mean a method of or system for controlling prices.
move: mean to set or keep in motion.
neglect: mean to pass over without giving due attention.
nullify: mean to deprive of effective or continued existence.
obey: mean to follow the direction of another.
object: mean to oppose by arguing against.
oblige: mean to do a service or courtesy.
offend: mean to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment.
offense-1: mean an emotional response to a slight or indignity.
offer: mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance.
opinion: mean a judgment one holds to be true.
oppose: mean to set oneself against someone or something.
order: mean to put persons or things into their proper places in relation to each other.
oversight: mean a careful watching.
pacify: mean to ease or quiet the anger or disturbance of someone or something.
pardon: mean a lifting of penalty or punishment.
pause: mean a temporary cessation.
pay: mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something.
penalize: mean to punish by depriving of something.
penitence: mean regret for sin or wrongdoing.
perform: mean to carry out or into effect.
perjure: mean to violate one's oath or make a false swearer of oneself.
permission: mean sanction granted by one in authority to act or to do something.
persevere: mean to continue in a course in the face of difficulty or opposition.
plan: mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end.
plot: mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end.
plunge: mean to throw oneself or to throw or thrust something forward and downward into or as if into deep water.
ponder: mean to consider or examine attentively or deliberately.
position-1: mean a point of view or way of regarding something.
pour: mean to send forth or come forth copiously.
practice: mean to perform or make perform repeatedly.
prepare: mean to make someone or something ready.
prescribe: mean to fix arbitrarily or authoritatively.
presuppose: mean to take something for granted as the basis for action or reasoning.
prevent-1: mean to deal with beforehand.
prevent-2: mean to stop something from coming or occurring.
pride-2: mean to congratulate oneself because of something one is, has, or has done or achieved.
process: mean the series of such things as actions, operations, or motions involved in the accomplishment of an end.
projection: mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface.
propose: mean to set before the mind for consideration.
prospect: mean an advance realization of something to come.
provide: mean to give or get what is desired by or needed for something.
provoke: mean to rouse someone or something into being, doing, or feeling.
pull: mean to cause to move in the direction determined by an applied force.
punish: mean to inflict a penalty on in requital for wrongdoing.
push: mean to cause to move ahead or aside by the application of force.
puzzle: mean to baffle and disturb mentally.
quarrel: mean an angry dispute.
quicken: mean to make alive or lively.
quote: mean to speak or write again something already said or written by another.
ravage: mean to lay waste by plundering or destroying.
reach: mean to arrive at a point or end by effort or work.
reap: mean to do the work or a particular part of the work of collecting ripened crops.
reason: mean the power of the intellect by which human beings attain truth or knowledge.
rebellion: mean an armed outbreak against powers in authority.
recede: mean to move backward.
receive: mean to permit to come into one's possession, presence, group, mind, or substance.
reciprocate: mean to give back usually in kind or in quantity.
recognition: mean a form of cognition that relates a perception of something new to knowledge already acquired.
recoil: mean to draw back in fear or distaste.
reel: mean to move or seem to move uncertainly and irregularly or with such loss of control as occurs in extreme weakness or in intoxication.
refer: mean to call or direct attention to something.
refrain: mean to keep oneself voluntarily from doing or indulging in something.
regard: mean to recognize the worth of a person or thing.
relieve: mean to make something less grievous or more tolerable.
relinquish: mean to give up completely.
rely: mean to have or place full confidence.
remark: mean to make observations or pass judgment.
remember: mean to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind.
renew: mean to make like new.
renunciation: mean voluntary surrender or forgoing of something desired or desirable.
repeat: mean to say or do again.
replace: mean to put someone or something out of a usual or proper place or into the place of another.
report: mean common talk or an instance of it that spreads rapidly.
reproduction: mean something that closely resembles a thing previously made, produced, or written.
reprove: mean to criticize adversely.
rescue: mean to set free from confinement, risk or danger.
reside: mean to have as one's habitation or domicile.
resort: mean to have recourse to something when in need of help or relief.
resource: mean something one turns to in the absence of the usual means or source of supply.
restore: mean to regain or cause to regain signs of life and vigor.
restrain: mean to hold back from or control in doing something.
return: mean to go or come back.
reveal: mean to make known what has been or should be concealed
revere: mean to regard with profound respect and honor.
reverence: mean the emotion inspired by something that arouses one's deep respect or veneration.
reverse: mean to change to the opposite position.
revoke: mean to undo something previously done.
ridicule: mean to make an object of laughter of.
rise: mean to move or come up from a lower to a higher level.
rival: mean to strive to equal or surpass.
rotate: mean to succeed or cause to succeed each other in turn.
ruin-1: mean the bringing about of or the results of disaster.
ruin-2: mean to subject to forces that are destructive of soundness, worth, or usefulness.
satiate: mean to fill completely or to excess.
satisfy-1: mean to appease one's desires or longings.
satisfy-2: mean to measure up to a set of criteria or requirements.
saunter: mean to walk slowly and more or less aimlessly.
save: mean to keep secure from injury, decay, or loss.
say: mean to put into words.
scatter: mean to cause to separate or break up.
scoff: mean to show one's contempt through derision or mockery.
scold: mean to reproach angrily and abusively.
scrutinize: mean to look at or over carefully and usually critically.
see-1: mean to take cognizance of something by physical or sometimes mental vision.
see-2: mean to perceive something by use of the eyes.
seem: mean to give the impression of being as stated without necessarily being so in fact.
separate: mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed.
set-2: mean to put securely in position.
shake-1: mean to exhibit vibrating, wavering, or oscillating movement often as an evidence of instability.
shake-2: mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence.
share: mean to have, get, or use in common with another or others.
shorten: mean to reduce in extent.
show-1: mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent.
show-2: mean to present in such a way as to invite notice or attention.
slant: mean to diverge or to cause to diverge from the vertical or horizontal.
soak: mean to permeate or be permeated with a liquid.
speak: mean to articulate words so as to express one's thoughts.
spend: mean to pay out for something received or expected.
spring: mean to come up or out of something into existence.
stammer: mean to speak stumblingly.
stay: mean to continue to be in one place for a noticeable time.
steal: mean to take from another without that person's knowledge or permission.
stick: mean to become closely attached.
stir-1: mean signs of excitement or hurry accompanying an act, action, or event.
stir-2: mean to shift from acquiescence or torpor into activity or action.
stoop: mean to descend from one's level of rank or dignity to do something.
stop: mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity.
strain: mean an injury to a part of the body through overstretching.
stress: mean the action or effect of force exerted upon or within a thing.
strike: mean to come or bring into contact with a sharp blow.
strut: mean to assume an air of dignity or importance.
succeed: mean to attain or be attaining a desired end.
suffocate: mean to interrupt the normal course of breathing.
suggest: mean to convey an idea indirectly.
summon: mean to demand the presence of.
support: mean to favor actively someone or something that meets opposition.
suppress: mean to hold back more or less forcefully one that seeks an outlet.
surprise-1: mean to attack unawares.
surprise-2: mean to impress forcibly through unexpectedness.
surrender: mean the yielding up of one's person, forces, or possessions to another person or power.
swerve: mean to turn aside from a straight course.
swing-1: mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down.
swing-2: mean to move to and fro, up and down, or back and forth.
take: mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand.
tap: mean to strike or hit audibly.
teach: mean to cause to acquire knowledge or skill.
tear: mean to separate forcibly.
teem: mean to be plentifully supplied with or rich in.
tend: mean to take charge of or look after someone or something.
theft: mean the act or crime of stealing.
think-1: mean to form an idea of something.
think-2: mean to use one's powers of conception, judgment, or inference.
threaten: mean to announce or forecast impending danger or evil.
thrill: mean to fill with emotions that stir or excite.
throw: mean to cause to move swiftly through space by a propulsive movement or propelling force.
tie: mean to make fast or secure.
tire: mean to make or become unable or unwilling to continue.
touch: mean to get or produce or affect with a sensation by or as if by bodily contact.
transform: mean to change a thing into a different thing or form.
transport: mean to carry away by strong and usually pleasurable emotion.
treat: mean to have to do with in a specified manner.
trespass: mean to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another.
trick: mean an indirect means to gain an end.
trifle: mean to deal with or act toward someone or something without serious purpose.
trouble: mean to cause to be uneasy or upset.
uncertainty: mean lack of sureness about someone or something.
understand: mean to have a clear or complete idea of.
unnerve: mean to deprive of strength or vigor and the capacity for effective action.
use-2: mean to put into service especially to attain an end or to give a practical value.
visit: mean a coming to stay with another temporarily and usually briefly.
vitalize: mean to arouse to activity, animation, or life.
wallow: mean to move heavily or clumsily because or as if impeded or out of control.
wander: mean to move about more or less aimlessly from place to place.
warn: mean to let one know of approaching or possible danger or risk.
waste: mean to spend or expend futilely or without gaining a proper or reasonable or normal return.
weaken: mean to lose strength, energy, or vigor.
whiten: mean to change from an original or natural color to white or nearly white.
wither: mean to lose or cause to lose freshness and smoothness of appearance.
work-1: mean activity involving effort or exertion.
work-2: mean a specific sustained activity engaged especially in earning one's living.
worry: mean to torment to the point of destroying one's peace of mind or to disturb or irritate acutely by persistent acts.
wrong: mean to injure unjustly or outrageously.
yield: mean to give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist.





                                                        2021.3.13    Xi'an


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