unity: implies oneness especially of what is varied and diverse in its elements or parts: a multiplicity of styles effectively combined into a ~ of architectural design. 来自拉丁词根UNI表示one,如单元unit 如本例,多种建筑风格有效结为一体 varied不同,来自vary有变化 diverse不同且对比明显
solidarity: implies a unity in a group or class that enables it to manifest its strength and exert its influence as one: an ethnic minority with a strong sense of ~.
integrity: implies unity that indicates exactitude of association and interdependence of the parts and completeness and perfection of the whole: a farcical scene that destroys the play's ~. association联系结合,就是"在一起",未译出 interdependence互相依存,该含义不明显,未译出
union: implies a thorough integration and harmonious cooperation of the parts or the body or organization that results from such a uniting: the ~ of thirteen diverse colonies to form one nation. unite表示比combine更紧密彻底的团结implies greater loss of identity than combine,如13 colonies united into a republic13个殖民地团结成一个共和国,如united we stand团结起来就能胜利,如US/UN合众/联合国
unity一体: 指多个事物结为一体,solidarity团结: 指一个群体或阶级作为整体展示力量、施加影响,integrity完整: 指准确完整完善,union团结结合: 指彻底一体化,协调配合
记忆方法: 1)首字母USIU想成U你 + I我 = US我们<==一体
2)一体的意思是结为一体mean a combining of parts or elements or individuals into an effective whole or the quality of a whole made up of closely associated parts. (combine结合混合implies a merging or mingling that obscures identity of each unit结合混合后,原有身份界限变得不明显,如combine the ingredients for a cake混合各原料,如how to combine freedom with responsibility如何把自由与责任结合起来,如a combination of talent, hard work and good looks have taken her to the top兼具天赋勤奋和美貌使她出人头地)