implement: may apply to anything necessary to perform a task: lawn and gardening ~s. agricultural implements农具,如本例草坪工具,园艺工具
tool: suggest an implement adapted to facilitate a definite kind or stage of work and suggests the need of skill: a carpenter's ~s. skill技术stresses technical knowledge and proficiency专业知识加熟练使用的能力,如the skill required of a surgeon外科医生的技术 谚语a good workman is known by his tools,类似于我们说的工欲善其事,必先利其器,可见工具的极端重要性;但还有另一个谚语a bad workman always blames his tools拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝),可见skill技术同样极端重要。做任何事时,工具和技术缺一不可,同样极端重要equally extremely important,学习同义词也是如此,记忆方法一(首字母联想法)是最重要有效的工具 facilitate来自facile简单,即方便便与
instrument: suggests a tool or device capable of performing delicate or precise work or one precisely adapted to the end it serves: the surgeon's ~s. delicate有2个意思 1.脆弱易损=fragile 2. 需要技巧小心灵敏,即巧妙精微showing or needing skill, care or sensitivity TI是德州仪器Texas Instruments的缩写,如精密仪器(器具)precision instruments,都用的这个词
appliance: refers to a tool or instrument utilizing a power source and often adapted to a special purpose: modern ~s that take the drudgery out of housework. utilize使用利用
utensil: applies to a device, tool, or vessel, usually with a particular function, used in domestic work or some routine unskilled activity: knives, graters, and other kitchen ~s. vessel器皿 graters食物磨碎器
implement器具、工具: 泛指做某事需要的器具,tool工具: 指方便工作的器具,使用时需要技术,instrument精密器具: 指工作需要精确灵敏的工具,appliance电器: 一般指家用电器,需使用电,utensil家庭用具: 用于简单日常家务,多指厨具
记忆方法: 1)首字母ITIAU想成tuiai忒爱(忒是河北方言,相当于"特")<==工具 "器"是会意字,说文: "众器之口,犬所以守之"。四"口"表示众器物的口,或表示狗在大叫,即"犬"守护着,以防丢失。本义就是"器具"。段玉裁说"器乃凡器统称”是对的。不同质地、不同用途的器具都可称为"器",如木器金器陶器食器酒器电器兵器器械等。器的本义延用至今,古今写法也变化不大。另外,引申为1、生物体具有独立生理机能的部分,如器官消化器脏器 2、度量、才华,如器宇器量成器大器晚成器欲难量,器重。 "具"表示把货物放在一起,"具,共置也。从廾、从贝省。古以贝为货",本义是器物,如器具家具工具用具,引申为 1、"有",如具有具备别具一格具体 2、"准备"如具名出具故人具鸡黍具膳餐饭
2) 练习一下
3)工具的意思是简单装置(器具)mean a relatively simple device for performing work.首字母ITIAU想成tuiai忒爱(忒是河北方言,相当于"特")<==工具 (device装置、器具,特别是机械电子装置,可大可小,小到移动电话,大到一坐雷达an object that has been invented for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electronic contrivance,如a measuring device测量装置,如mobile device移动设备(装备),safety device安全装置)