

【同义词辨析】 2017-04-04 勇敢brave-dauntless

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:02:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
brave: indicates lack of fear in alarming or difficult circumstances: a ~ kitten hissing at the much bigger dog.        alarm惊恐、警报is the fear and anxiety that someone feels when something dangerous or unpleasant might happen表示危险将要发生时,人们感觉到的畏惧焦虑,如'what have you done?' Ellie cried in alarm你都干了些什么?埃利惊恐地喊道,还表示警报如a burglar/fire/smoke alarm防盗 /防火/烟火警报器

courageous: implies temperamental stoutheartedness and readiness to meet dangers and difficulties: ~ stance before the unruly crowd.

unafraid: indicates simple lack of fright or fear: face the future ~.

fearless: may indicate lack of fear or, more positively, undismayed resolution: took a ~ stance against powerful opponents.        不屈不挠的决心

intrepid: suggests daring in meeting danger or fortitude in enduring it: ~ pioneers struggling westward.

valiant: implies resolute courage and fortitude whether in facing danger or attaining some end: her ~ efforts to perfect her technique.

valorous: suggests illustrious accomplishments: the ~ deeds of King Arthur’s knights.            illustrious卓越光辉stresses enduring and merited honor and glory attached to a deed or person强调难以磨灭的荣耀光荣,如the illustrious deeds of national heroes民族英雄的光辉业绩)

dauntless: emphasizes determination, resolution and fearlessness: held their ~ position to the end.           (drf三个词都表决心)

brave: 泛指不害怕, courageous性格上的勇敢(temperament气质, 指出身或培养形成的性格),unafraid: 表示单纯的不害怕,fearless: 不害怕并且有不屈不挠的决心,intrepid: 勇敢面对危险坚忍毅力,valiant: 面对危险艰巨任务(attain巨大努力)有坚定的勇气和毅力,valorous: 表示取得了光辉成就,dauntless: 强调决心(drf三个词都表决心)

记忆方法: 1)首字母BCUFIVVD重组CBD VIV FU中央商务区生活(VIV是拉丁词根表示to live,FU是活的谐音) <==需要勇敢                  ""表示"有胆量,勇于进取",右边的""表示,左边是倒写的""字表示野猪,合起来表示猎杀野猪1、有胆量有勇气,如爱敢恨敢死敢说敢为敢做当勇果敢  2、谦辞,表示自己的行为冒昧,如问两兄名姓敢问路在何方                    ""从力甬声。<说文解字>:"勇,也"。本义是1、"使人充满力量的志气",其异形字为"",表示勇由心生,如勇气勇力勇于 2、胆大敢于,如英勇勇士勇夫勇功有勇无谋    3、凶猛,如神    4、清代临时招募的武装人员,如乡勇游勇。   可见,勇和敢意思相近,更强调"心力力气"


               3)勇敢的意思是面对危险困难和未知事物时不害怕mean having or showing no fear when faced with something dangerous, difficult, or unknown.首字母BCUFIVVD重组为CBD VIV FU中央商务区生活(VIV是拉丁词根表示to live,FU是活的谐音) <==需要勇敢


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