

[同义词辨析] 2017-11-24 显示show-demonstrate(2小组一起记)

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:02:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(1) 显示

show: implies that what is revealed must be inferred from acts, looks, or words: careful not to ~ what he feels.       如谚语straws show which way the wind blows一叶

manifest: implies a plainer, more direct, and more immediate relevation: ~ed musical ability at an early age.                         direct和immediate直接,是一组同义词,该组只有2个词,direct强调不中断,immediate强调无间隔,使用上几乎没有区别      plain不加修饰的平凡的,如plain clothes/English便衣/浅显的英语如the plain world(官方翻译是the ordinary world)             又如to comprehend a tiny portion of the reason that manifests itself in nature如果我能理解自然界所展现(显示)的理性中的很小一部分,那我就知足了,是Einstein"我的世界观"最后一句话,此词表示直接明显地展现

evidence: suggests a serving as proof of the actuality or existence of something: her deep enmity is ~d by her silent glare.

evince: implies a showing by outward marks or signs: he ~d no interest in the project.           mark痕迹污点斑点标点标志,sign迹象符号 mark也可表示符号迹象,比sign更通用

demonstrate: implies a showing by action or by display of feelings or evidence: ~d her appreciation in her own way.      软件中的demo演示程序,是这个词的缩写,指通过实际操作试用展示该软件如何使用

show显示: 指所显示的需要推理,manifest展现显示: 指更直接明显地展现,evidence展现证明: 指作为证据展现,evince表现: 指通过外部迹象显示,demonstrate演示展示: 通过行动清楚地显示(display清楚地显示)

记忆方法: 1)首字母SMEED

               1)显示的意思是使可见mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent.


(2) 展示

show: implies a presenting to view so that others may see or look at: ~ed her snapshots to the whole group.     snapshot快照抓拍的照片a photograph that is taken quickly and casually.              show one's ticket出示门票,如have you shown your work to anyone你有没有把你做的活儿给谁看过?

exhibit: stresses a putting forward prominently and openly: ~ paintings at a gallery.

display: emphasizes putting in a position so as to be seen to advantage or with great clearness: ~ sale items.             to advantage:(尤指转变不利情况使之)对…有利、优点更突出,如the photograph showed him to advantage他在这张照片中照得挺不错的,如eventually, the new regulations will work to our advantage新规章制度最终将对我们有利

expose: suggests a bringing forth from concealment and a displaying, often with a suggestion of unmasking: sought to ~ the hypocrisy of the town fathers.   mask遮挡(一部分)、口罩

parade: implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying: ~ing their piety for all to see.          ostentatious强调张扬地炫耀stresses conspicuous or vainglorious display or parade,如he is generous without being ostentatious慷慨而不炫富,如an ostentatious party炫耀排场的晚会

flaunt: suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading: nouveaux riches ~ing their wealth.     法语词: 新兴富户暴发户

show出示给人看: 表示给人看, exhibit展览: 强调显著公开地给人看,display显示展示: 指有利地或清楚地展示,expose揭露暴光: 使不再隐藏,parade炫耀: 指自负炫耀,flaunt无耻炫耀: 表示无耻冒犯性的炫耀

记忆方法:  1)首字母SEDEPF


                3)展示的意思是给人看mean to present in such a way as to invite notice or attention.


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