

[同义词辨析] 2017-10-23 即兴extemporaneous-unpremeditated

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 00:01:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
extemporaneous: stresses the demands imposed by the occasion or situation and may imply a certain sketchiness or roughness: an ~ shelter prompted by the sudden storm.             sketchy梗概大略不完备的rough粗糙

improvised: implies the constructing or devising of something without advance knowledge, thought, or preparation and often without the necessary or proper equipment: ~d a barbeque pit at the campground.

impromptu: stresses the immediacy and the spontaneity of the thing composed or devised: an ~ speech at an awards ceremony.         immediacy直接,这里表示没有准备  spontaneous自发自然流露

offhand: strongly implies casualness, carelessness, or indifference: his ~ remarks often got him into trouble.

unpremeditated: suggests some strong, often suddenly provoked emotion that impels one to action: ~ murder.

extemporanesous,improvised,impromptu即兴,offhand随手而来: 随意不关心,unpremeditated无预谋非故意: 突然激发的

记忆方法: 1)ieiou和5个原因字母aeiou很像。

                 2)即兴的意思是临时而为预先准备mean composed, done, or devised at the moment and not beforehand.


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