

【同义词练习】 第28/30周(2023.10.30--2023.11.05)

jason246 发表于 2023-11-5 07:44:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. may sometimes imply physical magnitude, usually with connotations of wonder, surprise, or awe: the ~ canyon cut by the Colorado River; but it more often implies eminence, distinction, or excellence: possessed a very ~ talent.
  a) adapt
2. applies to bringing into a harmonyor accordance with a pattern, example, or principle: refused to ~ to society's idea of woman's proper role.
  b) conform
3. implies the demonstration of underlying consistence or congruity of things that seem to be incompatible: tried to ~ what they said with what I knew.
  c) adjust
4. suggests bringing into a close and exact correspondence or harmony as exists between the parts of a mechanism, often by the use of tact or ingenuity: ~ the budget to allow for inflation.
  d) accommodate
5. may imply yielding orcompromising in order to achieve a correspondence: ~ his political beliefs to those of the majority.
  e) great
6. implies a ready modification to changing circumstances: they ~ themselves to the warmer climate. (ready 随时表示很快很容易very quickly and easily)
  f) reconcile
ebfcda Right group adapt meaning unknown

1. suggests depth of discernment coupled with sympathetic understanding: a documentary providing ~ into the plight of the homeless. (sympathetic这里不是同情,而是有感觉,不翻译)
  a) acumen
2. implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial: had not the ~ to see beneath their deceptive facade.
  b) penetration
3. stresses accuracy, as for example, in reading character or motives or appreciating art: had not the ~ to know who her friends really were.  (accuracy准确precision精确()的区别: 准确表示正确形容具体动作或结果;精确精密表示每次都正确这一属性,形容人或仪器设备,现实很多人不区分)
  c) sedulous
4. implies painstaking and persevering application: a ~ reconstruction of the events of that night.
  d) discrimination
5. stresses the power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent: acquire ~ by looking at a lot of art.
  e) insight
6. implies consistent penetration combined with keen practical judgment: a theatre director with reliable critical ~.
  f) discernment
7. implies quick and often sympathetic discernment AND delicacy of feeling: a novelist of keen ~.
  g) perception
ebfcdag Right group discernment mean a power to see what is not evident to the average mind.

1. is close to pacifist, but ordinarily applies only to things: a determinedly ~ outlook.
  a) grieve
2. implies actual mental suffering, whether it is shown outwardly or not and connotes the concentration of one's mind on one's loss, trouble, or cause of distress: still ~s for his dead child.
  b) mourn
3. stresses the outward expression of grief, sincere OR conventional, and usually suggests a specific cause such as the death of someone loved or respected: a nation ~s the loss of its hero.
  c) sorrow
4. interchangeable with either grief or mourn when sincere mental distress is implied, stresses the sense of regret or loss and of deep sadness and suggests an inner distress rather outward expression of grief: ~ed with great dignity.
  d) pacifistic
dabc Right group grieve meaning unknown

1. carries an implication of continued or long-continuing and usually increasing success:  ~ in business.
  a) ordinance
2. applies to an order govening some detail of conduct or procedure, enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality: a city ~.
  b) thrive
3. implies a state of vigorous growth and expansion without signs of decadence or decay but also without any suggestion of how long this state will be maintained: attitudes that ~ed in the Middle Ages.
  c) succeed
4. is antithesis to fail and is widely applicable to persons and things: ~ in her third try for public office.
  d) flourish
5. adds the implication of vigorous growth often because of or in spite of specified conditions: plants that ~ in acid soil.
  e) prosper
eadcb Right group succeed mean to attain or be attaining a desired end.首字母SPTF想成Fan Sheng Tai Ping繁盛太平<==国家治理很成功

1. implies an intent, not always vicious, to delude by means of a ruse or fraud: special effects can ~ moviegoers into believing anything.
  a) talkative
2. may imply a readiness to engage in talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation: not the ~ type who would enjoy a party.
  b) loquacious
3. suggests a free, easy, and unending loquacity: the Italians are a ~ people.
  c) garrulous
4. suggests fluency and easy in speaking OR an undue talkativeness: the corporation needs a spokesperson who is ~ and telegenic.
  d) voluble
5. implies prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity: forced to endure a ~ companion the whole trip.
  e) trick
eadbc Right group talkative mean given to talk or talking.

1. stress EXSULTATION shown in laughter, cries of joy, and sometimes malicious delight: cackled with ~ at their misfortune.
  a) mirth
2. implies a predicament presenting a choice between equally unpleasant or unacceptable alternatives: faced with the ~ of putting him in a nursing home or caring for him ourselves.
  b) glee
3. suggests loud or irrepressible laughter or high-spirited boisterousness: a dull comedy not likely to inspire much ~.
  c) dilemma
4. suggests exuberant and or lack of restraint in mirth or glee: HIS ENDLESS FLOW OF jokes added to the ~.
  d) hilarity
5. implies lightness of heart, love of joy and ready laughter: family reunion is the occasion of much ~.
  e) jollity
bcdea Right group mirth mean a mood or temper of joy and high spirits that is expressed in laughter, play, or merrymaking.

1. suggests a straightening out so as to eliminate confusion: ~ed her business affairs before going on extended leave.
  a) organize
2. suggests a gathering or arranging in preparation for a particular operation, or for effective management or use: an argument won by carefully ~ed facts.
  b) order
3. implies a setting in a fit, suitable, or right sequence, relationship, or adjustment: a bouquet of elaborately ~d flowers.
  c) systemize
4. suggests a bright darting light reflected from a moving surface: sunlight ~d off the hull of the boat.
  d) marshal
5. suggests the imposing of an orderly procedure rather than a fixed scheme: ~s every aspect of her daily living.
  e) methodize
6. implies an arranging according to a definite and predetermined scheme: billing procedures that have yet to be ~d.  (scheme方案: 表示做事计划,强调完备有目标, 如schemes to help combat unemployment减少失业的方案)
  f) glance
7. implies an arranging so that the whole aggregate works as a unit in which each element has a proper place and function: ~d the volunteers into teams.
  g) arrange
bdgfeca Right group order mean to put persons or things into their proper places in relation to each other.

1. is a general term appliable to any manner of getting something in one's possesion or control: ~ some salad from the bowl.
  a) overflow
2. implies productiveness or fecundity: the rivers ~ed with fish and the woods with game.
  b) take
3. implies plentitude in numbers or amount and usually stresses profusion: the sturdy maples with which the local forests ~.
  c) teem
4. usually stresses motion and thronging, but it may suggest infestation: tenements that ~ed with rats and other vermin. infest昆虫动物大量出没侵扰implies that  insects or animals are present in large numbers, typically so as to cause damage or disease,如shark-infested waters鲨鱼大量出没的水域,如the city is infested with cockroaches这座城市蟑螂成灾
  d) swarm
5. adds to abound the notion of glutting or of exceeding someone's or something's capacity to contain or use: ~ing with human kindness.
  e) abound
bceda Right group teem mean to be plentifully supplied with or rich in.

1. implies a firm and final rejecting or abandoning under oath: candidates for citizenship must ~ allegiance to any foreign power.
  a) recant
2. stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught: the suspect ~ed his confession and professed his innocence.  profess公开宣称to claim openly,I don't profess to be an expert我不敢妄称自己是个专家,又如本例professed his innocence宣称自己无罪)  withdraw收回、撤退  confess认罪认错,词根fess表示speak,declare说
  b) abjure
3. implies a concern for what really matters: prefers gothic romance to ~ fiction.
  c) renounce
4. often equals abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown: willing to ~ his lifelong friends.
  d) serious
5. may add to abjure an implication of perjury or betrayal: cannot ~ my principles to win votes.
  e) forswear
6. applies to the withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation: under threat of lawsuit, the paper ~ed the statement.
  f) retract
badcef Right group abjure mean to withdraw one's word or professed belief.

1. is more likely to suggest a temperate burning that yields light without flame or glare, or gentle warmth and radiance: the comforting ~ of coals on the hearth. hearth壁炉
  a) glow
2. a ~ of temper.
  b) blaze
3. suggests a flowing through a channel or from an opening or the abundance or continuousness of that flow: tears ~ed from her eyes.
  c) intensity
4. stresses a sudden rapid burst of fire or flame against a dark background (as of a dying fire): the sudden ~ of a match; and implies both suddenness and
  d) stream
5. suggests a darting tongue or tongues of fire: the ~s rose above the burning building.
  e) glare
6. is likely to connote unendurable brilliance: the ~ of a searchlight.
  f) flare
7. implies rapidity in kindling of material and the radiation of intense heat and light: the crackle and ~ of oak logs; the angry ~ of her eyes.  又如twenty firemen fought the blaze20名消防队员与大火搏斗,如the antiques were destroyed in a blaze last year那些古董在去年的一场大火中全部烧毁了,如his anger blazed up uncontrollably他压抑不住心头怒火
  g) flame
Wrong acdfgeb Right group blaze mean a brightly burning light or fire or something suggesting this.

1. presupposes a previous attainment of maturity or excellence and implies a turn downward with a consequent loss of vitality or energy: cited rock music as a sign of cultural ~.
  a) cunning
2. implies impairment of such valuable qualities as vigor, resilience, or usefulness: the ~ of her memory in recent years.
  b) decline
3. stresses physical, intellectual, or moral retrogression: the ~ of his youthful idealism.
  c) decadence
4. suggests a more marked downward direction and greater momentum as well as more obvious evidence of deterioration: the meteoric rise and ~ of his career.
  d) degeneration
5. implies great skill in constructing or creating: a writer who is ~ in his manipulation of the reader.
  e) deterioration
cedba Right:) group deterioration mean a falling from a higher to a lower level in quality, character, or vitality.

1. implies the constructing or devising of something without advance knowledge, thought, or preparation and often without the necessary or proper equipment: ~d a barbeque pit at the campground.
  a) impromptu
2. strongly implies casualness, carelessness, or indifference: his ~ remarks often got him into trouble.
  b) offhand
3. stresses the demands imposed by the occasion or situation and may imply a certain sketchiness or roughness: an ~ shelter prompted by the sudden storm.
  c) improvised
4. suggests some strong, often suddenly provoked emotion that impels one to action: ~ murder.
  d) extemporaneous
5. suggests failure before plans are matured or activities begun: an ~ attempt to escape.
  e) unpremeditated
6. stresses the immediacy and the spontaneity of the thing composed or devised: an ~ speech at an awards ceremony.
  f) abortive
cbdefa Right:) group extemporaneous mean composed, done, or devised at the moment and not beforehand.

1. implies that one passes over a behavior, such as dishonesty or violence, that seriously breaches moral, ethical or penal code: a society that ~ alchcol but not drugs.
  a) excuse
2. implies one gives up all claim to requital, and all resentment, or desire for revenge: ~ their previous lapses.
  b) condone
3. implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation: a ~ hill; or are placed at a conspicuous height above a lower level: a ~ ceiling.
  c) high
4. may refer to overlooking of specific acts esp. in social or conventional situations: ~ an interruption.
  d) forgive
bdca Right:) group excuse mean to exact neither punishment nor redress.

1. implies an ousting or dislodging or crowding out, often preceding a replacement: thousands had been ~d by the floods.
  a) displace
2. implies the replacing of a person or thing that has become superannuated, obsolete, or otherwise inferior: the new edition ~s all previous ones.
  b) replace
3. implies either a dispossessing or usurping of another's place, possessions, or privileges or an uprooting of something and its replacement with something else: discovered that he had been ~ed in her affections by another.
  c) supersede
4. implies a filling of a place once occupied by something lost, destroyed, or no longer usable or adequate: the broken window will have to be ~d.
  d) supplant
5. suggests loss of self-control from violence of emotion, often with an outward display: screaming with ~.
  e) rage
acdbe Right:) group replace mean to put someone or something out of a usual or proper place or into the place of another.

1. implies a concern only with obvious or surface aspects or an avoidance of fundamental matters: a ~ examination of the wound.
  a) cursory
2. implies senses TEMPERed and refined with experience, training, and maturity: ~ is required of a camp counselor.
  b) uncritical
3. implies a superficiality or shallowness unbefitting to a critic or sound judge: her ~ acceptance of his excuses.
  c) judgment
4. is more generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, emotions, or character: a ~ interpretation  of the character Hamlet.
  d) superficial
5. suggests haste and casualness that lead to a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details: even a ~  reading of the work will reveal that.
  e) shallow
Wrong dcbea Right:) group superficial meaning unknown

1. implies an abrupt or offensive intrusion lacking in ceremony, propriety, or decent restraint: in-laws who ~ and tell newlyweds what to do.
  a) thrash
2. usually implies a smooth or continuous motion: a flag ~ing in the breeze.  
  b) swing
3. suggests a vigorous, ostentatious, or graceful movement of something held in the hand: ~ing her racket, she challenged me to a match.
  c) brandish
4. implies a regular or uniform movement usually to and fro: ~ the rope back and forth.
  d) wave
5. implies a threatening or menacing motion: ~ing his fist, he vowed vengeance.
  e) butt in
6. suggests a vigorous, abrupt, violent movement: a boy ~ing about in a tantrum.movementmotion都可以做可数名词,表示移动动作implies a change in position,这5个词中的amotiona movement意思相同交替使用,但motion还表示移动的"状态"state of something moving,这时做不可数名词,如"inertia is the name for the tendency of an object inmotion to remain in motion, or an object at rest to remain at rest unless acted upon bya force"---惯性是指除非有外力作用,运动的物体倾向于运动,静止的物体倾向于静止,如photographs of people in motion行走人群的照片。一般不说in movement
  f) flourish
edfbca Right:) group swing mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down.

1. suggests the gaseous layers surrounding the earth or another celestial body: the poisonous ~ of Venus; or the air which fills a particular place or is in a particular state: the room's stagnant ~.
  a) atmosphere
2. denotes generally air that is notably pure and refreshing: the vivifying ~ of a thunderstorm.
  b) ether
3. usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with OR without reference to extenuating circumstances: said by way of ~ that he would have met them if he could.
  c) apology
4. refers to the impalpable breathable substance essential to life: the ~ we breathe; or that substance mixed with others: smoggy ~.
  d) ozone
5. implies a more rarefied or more delicate or subtle medium which was formerly said to fill the upper regions or interstellar space: gods who dwelled in the ~; and is used technically to denote a hypothetical medium in space suitable for the transmission of transverse waves: broadcast into the ~ in hopes someone would hear.
  e) air
adceb Right:) group air mean the invisible mixture of gases which surrounds the earth.

1. suggests deception by the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape responsibility or duty or to gain an end: obtained the papers by ~.
  a) subterfuge
2. suggests duplicity or treachery or action contrary to one's professed attitude: the guerillas accused the go-between of ~.   duplicitous伪装两面派的,来自词根dup/di表示two,等于本例的double,如duplicity duplicate duplex,如dichotomy一分为二
  b) deception
3. may or may not imply blameworthiness, since it may be used of cheating or swindling as well as of arts or games designed merely to mystify: magicians are masters of ~.
  c) consequently
4. implies ingenious or dishonest acts intended to dupe or cheat: will resort to any ~ to gain her ends.
  d) fraud
5. tends to suggest good and reasonable grounds or a strong logical possibility: he said he would come; ~ we will wait for him.
  e) trickery
6. always implies guilt and often criminality in act or practice: indicted for ~.
  f) double-dealing
afbecd Right:) group deception mean the acts or practices of or the means used by one who deliberately deceives.

1. commonly connotes personal sacrifice for a higher end: widely admired for his voluntary ~ of power.
  a) angle
2. stresses one of several aspects from which something may be viewed: a broadcast that told only one ~ of the story.  一面之词  如always look at the bright side of life多看生活好的一面(方面)
  b) facet
3. may stress the point of view of an observer and its limitation of what is seen or considered: an article that considers the financial ~s of divorce.
  c) aspect
4. implies one of a multiplicity of sides that are similar to one another in some respect: explores the many ~s of life in New York City.
  d) side
5. suggests an aspect seen from a very restricted or specific point of view: find a fresh ~ for covering the political convention.
  e) phase
6. implies a change in appearance often without clear reference to an observer: the second ~ of the investigation.
  f) renunciation
fdcbae Right:) group phase mean one of the possible ways of viewing or being presented to view.首字母PASFA组成AS AFP作为法新社(Agence France-Presse)<==方面

1. implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty: ~ in the performance of one's duties.
  a) plain
2. stresses lack of anything such as ornamentation or affectation likely to catch the attention: a ~ house on a quiet street; or it may suggest elegance: the furnishings were ~ with very simple classic lines; or frugality: she sets a ~ but abundant table; or, with reference to personal appearance, lack of positive beauty that does not go to the extreme of ugliness: drawn to that ~ and kindly face.
  b) unpretentious
3. very close to plain in its references to situations and things, may stress personal choice as the source of the quality described: lived a ~ life; and regularly connotes lack of complication or ostentation: gave a ~, straightforward answer to the question.
  c) simple
4. may suggests easy familiarity or comfortable informality without ostentation: a comfortable ~ room; in application to personal appearance, it implies something between plain and ugly: a ~ mutt.
  d) homely
5. stresses lack of vanity or affectation and may praise a person: a soft-spoken and ~ person; but in reference to a thing may convey either praise or depreciation: an ~ and battered old car.
  e) fidelity
eacdb Right:) group plain mean free from all ostentation or superficial embellishment.

1. stresses dexterity and grace in dealing with new and trying situations and may imply success in attaining one's ends: brought off her first dinner party with remarkable ~.
  a) address
2. implies both tact and address but stresses self-possession and ease in meeting difficult situations: the ~ of one who has been officiating all his life.
  b) savoir faire
3. is likely to stress worldly experience and a sure awareness of what is proper or expedient in various situations: has little of the ~ expected of a Washington hostess. 不要写成hostress.
  c) poise
4. implies delicate and considerate perception of what is fit or appropriate under given circumstances: use ~ when inquiring about the divorce. delicate敏感小心讲技巧,有2个意思,1.脆弱易损=fragile 2. 需要技巧小心敏感体察,即微妙精致showing or needing skill, care or sensitivity,如I admired your delicate handling of the situation我赞赏你应付局面的技巧) (considerate体谅体贴: 指考虑照顾他人情感或痛苦stresses concern for the feelings or distresses of others,如a manner both courtly and considerate举止恭敬而体贴(tact直接来自法语,法语中表示触碰触觉,本身也是词根TACT/TANG,如contact接触,tactile触觉的,tangible可触碰的有形的,tangent正切的离题的。人际交往需要像指尖fingertips一样极度敏感extremely sensitive,林肯说"tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves"评价他人时符合他的心意---即对自己的看法。有技巧的人可以安抚最难相处的人a tactful person can soothe the feelings of the most difficult people,没有技巧笨拙的人很可能让情况更糟a tactless person will generally make a bad situation worse因为他们不会像指尖一样体察他人情感,情商低)
  d) tact
acbd Right:) group tact mean skill and grace in dealing with others.首字母TAPS轻敲<==要有技巧

1. continuous harassment with petty, persistent attacks: the bureau was constantly ~ with trivial complaints.
  a) harry
2. applies to what grows or rises high by comparison with others of its kind and usually implies relative narrowness: a ~ thin man.
  b) worry
3. stress the repeated awakening expectation and then its frustration: ~ clues as to the origin of universe.
  c) pester
4. an incessant goading or attacking that drives one to desperation or defeat: pursued a policy of ~ing the enemy.
  d) harass
5. painful, persistent and distressing infliction: ~ all her life by poverty.
  e) tall
6. petty persecutions or burdensome demands that wear down, distract or weaken: ~ all sides by creditors.
  f) plague
7. a heavy, driving oppression or maltreatment: ~ mothers trying to cope with small children.
  g) annoy
8. sug. an attempt to break down one's resistance or rouse to wrath by persistent raillery or petty torments: malicious children ~ the dog.
  h) tantalize
9. a disturbing of one's composure or peace of mind by intrusion, interference or petty attacks: you are doing that just to ~ me.
  i) tease
cehbfdaig Right:) group worry mean to torment to the point of destroying one's peace of mind or to disturb or irritate acutely by persistent acts.

1. stresses a strong inner compulsion to express something such as apent-up emotion, especially in a highly emotional manner: her stories ~ the frustrations of women. (pent-up emotion被压抑的情感)
  a) express
2. suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, or actions, OR through what one  creates or produces: paintings that ~ the artist's loneliness.
  b) broach
3. implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention: cabinet members publicly ~ing their differences. 公开摆明分歧
  c) vent
4. implies expression or formulation in words but not necessarily by vocal utterance: an editorial ~ing the concerns of many.
  d) voice
5. suggests an entangling of a thing with awhole, often as a natural or inevitable cause or consequence: a procedural changethat will ~ more work for everyone.  entangle缠住套住if something entangles itself with another, the two things become caught together very tightly,如the blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了,entangle的第二个意思是involve表示牵连使卷入陷入,如he became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management 卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中,如she didn't want to get entangled (即emotionally involved) with him她不想与他有瓜葛) 
  e) utter
6. implies the use of voice not necessarily in articulate speech: would occasionally ~ words of encouragement.
  f) air
7. suggests the disclosing for the first time of something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion: ~ the subject of a divorce.
  g)   involve
cafdgeb Right:) group express mean to let out or make known what one thinks or feels.

1. implies the shock of sudden, startling fear: imagine our ~ at being awakened by screams.
  a) terror
2. often the most general term, implies anxiety and loss of courage: ~ of the unknown. (对比: anxiety焦虑不安害怕 worry烦恼)
  b) horror
3. adds the implication of shuddering abhorrence or aversion before a sight, activity or demand that causes fear: harbored a secret ~ of dark, close places.
  c) alram
4. usually adds the idea of intense reluctance to face or meet a person or situation and suggests aversion as well as anxiety: the ~ of having to face her mother.
  d) panic
5. implies unreasoning, overmastering fear causing hysterical, disordered and useless activity: news of the invasion caused great ~.
  e) fright
6. implies a sudden, intense apprehension produced by newly perceived awareness of immediate danger: view the situation with alarm.
  f) hence
7. adds to dread the implication of timidity, trembling and hesitation: raised the subject of marriage with some ~.
  g) trepidation
8. though often interchangeable with therefore, is more likely to stress the importance of what precedes: a meal badly overcooked and ~ inedible.
  h) fear
9. implies the most extreme degree of consternation or fear: immobilized with ~. (consternation: surprising anxiety惊讶恐怕)
  i) dread
ehbidcgfa Right:) group fear mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger.

1. applies to something or someone that arouses active hatred or hostility: the ~ prospect of another war.
  a) odious
2. characterizes that which outrages a sense of what is right, decent, just, or honorable: the ~ practice of stereotyping minority groups.
  b) hateful
3. stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action: the vessel is now ~ for service.
  c) abominable
4. suggests something deserving extreme contempt: the ~ habit of passing the blame to subordinates.
  d) abhorrent
5. applies to that which is disagreeable or offensive or arouses repugnance: you apparently find the plain truth ~.
  e) detestable
6. suggests something fiercely condemned as vile or unnatural: the ~ living conditions of the plantation slaves.  vile极恶劣邪恶suggests disgusting depravity or foulness表示道德败坏肮脏让人恶心,如a vile remark恶毒的话,如the vilest of crimes罪大恶极)
  f) fit
bdfeac Right:) group hateful mean deserving of or arousing intense dislike.

1. applies to what is or seems to be so utterly what it is as to be beyond the possibility of being lessened, softened, or relieved: an ~ evil.
  a) implant
2. implies teaching that makes for permanence of what is taught: ~ed an enthusiasm for reading in her students.
  b) inseminate
3. implies persistent or repeated efforts to impress on the mind: ~d in him high moral standards.
  c) inculcate
4. stresses gradual, gentle imparting of knowledge over a long period of time: ~ traditional values in your children.   (gradual逐步逐渐的,来自词根GRAD表示步伐程度step, degree,如graduate毕业: 走过了某一步,汉语中"逐步"强调"有步骤"或有方法,"逐渐"中的""本来是浙一水名,逐渐强调程度"一点点"加强或加深,但不强调步骤方法)
  d) unmitigated
5. applies to a sowing of ideas in many minds so that they spread through a class or nation: ~d an unquestioning faith in technology.
  e) instill
6. stresses firmly inculcating a habit of thought: ~ed a chronic cynicism.
  f) infix
dacebf Right:) group implant mean to introduce into the mind.

1. stresses opposition, and especially active opposition, to war or violence, typically on moral or conscientious grounds: a ~ group on the campus.
  a) peaceful
2. suggests absence of strife or contention as well as of all disturbing influences: ~ solution.
  b) pacific
3. is close to pacifist, but ordinarily applies only to things: a determinedly ~ outlook.
  c) irenic
4. often used in relation to religious controversy, may describe attitudes and measures likely to allay dispute: issued an ~ interpretation of the canon.
  d) pacifistic
5. more definitely implies the help or intervention of a higher power in the coming of good or the averting of evil fortune: it was ~ that the rescuers arrived in the nick of time.
  e) providential
6. stresses enjoyment of peace as a way of life and may imply absence of any intent to behave aggressively: a ~ gathering.
  f) pacifist
7. applies chiefly to persons or to utterances, acts, influences, or ideas that tend to maintain peace and conciliate strife: adopted a ~ attitude at the conference.
  g) peaceable
fadcegb Right:) group pacific meaning unknown

1. implies an uneasy fear that one is not following one's conscience or better judgment: no ~ about travelling in the Middle East.
  a) demur
2. implies a spontaneous feeling of responsibility and compassion for a potential victim: not likely to have ~s about knocking out his opponent.
  b) scruple
3. like still, may implies absence of perceptible motion or sound or both, but it is likely to stress absence of excitement or turbulence, and connote tranquility, serenity, or repose: a ~ town.
  c) quiet
4. implies a doubt of the rightness of an act on grounds of principle: a lawyer totally devoid of ~s.
  d) compunction
5. implies hesitation caused by objection or resistance to an outside suggestion or influence: accepted her resignation without ~.
  e) qualm
edcba Right:) group qualm mean a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do.

1. sug. egotistic, self-conscious use of power, or haughty imposition of one's own will: a flamboyant, ~ director of a ballet company.
  a) despotic
2. implies abuse of absolute power and harsh, oppressive rule: a new regime as ~ as the one it had deposed.
  b) arbitrary
3. implies that one is not bound by legal restraints OR the control of another: King Louis XIV was an ~ monarch.
  c) autocratic
4. implies arbitrary and imperious use of absolute power or control: the most decadent and ~ of Roman emperors.
  d) absolute
5. applies to the line marking an extreme limit or termination of something: an empire that extended to the ~ of the known world.
  e) tyrannical
6. implies the exercise and usually the abuse of power according to momentary inclination: his high-handed, ~ way of running his department.
  f) verge
cedafb Right:) group absolute mean exercising power or authority without restraint.

1. more frequent in literary contexts, may suggest more intensity than anger, often with a  display of feeling: cheeks flushed dark with ~.
  a) indignation
2. is likely to suggest rage or indignation accompanied by a desire or intent to Avenge or punish: rose in his ~ andstruck his tormentor to the floor.
  b) rage
3. the most general term, names the emotional reaction, but in itself conveys nothing about intensity or justification or manifestation of the State: tried to hide his ~ at their behavior.
  c) ire
4. stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, outrageous or shameful: high-handed behavior that caused general ~.
  d) wrath
5. suggests loss of self-control from violence of emotion, often with an outward display: screaming with ~.
  e) anger
6. implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing: took seriously remark said only in ~.
  f) jest
7. implies overmastering destructive rage verging on madness: in her ~ she threw abuse in all directions.
  g) fury
cdeabfg Right:) group anger mean emotional excitement caused by intense displeasure.

1. implies a temporary stopping with an added suggestion of waiting until some expressed or implied condition is satisfied: all business has been ~d while repairs are being made.
  a) postpone
2. implies a deliberate putting off to a later date or time: ~red payment of the loan.
  b) stay
3. suggests average degree of such ability, oft with native shrewdness but ! sophistication and special knowledge: ~ tell me it's wrong.
  c) defer
4. suggests the stopping or checking by an intervening obstacle, agency, or authority: measures intended to ~ the rapid rate of inflation.
  d) suspend
5. implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time: the game was ~d until Saturday.
  e) common sense
dceba Right:) group defer mean to delay an action or proceeding.

1. often implies a shrewd or skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose: an ~ negotiator of business deals.
  a) cheerless
2. implies a sustained gloom, dullness, or tiresomeness that discourages or enervates: spent the whole day in the ~ apartment.
  b) dispiriting
3. implies a chilly, dull barrenness that disheartens and lacks any notions of cheer, shelter, or comfort: a ~ windswept landscape offering no refuge for the wayward traverler.
  c) dismal
4. may imply extreme gloominess or somberness that is utterly depressing: a ~ day of unrelenting raining.  (gloom: 2个意思,1阴暗gloom November sky十一月阴暗的天空,2忧愁economic gloom对经济的忧虑sombergloom同义) (depress压抑抑郁最严重的失望)
  d) desolate
5. stresses a pervasive, disheartening joylessness or hopelessness: faced a ~ life as a drudge.  苦工 (cheer本意是喝彩,情绪高涨,和happy差别不大一般就说成欢乐)
  e) dreary
6. implies a disheartening or lessening of morale or determination: the problems made for a ~ start for their new venture.
  f) bleak
7. implies that something disheartens by being utterly barren, lifeless, uninhabitable or abandoned: the long trek into the country's ~ interior.  内陆
  g) adroit
gefcabd Right:) group dismal mean devoid of all that is cheerful or comfortable.

1. implies great controlling of emotional or mental agitation by an effort of will OR as a matter of habit: maintained his ~ even under hostile questioning.
  a) equanimity
2. suggests a habit of mind that is disturbed rarely or only under great strain: accepted fortune's slings and arrows with great ~.
  b) sangfroid
3. implies insensitiveness and suggests apathy or sluggishness rather than control: possessed of a temperamental ~ unaffected by good news and bad news alike.
  c) loiter
4. implies delay while in progress, esp. in walking: ~ at several store windows before going to church.
  d) phlegm
5. implies great coolness and steadiness under strain perhaps stemming from a  constitutional coldness: an Olympian diver of remarkable ~.
  e) composure
eadcb Right:) group equanimity mean the quality of one who is self-possessed and not easily disturbed or perturbed.

1. describes something that comes, often by chance, at the best possible moment and works to the advantage of those concerned: an idea that arose from an ~ remark.
  a) seasonable
2. applies to what occurs or appears at the time or moment when it is most useful or valuable: a ~ warning.
  b) pat
3. applies to what is so timely as to suggest care, forethought, or design: a ~ remark that stifled objections.
  c) outward
4. may apply to what is notably apt, ready, or well-suited to the occasion: a ~ remark; OR to what is so very apt as to be suspect: offered an alibi that seemed too ~.
  d) well-timed
5. implies appropriateness to the season or being perfectly fitted to the occasion or situation: ~ weather.
  e) opportune
6. commonly implies motion or direction away from, or the reverse of, what is inward: given to ~ display;  or implies what is apparent, as opposed to what is within or is spiritual or mental: an ~ show of courage belied his inward terror.
  f) timely
efdbac Right:) group seasonable mean peculiarly appropriate to the time or situation.


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