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【同义词辨析】 2019年国庆笔记: 一些记忆小窍门 【完】

 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:20:24 | 显示全部楼层

1) leaven使有活力调和,首字母tea茶to introduce something that enlivens, tempers, or alters the quality,如a serious play ~d with comic moments严肃剧本中调入些活跃轻松时刻

2) mar毁坏,谐音to disfigure or maim that spoils perfection or well-being,如the text is marred by numerous typos多处打印错误将文本毁了。  

3) interfere阻碍干扰,和hinder互释,但hamper和impede也互释意思几乎相同,很容易记混,很长时间记不下来,后发现一组都有in,一组都有mp后才记住。例句都是阻碍行动或阻挠调查。

4) propensity倾向,首字母3i,ingrained or innate and usually irresistible longing深植于自身天性,无法抑制的渴望,如the natural propensity of in-laws to offer advice岳父母(或公婆)自然倾向于提供建议。

5) elevate提升,首字母3e(加上自己)implies exalting or enhancing,如elevated the musical tastes of the public提升公众音乐品味

6) admonish劝诫忠告,死记earnest and friendly warning and counseling真诚友好地警告劝告,如admonished by my parents to control expenses父母劝告其控制开销。

7) systematize系统化,谐音to arrange according to a scheme根据计划方案来安排,如billing procedures have been systemized付费流程已经被系统化。
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:21:31 | 显示全部楼层

1) arrange安排排列,首字母sar,to set in a proper sequence, relationship, or adjustment使进入合适的顺序关系调节,如a bouquet of elaborately arranged flowers一束精致排放的花,sar是特别行政区,如HK SAR。

2) segment部分,谐音a part separated out by natural lines of cleavage,如the retired segment of the population退休人口。

3) delectation享受欣赏,用一组解释suggests amusement, diversion, entertainment that gives pleasure,如presented a variety of skits for their delectation多个小品供观赏,三个词在一组20190707中  

4) affectation做作,有点像顺口溜a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere言语动作上耍小花招让人觉得不真诚,如his foreign accent is an affectation他的外国腔是装模作样

5) quandary困惑,首字母2p,stresses the puzzlement and perplexity of one in a dilemma进退两难时表现的困惑不知所措,如in a quandary about how to repair it不知如何修理

6) pickle困境,谐音,用本组plight解释a distressing or sorry plight,如conflicting obligations that put me in a real pickle陷入困境

7) skillful技巧的,就是dexterity熟练,死记,implies a dexterity in execution or performance,如skillful manipulation of public opinion有技巧地操纵舆论(民意)
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:21:51 | 显示全部楼层

1) racy自然新鲜泼辣,首字母fun,implies a natural quality that is fresh, unimpaired,如the spontaneous, racy prose of the untutored writer业余作家的散文自然新鲜
2) 不辨析clash冲突撞击, routine, forgo自愿放弃,可以自由使用,例如用clashing of temperament解释antagonism,用verbal clash解释quarrel

3) 比较,收获一组中,reap特指割,garner特指储存,如a collection of maxims garnered from his neighbors从邻居收集的格言

4) reason理性,首字母ros,refers to the faculty for order, sense, and rationality有秩序意义理性,如tried to approach each problem with calm and reason冷静理性地处理    另外formal正式也是ros,在第七部分part 7

5) blench畏缩,首字母3f,implies faint-hearted, fearful flinching胆小退缩,如never blenched even as his head was lowered on the guillotine即使头放上断头台也从不畏缩

6) revoke取消,字面解释,implies a calling back that annuls something,VOC表示说voice, to speak,RE表示往回,如had his license revoked for ninety days执照吊销90天

7) rival竞争、竞争对手,死记,出现在两组  1、implies attempt to outdo each other试图超过,如success that rivaled hers成就超过她  2、suggests close competition势均力敌,如a voice that none could rival难以匹敌
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:22:10 | 显示全部楼层

1) strive奋发奋斗,背下来implies exertion against great difficulty with persistent effort长期努力克服巨大困难, 如continues to strive for a lasting peaceful solution为持久和平而奋斗.     不要把exertion中的t写成了s

2) state声明,2个清楚,implies clearness and definiteness in saying清楚明确地说,如state one's objection to a proposal明确声明反对该提议      说2个清楚,是因为definite的解释就是clear,就像specific的解释就是detailed一样,

3) 比较need、require和同组的,这两个词不强调缺乏,而是强调必要,如everyone needs a friend, 如a situation that required drastic measures急剧措施.  同组的lack,want则相反,强调缺乏,如lack of courage=want of courage缺乏勇气

4) scold训斥,首字母3s,implies a rebuking in irritation,如relieved her frustrations by scolding the children训斥孩子。 因为rebuke斥责表示sharp and stern criticism,在第九部分part 9

5) select选择、discriminate鉴别互释。select是to choose with discrimination from a wide range of choices,如a store offering a wide selection of furniture多种家具供选择, 而discriminate解释是to distinguish and select what is true or excellent区分选择,如acquired discrimination by looking at a lot of art鉴别艺术品

6) sedate和composed都是镇静,互释。sedate表示a composed and decorous seriousness,如amidst the frenzy of activity the bride remained sedate保持镇静

7) 比较sign符号,和signal信号,sign传达信息知识,如sign language手语,signal传达指令警告,如wait for the traffic signal to change to green等交通信号灯变绿
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:22:58 | 显示全部楼层

1) impudent无礼放肆,死记implies bold and pert defiance of consideration of modesty or decency拒不考虑谦虚体面,如a rude and impudent reply to a polite question无礼的回答

2) tricky耍花招的,首字母us美国,being shifty and unreliable不诚实可靠,如a tricky interviewer who usually got what she wanted from her subject滑头的访谈节目主持人        shifty: dishonest不诚实shifty eyes贼溜溜的眼睛

3) aroma刺鼻香味,首字母4p,suggests a somewhat penetrating, pervasive, pungent, but pleasant odor刺鼻辛辣的香味,如the aroma of freshly ground coffee现磨咖啡刺鼻香味

4) 对比worldly-wise强调物质目标material ends,worldly强调快乐happiness,如a worldly-wise woman with a philosophy of personal independence处世精明的女性,如chose to focus on worldly concerns俗世的烦恼

5) sterile和fertile是直接相对地解释,是否可以或有利于produce生产生殖,如a sterile imagination贫乏的想象

6) dictate命令独裁,谐音implies an authoritative directive given orally口头指令,如in matters of love, do as the heart dictates且随你心

7) exact准确严格,死记implies very strict agreement with a fact or standard严格一致, 如a suit tailored to exact measurements严格量身定制
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