

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-08-03

jason246 发表于 2023-8-4 12:45:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-8-18 13:01:49 | 显示全部楼层
a moment surely seen through different lens: 从不同的视角看这一时刻   lens: 镜头
in a overflow room two capitol officers: 在法庭的二层房间有两位国会警察   overflow room/seat: 礼堂、法庭等第二层的房间/座位
is flat-out wrong: (墨西哥)完全错误
what do you have for food and water: 吃什么喝什么
there is no closure since mama is still dead: 这不是结束,也没有给人真正的宽慰   closure: 暂时封闭; (因困境结束或事情得到妥善处理等的)宽慰、如释重负
so important to keep us out: 防止昆虫入侵很重要    housefly: 家蝇,即普通苍蝇=fly
we met first times, frequent floaters, and fast-friends-turned best friedns: 有第一次来的,有常来的,也有由生变熟的好朋友  
this is the largest group of people with the best fives: 这群人是最棒的  best five最棒的,5分制的最高分
another reason to love chicago: 又一个喜欢芝加哥的理由
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