

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-08-02

jason246 发表于 2023-8-3 13:14:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-8-17 08:11:29 | 显示全部楼层
keeping telling him what his itching ears want to hear: 不停告诉他(发痒的耳朵)想听的   have itching ears耳朵发痒;比喻喜欢听想要听的事情  
it will not affect how i vote if he is on the ballot: 这不会影响我投票,如果他参选,我会选他
the easiest matchup: 最可能的对手    matchup: 配对匹配对位的人
Ponzi scheme: 旁氏骗局
bigoted views: 偏执的观点    bigot: (种族、宗教或政治的)顽固盲从者,偏执者
cinderblock door:  煤渣砖门、焦渣石门   cinderblock: 煤渣砖、焦渣石
... has the bare necessities: 为我们报道这些第一手的信息   bare未包装、保护的
a bear with lummpy hips: 屁股鼓鼓的熊
but across the social media, the debate will not be tamed: 但在社交媒体上,讨论不停       tame: 驯服
bear in mind there is precedent for impostures here: 记住之前有冒充的先例    imposture: 泛指冒充
to claw their way to bear witness to all the hype: 人们(手抓扶手)去见证这个噱头   claw: 爪子
i'll let you talk about it among yourself: 请你们自己谈论
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