

【同义词练习】 第14/30周(2023.07.24--2023.07.30)

jason246 发表于 2023-7-29 11:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests ingenuity and subtlety in devising, inventing or executing: a mystery thriller written with great ~.
  a) artifice
2. suggests mechanical skill esp. in imitating things in nature, but implies a lack of real creative power and a degree of artificiality: a painter with much of the ~ of Rubens but none of the art. (Rubens鲁宾斯荷兰画家)
  b) skill
3. implies explicitness and usually formality in making known: the referee ~ the contest a draw.
  c) cunning
4. may imply ingenuity and skill but tends to suggest expertness in workmanship and facility in the use of tools: a saltcellar wrought with ~ worthy of Cellini.(Cellini切里尼: 意大利金银器皿工匠和雕刻家,劳力士手表箱包珠宝品牌) 
  d) craft
5. stresses technical knowledge and proficiency: the ~ required of a surgeon. (proficiency精通:强调全面熟练使用的能力thorough competence from training or drilling)
  e) art
6. distinctively implies a personal, unanalyzable creative power: an ~ for saying the right thing.
  f) declare
cafdbe Right group art mean the faculty of executing expertly what one has planned or devised即高超(expertly)的推进计划。expert专家: 非常高超的专业知识和技术

1. implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity: issued a ~d coinage.
  a) debase
2. may simply imply the opposite of praise, but more often suggests the placing of responsibility or guilt for wrongdoing: ~ herself for the accident.
  b) debauch
3. implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity through the action of debasing or destroying influences: believes that jargon ~s the language. (integrity 1正直,2完整 ,如territorial integrity领土完整)
  c) deprave
4. implies the impairment or destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by introduction of a fault or defect: partisanship and factionalism ~d our foreign policy. (impair损害恶化: 使完整有效性降低to make less complete or efficient by deterioration,如years of smoking had impaired his health长年吸烟损害了他的健康)  (defect本质缺陷,使无法运转, 如the smoke detector failed because of a mechanical defect由于机械缺陷烟雾探测器失效)
  d) corrupt
5. implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal so as to debase it completely: ~ed the original goals of the institute.
  e) vitiate
6. implies a demoralizing or debasing through sensual indulgence: led a ~ed life after the divorce.
  f) blame
7. implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences: hoping to banish ~d thoughts.  (banish驱逐流放,如John was banished from England to Australia约翰被逐出英格兰流放到澳大利亚,例句表示努力排除)
  g) pervert
afdegbc Right group debase mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character.

1. basically applies to animals hunted or killed for food by other animals and is often extended to a victim of something suggestive of a rapacious predator: consumers who are easy ~ for advertisers.
  a) quarry
2. suggests obvious external signs of nervous or emotional excitement: in his ~d state he was unfit to go to work.
  b) victim
3. basically applies to a living being killed as a sacrifice to a divinity, but in more general use it applies to one killed, injured, ruined, or badly treated either by a ruthless person or by an impersonal power that admits of no effective resistance: ~s of wars and disasters.
  c) agitate
4. basically applies to a victim of the chase and in more general use may apply to one pursued intensely as well as to one actually taken by the hunter or pursuer: the private investigator stalked her ~ relentlessly.
  d) prey
dcba Right group victim mean one killed or injured for the ends of the one who kills or injures.

1. an informal equivalent of effrontery, stresses hardihood: the ~ of that guy.
  a) hardihood
2. suggests presumptuous boldness arising from rashness and contempt of danger: had the ~ to ask for a favor after that insult.
  b) nerve
3. implies a disregard of restraints commonly imposely by convention and prudence: an entrepreneur with ~ and vision.
  c) temerity
4. implies shameless and arrogant disregard of propriety and coutesy: had the ~ to tell me how to do my job.
  d) secure
5. also a substitue for effrontery, implies impudent self-assurance: has the ~ to bill herself as a singer.
  e) cheek
6. implies firmness of purpose in daring and defiance: no serious scientist had the ~ to claim that.
  f) effrontery
7. like nerve and cheek, but stresses insolence: had the ~ to demand some evidence.
  g) audacity
8. adds to nerve and gall the notion of supreme confidence: his ~ got him into the exclusive party.
  h) chutzpah
9. usually stress freedom from anxiety and apprehension of danger or risk based on grounds that are sound and sufficient: ~ themselves from the harm.
  i) gall
bcgfeaihd Right group temerity mean conspicuous or flagrant boldness.

1. stresses distance and is often preferred when distance in time is specifically implied: some ~ day.
  a) far
2. stresses separation and implies an obvious interval whether long or short: went to live in a ~ city.
  b) faraway
3. differs little from far-off but may sometimes connote a hazy remoteness or even obscurity: began to have a ~ look in her eyes.
  c) hue
4. in most of its uses applies to what is a long way off: retreat to the ~ reaches of the wilderness.
  d) distant
5. may be a close synonym of color: flowers of many ~s; but suggests gradation or modification of colors: the many green ~s of spring.  gradation递进modification渐变
  e) removed
6. suggests a far removal from one's point of view, time, or location and is likely to connote a consequent lessening of importance to oneself: spent her life on a ~ island.
  f) far-off
7. carries a stronger implication of separateness and may suggest a contrast not only in  time and space but in character or quality: sought a quiet retreat, ~ from the everyday world and its tensions.
  g) remote
fdbacge Right group distant mean not close in space, time, or relationship.

1. often interchangeable with contaminate, implies the process which begins with contamination is complete and which was pure and clean has been made foul or poisonous: ~ the waters of the lake, so that it became in parts no better than an open cesspool.
  a) control
2. stresses loss of  purity and cleanliness that follows contamination: the scandal ~ the rest of his political career.
  b) taint
3. implies intrusion of and contact with dirt and foulness from an outside source: water ~ by industrial wastes.
  c) pollute
4. implies befouling of what could or should have kept clean and pure or held sacred and suggests violation or desecration: ~ a hero's memory with slanderous inuendo.
  d) contaminate
5. stresses the power to direct and restrain: you are responsible for students under your ~.
  e) defile
cbdea Right group contaminate mean to make impure or unclean.首字母CTPD想成Chu Peng Dao Tu触碰到土<==被污染

1. is used of a sense of a word or phrase as regularly understood by most people: the writer isn't using "sane" in its common ~. 
  a)  sense
2. denotes the meaning or a particular meaning of a word or phrase: used "nighthawk" in its figurative ~.  夜鹰,夜生活者
  b) meaning
3. is the general term used of anything, such as a word, sign, poem, or action, requiring or allowing of interpretation: the poem's ~ has been fiercely debated.
  c) stifle
4. is apppropriate for situations where breathing is difficult or impossible because of inadequate fresh air: the room's ~ atmosphere.
  d)  significance
5. applies to a covert as distinguished from the ostensible meaning of an utterance, act, or work of art: an agreement that seemed to have little ~ at the time.
  e)  signification
6. suggests momentousness and denotes the meaning or impression a speaker conveyed through language: failed at first to appreciate the ~ of the news.
  f) acceptation
7. denotes the established meaning of a term, symbol, or character: any Christian would immediately know the ~ of "INRI".  
  g) import
fabcdge Right group meaning mean an idea which is conveyed to the mind.

1. stresses the emission or seeming emission of rays of light: an imposing figure in ~ armor.  ray是一根根的光即光线, 中文中,光芒指向四面八方放射的强烈光线,光辉则指强烈的光芒,光华和光辉同意)
  a) brilliant
2. stresses an even, rich light from a surface that REFLECTs brightly without sparkling or glittering: the ~ sheen of fine satin.
  b) radiant
3. stresses autocratic, high-handed methods and a domineering manner: a ~ manner that alienated her colleagues.
  c) bright
4. implies emission of steady, suffused, glowing light by reflection or in surrounding darkness: ~ white houses dot the shore.
  d) dictatorial
5. implies emitting or reflecting a high degree of light: one of the ~est stars in the sky.
  e) luminous
6. implies intense and often sparkling brightness: ~ diamonds.
  f) lustrous
bfdeca Right group bright mean shining or glowing with light.

1. suggests a lack of serious purpose, desultory habits of work, and lack of persistence: a ~ who never finished a single novel.
  a) tyro
2. often applies to one practicing an art without mastery of its essentials: a painting obviously done by an ~; and in sports it may also suggest not so much lack of skill but avoidance of direct remuneration: must remain an ~ in order to qualify for the Olympics.
  b) dabbler
3. suggests a relationship between one having a moral or legal obligation and an authority charged with oversight of its observance: a fact-finding committee ~ only to the President. (注意遵守是observance不是observation观察)
  c) dilettante
4. implies inexperience and the attendant incompetence often combined with audacity resulting in crudeness or blundering: a ~ who has yet to master the basics of playwriting.
  d) answerable
5. may apply to the lover of an art rather than its skilled practitioner but usually implies elegant trifling in the arts and an absence of serious commitment: a serious art teacher with no patience for ~s.  trifle泛指玩弄,如玩耍不关心轻浮
  e) amateur
bedac Right group amateur mean a person who follows a pursuit without attaining proficiency or professional status.

1. adds an implication of close attachment to a cause and a sharing of its fortunes: spent her lifetime ~ing equal rights for women.
  a) espouse
2. implies a ready or happy acceptance: eagerly ~d the ways and customs of their new homeland.
  b) adopt
3. adds the implication of anticipating eventualities and differs from predict in being usually concerned with probabilities rather than certainties: ~ a snowfall of six inches.   (eventual最终迟早”applies to something that is bound to follow sooner or later as the final effect of causes already in operation and implies a definite ending of a sequence of preliminary events,如the eventual defeat of the enemy敌人的最终失败,如the eventual reunification of motherland祖国最终统一,如we will win eventually我们最终会胜利)
  c) embrace
4. implies accepting something created by another or foreign to one's nature: forced to ~ the procedure of the new parent company.
  d) forecast
acdb Right group adopt mean to take a opinion, policy, or practice as one's own.

1. applies to a difficulty of understanding arising from the use, usually inadvertent, of a word or words of multiple meanings: an ~ directive that can be taken either way.
  a) conclude
2. implies the setting of a limit in time or space: your employment ~s after three months.
  b) end
3. may stress completion of a final step in a process: after it is painted, the house will be ~ed.
  c) complete
4. implies the removal of all deficiencies or a successful finishing of what has been undertaken: the resolving of this last issue ~s the agreement.
  d) terminate
5. usually implies that something has been in some way open as well as unfinished: ~ the debate.  open未决定未解决的not yet finally decided or settled,如the race is still wide open 赛跑胜负未定=anyone could win,如which route is better remains an open question哪条路线较好尚待决定=it is not decided,如the bug is still open软件缺陷还没有解决=it is not corrected)
  e) close
6. conveys a strong sense of finality and implies a development which has been carried through: ~ed his life.
  f) ambiguous
7. may imply a formal closing (as of a meeting): the service ~ed with a blessing.
  g) finish
fdgceba Right:) group close mean to bring or come to a stopping point or limit.

1. implies blameworthy delay esp. through laziness, hesitation or apathy: ~ about making every decision.
  a) loud
2. implies a loud harsh grating tone, especially of voice, and may suggest rowdiness: a barroom filled with the ~ shouts of drunken revelers.
  b) strident
3. implies a rasping discordant but insistent quality, especially of voice: the ~ voices of hecklers.  rasping和grating完全同义,动词表示粗噪的或尖声地说,rasp表示挫磨东西,如 'Where've you put it?' he rasped “你把它放在哪里了?”他粗厉刺耳地说)
  c) procrasinate
4. chiefly used of voices, implies great power and range: an actor with a ~ voice.
  d) stentorian
5. implies loudness that is physically oppressive and shrilly discomforting: the ~ sound of a siren.
  e) raucous
6. applies to any volume above normal and may suggest undue vehemence or obtrusiveness: a ~ obnoxious person.  (volume音量体积: 多指没有形状轮廓的可以流动的总体,如气体液体的体积声音的音量applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or fluctuating,如a tremendous volume of water大的水)  obnoxious令人厌恶very unpleasant,如an obnoxious person让人讨厌的人
  f) earsplitting
cebdfa Right:) group loud mean marked by intensity or volume of sound.

1. implies a loss of some tightness, tension, strictness, or rigidity; it may also imply an easing of rather than a freeing from what restrains: the ~ discipline of the last few days of school.
  a) lax
2. stresses lack of steadiness, firmness, and tone or, in respect to immaterial things, may stress lack of needed or proper steadiness and firmness: a ~ administration.
  b) loose
3. is widely referable to persons or things free from a usual or former restraint: a book with a ~ page; or to something not firmly or tightly held or connected between points of contact: drive with ~ reigns; or to a substances or fabric with particles or filaments in open arrangement: a ~- woven woolen.  substance泛指物质东西如固体粉末液体气体等,具有属性a substance is a solid, powder, liquid, or gas with particular properties,如sound travels with different velocities through different substances声音在不同的物质中传播速度不同) (fabric两个意思,1布料织布cloth or other material produced by weaving cotton, silk, nylon,如cotton/furnishing fabric棉/装饰布料, 如whatever your colour scheme, there's a fabric to match无论你用什么色彩图案,都有与之相配的布料;2 建筑或社会的基本结构basic structure of a building such as walls, roofs, and materials or the basic structure of society such as beliefs and customs,如this trend threatens the very fabric of our society这种趋势威胁着我们社会的基本结构,如the extreme climate caused the fabric of the building to rot away极端气候使建筑结构发生腐蚀)
  c) slack
4. otherwise close to relaxed, may stress lack of firmness and steadiness: an overweight body, pudgy and ~.
  d) spasm
5. connotes sudden involuntary muscular contractions: suffered from ~s of his back muscles; or possession by some emotion or state that momentarily grips and paralyzes: seized by ~s of fear.
  e) relaxed
eabcd Right:) group loose mean not tightly bound, held, restrained, or stretched.

1. implies a getting rid of what is already within, typically as a constituent part or element: a company's plans to ~ a fourth of its work force.
  a) suspend
2. implies counteracting completely the force, effectiveness, or value of something: his critical insights are ~ied by tiresome puns.
  b) debar
3. implies a keeping out of what is already outside by or as if by closing some barrier: children under 17 are ~d from the movie.
  c) nullify
4. implies temporary and usually disciplinary removal, as from a membership in an organization, or restraining, as from functioning or expression: a student ~ed for possession of drugs.
  d) eliminate
5. stresses the effectiveness of an existent barrier in excluding a person or class from what is open and accessible to others: arbitrary standards that effectively ~ most female candidates.
  e) exclude
dceab Right:) group exclude mean to shut or put out.

1. implies a constant increase (as in amount or power) by successive addition, accretion, or repetition: the ~ effect of taking a drug for many months.
  a) accumulative
2. implies that something is capable of assimilation to or incorporation in something else OR of growth by additions: as new art forms arise, we develop an ~ notion of what art is.
  b) summative
3. applies to entrance or formal acceptance (as into a club) that carries with it rights, privileges, standing, or membership: candidates for ~ must submit recommendations from two club members.
  c) additive
4. implies that something is capable of association or combination with others so as to create a total effect: the ~ effect of the show's music, dancing, and staging.
  d) admission
5. may distinctively imply that something has reached its maximum or greatest magnitude through many additions: the ~ impact of a well-ordered sales presentation.
  e) cumulative
ecdba Right:) group cumulative mean increasing or produced by the addition of new material of the same or similar kind.

1. implies a spontaneous flocking together into a crowd or huddle, usually of similar types: persons were forbidden to ~ under martial law.
  a) introduce
2. is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or a person into a group or body  already in existence: ~d a new topic into the conversation.
  b) collect
3. implies an orderly union or organization of persons or things and a conscious or definite end for their coming or being brought together: the country's leading experts on aeronautics ~d under one roof.
  c) congregate
4. often implies careful selection or orderly arrangement with a definite end in view: ~ed books on gardening.
  d) assemble
5. the most general term, is usually neutral in connotation or may suggest plucking and culling or harvesting: a crowd ~s whenever there is excitement.
  e) gather
cadbe Right:) group gather mean to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit.

1. implies temporary protection of a screen or roof from something that would harm or annoy: seek ~ from the storm in a cave.
  a) shelter
2. applies to an acquired peculiarity of behavior or speech that has become a habit: gesturing with a cigarette was her most noticeable ~.
  b) mannerism
3. may suggest natural acquirement through environment or way of life: years of living in Europe had given him a sophisticated ~.
  c) air
4. always implies artificiality and pretentiousness: a snobby couple much given to putting on ~.
  d) affectation
5. implies an attitude deliberately assumed in order to impress others or to call attention to oneself: her shyness was just a ~.
  e) pose
6. applies to a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere: his foreign accent is an ~.
  f) airs
abcfed Right:) group pose mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving.

1. stresses actual combat between forces and may apply to a major battle OR a minor skirmish; in extended uses it tends to replace the suggestion of hostility with one of interaction: sought to  create an ~ between students and teachers.
  a) battle
2. describes general and prolonged combat or can imply a major extended struggle or controversy: fighting a losing ~ for basic civility.
  b) bind
3. implies the use of a band or bond to attach two or more things firmly together: used wire to ~ the gate to the fence post.
  c) action
4. stresses the active give-and-take of offensive and defensive efforts or of attaining an end or resisting a pressure: sounded the call to ~ on behalf of environmentalists.
  d) engagement
Wrong dabc Right:) group battle mean a meeting, often military, between opposing forces.

1. implies habitual self-restraint, moderation, frugality,esp. in eating or drinking:lived a life of frugality and ~.
  a) temperance
2. suggests avoidance of excess, often specifically of the excess of drinking that leads to intoxication, it may also connotes seriousness and avoidance of ostentaion: a sect noted for its ~ of dress.
  b) sobriety
3. emphasized self-restraint in regard to impulses and desires: a style of writing marked by ~ and craft; it finds its typical application in regard to sexual indulgence, where it may imply EITHER complete chastity OR avoidance of excess: a society that encouraged ~ in all its members.
  c) structure
4. the most general term, refers to any whole, natural or artificial, material or immaterial, and may be used specifically of the parts or arrangements that give a whole its characteristic form or nature: studied the ~ of the atom.
  d) abstinence
5. implies VOLUNTARY deprivation:practiced ~ when it came to dessert.
  e) continence
6. implies HABITUAL moderation and the exercise of discretion in ANY activity; in reference to the use of  intoxicating beverages, it implies not moderation BUT abstention: exercise ~ in all activities. 
  f) abstemiousness
fbecda Right:) group temperance meaning unknown

1. suggests the need of help or relief and so imputes weakness to the one aided and strength to the one aiding: an army of volunteers ~ed the flood victims.
  a) help
2. carries a strong implication of advance toward an objective: ~ed to find a cure for the disease.
  b) assist
3. suggests a secondary role in the assistant or a subordinate character in the assistance: ~ed the chief surgeon during the operation.
  c) train
4. stresses instructing and drilling with a specific end in view: ~ foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft.
  d) aid
dabc Right:) group help mean to supply what is needed to accomplish an end.

1. stresses firmness of conviction, and is likely to suggest persistent or insistent upholding of a cause and may suggest aggressiveness or obtrusiveness: steadfastly ~ed his client's innocence.
  a) vindicate
2. implies a successful defending: his success ~d our faith in him.
  b) maintain
3. applies to events: Victoria's reign was ~ with British hegemony.
  c) justify
4. implies maintaining one's claim in the face of attack or criticism: I need not ~ my wartime record.
  d) contemporaneous
5. suggests a determination to make others accept one's claim of one's position: fiercely ~ed that credit for discovery belonged to her.
  e) defend
6. implies a showing to be true, right, acceptable, or valid by appeal to a standard or precedent: threats to public safety ~ied such drastic steps.
  f) assert
badefc Right:) group maintain mean to uphold as true, right, just, or reasonable.

1. may apply to an ideal abstraction that conforms to a universal or generalized reality or quality of statements, acts, or feelings that adhere to reality and avoid error or falsehood: swore to the ~ of the statement he had made.
  a) verity
2. implies rigid and unfailing adherence to, observance of, or respect for truth: a politician not known for his ~.
  b) verisimilitude
3. stresses the use of the voice and the act of putting into spoken words: ~ed a faint response; and is appropriate for reference to vocal sounds other than words: ~ a hoarse laugh.
  c) utter
4. designates the quality of a state or thing that is exactly what it purports to be or accords completely with the facts: test the ~ of his remarks; or refers to things felt to be of lasting, ultimate, or transcedent truth: a teacher still believing in the old ~ies of school pride and loyalty.
  d) truth
5. implies the quality of an artistic or literary representation that causes one to accept it as true to life or to human experience: a novel about contemporary marriage that was praised for its ~.
  e) veracity
decab Right:) group truth mean the quality of keeping close to fact or reality and avoiding distortion or misrepresentation.

1. usually implies mutual opposition and either hostility or incompatibility: neighboring countries were ~ to the new nation.
  a) counter
2. applies to forces coming from opposite directions with resulting conflict or tension: the ~ demands of family and career.
  b) counteractive
3. applies to what is unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental: very sensitive to ~ criticism.
  c) adverse
4. implies an opposition between two things that nullifies the effect of one or both: poor eating habits will have a ~ effect on any gains from exercise.
  d) antagonistic
5. stress essential and formative relationship of the elements, substances and qualities TO the whole: analyzed the ~ of the district.
  e) constituent
dacbe Right:) group adverse meaning unknown

1. implies a tampering with or distorting of facts or reality that is usually, but not necessarily, deliberate and intended to deceive: ~ the records of a business to conceal embezzlement.
  a) misrepresent
2. suggests perniciousness or destructiveness that works either openly or overtly: the ~ influence of superstition and fanaticism.
  b) falsify
3. implies mutilation or distortion of such things as reports, testimony, and translations that may or may not be intentional but that regularly creates a wrong impression of the original: the victims of badly ~d accounts.
  c) belie
4. implies an impression given that is at variance with fact; it stresses contrast but does not ordinarily suggest intent: an agility that ~s her age.
  d) garble
5. usually implies an intent to deceive and may suggest deliberate lying and often bias, prejudice, or a will to be unfair: ~ the value of property offered for sale.
  e) baleful
bedca Right:) group misrepresent mean to present or represent in a manner contrary to the truth.

1. suggests irresponsible indulgence in gaieties or in idle speech or conduct: a playgirl living a life of uninterrupted ~.
  a) flippancy
2. implies an unbecoming levity especially in speaking of grave or sacred matters: spoke of the bombing with annoying ~.  unbecoming言行和身份品格不符不得体implies behavior or language beneath or unsuitable to one's status or character,如conduct unbecoming an officer和军官身份不符的行为)
  b) frivolity
3. implies such lightness or fickleness of disposition as prevents long attention to any one thing: the ~ of the public interest in foreign aid.
  c) volatility
4. suggests trifling or unseasonable gaiety: injected a moment of ~ in the solemn proceedings.
  d) lightness
5. implies a lack of weight and seriousness and sometimes an instability or careless heedlessness: the only bit of ~ in a dreary, ponderous drama.
  e) think
6. implies extreme volatility that may approach loss of mental balance: the ~ of my grandmother in her old age.
  f) flightiness
7. a general term and may apply to ANY MENTAL ACTIVITY, when used alone, it oft suggest ATTAINMENT of clear ideas or conclusion: this course teaches you how to ~.
  g) levity
bacgdfe Right:) group lightness mean gaiety or indifference when seriousness is called for.

1. implies irregularity or roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel: follow the ~ road up the mountain.
  a) uneven
2. implies a lack of regularity in height, breadth, or quality: an old house with ~ floors.
  b) rugged
3. implies the presence of detectable inequalities on the surface, such as points, bristles, ridges, or projections: a ~ wooden board.
  c) harsh
4. implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch: the ~ fabric chafed his skin.
  d) scabrous
5. implies having the tangible qualities of a body, such as shape, size, or resistance to force: artists have portrayed angels as ~ beings.
  e) rough
6. implies scaliness or prickliness of surface and may connote an unwholesome, decayed, or diseased appearance: an allergic condition that results in ~ hands.
  f) corporeal
baecfd Right:) group rough mean not smooth or even.

1. without much loss of time: your sister will come home ~.
  a) directly
2. applies to a riddle or puzzle whose answer involves a pun or less often to a problem whose solution can only be speculative: posed ~s to which there are no practical solutions.
  b) shortly
3. little or minimal delay: after graduation, he went ~ to the company.
  c) conundrum
4. rather vague as to the extent of time: The doc will come ~.
  d) soon
5. quickly without avoidable delay: you will recieve the score ~ after the exam.
  e) presently
dcaeb Right:) group presently meaning unknown

1. implies a wavering or stumbling and often connotes nervousness, lack of courage, or outright fear: never once ~ed during her testimony.
  a) falter
2. implies hesitation after seeming to reach a decision and so connotes weakness or a retreat: ~ed in his support of the rebels.
  b) hesitate
3. sug. an abrupt and startling change Induced by magic or supernatural power OR the process of a natural development: ~ awkward girls into graceful ballerinas.
  c) waver
4. implies prolonged hesitation from inability to reach a firm decision and suggests the play of opposing factors that results in indecision: ~ed until it was too late and events were out of control.
  d) vacillate
5. implies pausing before deciding or acting or choosing: ~ed before answering the question.
  e) metamorphose
acedb Right:) group hesitate mean to show irresolution or uncertainty.

1. implies zealous attention to every detail: a ~ description of the scene of the crime.
  a) detailed
2. implies a description, narrative, or report that fixes something in time and space with precise details and happenings: a ~ account of the visit.
  b) particular
3. denotes merely lack of power or efficacy which is often temporary or relative to a specific purpose or situation: claimed he was ~ to make the change.
  c) powerless
4. stresses abundance rather than completeness of detail: a ~ description of the event.
  d) circumstantial
5. implies thorough and meticulous attention to the smallest details: a ~ examination of a fossil.
  e) minute
bdcae Right:) group circumstantial mean dealing with a matter fully and usually point by point.

1. implies plunder that is to be shared among confederates: the thieves planned to divide their ~ later.
  a) prize
2. applies to spoils captured on the high seas or in the territorial waters of the enemy: a pirate ship ruthlessly seizing ~s.
  b) booty
3. stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern: ~ as ever, she ignored the crying baby.
  c) spoil
4. more commonly spoils, applies to what belongs by right or custom to the victor in war or political contest: a governor who relished doling out the ~s of office.  (relish: 喜欢enjoy)
  d) pillage
5. applies to things taken with more open violence or lawlessness: filled his capital with the ~ of Europe.
  e) plunder
6. applies especially to what is taken from victims of a catastrophe: prowlers searched the storm-damaged cottages for ~.
  f) loot
7. applies to what is taken NOT ONLY in war BUT in robbery, banditry, grafting, or swindling: a fortune that was the ~ of years of political corruption.
  g) nonchalant
bagcdfe Right:) group spoil mean something taken from another by force or craft.

1. suggests abject or debased servility: the ~ condition of migrant farmer workers.
  a) menial
2. is a stronger term than bad and usually carries a baleful or sinister connotation: ~ men who would even commit murder.
  b) slavish
3. implies fawning or sycophantic compliance and exaggerated deference of manner: waiters who are ~ in the presence of celebrities.
  c) servile
4. implies the compliant or cringing manner of one conscious of a subordinate position: domestic help was expected to be properly ~. (domestic help=domestic servant家庭佣人)
  d) evil
5. stresses humbleness and degradation associated with one who works at an economically or socially inferior occupation: wanted to escape from a life of ~ jobs.
  e) obsequious
6. suggests lowly status and mean or fawning submissiveness: a political boss and his entourage of ~ hangers-on.
  f) subservient
bdefac Right:) group subservient mean showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obeidIence.

1. implies the successful demonstration by any method of the falsity or invalidity of a claim or argument: the view that one can neither prove or disprove the existence of God.
  a) disprove
2. stresses a logical method of disproving and suggests adducing of evidence, bringing forward of witnesses or authorities, and close reasoning: ~d every piece of his argument.
  b) controvert
3. implies reducing an opponent to silence by an overwhelming refutation or by such methods as raillery, denunciation, or sarcasm: a triumphal flight that ~d all of the doubters.
  c) refute
4. implies an unwillingness to be held down by the facts, or a bias so great that one cannot clearly see or accurately estimate the exact situation: unable to tell the story without ~.
  d) confute
5. suggests formality of method but not assurance of success in answering an opponent's argument, evidence, or testimony: give the opposing side time to ~.
  e) exaggeration
6. stresses BOTH the denial of and the attempt to disprove what is put forward without necessarily implying success in refutation: a thesis that withstood every attempt to ~ it.
  f) rebut
acdefb Right:) group disprove mean to show or try to show by presenting evidence that something is not true.

1. is applied to a mistake in etiquette: committed a grievous ~ by drinking from the finger bowl.
  a) slip
2. implies misconception or inadvertence and usually expresses less criticism than error: dialed the wrong number by ~.
  b) faux pas
3. stresses inadvertence or accident and applies especially to trivial but embarrassing mistakes: during the speech I made several ~s.
  c) mistake
4. stresses forgetfulness, weakness, or inattention as a cause: apart from a few grammatical ~s, the paper is good.
  d) blunder
5. suggests the existence of a standard or guide and implies a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this: one ~ in planning lost the battle.
  e) error
6. suggests personal or direct relationship to something that has bearing on one's welfare, success, or interests: viewed the issue as of no ~ to them.   (to have bearing on: 和...有关系,对...有影响: your credibility has bearing on your success信誉关系到成功)
  f) lapse
7. regularly imputes stupidity or ignorance as a cause and connotes some degree of blame: a political campaign noted mostly for its series of ~s.
  g) concern
bcafegd Right:) group error mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper.

1. usually implies an intent to mislead and commonly suggests a false appearance or duplicitous behavior: leant of the secret of his ~ partner.
  a) dishonest
2. is a less harsh term than lying and stresses a discrepancy between what is said or represented and the facts or reality of the situation rather than an intent to deceive: the  version given in her memoirs is ~ in several respects.
  b) untruthful
3. suggests the attainment of something sought for with some expenditure of time and effort: ~ statements from all of the witnesses.  (seek: 很努力寻找谋求,如ICQ: I seek you. The prosecutors warned they would seek the death penalty检方律师警告说他们会努力争取判处死刑。)
  c) deceitful
4. implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, defraud: a swindle usually involves ~ people.
  d) mendacious
5. implies a specific act or instance rather than a habit or tendency and suggests guilt: a conviction based upon testimony of a ~ witness.
  e) obtain
6. less forthright than lying, may suggest bland or even harmless mischievous deceit and often suggests a habit of telling untruths: his sea story became increasingly ~.
  f) lying
cbeafd Right:) group dishonest mean unworthy of trust or belief.


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