

【同义词练习】 第12/30周(2023.07.10--2023.07.16)

jason246 发表于 2023-7-15 10:43:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. may apply to sensations such as touch, heat, cold, or pressure that are perceived through the skin: so cold she had no ~ in her fingers; or to a complex response to stimulation involving sensation, emotion, and a degree of thought: had a vague ~ of unease; or to the power to respond: a sentient, ~ being
  a) feeling
2. may differ little from sensation: as the fire burned lower a ~ of chill crept over them; or it may be applied specifically to any one of the basic perceptive powers: the ~ of smell; but in its typical application to the power or act of responding to stimuli it tends to stress intellectual awareness and full consciousness: a ~ of frustration.
  b) sense
3. often replaces feeling in this last use, especially when a keenly impressionable nature is to be implied: a creature of gentle nature and great ~; or excessive or affected responsiveness: made a great show of effete ~ies.   (affectation做作矫情不真诚不自然: implies speech or behavior that is not natural or sincere,如his foreign accent is an affectation他的外国口音只是装腔作势)
  c) sensibility
4. may center attention on the fact of perception through or as if through the sense organs, with or without comprehension: felt a tingling ~; but often suggests not only recognition but also intellectual and emotional reactions: bothered by the ~ that he was being ignored.  perceive感知to become aware。既可以表示一般感知,也可以表示洞察即敏锐深入感知with penetration, insight,都有使知道的含义,如perceived the rock to be made of granite注意到(感知)岩石是花岗岩,was able to perceive the danger of their situation能感到境遇危险)
  d) priory
5. indicates a community governed by a prior or prioress: summoned the inhabitants of the ~ for matins.
  e) sensation
abced Right group sensation mean the power to respond or the act of responding to stimuli.

1. used chiefly in negative phrases, implies the least conceivable amount: cared not a ~ about their opinion.
  a) tittle
2. suggests the very smallest size or amount possible: not an ~ of dust escaped his attention.
  b) bit
3. implies accordance with an original or a type without counterfeiting, admixture, or adulteration: ~ maple syrup; or it may stress sincerity: ~ piety.
  c) whit
4. suggests the least feasible amount, extent, or degree: a movie that was a ~ too violent.
  d) mite
5. are used interchangeably to mean the smallest or most minute detail or amount: tried to remove the last ~ of doubt; added not a ~ to their knowledge.
  e) atom
6. may stress either smallness in size or minuteness in amount: doesn't have a ~ of suspicion.
  f) smidgen
7. has the same meaning as iota and jot but is usually used in the phrase jot or tittle: didn't care a ~ about the opinions of others.
  g) genuine
8. implies an amount of a substance or quality that is within the range of visual or mental perception: a rumor without a ~ of truth.
  h) particle
9. may go even further in stressing minuteness or scarcity: left them without even a ~ of hope.
  i) iota,jot
cegbidahf Right group particle mean a very small or insignificant piece or part.

1. applies to something that distinguishes or identifies a person, thing, or class: responded with his ~ wit.
  a) peculiar
2. indicates qualities distinguishing and uncommon and often worthy of recognition or praise: her ~ aura of grace and elegance.
  b) distinctive
3. usually used with on or upon, carries a strong implication of overcoming opposition or reluctance with sustained argument or pressure or cogent appeals: ~ed upon them to stay for the night.
  c) prevail
4. stresses the rarity or uniqueness of qualities possessed by a particular individual or class or kind: an eccentricity that is ~ to the British.
  d) individual
5. stresses qualities that distinguish one from other members of the same group or class: a highly ~ writing style.
  e) characteristic
ebcad Right group characteristic mean revealing a special quality or identity.

1. applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason: interpreted her smile as a good ~.
  a) mark
2. suggests detectable outward indication of an internal change or abnormal condition: rampant violence is a ~ of that country's decline.
  b) note
3. implies a withdrawal from a point or position reached, typically in response to some pressure: under cross-examination, he ~ed from that statement.
  c) sign
4. suggests something impressed on or inherently characteristic of a thing often in contrast to something outwardly evident: the bitter experience left its ~ on him.
  d) symptom
5. applies to something that serves as proof or offers evidence of something intangible: this gift is a ~ of our esteem.
  e) token
6. suggests a distinguishing mark or characteristic: a ~ of despair pervades her poetry.
  f) retreat
cdfaeb Right group sign mean a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible.

1. suggests contemptible timidity or lack of courage: ~ politicians feared crossing him. cross
  a) intrigue
2. suggests extreme faintheartedness and lack of resistance: secretly despised the ~ toadies around her.
  b) cowardly
3. implies a weak or ignoble lack of courage: the ~ retreat of the army.  ignoble不光彩,表示缺乏普通人的美德
  c) pusillanimous
4.close to cowardly, is informal and considered by some to be not entirely polite: a ~ coward.
  d) dastardly
5. implies behavior that is both cowardly and despicably treacherous or outrageous: a ~ attack on unarmed civilians.
  e) craven
6. suggests secret underhanded maneuvering in an atmosphere of duplicity: finagled the nomination by means of by means of back-room ~.
  f) gutless
cebfda Right group cowardly mean having or showing a lack of courage.

1. implies acquiring knowledge either with little effort or conscious intention: ~ed the truth by chance; OR by study and practice: spent years ~ing Greek.
  a) ascertain
2. implies an awareness of ignorance or uncertainty and a conscious effort to find the facts or the truth: will try to ~ the population of the region.
  b) discover
3. may apply to something requiring exploration or investigation OR to a chance encounter and always implies the prior existence of what becomes known: ~ed the source of the river.
  c) unearth
4. implies a bringing to light of something forgotten or hidden: ~ old records .
  d) learn
5. largely scientific or legal in usage, emphasizes the intent to establish the facts or to  decide a dispute or controversy: unable to ~ the exact cause of the disease.
  e) determine
6. stresses the intended effect of the action often IN distinction or contrast with the action or the means as such: will use any means to achieve his ~.
  f) end
dabcef Right group discover mean to find out something not previously known to one.

1. is more common when units of measurement are mentioned: rugs eight feet ~; or applied to unfilled space between limits: a ~ doorway.
  a) gather
2. may indicate horizontal extent away from the observer or from a front or peripheral point: a ~ cupboard; ~ woods.
  b) deep
3. applies to any collecting or bringing together of material, such as the produce of a farm or garden, and stresses amassing or accumulation: ~ed information.   (amass积攒to gather together,如he amassed a fortune他积攒了一笔财产)
  c) broad
4. is preferred when full horizontal extent is considered: ~ shoulders. 
  d) wide
dbac Right group broad mean having horizontal extent.

1. usually suggests a turning round and round or a sensation of so turning or being turned, but it may also imply a being thrown off balance: a boxer ~ing from the blow.
  a) vaunt
2. suggests conceit, crudity, and artlessness in glorifying oneself: boys ~ging to each other.
  b) crow
3. often suggests ostentation and exaggeration: ready to ~ of every trivial success; but it may imply proper and justifiable pride: the town ~s one of the best hospitals in the area.
  c) boast
4. usually implies exultant boasting or blatant bragging: loved to ~ about his triumphs.
  d) reel
5. usually connotes more pomp and bombast than boast and less crudity and naivete than brag: used the occasion to ~ the country’s military might.
  e) brag
decba Right group boast mean to express in speech pride in oneself or one's accomplishments.

1. a heavy, driving oppression or maltreatment: ~ mothers trying to cope with small children.
  a) meander
2. implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course: found her ~ing about the square.
  b) ramble
3. implies a winding or intricate course suggestive of aimless or listless wandering: the river ~s for miles through rich farmland.
  c) wander
4. stresses carelessness and indifference to one's course or objective and suggests a straying beyond bounds or inattention to guiding details: the speaker ~d on without ever coming to the point.
  d) traipse
5. implies an erratic if purposeful and vigorous course: ~d all over town looking for the right dress.
  e) range
6. carries a stronger suggestion of a deviation from a fixed or proper course and may connote a being lost: ~ed into the underbrush.
  f) harry
7. suggests a wandering about freely and often far afield and often connotes enjoyment: liked to ~ through the woods.
  g) rove
8. adds to rove an emphasis on the extent of territory covered and is often used when literal wandering is not implied: a lecture that ~d over much of both Eastern and Western philosophy.
  h) stray
9. suggests vigorous and sometimes purposeful roaming: armed brigands ~d through the countryside.
  i) roam
fcabdhieg Right group wander mean to move about more or less aimlessly from place to place.首字母排序为RRRR MTWS四人 码头玩耍<==漫步

1. often suggests excessive and utterly selfish acquisitiveness or avarice: ~ land developers indifferent to the ruination of the environment.
  a) parade
2. applies especially to habitual gorging WITH what satisfies an appetite: teenagers are often ~ eaters.
  b) ravenous
3. implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying: ~ing their piety for all to see.
  c) rapacious
4. implies excessive hunger and suggests violent or grasping methods of dealing with whatever satisfies an appetite: football practice usually gives them ~ appetites.
  d) voracious
5. applies to delight in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety: an admiral who had a ~ appetite for glory.
  e) gluttonous
Wrong cdabe Right group voracious mean excessively greedy.

1. stresses a coveting of something such as riches or attainments which belongs to another or of something such as success or good luck which has come to another and may imply an urgent, even malicious desire to see the other person dispossessed of what gives satisfaction, OR it may imply no more than a mild coveting without desire to injure: we are all ~ of your new dress.
  a) jealous
2. is likely to stress intolerance of a rival for the possession of what one regards as peculiarly one's own possession or due, but sometimes it implies no more than intensely zealous efforts to keep or maintain what one possesses; it often carries a strong implication of distrust, suspicion, enviousness, or sometimes anger: stabbed by a ~ lover.
  b) nobility
3. refers to persons of a privileged and titled class that ranks just below royalty: the duke ranks highest in British ~.
  c) envious
cab Right:) group envious mean begrudging another possession of something desirable.

1. suggests an exaggerated emotionalism or an inappropriate theatricalism: making a ~ scene in public.
  a) melodramatic
2. applies to tones, gestures, and motions and suggests a deliberate affectation or staginess: a ~ show of grief.
  b) theatrical
3. applies to a speech, action, gesture, or situation capable of stirring the imagination and emotions deeply: a ~ meeting of world leaders.
  c) dramatic
4. suggests an aspect seen from a very restricted or specific point of view: find a fresh ~ for covering the political convention.
  d) angle
5. implies a crude appeal to the emotions through artificiality or exaggeration in gesture, action, or vocal expression: a ~ oration.
  e) histrionic
aecdb Right:) group dramatic mean having a character or effects typical of acted plays.

1. may indicate a violation, often inadvertent, of the victim's sense of what is proper and fitting: hoped my remarks had not ~ed her.
  a) insult
2. implies offending beyond endurance and calling forth extreme feelings: corruption that ~s every citizen.
  b) offend
3. implies an exactness of agreement between a requirement and what is submitted to fill it: designed to ~ the demands of today's students.
  c) affront
4. suggests wanton and deliberate causing of humiliation, hurt pride, or shame: managed to ~ every guest at the party.
  d) meet
5. implies treating with deliberate rudeness or contemptuous indifference to courtesy: a movie that ~ your intelligence. affront death临死不惧
  e) outrage
bedac Right:) group offend mean to cause hurt feeling or deep resentment.

1. implies a bafflement that causes complete blankness of mind: she was utterly ~ed by the abrupt change in plans.
  a) perplex
2. suggests an intense but momentary confounding or astounding: ~ed by her rejection of his marriage proposal.
  b) nonplus
3. stresses a confusion of mind that hampers clear and decisive thinking: the number of videotapes available ~s consumers.
  c) dumbfound
4. implies the presenting of a problem difficult to solve: a persistent fever which ~d the doctor.
  d) puzzle
5. implies agitation or uncertainty induced by conflicting preoccupations or interests: a political scandal that ~ed the country for two years.
  e) bewilder
6. is sometimes applied generally to all such structures, but more specifically denotes a small, typically open structure operated by oars, paddles, poles, sails, or a motor: took the ~ without any paddles.
  f) distract
7. implies temporary mental paralysis caused by astonishment or profound abasement: tragic news that ~ed us all.
  g) boat
8. adds a suggestion of worry and uncertainty especially about making a necessary decision: an odd change of personality that ~ed her friends.
  h) confound
bcedfgha Right:) group puzzle mean to baffle and disturb mentally.首字母PDPDBNC想成难判断,判断不出<==让人困惑

1. implies an incapacity for steadiness and an inherent tendency to change: the supply of the material was too ~ to rely on.
  a) inconstant
2. stresses lack of courage and daring and implies extreme cautiousness and a fear of venturing into the unfamiliar or the uncertain: a ~ investor impairing his capital in a vain search for complete security.
  b) capricious
3. implies a rapid changeability in mood, especially between depression and elation: so ~ in temperament that no one knew what to expect.
  c) unstable
4. suggest unreliability because of perverse changeability and incapacity for steadfastness: performers discover how ~ the public can be.
  d) mercurial
5. implies an incapacity for remaining in a fixed position or on a steady course, when applied to persons, suggests a lack of emotional balance: in love she was impulsive and ~.
  e) fickle
6. suggests motivation by sudden whim or fancy and stresses unpredictability : an utterly ~ manner of selecting candidates.
  f) timid
afdecb Right:) group inconstant mean lacking firmness or steadiness in such things as purpose or devotion.

1. implies an acting in behalf of another, often an offender, to seek mercy or forgiveness: asked to ~ on the daughter's behalf.
  a) intercede
2. implies a getting in the way or otherwise hindering: noise ~d with my concentration.  get in the way固定搭配
  b) morally
3. implies a difference between what satisfies one's judgment and what constitutes legal or logical proof: the jurors were ~ certain of the defendant's guilt but the lack of conclusive evidence demanded a verdict of "not guilty".
  c) mediate
4. implies no more than this: a road ~d the house and the beach.
  d) intervene
5. may imply a coming between two things in space or time or a stepping in to halt or settle a quarrel or conflict: family duties ~d, and the work came to a halt.
  e) interfere
6. implies an intervening between hostile factions or conflicting ideas or principles: chosen to ~ between union and management.
  f) interpose
aebfdc Right:) group interpose mean to come or go between.

1. basically means to articulate words: ~ each word carefully and clearly; but it may be used in reporting something voiced: he ~ he would be home soon; or in implying the fact of putting in speech OR writing: be careful what you ~ to that man.  (articulate口齿清晰的,善于表达的,口齿清晰地表达implies the use of language which exactly and distinctly reveals or conveys what one seeks to express,如questioned the validity of the criticism from a critic who is himself hardly articulate评论家自身口齿不清,他的评论因而受到质疑)
  a) state
2. stresses affirmation, especiallyin the face of denial or doubt: ~ed that he had never had a more splendid meal.
  b) tell
3. may replace say when the added implication of clearness and definiteness is needed: ~ one's objections to a proposal.
  c)  protest
4. stresses the imparting of an idea or information and may refer to either spoken OR written communication OR other method to present an idea: an attempt to ~ the story of her life.
  d) utter
5. stresses the use of the voice and the act of putting into spoken words: ~ed a faint response; and is appropriate for reference to vocal sounds other than words: ~ a hoarse laugh.
  e) say
ecabd Right:) group say mean to put into words.

1. suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinancy or doggedness: the sense of guilt ~. (outlast比...时间长He can outlast anyone on the dance floor他比谁都能跳舞。)
  a) foretaste
2. implies a prospect or outlook that involves advance suffering or enjoyment of what is foreseen: reviewing his notes in ~ of the next meeting.
  b) outlook
3. implies an actual though brief or partial experiencing of something that come later in full force: the ~frost was a ~ of winter.
  c) persist
4. suggests a usually general forecasting of the future: a favorable ~ for the state's economy.
  d) anticipation
5. implies expectation of a particular event, condition, or development of definite interest or concern: the appealing ~ of a quiet weekend.
  e) prospect
cdabe Right:) group prospect mean an advance realization of something to come.

1. in ecclesiastical and especially Roman Catholic use refers to a pardon extended for sins confessed and atoned for and implies that the eternal punishment for sin has been removed: asked for and was granted ~.
  a) monstrous
2. implies a pardon that is extended to a whole class or to a community: declared an ~ for all tax evaders.
  b) pardon
3. implies a departure from the normal in such qualities as size, form, or character and often carries suggestions of deformity, ugliness, or fabulousness: the ~ waste of the project.
  c) absolution
4. often ambiguous, denotes a release not from guilt but from a penalty imposed by an authority: received a ~ from the governor at the last moment.
  d) amnesty
cdab Right:) group pardon mean a lifting of penalty or punishment.

1. suggests a wringing or wresting of something from one who resists strongly: ~ed the money from his father-in-law.
  a) craft
2. applies to any boat or ship that plies the water and is often a vague or general term: small ~ darting in all  directions.
  b) vessel
3. is sometimes applied generally to all such structures, but more specifically denotes a small, typically open structure operated by oars, paddles, poles, sails, or a motor: took the ~ without any paddles.
  c) boat
4. stresses the navigational aspect of a large seagoing vessel and has connotations of individuality and romance: the beauty of the great sailing ~s.
  d) ship
5. suggests chiefly a large seagoing boat used to contain or transport persons or commodities or to serve as a base of operation: a fleet of fishing ~s.
  e) extort
eacdb Right:) group boat mean a floating structure designed to carry persons or goods over water.首字母BVSC想成伴我上船<==船舶指大船

1. applies to anything that occasions laughter whether intentionally or unintentionally: her attempts at roller-skating is ~.
  a) laughable
2. applies especially to that which arouses thoughtful or wry amusement: Falstaff is one of Shakespeare's great ~ characters. (wry两个意思,1反讽的, 2既想哭又想笑,既哭笑不得苦笑)
  b) comical
3. applies to that which arouses unrestrained spontaneous hilarity: his ~ appearance would have tested a saint.
  c) ridiculous
4. suggests absurdity or preposterousness that excites both laughter and scorn and sometimes pity: a spy thriller with a ~ plot.
  d) stupendous
5. suggests extreme absurdity, foolishness, or contemptibility: a ~ portrayal of wartime battle.
  e) droll
6. interchangeable with any of the other terms, may suggest curiousness or strangeness as the basis of a laughable quality: had a ~ feeling about the whole encounter.
  f) funny
7. suggests laughable qualities arising from oddity, quaintness, or deliberate waggishness: amused us with ~ stories of questionable veracity.
  g) ludicrous
8. connotes that which causes laughter or is funny: a ~ account of their mishap.
  h) comic
9. implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, or complexity, or greatness beyond one's power to describe: a ~ volcanic eruption that destroyed the city.  stun和astound同义,表示惊讶
  i) risible
ahbgcfeid Right:) group laughable mean provoking laughter or mirth.

1. is likely to be used in connection with children or juniors and in admonition or warning:children must ~ their parents; or in a weaker sense can carry the implication of heeding or attending in order to conform or comply: ~ you, he never spoke to me about it.
  a) obey
2. often used with with, is likely to imply complaisance, dependence, or lack of a strong opinion: willing to ~ with the opinion of the majority.
  b) comply
3. is the general term and implies ready and submissive yielding to authority: ~ed her parents.
  c) whole
4. suggests a completeness or perfection that can be sought and attained or lost and regained: an experience that made him feel a ~ man again.
  d) mind
dbac Right:) group obey mean to follow the direction of another.

1. implies an unwillingness to be held down by the facts, or a bias so great that one cannot clearly see or accurately estimate the exact situation: unable to tell the story without ~.
  a) hyperbole
2. suggests a desire, often literary, to create a planned impression or effect through extravagance in statement: sang her praises through poetic ~.
  b) overstatement
3. suggests great or imposing altitude: ~ mountain peaks.
  c) lofty
4. suggests a simple exceeding of the truth: a style that avoids ~.
  d) exaggeration
dacb Right:) group exaggeration mean an overstepping of the bounds of truth, especially in describing the extent, size, kind, or amount of something.

1. suggests an angry fit of indignation: walked out of the meeting in high ~.
  a) resentment
2. implies a general or chronic proneness to yield to temptation: a fondness for choclate is the most human of ~s. (注意是chronic不是cle, fondness介词for)
  b) huff
3. suggests a longer lasting indignation or smoldering ill will: harbored a life-long ~ of his brother.
  c) umbrage
4. applies to a transient feeling of wounded vanity: in a ~ she foolishly declined the invitation.
  d) dudgeon
5. implies a feeling of being snubbed or ignored: took ~ at a lecturer who debunked American legends.
  e) offence
6. implies a marked state of hurt displeasure: takes deep ~ at racial slurs.
  f) pique
7. implies a peevish short-lived spell of anger, usually at a petty cause: in a ~ she threw the ring in his face.
  g) frailty
dgafceb Right:) group offence mean an emotional response to a slight or indignity.首字母ORUPDH想成Hurt PROUD自尊受伤<==令人不快

1. implies a commanding nature or manner and often suggests arrogant assurance: an ~ executive used to getting his own way.
  a) healthy
2. applies chiefly to the helpful effects of climate or air that is devoid of harshness or extremes: the ~ climate of the American Southwest.
  b) imperious
3. like healthful, applies to what promotes good health and vigor: a ~ climate.
  c) wholesome
4. applies to what benefits, builds up, or sustains physically, mentally, or spiritually or to what is not detrimental to health or well-being: ~ foods; the movie is ~ family entertainment.
  d) healthful
5. implies a beneficial contribution to a healthy condition: ~ diet will provide more energy.
  e) salubrious
6. describes something corrective or beneficially effective, even though it may in itself be unpleasant: a ~ warning that resulted in increased production.
  f) salutary
Wrong beacdf Right:) group healthful mean conducive or favorable to the health or soundness of mind or body.

1. STRESS carrying out what exists in design and intent: ~ the heist exactly as planned.
  a) brazen
2. implies a lack of effective restraints, such as modesty, an active conscience, or a sense of decency: told a ~ lie. 
  b) shameless
3. stresses impetuousness and may imply heedlessness and temerity: won them over with his ~ but charming manner.  impetuous冲动莽撞: 表示非常冲动没耐心stresses extreme impatience or impulsiveness,如it is a bit impetuous to propose marriage on the third date第三次约会就求婚有点冲动,这个词很好记因为三个词都以imp开头。冲动不一定贬义,在《君主论》倒数第2章,马基雅维利说: "I certainly think that it is better to be impetuous than cautious, for fortune is a woman ...我确信冲动好于慎重,因为命运是个女人...她喜欢1是胆大2是年轻的人")  temerity大胆无礼(贬): rashness and contempt of danger不考虑后果,比如被拒绝嘲讽,如had the temerity to ask for a favor after that insult那次侮辱后又胆大无礼地求人帮忙)  (audacity表示不考虑常规谨慎限制显得大胆,一般是褒义implies a disregard of restraints commonly imposed by convention or prudence, 如an entrepreneur with audacity and vision一个兼具胆量和眼光的企业家,the audacity of hope是奥巴马写的书《大胆希望》)
  c) impudent
4. adds to shameless implications of bold or pert defiance of consideration of modesty or decency: a rude and ~ reply to a polite question. 
  d) execute
5. implies absence of all efforts to disguise or mask one's transgressions and connotes extreme effrontery: a ~lie.  effrontery无耻无implies disregard of courtesy or propriety拒绝考虑礼貌礼节,可见和本组最后一个词相同, 如had the effrontery to tell me how to do my job无耻地告诉我怎么工作(表现为无礼) 
  e) brash
6. adds to shameless an implication of defiant insolence: stood up to him with ~ arrogance. 
  f) barefaced
dbecfa Right:) group shameless mean characterized by boldness and a lack of sense of shame.

1. applies to the structure, appearance, or strength of the body as characteristic of an individual or a race: a people of sturdy ~.
  a) mercurial
2. freely interchangeable with physique, may stress the body's conformation, calling attention to such qualities as size, structure, and weight: a horse of chunky ~.
  b) habit
3. implies reference to the body as the outward evidence of characteristics that determine one's physical and mental capacities and condition: a woman of tranquil mien and languorous ~.
  c) physique
4. applies to the makeup of the body as affected by the complex of physical and mental conditions which collectively determine its state: a robust, healthy ~.
  d) build
5. implies a rapid changeability in mood, especially between depression and elation: so ~ in temperament that no one knew what to expect.
  e) constitution
cdbea Right:) group physique meaning unknown

1. stresses the bond by which two or more individual entities are joined and implies GREATER loss of identity: 13 colonies ~ into a republic.
  a) connect
2. suggests existence of real or presumed natural or logical connection: the two events were not ~.
  b) relate
3. implies a bringing into a degree of contact or conjunction of clearly discrete things: ~ forces in an effort to win. (discrete不同、离散: 表面相似接近实际独立分开: two discrete issures are confused here两个不同问题被混淆了)
  c) associate
4. stresses the MERE fact of occurrence or existence together in space or logical sequence: opera is popularly ~ with high class.
  d) join
5. implies a merging or mingling that obscures identity of each unit: ~ the ingredients for a cake.
  e) import
6. may imply strong attachment and inseparability of elements: a name forever ~ with liberty.
  f) link
7. suggests a loose and external attachment with LITTLE or NO loss of identity: the bridge ~ the island to the mainland.
  g) unite
8. suggests momentousness and denotes the meaning or impression a speaker conveyed through language: failed at first to appreciate the ~ of the news.
  h) combine
gbdchfae Right:) group join mean to bring or come together into some manner of union.

1. implies shedding of tissue, as from a scar or wound, or the discarding of what has become objectionable or useless: finally ~ off her air of jaded worldliness. (worldliness世俗,即投身现世的事业和生活) (jaded: 因为疲劳而厌倦,参见2018-05-04tire疲劳)
  a) junk
2. implies the letting go or throwing away of something that has become useless or superfluous though often not intrinsically valueless: ~ any clothes you are unlikely to wear again.
  b) shed
3. is close to scrap but tends to stress finality in disposal: those who would ~ our entire educational system.
  c) discard
4. refers to the seasonal or periodic casting of natural parts, such as antler, hair, skin, or leaves, and to the discarding of whatever has become burdensome or uncomfortable: ~ her tight shoes at first opportunity.
  d) scrap
5. especially when used with off, away, and out, implies a forceful rejection or repudiation: ~ off her friends when they grew tiresome.
  e) slough
6. suggests a throwing away or breaking up as worthless, but implies the possibility of salvage or further utility: all the old ideas of warfare had to be ~ped.
  f) cast
ecabfd Right:) group discard mean to get rid of as of no further use, value, or service.

1. implies provision of a place of a refuge especially for an evil, hunted, or harmful person or animal: ~ thieves; or suggests the holding in the mind of thoughts, wishes, designs, especially evil or harmful ones: ~ thoughts of suicide.
  a) house
2. implies the supplying of a place to stay, often temporary: ~d the wanderers for the night; or the reception into the mind or any place in which a thing may be deposited or imbedded: a series of events that are ~d in her memory.
  b) harbor
3. suggests the place or thing that affords protection or a retreat, especially from such things as the elements, attacks, or a bombardment: ~ed themselves from the posse in the hayloft.
  c) shelter
4. implies the provision of meals or of room and meals for compensation: ~ with the Smiths.
  d) stay
5. implies a shelter like that of a building with a roof and walls that offers protection from the weather: found a nestle housed in the tree.
  e) entertain
6. implies the giving of hospitality, often with special efforts to insure pleasure and comfort, to a guest: ~ed lavishly most nights; or suggests considerations of ideas, notions, or fears: privately ~ a theory about the education of children.
  f) board
7. is the term commonly used in place of sojourn or lodge: ~ at that hotel for the entire week.
  g) lodge
bgcfaed Right:) group harbor mean to provide a place, such as one's home, quarters, or confines, where someone or something may stay or be kept for a time.

1. stresses aloneness and a lack of contact and may imply being cut off by wish or compulsion from one's usual associates: the ~ enjoyed by the long-distance trucker.
  a) seclusion
2. stresses often involuntary detachment or separation from others: the oppressive ~ of the village during winter.  isolate多表示非自愿,如this decision will isolate the country from the rest of Europe这一决定会使国家在欧洲陷入孤立,如elderly people easily become socially isolated上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝, 如home/self isolation for coronavirus patients新冠患者家庭/自我隔离
  b) isolation
3. suggests a shutting away or keeping apart from others and often connotes a deliberate withdrawal from the world or retirement to a quiet life: lived in bucolic ~ surrounded by his art collection.
  c) solitude
cba Right:) group solitude mean the state of one who is alone.


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