

【同义词练习】 第11/30周(2023.07.03--2023.07.09)

jason246 发表于 2023-7-7 22:27:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to an object or a formula of words believed to repel evil spirits or malign influences or to attract their opposites: a ~ against the evil eye; it may also apply to some quality that is appealing or attractive: captivated by the ~ of the old inn.
  a) charm
2. applied especially to something worn or carried on the person as a protection against evil, danger, or disease: protected by an ~ of jaguar teeth.
  b) fetish
3.primarily applicable to an astrological figure or image held to have magical power, such as to heal or protect, can also denote something that seems to exert a magical, extraordinary, and usually happy influence: wore the ring as a ~.
  c) amulet
4. implies the stating of a question or proposition for discussion usu. WITHOUT personal bias and without any attempt to prove OR disprove on the part of the propounder: ~ the thesis that all great music is inspried.
  d) talisman
5. is applied to an object that is regarded as sacred or magical or to something that is cherished unreasonably or obsessively: make a ~ of the Bill of Rights.
  e) propound
acdeb Right group fetish mean an object believed to have the power to avert evil or attract good.

1. usually applies to an act or a practice and implies a forbearance from gratifying one's desires, whatever the motive: the ~ involved in following a rigid diet.
  a) abnegation, self-abnegation
2. implies an unwillingness to be held down by the facts, or a bias so great that one cannot clearly see or accurately estimate the exact situation: unable to tell the story without ~.
  b) exaggeration
3. commonly connotes personal sacrifice for a higher end: widely admired for his voluntary ~ of power.
  c) self-denial
4. both imply a high degree of unselfishness or a capacity for putting aside personal interest or desires: undertook all her duties with an air of ~; modesty verging on ~.
  d) renunciation
cbda Right group renunciation mean voluntary surrender or forgoing of something desired or desirable.

1. applies especially to things or situations whose existence, meaning, or realization is highly uncertain: whether the project will ever be finished is ~.
  a) problematic
2. implies rendering of aprrisal for assigning a taxable value, or for understanding or interpretating, or as a guide to action: officials are still ~ the damage.
  b) value
3. close to appraise, but does NOT implies expertness of judgement: a watercolor ~ by the donator at $500.
  c) evaluate
4. commonly a fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used OF any intent to give a critical judgement: a real estate agent ~ the house.
  d) estimate
5. sug. an attempt to determine EITHER relative OR intrinsic value of sth. in terms other than monetary: instructors will ~ all students' work.
  e) appraise
6. a judgement, considered OR casual, that precedes OR takes the place of actual measuring, counting or testing out: ~ there were 100 people.
  f) rate
7. adds to estimate the implication of placing a thing in a scale of value: the actress was highly ~ by her peers.
  g) assess
agbecdf Right group estimate mean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance.

1. implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty: the ~ to support unpopular causes.
  a) tenacity
2. suggests a keeping through a delay in letting go: ~ed them for questioning.
  b) resolution
3. stresses firm determination to achieve one's ends: the strong ~ of the pioneer woman.
  c) courage
4. suggests an ingrained capacity for meeting strain or difficulty with fortitude and resilience: a challenge that will test your ~.
  d) mettle
5. also suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to hold one's own or keep up one's morale when opposed or threatened: too many failures had broken the ~ of the man.
  e) spirit
6. adds to resolution implications of stubborn persistence and unwillingness to admit defeat: won the argument through sheer ~.
  f) detain
cfbdea Right group courage mean having mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship.首字母CMSRT想成什么如此铁<==勇气

1. may be preferred to permission in conventionally courteous phrases: by your ~, we'll be going now; or in official reference to permission to leave one's duties: he was given ~ to take care of emergency business.
  a) leave
2. implies the power or authority to grant or refuse what is asked: refused strangers ~ to hunt on his land.
  b) permission
3. implies a neglect or refusal to forbid or interfere and therefore suggests a tacit permission that may be withdrawn: you are here on ~, and must watch quietly if you are to stay.
  c) sufferance
4. implies the rendering of a service out of goodwill and without imposing an obligation on or expecting a return from the one favored: luck ~ed him in all his enterprises; it can sometimes carry a suggestion of gratuitousness or of patronizing: ~ a friend with unsought advice.
  d) favor
abcd Right group permission meaning unknown

1. suggests a small defect in continuity or cohesion that is likely to cause failure under stress: a ~ in a pane of glass.
  a) lessen
2. implies a progressive lessening and is applied to things capable of growing visibly smaller or disappearing: their provisions ~d slowly but surely.
  b) flaw
3. implies a bringing down or lowering: ~ your caloric intake.
  c) abate
4. emphasizes a perceptible loss and implies its subtraction from a total: his muscular strength has ~ed with age.
  d) reduce
5. suggests a decline in amount rather than in number: has been unable to ~ her debt at all.
  e) dwindle
6. implies a reducing of something excessive or oppressive in force or amount: voted to ~ the tax.
  f) diminish
7. suggests a progressive decline in size, amount, numbers, or intensity: slowly ~d the amount of pressure.
  g) decrease
bedfacg Right group decrease mean to grow or make less.

1. suggests pain too intense to be borne by body or mind: in ~ over their daughter's suicide.
  a) agony
2. implies an external cause of great physical or mental strain and stress and is likely to connote the possibility of or the need for relief: news of the hurricane put everyone in great ~.
  b) misery
3. impiles conscious endurance of pain or distress and often a stoical acceptance: the ~ of earthquake victims.
  c) distress
4. stresses the unhappiness attending distress or suffering and often connotes sordidness, abjectness, or dull passivity: the poor live in ~ every day.
  d) whit
5. used chiefly in negative phrases, implies the least conceivable amount: cared not a ~ about their opinion.
  e) suffering
acebd Right group distress mean the state of being in great trouble or in pain of body or mind.

1. stresses a bringing into existence of what the mind conceives and is likely to suggest originality and delving into the unknown: a robot, ultimately destructive of his ~.
  a) creator
2. is likely to imply a close and immediate relationship between the one who makes and the thing that is made and an ensuing responsibility for what is turned out: thought of herself as a ~ of tales.
  b) author
3. suggests a shaking up or stirring up that is accompanied by uproar, din, or great disorder: the town was in a ~ over the war news.
  c) maker
4. applies to one who originates something and who is the source of its being and as such wholly responsible for its existence: the ~ of several books.
  d) tumult
acdb Right group maker mean one who brings something new into being or existence. (When written with an initial capital letter all three terms are used to designate God or the Supreme Being)

1. implies the continuing exercise of delegated authority in pursuance of only generally indicated goals rather than specifically prescribed means of attaining them: the agency in charge of ~ing Indian affairs.
  a) execute
2. stresses the enforcing of the specific provisions of a law, will, comission, or command: charged with failing to ~ the order.
  b) conquest
3. stresses the subjugation or mastery of a defeated opponent, be it a personal antagonist or a difficult undertaking: the ~ of space.
  c) administer
cab Right group execute mean to carry out the declared intent of another.

1. implies existing or occurring earlier: a ~ marriage.
  a) preceding
2. implies dexterousness, but also stress resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise: a ~ host of a radio call-in show.
  b) former
3. applies to order in time and may suggest a causal or logical relation: study the revolution and its ~ economic conditions.
  c) anterior
4. applies to what has preceded, chiefly in discourse: a restatement of the ~ paragraph.
  d) antecedent
5. implies always a definite comparison or contrast with something that is latter: the ~ name of the company.
  e) previous
6. applies to position before or ahead of, usually in space, sometimes in time or order: the ~ lobe of the brain.
  f) foregoing
7. often adds to previous an implication of greater importance: the prices in this catalogue supersede all ~ prices.
  g) prior
8. usually implies being immediately before in time or in place: the last sentence of the ~ing paragraph.
  h) adroit
ehdfbcga Right group preceding mean being before.首字母PAFPPFA中AFP法新社(Agence France-Presse),出现2次,剩下一个P想成Paper报纸<==法新社之前的报纸

1. implies a strong personality and ability to act authoritatively: her ~ personality soon dominated the movement.
  a) peremptory
2. implies peremptoriness arising more from the urgency of the situation than from an inherent will to dominate: an ~ appeal for assistance.
  b) imperative
3. implies an abrupt dictatorial manner coupled with an unwillingness to tolerate disobedience or dissent: a ~ style that does not allow for compromise.
  c) domineering
4. suggests an overbearing or tyrannical manner and an obstinate determination to enforce one's will: ~ older siblings, ordering the younger ones about.
  d) imperious
5. implies a contracting or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions: the sweater will ~ if washed improperly.
  e) masterful
6. implies a commanding nature or manner and often suggests arrogant assurance: an ~ executive used to getting his own way.
  f) shrink
ebacfd Right:) group masterful mean tending to impose one's will on others.

1. comes close to preliminary in meaning but emphasizes preparedness for or against what is expected to ensue: take ~ protective measures against a predicted hurricane.
  a) introductory
2. refers to what must be done or prepared or acquired before some other state or activity becomes possible: held a ~ discussion to set up the agenda for the meeting.
  b) stagger
3. stresses loss of control and uncertainty of movement, typically of a person walking while weak, intoxicated, or heavily burdened but sometimes simply of someone meeting with difficulty or adverse conditions: ~ed by the sheer enormity of the task.
  c) prefatory
4. refers to the first steps in a process and usually applies to what sets something  (such as an action, a work, or a process) going: the speaker's ~ chapters established his point of view.
  d) preparatory
5. usually implies a desire on the part of someone to prepare others for such activities as hearing, action, or understanding, or process: made some ~ remarks before introducing the speaker.
  e) preliminary
debac Right:) group preliminary mean serving to make ready the way for something else.

1. implies a widespread laying waste, as by war or natural catastrophe, but it is also applicable to something that overwhelms an individual with comparable decisiveness: tried to overcome the ~ of losing a spouse.
  a) succeed
2. is antithesis to fail and is widely applicable to persons and things: ~ in her third try for public office.
  b) ruin
3. suggests an agent that pillages, destroys, or ravages and the resulting confusion and disorder: the ~ of the earthquake.  pillage劫掠, 比sack程度弱,ravage破坏implies depredation and destruction,如a hurricane that ravaged the Gulf coast飓风破坏了墨西哥湾海岸)  
  c) havoc
4. suggests an utter undoing by or as if by demolition or annihilation: saw the rapid ~ of his entire life's work.
  d) destruction
5. suggests collapse and is applicable to whatever has given way or fallen apart through decay, corruption, neglect, or loss: the old house had fallen to ~.
  e) devastation
eacdb Right:) group ruin mean the bringing about of or the results of disaster.

1. implies EITHER very sameness OR exact correspondence without detectable or significant differences: shared ~ concerns.
  a) parallel
2. are used interchangeably to mean the smallest or most minute detail or amount: tried to remove the last ~ of doubt; added not a ~ to their knowledge.
  b) uniform
3. implies consistent likeness and lack of variation in existence, appearance or operation: ~ application of the law.
  c) similar
4. applies to things that have many similarities but belong to different categories: ~ political systems .
  d) analogous
5. implies such likeness as allows the possibility of being mistaken for another: all the houses in the district are ~.
  e) alike
6. implies likeness of a NUMBER of things in kind, sort, or class: a ~ population.
  f) identical
7. implies having close resemblance even though clearly distinct: siblings who look ~.
  g) iota,jot
8. sug. essential rather than apparent likeness: diseases ~ to one another in their effects.
  h) homogeneous
9. sug. marked similarity in the course of development of two things: the ~ career of two movie stars.
  i) akin
fgbdcheia Right:) group similar mean closely resembling each other.

1. applies specifically to an injustice for which ther is a legal remedy: a libeled reputation is legally considered an ~.
  a) need
2. is often interchangeable with need but it may heighten the implication of urgent necessity: a situation that ~d drastic measures.
  b) want
3. adds to lack the implication of needing or desiring urgently: you may have whatever you ~.
  c) require
4. may imply either an absence OR a shortage in supply: a club that ~s a room to meet in.
  d) injury
5. stresses urgent necessity more than absence or shortage: everyone ~s a friend.
  e) lack
dcbea Right:) group lack mean to be without something essential or greatly desired.

1. stresses more the expression of a sympathetic nature, mood, or impulse: take a ~ interest in the poor of the community.
  a) kind
2. implies mildness and mercifulness and applies more often to gracious or gentle acts or utterances of a superior rather than an equal: the belief that a ~ supreme being controls destiny.
  b) happy
3. combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.
  c) kindly
4. implies serene mildness and kindliness that produce a favorable or beneficial effect: culture exchange programs have a ~ influence in world affairs.
  d) benign
5. stresses a disposition to be sympathetic or helpful: a ~ heart beneath a gruff exterior.
  e) benignant
cdbea Right:) group kind mean having or showing a gentle, considerate nature.

1. suggests a gradual physical or moral weakening through such debilitating influences as climate, disease, luxury, or indolence until one is too feeble to make an effort: totally ~d after a week's vacation.
  a) feeling
2. implies that something has distinctive qualities that create a definite if unanalyzable impression: a garden with a definite country ~.
  b) enervate
3. implies a quality that accrues to something or that pervades it as a whole and that determines the impression given by that thing: a country inn with a warm and friendly ~.
  c) aura
4. suggests an ethereal or mysterious quality that seems to emanate from a person or thing: a movie queen with an unmistakable ~ of glamour.
  d) atmosphere
badc Right:) group atmosphere mean an intangible quality that gives something an individual and distinctly recognizable character.

1. emphasizes a putting or getting into order especially for use or action : ~ a room for a committee meeting.   (in order这里表示条理the state of being carefully and neatly arranged,如it was time she put her life in order她到了该好好安排自己生活的时候了,如get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write落笔之前,先要理清思路,短语in short order表示迅速立即就绪quickly and without trouble,如she applied in short order立即提交申请)
  a) fit
2. suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind and often the resulting uncertainty or fear: the ~ing news of a tragic accident.
  b) condition
3. stresses the idea that fitness for a particular situation, such as an office, duty, or function, requires the fulfillment of necessary conditions, such as the taking of a course of study, an examination, or an oath: ~ied for third grade by passing all subjects in second grade.
  c) ready
4. implies getting into or bringing to a state that is proper or necessary to satisfy a particular purpose or use: a program that ~ed him for the event; or sometimes merely a state that is the inevitable result of past events and impacts: ~ed to violence as a way of life.
  d) prepare
5. implies an often complicated process of making or getting ready: ~ the ground for a crop.
  e) disquiet
6. implies a making suitable to a particular end or objective: schools that don't ~ students for further education.   suitable适合的,形容词,表示能满足目标目的,在2017-12-12 合适fit-felicitous
  f) qualify
cefbda Right:) group prepare mean to make someone or something ready.

1. is applied literally to what is deprived of vital force but is used figuratively of anything that has lost any attribute of life, such as energy, activity, or radiance: a ~ engine.
  a) balance
2. implies a grace or beauty that stems from the measured fitness of every detail and the consequent perfection of the whole: a statue of perfect ~.
  b) dead
3. is sometimes equivalent to symmetry but distinctively suggests equality of values and a massing of different things such as light and shade or contrasting colors that offset each other: a painting in which light and dark were in perfect ~.
  c) harmony
4. suggests the pleasing aesthetic impression produced by something that manifests symmetry, proportion, or balance, singly or in combination: achieved ~ through the imaginative use of color.
  d) symmetry
5. implies a median line or axis on either side of which the details correspond in size, form, and placement: the ~ of a Greek temple.
  e) proportion
beacd Right:) group symmetry mean a quality in design that gives aesthetic pleasure and which depends on the proper relating of parts to each other and to the effect of the whole.

1. DEFINITELY implies meeting and touching at some point or line: assigned ~ rooms at the hotel.
  a) adjacent
2. may OR may not imply contact, but always implies absence of anyting of the same kind in between: the price of the house and the ~ garage.
  b) conterminous
3. applies to objects bordering on each other: crossing the ~ border of France and Germany; or having the same limits, bounds or ends: the several ~ civil and ecclesiastical parishes of England.
  c) contiguous
4. implies contact at a single point: a line ~ to a curve.
  d) maker
5. implies having contact on all or most of one side: offices in all 48 ~ states.
  e) adjoining
6. means placed side by side esp. so as to permit comparison and contrast: an ultramodern office ~ to a Gothic church.
  f) tangent
7. is likely to imply a close and immediate relationship between the one who makes and the thing that is made and an ensuing responsibility for what is turned out: thought of herself as a ~ of tales.
  g) juxtaposed
8. stresses the termination of one thing along a line of contact with another: land ~ on the road.
  h) abutting
eabfcgdh Right:) group adjacent meaning unknown

1. while close to inviolate, implies a character that is secure from violation: the ~ sanctity of the law.
  a) sacrosanct
2. applies to such things as laws, agreements, institutions, or persons which for one reason or another are secure from abuse or injury, and it stresses the fact of not having been violated: the ~ beauty of the wilderness.
  b) inviolable
3. implies either a setting apart for a special use: the battered chair by the fireside that was ~ to father; or a special quality that leads to an almost religious reverence: a ~ memory.
  c) sacred
4. implies a heated verbal clash followed by strained or severed relations: a bitter ~ that ended their friendship.
  d) inviolate
5. in general use may retain its religious implication of the utmost of sacredness, or it may take on an ironic quality and suggest a supposed rather than a real sacredness: failed to accept that such public figures were ~.
  e) quarrel
bdcea Right:) group sacred mean protected by law, custom, or respect against abuse.

1. implies a wild and foolish warndering from normal and accustomed limits: made ~ claim for the product.
  a) trump
2. implies a amount or degree too great to be reasonable or endurable: punishment that was deemed ~.
  b) extreme
3. implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree: a menu with ~ prices.
  c) immoderate
4. implies an exceeding of limits dictated by reason and good judgement : an ~ portion of their budget goes to entertainment.
  d) extravagant
5. implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint: an ~ amount of time was spent on grooming.
  e) inordinate
6. implies a solid pounding or beating that produces a dull booming sound: heard the ~ing and banging of carpenters working on the floor below.  boom低沉有回响的声音隆隆声a loud, deep, resonant sound,如thunder boomed in the sky空中传来隆隆的雷声,如the guns boomed大炮隆隆作响,如'Stop right there,' boomed the Headmaster”站住”,校长用低沉的声音,另外表示繁荣成长prosperity and growth,如business is booming商业蓬勃发展,如baby boom生育高峰,特别是美国二战后的生育高峰,如baby boomer)
  f) excessive
7. implies an approach to the farest limit possible, BUT commonly ONLY to a very high degree: views concerning marriage that are a bit ~.
  g) exorbitant
dfgecab Right:) group excessive mean going beyond a normal or acceptable limit.

1. is the inclusive term, implying the final limit in time or space, in extent of influence, or in range of possibility: the report put an ~ to all speculation.
  a) atmosphere
2. applies commonly to a point toward which one moves or progresses: Chicago is the ~ for many air routes.
  b) terminus
3. suggests the gaseous layers surrounding the earth or another celestial body: the poisonous ~ of Venus; or the air which fills a particular place or is in a particular state: the room's stagnant ~.
  c) termination
4. applies to the end of something having predetermined limits or being complete or finished: the ~ of a lease.
  d) ending
5. often includes the portion leading to the actual final point: a film marred by a contrived ~. 做作不自然的  如the film has a Hollywood happy ending电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局
  e) end
ebacd Right:) group end mean the point or line beyond which something does not or cannot go.

1. implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative of another: a product that ~s upon another's patent.
  a) go,turn
2. may imply that one has encountered difficulties impossible to surmount without help: found he could get no relief unless he ~ed to the courts.   (surmount超越克服解决implies surpassing or exceeding,如severe technical problems to be surmounted解决严重技术问题,如all manner of cultural differences were surmounted各种文化差异都被克服了)
  b) apply
3. are more general but often more picturesque and dramatic terms that suggest action or movement in seeking aid or relief: the president ~ directly to the people with the his plan; ~ed to his mother for comfort.
  c) infringe
4. suggests a need for authentic information or authoritative action and recourse to a source of this: whenever you come to an unfamiliar word, ~ to your dictionary.
  d) refer
5. suggests having direct recourse, as by a letter OR in person, to one able to supply what is needed: ~ to a bank for a loan.
  e) resort
ceadb Right:) group resort mean to have recourse to something when in need of help or relief.

1. suggests a release from something that embarrasses by impeding or hindering: ~ed herself of her frivolous companions.
  a) disentangle
2. implies the use of force OR ingenuity in freeing from a difficult position or situation: a knack for ~ing himself from damaging political rows.
  b) disencumber
3. suggests a painstaking separation of something from what enmeshes or entangles: a biography that ~d the myth from the man.
  c) untangle
4. emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruits or offspring, or projects, inventions, or works of art: came from a remarkably ~ family.
  d) disembarrass
5. is sometimes used in place of disentangle: ~d a web of deceit.
  e) extricate
6. implies a release from something that weighs down or imposes a heavy burden: a science article ~d of scientific jargon.
  f) fecund
deafcb Right:) group extricate mean to free from what binds or holds back.

1. usu.suggests manipulation, and a using, directing or disposing with or as if with hand: ~ an ax skillfully.
  a) handle
2. sug. a managing, controlling or authoritative disposing of: ~ with each problem as it arose.
  b) cling
3. implies an attachment by or as by hanging on with arms or tendrils: always ~ to a capsized ship.  capsize船翻, CBS一条新闻: amazing survival at sea: 2 men cling to capsized boat for morethan a week两名紧抓翻船两星期的幸存者) 
  c) deal
4. in the sense of doing about, serving or coping with, in usually accompanied by context indicating attitude, temperament or point of view that determines behavior or manner: ~ the subject realistically in the essay.
  d) treat
acbd Right:) group treat mean to have to do with in a specified manner.

1. an incessant goading or attacking that drives one to desperation or defeat: pursued a policy of ~ing the enemy.
  a) equivocate
2. implies the using of ambiguous words in an attempt to mislead or deceive: ~d, dodged questions, and generally misled her inquisitors.
  b) palter
3. implies the making of unreliable statements of fact or intention or insincere promises: a cad ~ing with a naive, young girl.
  c) lie
4. is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty to the speaker: to ~ under oath is a serious crime.   (blunt两个意思 1、钝的without a sharp edge or point,如a blunt knife刀子,如the police said he had been hit with a blunt instrument警方说他遭到了器袭击  2、直言不讳saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite,如she has a reputation for blunt speaking她说话出了名的直截了当,如to be blunt, your work is appalling直言不讳地说,你干的活糟透了,如she is blunt about her personal life她对自己的个人生活直言不讳)
  d) fib
5. softens the bluntness of lie by implying a quibbling or an evading or confusing of the issue: during the hearings the witness did his best to ~.
  e) worry
6. applies to the telling of a trivial untruth: ~bed about the price of the suit.
  f) prevaricate
eabcfd Right:) group lie mean to tell an untruth.

1. implies a forcible or violent removal and stresses displacement or dislodgement rather than immediate destruction: the war had ~ed thousands.
  a) forbid
2. implies absolute proscription and expected obedience of an order from one in authority: smoking is ~den in the building.
  b) exterminate
3. can imply extermination or suggest a canceling or obliterating: ~ the entire population.  cancel取消obliterate涂抹抹去在一组2018-01-03 删除erase-delete
  c) eradicate
4. implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off: failed attempts to ~ the  mosquitoes.
  d) uproot
5. implies the driving out or elimination of something that has taken root or established itself firmly: polio had virtually been ~d.
  e) wipe out
6. implies extinction of a race, family, species, kind, or sometimes an idea or doctrine by destruction or by removal of its means of propagation: having ~d the last vestiges of the religion.
  f) extirpate
daebcf Right:) group exterminate mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something.

1. implies greater formality and courtesy: ~s the pleasure of your company at the ball.
  a) stammer
2. is likely to suggest a habitual defect characterized by a repetition of sounds, BUT it may apply to similar manifestation due to a temporary cause: ~ when excited; or even, AS MAY stammer, to something suggesting the pattern of a stutterer: the engine ~ then came to life.
  b) request
3. implies a temporary inhibition of words from fear, embarrassment or shock: he ~ his thanks, overwhelmed by embarrassment.
  c) stutter
bca Right:) group stammer mean to speak stumblingly. (stumble: 说话结巴出错: he stumbled over every sentence他每句都结结巴巴)

1. suggests a deficiency of tact and a tendency to create awkward situations: a ~ handling of a delicate situation.
  a) inept
2. often implies inappropriateness, futility, and absurdity: blamed the conviction on his ~ defense attorney.
  b) fulsome
3. is widely applicable and may suggest unhandiness, inconvenience, lack of control,  embarrassment, or lack of tact: a dinner party marked by periods of ~ silence.
  c) gauche
4. implies something which is essentially good has been carried to an excessive and offensive degree: the ~ flattery of a celebrity interviewer.
  d) awkward
5. implies stiffness and heaviness, and so may connote inflexibility, unwieldiness, ponderousness, or lack of ordinary skill: a writer with a persistently ~ style.
  e) maladroit
6. implies the effects of shyness, inexperience, or ill-breeding: always felt ~ and unsophisticated at formal parties.
  f) clumsy
eadbfc Right:) group awkward mean not marked by ease and smoothness(as of performance or movement).首字母联想ACMIG,把AC米兰错写成AC米格<==笨拙

1. implies occurrence at wide intervals in space or time: family visits that were ~ and brief.
  a) sporadic
2. applies to a surface that is noticeably flat or level OR to a line that is observably straight: trim the hedge so that it is ~.
  b) even
3. implies a falling short of a standard or required abundance: jobs were ~ during the Depression.
  c) scarce
4. implies occurrence in scattered instances or isolated outbreaks: ~ cases of the genetic disorder.   (break out突发突然爆发to start suddenly, especially of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things战争战斗等不良事件突然发生,如a fire/riot/war had broken out突发了火灾/暴乱/战争)
  d) rare
5. suggests something that occurs or is found so infrequently as to be exceptional or extraordinary: smallbox is now ~ in many countries.
  e) infrequent
6. suggests extreme scarcity or infrequency and often implies consequent high value: ~ first editions of classics fetch high prices.
  f) uncommon
ebcafd Right:) group infrequent mean not common or abundant.

1. occasionally replaces plume, sometimes with a slight suggestion of adorning oneself with one's virtues or achievements: ~d herself on her awards.
  a) preen
2. usually implies a taking of credit for something that brings honor or gives just cause for pride: he ~s himself on his ancestry.
  b) pride
3. adds the implication of obvious, often vain display of one's satisfaction and commonly suggests less justification: ~d herself on the obedience of her staff.
  c) gape
4. sug. an openmouthed, often stupid wonder: a crowd ~ at the man threatening to jump.
  d) pique
5. differs from flume chiefly in carrying a hint of stirred-up pride, usually in some special accomplishment: ~s himself on his ability to speak French well.
  e) plume
abecd Right:) group pride mean to congratulate oneself because of something one is, has, or has done or achieved.

1. is likely to replace tumor, especially in technical use, when reference is to a more or less unrestrained growth of cells without evident function or to a mass formed by such growth: identified the growth as a ~.
  a) tempt
2. is the usual popular and technical term for a malignant neoplasm: kept her worries about the ~ to herself.
  b) malignancy
3. implies the exerting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment: ~ed him to abandon his diet.
  c) neoplasm
4. applies to a neoplasm that because of unrestrained proliferation and tendency to invade tissues constitutes a menace to life: X rays revealed a ~ in the lung.
  d) tumor
5. is applicable to any such growth on or in the body of a person, animal, or plant and to various other enlargements: removed a benign ~ from his skull.
  e) cancer
ceabd Right:) group tumor mean an abnormal growth or mass of tissue.

1. stresses the fact of subjection to review, censure, or control by a designated authority and a limitation of power: laws are ~ to judicial review. 法律要接受司法审核。
  a) answerable
2. suggests a relationship between one having a moral or legal obligation and an authority charged with oversight of its observance: a fact-finding committee ~ only to the President. (注意遵守是observance不是observation观察)
  b) accountable
3. suggests the imminence of retribution for unfulfilled trust or violated obligation: in a democracy the politicians are ~ to voters.
  c) liable
4. implies the holding of a specific or formal office, duty, or trust: the bureau ~ for tax collection.
  d) amenable
5. implies an obligation under the law to answer in case of default: will not be ~ for his ex-wife's debt; OR may suggest merely a contingent obligation: all citizens ~ for jury duty.
  e) variance
6. implies discord or strife between persons or things arising from a difference in nature, opinion, or interest: cultural ~s delayed the process of national unification.
  f) responsible
dabfce Right:) group responsible mean subject to an authority that may hold one to account.(account多义词,这里表示问责报告)

1. designates one who may claim the protection of a state and applies especially to one living or travelling outside that state: American ~s currently in Europe.
  a) foreboding
2. implies allegiance to a personal sovereign such as a monarch: the king enjoys the loyalty of his ~s.
  b) subject
3. suggests fear that is oppressive, unreasoning, or indefinable: the deserted streets filled me with strange ~.
  c) citizen
4. is preferred for one who owes allegiance to a state in which sovereign power is retained by the people and who shares in the political rights of those people: the inalienable rights of a free ~.
  d) national
dbac Right:) group citizen mean a person owing allegiance to and entitled to the protection of a sovereign state.


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