

【同义词练习】 第10/30周(2023.06.26--2023.07.02)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-30 23:08:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. implies an expanding or extending that makes something greater in size or capacity: ~d the restaurant to its present capacity.
  a) happy
2. implies increase in number by natural generation, by splitting, or by indefinite repetition of a process: with each tampering the problem ~ied.
  b) multiply
3. combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.
  c) increase
4. used intransitively implies progressive growth in size, amount, or intensity: his waistline ~d with age; used transitively it may imply simple not necessarily progressive addition: ~d her land holdings.
  d) augment
5. implies an addition in size, extent, number, or intensity to what is ALREADY well grown or well developed: an inheritance that only ~ed his fortune.
  e) enlarge
ebacd Right group increase mean to make or become greater or more numerous.

1. close to tarry, may add an implication of deliberate delaying or unwillingness to depart: ~ed over a second cup of coffee.  
  a) wait
2. suggests a staying or a failing to proceed when it is time to do so: ~ied too long and misses the train.
  b) remain
3. implies a prolonged staying or remaining behind and suggests either settled residence or patient waiting for some outcome: a culture whose influence will long ~. 
  c) govern
4. stresses continuance in a place or sometimes a situation and may connote the status of a visitor: ~ed in the same job for over forty years.  continuance强调没有中断,如thus ensuring the continuance of the human species因此保证了人类种群的延续continuation既可以指持续没有中断,也可指中断后又继续下去,如continuation of work after his recovery他身体康复后继续工作,说明有中断  stayed不要写成staied,以y结尾动词的三单或过去式,y之前是辅音的变yiesed,之前是元音的直接加sed 
  d)  linger
5. is often used interchangeably with stay but distinctively means to stay behind or to be left after others have gone: only one ~ed in the building after the alarm was given.  只剩下一人。  乔布斯的保持饥饿,保持傻劲用的stay hungry, stay foolish没有用remain是因为remain剩下的含义,和原意不符。  
  e) abide
6. implies a keeping in a straight course or smooth operation for the good of the individual OR the whole: the British monarch reigns, but the prime minister ~s.
  f) tarry
7. implies a staying in expectation or in readiness: ~ for an answer to a letter.  
  g) stay
dfegbca Right group stay mean to continue to be in one place for a noticeable time.

1. implies a meddling in such a way as to hinder, interrupt, frustrate, disorder, or defeat, although not necessarily with conscious intent: the rain ~d with their game.
  a) exploit
2. applies to an act involving strength or dexterity or daring: the ~ of crossing the Atlantic in a balloon.
  b) interfere
3. suggests an adventurous, brilliant, or heroic act: his celebrated ~s as a spy.
  c) achievement
4. implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition: honored for her ~s as a chemist.
  d) feat
bdac Right group feat mean a remarkable deed.

1. usually implies a misplacing in the baisc sense but stresses a forgetting of the place in which the thing has been put and therefore often means to lose, usually temporarily: I have ~(mislaid) my glass.
  a) misplace
2. sug. liveliness, animation, or vigor and sometimes with a suggestion of hurry: a ~ cleaning-UP before the relatives arrived.
  b) mislay
3. implies a putting of something in other than its customary or usual place, but often it suggests a setting or fixing of something where it should not be: her confidence in him was  ~d.
  c) brisk
bca Right group misplace mean to put in a wrong place so as to be as unavailable as lost.

1. implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority: the judge ~d that the evidence was inadmissible.
  a) rule
2. suggests a silent dispiritedness: the whole team was ~ following the defeat. 
  b) surly
3. adds to glum an element of bitterness: became ~ after the death of his wife.
  c) sullen
4. implies a silent ill humor and refusal to be sociable or cooperative: remained ~ throughout the party.
  d) crabbed
5. applies to a forbidding, ill-natured harshness of manner: his ~ exterior is only a pose.
  e) sulky
6. describes a heavy, forbidding, taciturn gloom, or suggests a bitter, sardonic manner: a ~ wit.  (taciturn冷漠无语, sardonic挖苦)
  f) saturnine
7. implies sullenness, gruffness, and churlishness of speech or manner: a ~ young man. (churlish=rude粗鲁无礼)
  g) morose
8. implies a depression in mood making for sullenness, dourness or glumness: bad news that put everyone in a ~ mood.
  h) gloomy
9. suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness: a period of ~ behavior followed every argument.
  i) glum
10. suggests a superficially severe, obstinate and grim bitterness: a disposition to match the landscape, ~ and unfriendly. 
  j) dour
aigcdfbhej Right group sullen mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood.

1. suggests actual as well as relative heaviness: really ~ parcels are shipped by freight: or implies a momentous or highly important character: pondered ~ matters late into the night.
  a) weighty
2. implies a cheerful willingness to please or to be helpful and sometimes to permit imposition: a ~ boy always willing to pitch in.
  b) good-natured
3. imply heaviness and massive bulkiness that make a thing difficult to grasp, move, carry, or manipulate: abandoned the ~ furniture rather than move it(cumbrous); the old cameras were ~ and inconvenient(cumbersome).
  c) ponderous
4. implies that something has greater density or thickness or sometimes power than the average of its kind or class: a ~ child for his age.
  d) heavy
5. implies having great weight because of size and massiveness with resulting great inertia and clumsiness: ~ galleons were outmaneuvered by smaller vessels.
  e) cumbrous, cumbersome
abedc Right group heavy mean having great weight.

1. sug. the long duration of sth. usually undesirable that resists attempts to cure or alleviate: sick and tired of his ~ complaining.
  a) confirmed
2. distinctly stresses finality and implies a grim and calamitous fate: if the rebellion fails, our ~ is certain.
  b) doom
3. applies to something, such as a habit, attitude or feeling, of such long existance as to be almost ineradicable or unalterable: an ~ smoker.
  c) deep-seated
4. implies a growing stronger and firmer with passage of time, so as to resist change or reform: a ~ bachelor.
  d) inveterate
5. applies to qualities, attitudes so firmly established as to become part of the very structure: a ~ fear of heights.
  e) chronicle
6. applies to sth. deeply established and of lasting endurance: the causes of these problems are ~ and can't be eliminated overnight.
  f) deep-rooted
ebdacf Right group inveterate meaning unknown

1. implies provision of complete and usually elegant or elaborate equipment or furnishings: a lavishly ~ed penthouse apartment.
  a) furnish
2. is the usual popular and technical term for a malignant neoplasm: kept her worries about the ~ to herself.
  b) accoutre
3. implies the provision of any or all essentials for performing a function or serving an end: a sparsely ~ed apartment.
  c) appoint
4. suggests the supplying of personal dress or equipment for a special activity: the fully ~d members of a polar expedition.
  d) equip
5. implies provision of a complete list or set of articles as for a journey, an expedition, or a special occupation: ~ted the whole family for a ski trip.
  e) cancer
6. implies provision for effective action or operation especially in war: ~ed to teeth.
  f) furnish
7. equip: outfit: appoint: accoutre: arm:
  g) arm
8. suggests the provision of something making for efficiency in action or use: a fully ~ped kitchen with every modern appliance.
  h) outfit
ceabhgfd Right group furnish mean to supply one with what is needed.

1. suggests contrast with mental or spiritual: an intellectual who had ~ needs.
  a) physical
2. suggests the substance of which the body is composed: a divinity who assumed ~ existence.
  b) bodily
3. suggests less explicitly an organic structure: their ordeal left them at the point of ~ exhaustion.
  c) corporal
4. applies chiefly to things that affect or involve the body: a teacher who still used ~ punishment.   这两个词都来自词根CORP表示body身体,又如incorporate合并corpulent肥胖的corpse尸体corps军、兵团(好像a "body" of soldiers)
  d) corporeal
5. may be chosen when the sacrifice, especially to some higher or moral end, is stressed: the king ~d his throne to obtain peace.
  e) somatic
6. implies contrast with psychical and is free of theological or poetic connotations: ~ reactions to the drug.
  f) renounce
bdacfe Right group bodily mean of or relating to the human body.

1. implies a quality, a character, or an appearance that is not readily categorized, especially as good or bad, right or wrong, and that, therefore, is unlikely to stir up strong feeling or elicit firm opinions: she was a hard worker but an ~ student.  category希腊哲学中的范畴,是一切类型的基础词,甚至是class这样基础的词的基础词
  a) neutral
2. implies a quality, an appearance, or a reaction that belongs to neither of two opposites or extremes and often connotes vagueness, indefiniteness, indecisiveness, or ineffectualness; maintained a ~ position in the argument.
  b) freak
3. implies an impulsive change of mind made apparently without cause: struck by a ~ notion.
  c) negative
4. carries a stronger implication of absence of positive or affirmative qualities and commonly implies lack of effect, activity, or definite and concrete form: won't accomplish anything with such a ~ attitude.
  d) indifferent
dabc Right group neutral mean lacking decisiveness or distinctness.

1. stresses quickness in perceiving and understanding: ~ to new developments in technology.
  a) intelligent
2. suggests the possession of information or knowledge that is necessary or useful, and can also suggest sophistication or secretiveness: difficult to deceive a ~ customer.
  b) brilliant
3. may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one's mind: ~ what others say and listen to your conscience.
  c) bright
4. implies such unusual and outstanding keenness of intellect as to excite admiration: a ~ scientist.
  d) quick-witted
5. stresses superiority of mind and success in coping with new situations or in solving problems: an ~ person could assemble it in 10 minutes. 
  e) forget
6. implies native ability or aptness, and sometimes suggests a lack of more substantial qualities: a hack writer who was somewhat ~ with words. (apt: 基本意思是quick快速: an apt student学得的学生)
  f) smart
7. implies promptness in finding answers or in devising expedients in moments of danger or challenge: no match for her ~ opponent.  (prompt立即,没有拖延immediate,wthout delay: a prompt reply迅速答复) (devise和invent的区别,devise: 设计,强调努力想办法invent: 发明,强调首创可能有幸运成分) 
  g) knowing
8. implies cleverness combined with an alertness or quick-wittedness that allows one to get ahead: a ~ girl with her eye out for the right opportunity.
  h) clever
9. suggests cleverness, especially in liveliness of mind or talk or manner: a press secretary who was very young but very ~.
  i) alert
igebahdfc Right:) group intelligent mean mentally keen or quick.

1. implies an attempt to flee from whatever threatens or harasses: sought ~ in the deserted house.
  a) shelter
2. stresses usually voluntary retirement from danger or annoyance and escape to a safe, secure, or peaceful place: built themselves a country ~.
  b)  sanctuary
3. stresses concealment and often applies to a natural shelter or something similarly protective: advanced under ~ of darkness.
  c)  retreat
4. stresses the claim of a refuge to reverence or inviolability: established a wildlife ~.
  d)  refuge
5. implies temporary protection of a screen or roof from something that would harm or annoy: seek ~ from the storm in a cave.
  e)  asylum
6. adds to refuge the implication of the finding of safety and of exemption from seizure: asked for and was granted political ~. (exempt免除责任或债务to free from a responsibility or liability,如his bad eyesight exempted him from military service他因视力不好服兵役,they were exempted from paying the tax他们于缴税)
  f) vivid
7. stresses the intense vital quality of either the description or the response to it: a ~ re-creation of an exciting history.  vital有生命力活力,具备生物特有的生长繁殖能力implies energy and power to grow and reproduce that are characteristic of life,如all of his vital functions seemed normal他生命功能正常) (词根viv表示to live,如revival复活,vivacious性格活泼(女子),bon vivant懂得生活的人,vivisection活体解剖,和本例)
  g)  cover
dcgbaef Right:) group shelter mean the state or a place where one is safe or secure from what threatens or disturbs.

1. suggests a violent and prolonged tossing or stirring: strong winds ~d the leaves on the trees.
  a) alienate
2. refer to those from whom loyalty is expected or demanded and stresses the effects, such as rebellion or discontent, of alienation without actual separation: a coup led by ~ed party members.
  b) wean
3. may or may not suggest separation but always implies loss of affection or interest: managed to ~ all her coworkers with her arrogance.
  c) agitate
4. implies the development of indifference or hostility with consequent loss of sympathy or divorcement: had become ~d from their family after years of neglect.
  d) estrange
5. implies a commendable separation from something on which one is weakly or immaturely dependent: ~ yourself from a bad habit.
  e) disaffect
ceadb Right:) group estrange mean to cause one to break a bond of affection or loyalty.

1. denotes any response marked by such qualities as pleasure, pain, attraction, or repulsion and may imply nothing about the nature or intensity of the response: whatever ~ I had for him were gone. 
  a) incline
2. carries a strong implication of excitement or agitation, and like feeling, encompasses BOTH positive and negative responses: a play in which the ~ are real.
  b) passion
3. implies refined, perhaps romantic, and sometimes artificial or affected emotion with an intellectual component: her feminist ~ are well known.
  c) feeling
4. is likely to sug. the intervention of an external force, such as bending and tipping: graciously ~ her head in response to cheers.
  d) emotion
5. applies to feelings that are also inclinations or likings: memoirs filled with ~ and understanding.
  e) sentiment
6. suggests a powerful or controlling emotion marked by urgency of desire: revenge became his ruling ~.
  f) affection
cdeafb Right:) group feeling mean a subjective reaction or response to a person, thing, or situation.首字母FEASP联想成 PowerFul SEA :象大海一样强大的<==情感感情

1. stresses the subjugation or mastery of a defeated opponent, be it a personal antagonist or a difficult undertaking: the ~ of space.
  a) victory
2. suggests a brilliant or decisive victory or an overwhelming conquest and usually connotes the acclaim and personal satisfaction accruing to the winner: crossed the finish line, her arms aloft in ~.
  b) govern
3. stresses the fact of winning against an opponent or against odds: won an upset ~ in the election.
  c) triumph
4. implies a keeping in a straight course or smooth operation for the good of the individual OR the whole: the British monarch reigns, but the prime minister ~s.
  d) conquest
dcab Right:) group victory mean a successful outcome in a contest or

1. implies a definite, hostile, and injurious entry into the territory or sphere of another: practices that ~ our right to privacy.
  a) infringe
2. implies vigilance in observing and alertness in inferring from what is observed: ~ of a great number of police officers Out and About.  (alret和vigil首字母av和aware发音相同
  b) trespass
3. suggests establishing and maintaining oneself in a position of advantage or profit at the expense of others: opposed to regulations that ~ upon free enterprise.
  c) aware
4. implies an unwarranted, unlawful, or offensive intrusion: warned people about ~ing on their land.
  d) invade
5. suggests gradual or stealthy intrusion upon another's territory or usurpation of rights or possessions: on guard against laws that ~ upon our civil rights.
  e) entrench
6. implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative of another: a product that ~s upon another's patent.
  f) encroach
dcebfa Right:) group trespass mean to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another.

1. suggests an inferring or conjecturing of a cause, quality, or authorship not outwardly apparent: none of the frivolity commonly ~ to teenagers.
  a) attribute
2. is likely to suggest a selfish or arrogant exclusiveness and is especially applicable to a small inner or dissident group within a larger set or circle: a high school made up of combative ~s.
  b) ascribe
3. suggests ascribing something that brings discredit by way of accusation or blame:  tried to ~ evil motives to my actions.
  c) clique
4. implies a fixing upon a person or thing of the responsibility for a fault, crime, or evil: ~d with the crime of murder. (倒装句,正常语序中upon a person or thing应放最后)
  d) impute
5. implies ascribing a thing or especially an action to a person or other thing as its agent, source, or explanation: ~ed his insecurities to an unhappy childhood.
  e) charge
6. may suggest the plausibility and appropriateness of the indicated relation: ~ the project's failure to poor planning.
  f) credit
7. implies ascribing with certainty or after deliberation: an investigatory panel ~ed blame to top officials.
  g) assign
bcdefag Right:) group ascribe mean to lay something to the account of a person or thing.

1. implies a careful weighing of a problem, and a prolonged inconclusive thinking about a matter: ~ at length the various recourses open to him. (recourse: 依赖,求助  )
  a) meditate
2. suggests a more or less focused and persistent but languid and inconclusive turning over in the mind as if in a dream, fancy, or remembrance: ~ upon the adventures of the heroines  of Gothic novels. (languid: 慢悠悠的a languid afternoon懒洋洋的下午)
  b) ruminate
3. implies a definite focusing one's thoughts on something so as to understand it deeply: the sight of the ruins prompted him to ~ on human vanity. (vanity虚荣)
  c) ponder
4. implies going over the same matter in one's thoughts again and again, but does not say anything about purposeful thinking or rapt absorption: the product of 50 yrs of ~ on the meaning of life.
  d) total
5. suggests the completeness or inclusiveness of the result and may stress magnitude in the result: counted a ~ of 328 paying customers.  (inclusive包含所有的the fully inclusive fare for the trip is RMB 52这次旅行的全部费用是52元)  (complete完全,即没有缺失,a complete success完全成功)
  e) muse
ceabd Right:) group ponder mean to consider or examine attentively or deliberately.

1. stresses reduction of what is excessive without necessarily reaching an optimum: the sun ~d the chill.
  a) qualify
2. emphasizes a restricting that more precisely defines or limits: ~ied her praise with some doubts about the project.
  b) temper
3. strongly implies an accommodating to a special need or requirement and is likely to suggest a counterbalancing or mitigating addition: ~ justice with mercy.
  c) moderate
4. primarily implies a refraining from acts or even thoughts or desires that are not virginal or not sanctioned by marriage vows: maintained ~ relations until marriage.
  d) chaste
cabd Right:) group moderate mean to modify so as to avoid an extreme or to keep within bounds.

1. suggests the pulling of a rope or fabric to the limit or until there is no give or slack: walked across the ~ rope to safety; or is likely to stress especially nervous strain: nerves that were ~ and on edge.
  a) tense
2. implies stiffness and heaviness, and so may connote inflexibility, unwieldiness, ponderousness, or lack of ordinary skill: a writer with a persistently ~ style.
  b) taut
3. may be preferred when the tightness or tautness results in or manifests itself in severe physical or mental tension or strain: the crouching cat, ~ and ready to spring.
  c) clumsy
bca Right:) group taut mean drawn or stretched to the limit or to the point where there is no looseness or slackness.

1. implies a failure, not necessarily culpable, to reach some standard of perfection in disposition, action, or habit: a woman of many virtues and few ~s.
  a) failing
2. applies to a harmless or endearing weakness or idiosyncrasy: his ~ made him more respectable. (注意是idiosyncrasy不是idiosyncracy)
  b) frailty
3. can be a general term for any imperfection or weakness, but it often suggests violation of a  moral code or the giving of offence to moral sensibilities of others: gambling and drunkenness were the least of his ~s.
  c) mimic
4. suggests a minor shortcoming of character of which one may be unaware: procrastination is one of my ~s.
  d) fault
5. implies a general or chronic proneness to yield to temptation: a fondness for choclate is the most human of ~s. (注意是chronic不是cle, fondness介词for)
  e) vice
6. implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike simulation: pupils ~ their teacher.
  f) foible
dfeabc Right:) group fault mean an imperfection or weakness of character.

1. implies entrusting with assurance and reliance: ~d all power over my financial affairs to his attorney.
  a) toady
2. implies committing with trust and confidence: the president is ~ed with broad powers.
  b) consign
3. implies a consigning to a particular class, position, or sphere, often with a suggestion  of getting rid of: ~ed to an obscure position in the company.
  c) relegate
4. suggests the attempt to ingratiate oneself by an abjectly menial or subservient attitude: never missed an opportunity to ~ to his boss.
  d) confide
5. may express the general idea of delivering into another's charge: ~ his child to the sitter; or the special sense of transferring to a superior power or to a place of custody: ~ted the person to prison.
  e) entrust
6. suggests a transferring that removes something from one's immediate control: ~ed my paintings to a gallery for sale.
  f) commit
decafb Right:) group commit mean to assign to a person or place especially for safekeeping.

1. stresses a restriction in every direction and by clearly defined boundaries: the work of the investigating committee was carefully ~d.
  a) bother
2. implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety: a problem that ~es cancer researchers.
  b) vex
3. stresses difficulty in enduring and resulting weariness or impatience: his chronic tardiness ~s his colleagues.    wear厌倦表示疲倦到难以忍受,如let us not grow weary of doing good让我们做好的事情,不要厌倦  wear本意是打磨磨损,引申出来两个引申义 1、疲劳 2、厌倦,两个引申义都表示"难以忍受的..."
  c) annoy
4. implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent and often petty unpleasantness: his constant complaining ~s us.
  d) circumscribe
5. suggests bewildering or upsetting interference with comfort or peace of mind: that discrepancy ~s me.
  e) irk
dbeca Right:) group annoy mean to upset a person's composure.

1. applies to a speech, action, gesture, or situation capable of stirring the imagination and emotions deeply: a ~ meeting of world leaders.
  a) wastrel
2. stresses disreputable worthlessness and typically applies to one who has profligate and dissolute habits: worked hard to earn a reputation as a bounder and ~.   (bounder不道德的人a dishonorable man, 如he is nothing but a fortune-seeking bounder他不过是个不讲道德的投机者)
  b) dramatic
3. stresses lack of prudence in spending and usually implies imbalance between income and outgo: known in college as a real ~.
  c) profligate
4. may imply the habits of a spendthrift but stresses dissipation of resources and powers and suggests debauchery and dissoluteness more than waste: a aging rock star forced to abandon his life as a ~.
  d) prodigal
5. suggests such lavish expenditure as can deplete the most abundant resources: a ~ who squandered his parents' hard-earned money.
  e) waster
6. may come close to spendthrift but carries a stronger implication of worthlessness and often suggests an idle ne'er-do-well: scorned by all as an idle ~.
  f) spendthrift
bafcde Right:) group spendthrift mean a person who dissipates resources foolishly and wastefully.

1. applies to a broader range of transgressions of rules of not only social behavior BUT of  ethical practice, or logic procedure, or prescribed method: the ~ use of campaign contributions.
  a) myth
2. is varied in application and connotation and can apply to a fanciful explanation as of a natural phenomenon, social practice, or belief: ~s of ancient Greece; or a story, belief, or notion commonly held to be true but utterly without fact: the ~ that money buys happiness.
  b) indelicate
3. implies great unseemliness or gross offensiveness especially in referring to sexual matters: a scene judged ~by the censors.
  c) indecent
4. adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a situation or an offensiveness to good taste: remarried again with ~ haste.
  d) unbecoming
5. implies a lack of modesty, or of tact, or of refined perception of feelings: ~ expressions for bodily functions.
  e) unseemly
6. suggests a violation of accepted standard of good manners: your ~ manners marred the wedding reception.
  f) improper
7. suggests behavior or language felt to be beneath or unsuited to one's character or status: conduct ~ an officer.
  g) indecorous
Wrong facebgd Right:) group indecorous mean not conforming to what is accepted as right, fitting, or in good taste.

1. suggests beauty based on purity, flawlessness, or freshness: looking for fashion models with ~ faces.
  a) lovely
2. applies to a narrower range of emotional excitation rather than to intellectual or spiritual pleasure: a ~ melody.
  b) pretty
3. is like handsome in suggesting cool approval rather than emotional response: the ~ grace of a dancer.
  c) handsome
4. suggests aesthetic pleasure resulting from proportion, symmetry, or elegance: a ~ Georgian mansion.
  d) beautiful
5. applies to superficial or insubstantial attractiveness that pleases by its delicacy, grace, or charm: a painter of conventionally ~ scenes.  场景
  e) justice
6. applies to whatever excites the keenest pleasure to the senses and stirs intellectual or spiritual emotion: ~ mountain scenery.
  f) fair
7. may apply to an ideal abstraction, to a quality of mind reflecting this, to quality of inherent truth or fairness, or to treatment due one who has transgressed a law OR who was wronged or threatened: refused to allow such travesty of ~ while she was judge.
  g) comely
fagcbde Right:) group beautiful mean sensuously or aesthetically pleasing.首字母HPL FCB想成很漂亮 非常棒<==美丽

1. often designates the aggregate amount actually disbursed for something: our ~s were higher last month.
  a) expense
2. may stress the fact of having attained a mental grasp of something: ~ the instructions.
  b) cost
3. is close to price but applies especially to services: what is the ~ for hauling away a load of brush; and can apply additionally to what is imposed on one as a financial burden: ~d them $3.00 each.
  c) understand
4. applies to what is given or surrendered for something, often specifically the payment of price asked: the ~ of a new car. 这里give, surrender, pay意思都是支付,只将pay标红
  d) price
5. designates what is asked for, especially for goods and commodities: the ~ of vegetables has risen sharply.
  e) charge
acebd Right:) group price mean what is given or asked in exchange for something.

1. implies a jaunty eagerness for perilous undertakings: ~ pilots became Popular heroes.
  a) venturesome
2. implies a willingness to accept risks but not necessarily imprudence: ~ pioneers opened the West.
  b) rash
3. implies heedlessness of probable consequences: a ~ driver who endangers others.
  c) foolhardy
4. heightens the implication of fearlessness or boldness in courting danger: mountain climbing attracts the ~ types.
  d) daredevil
5. suggests imprudence, haste, and lack of forethought: a ~ decision that you will regret later.
  e) adventurous
6. stresses ostentation in daring: ~ motorcyclists performing stunts.
  f) daring
7. suggests a recklessness that is inconsistent with good sense: only a ~ sailor would venture into this storm.
  g) reckless
aegfbdc Right:) group adventurous mean exposing oneself to danger more than dictated by good sense.

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