

【同义词练习】 第09/30周(2023.06.19--2023.06.25)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-26 07:46:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies particularly to a moving object: a ~ horse.
  a) swift
2. implies quickness of successful accomplishment and may ALSO suggest unusual velocity: a ~ recovery.
  b) fast
3. suggests efficiency together with rapidity of accomplishment: an ~ processing of a merchandise order.
  c) tribute
4. suggests promptness and the takingof little time: a ~ wit.
  d) rapid
5. implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act: a book of ~s marking his fifty years of service.
  e) hasty
6. emphasizes the movement itself: a ~ current. 
  f) expeditious
7. adds the implication of lightness and nimbleness: ~ runners.
  g) speedy
8. suggest great rapidity coupled with ease of movement: returned the ball with one ~ stroke.
  h) quick
9. suggests hurry and precipitousness and often connotes carelessness and resultant confusion and inefficiency: a ~ inspection.  hurry因着急而快速做事to do with haste,如hurry up and finish your meal赶快吃饭)  precipitous草率,指缺乏思考,如precipitous intervention贸然介入)
  i) fleet
bgfhcdiae Right group fast mean moving, proceeding, or acting quickly.

1. stresses  warmhearted readiness to give more than the size and importance of the gift: a friend's ~ offer of assistance.
  a) bountiful
2. suggests splendid or princely lavishness in giving: the Queen was especially ~ to her favorite.
  b) generous
3. suggests openhandedness in the giver and largeness in the thing or amount given: a teacher ~ in bestowing praise.
  c) munificent
4. suggests lavish, unremitting generosity in giving or providing: ~ grandparents spoiling the children.
  d) transport
5. implies the fact of being moved by an emotion, as delight or rage, that exceeds ordinary limits and agitates or excites: children ~ed with delight at the thought of Christmas.
  e) liberal
bcead Right group liberal mean giving freely and unstintingly.

1. applies to a route, or often a journey, around a periphery or sometimes to any path that comes back to its point of beginning: the hands of the clock made a ~ of the face.
  a) wisdom
2. applies to the line bounding any area or the surface bounding a solid: walked the ~ of the property every evening.
  b) perimeter
3. implies sense and judgment far above average: the ~ that comes from years of experience.
  c) periphery
4. though sometimes interchangeable with perimeter, is likely to apply to the actual edge, border, or boundary of something concrete: explore the ~ of the island; or to limits which cannot be exceeded: the ~ of consciousness.
  d) circumference
5. is likely to refer to the area or space enclosed within a periphery or to the ground that figuratively might be passed over by the leg of a compass in describing a circle: taxed all the land within the ~ of the town.
  e) circuit
6. applies to the line that describes a circle or an ellipse or the length of such a line , or to something felt to have a center: built fires within the ~ of the camp.
  f) compass
Wrong ebacfd Right group perimeter mean a continuous line enclosing an area.

1. usually implies a deliberate perversion of truth but, applied to a person, may imply no more than pretense and hypocrisy: a diary that was exposed as a ~.  (pretense故意制造效果,有假装的意思)
  a) counterfeit
2. suggests elaborate pretense that may be deliberate or may result from self-deceit: the diet business is populated with ~s.
  b) glut
3. applies to any situation in which a spurious object or performance is passed off as genunie: the movie's claim of social concern is an ~.
  c) fake
4. implies an excess in feeding or supplying that chokes or impedes: bookstores ~ted with diet books.
  d) imposture
5. applies especially to close imitation of something valuable: ~ 20 dollars.
  e) sham
6. applies to a fraudulent but close imitation of a real thing or action: condemned the election as a ~ and a travesty of democracy.
  f) fraud
7. implies an imitation of or substitution for the genuine but does not necessarily imply dishonesty as a motive: these are ~s, the real jewels being in the vault.
  g) humbug
fgdbaec Right group imposture mean a thing which pretends to be one thing in nature, character, or quality but is really another.

1. a very general term, stresses the work involved: his first ~ was in public-school teaching; and is especially appropriate when physical labor is in question: seasonal ~s.
  a) situation
2. adds an emphasis on a place needing to be filled: obtained a ~ as clerk to the city council.
  b) position
3. stresses an ability to deal with ticklish situations tactfully and effectively: be ~ in asking them to leave. ticklish: 1、棘手 2、怕痒的: he is very ~他怕痒) (tactful得体圆通: 处理问题得体,考虑全面,有分寸Alex tactfully refrained from further comment亚历克斯很识趣(得体),没有再发表什么评论)
  c) place
4. applies to a position of trust or authority especially in public service: held the ~ of county treasurer for many years.
  d) job
5. suggests a position involving some degree of responsibility: took a ~ as governess in an aristocratic household; or sometimes onerous duties: a new ~ in the foreign service.
  e) diplomatic
6. may be preferred when the employment suggests higher status or more dignity in the work involved: my brother has a ~ as research director in the new company.
  f) office
7. often implies little more than employment for remuneration: she has lost her ~ as a cook.
  g) post
daefgbc Right group position mean employment for wages or salary.

1. applies to writing that exposes or ridicules conduct, doctrines, or institutions either by direct criticism OR more often through irony, parody, or caricature: the play is a ~ on contemporary living arrangements.
  a) forswear
2. suggests the power to evoke laughter by remarks showing verbal felicity or ingenuity and swift perception especially of the incongruous: appreciate the ~ of Wilde and Shaw.
  b) repartee
3. applies to savagely humorous expression frequently in the form of irony that is intended to cut or wound: a cynic much given to heartless ~.
  c) irony
4. implies the power or art of answering quickly, pointedly, or wittily, or to an interchange of such responses: a partygoer well known for razor-sharp ~.
  d) sarcasm
5. implies a violation of one's oath, promise, or vow or sometimes of something , such as one's principles or beliefs, that is as sacred as an oath: ~ the laws of her country in order to save the life of her child.
  e) satire
6. applies to a manner of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of the expressed meaning:  with wry ~, he said, 'Thank God I'm an atheist!'
  f) humor
7. implies an ability to perceive the ludicrous, the comical, and the absurd in human life and to express these usually with keen insight and sympathetic understanding and without bitterness: a person with a finely honed sense of ~.
  g) wit
egdbacf Right group wit mean a mode of expression intended to arouse amused interest or evoke laughter.首字母WH IS SR重组成HIS SWR(swear发誓郑重承诺的缩写)<==带着幽默

1. applies to a process going on without ending: the stock market will ~ to rise.
  a) last
2. especially when unqualified, may stress existing beyond what is normal or expected: buy shoes that will ~.
  b) abide
3. adds an implication of resistance to destructive forces or agents: in spite of everything, her faith ~.
  c) endure
4. in its basic use implies less advance toward civilization than barbarian: a ~ tribe with a gathering economy; and in its extended use is ordinarily very close to barbarous: a ~ attack.
  d) persist
5. implies a stable and constant existing, especially as opposed to mutability: through 40 years of marriage, their love ~.
  e) savage
6. suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinancy or doggedness: the sense of guilt ~. (outlast比...时间长He can outlast anyone on the dance floor他比谁都能跳舞。)
  f) continue
facebd Right group continue mean to exist over a period of time or indefinitely.

1. implies forming an opinion or judgment upon evidence insufficient for definite knowledge: scientists could only ~ about the animal's breeding cycle.
  a) match
2. implies even slighter evidence and suggests the influence of imagination or suspicion: ~ed the real reason for the generous gift.
  b) guess
3. stresses a hitting upon a conclusion either wholly at random or from very uncertain evidence: you would never ~ that they were wealthy.
  c) surmise
4. implies that one thing is the mate rather than the duplicate of another, as in power, strength, beauty, or interest: feels that no language can ~ French for clarity and exactness.
  d) conjecture
dcba Right group conjecture mean to draw an inference from slight evidence.

1. stresses the evoking of a clear lifelike image: a ~ account of his combat experiences.   (life 1) 生命 2)生活,这里指生活,好像生活中遇到看到听到)
  a) graphic
2. stresses absence of belief especially in respect to something above or beyond one's experience or capacity: received news of the disaster with an attitude of ~.
  b) unbelief
3. suggests the presence of features notable for qualities such as distinctness, unfamiliarity, sharp contrast, and charm: Dickens is famous for his ~ characters.
  c) pictorial
4. implies representation of a vivid picture with emphasis on colors, shapes, and spatial relations: a ~ style of poetry marked by precise, developed imagery.
  d) picturesque
5. stresses the intense vital quality of either the description or the response to it: a ~ re-creation of an exciting history.  vital有生命力活力,具备生物特有的生长繁殖能力implies energy and power to grow and reproduce that are characteristic of life,如all of his vital functions seemed normal他生命功能正常) (词根viv表示to live,如revival复活,vivacious性格活泼(女子),bon vivant懂得生活的人,vivisection活体解剖,和本例)
  e) vivid
abdce Right group graphic mean giving a clear visual impression especially in words.

1. may apply to any purposeful activity whether remunerative OR not: her work as a hospital volunteer.
  a) object
2. refers to 1) whatever can be known or inferred as existing in space and time as OPPOSED to one existing only in thought: virtue is not a ~, but attribute(属性) of a ~; 2) or to an inanimate entity as opposed to living beings, esp. persons: she treasures each ~ she buys.
  b) thing
3. is used chiefly of objects that are members of a class, group: picked up several ~ of clothing that the boy dropped.
  c) work
4. stresses existence separate from from the observer, and typically applies to sth. that can be set before one to be viewed, considered or contemplated: concentrated on the atom as an ~ of study. or that has body and usually substance and shape: stumbled over some unknown ~ in the dark room.
  d) article
cbda Right group thing mean something considered as having actual, distinct, and demonstrable existence.

1. stresses extreme suffering, toil, or privation but does not necessarily imply either effort to overcome or patience in enduring: faced many ~s that long, hard winter.
  a) just
2. applies to an inevitable difficulty or hardship that occurs in connection with life or a way of life, a career, or a course of action: the ~s of life left them tired, bitter, and alone.
  b) difficulty
3. stresses conscious choice and regular practice of what is morally right and equitable: a reputation for being ~ in all business dealings.
  c) rigor
4. can apply to any condition, situation, experience, or task which presents a problem hard to solve or seemingly beyond one's ability to suffer or surmount: they were determined to succeed, they met and solved each ~ as it arose.
  d) hardship
5. suggests a hardship necessarily imposed upon one by, for example, an austere religion, a trying climate, or an exacting undertaking: endured the ~s of a rite of initiation.
  e) vicissitude
deabc Right:) group difficulty mean something obstructing one's course and demanding effort and endurance if one's end is to be attained.

1. usually implies self-restraint rather than self-denial, be it from patience, charity, or clemency or from discretion or stoicism: taught himself to ~ such expressions of anger.
  a) legitimate
2. usually implies deliberate renunciation or self-denial on principle and often permanency of intent: a vegetarian who ~s from all meat.
  b) refrain
3. may apply to a legal right or status but also, in extended use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom, or accepted standards: a perfectly ~ question about finances.
  c) abstain
4. is likely to suggest the checking of a passing impulse: ~ from laughter in church.
  d) forbear
dcab Right:) group refrain mean to keep oneself voluntarily from doing or indulging in something.

1. implies being indigenous and peculiar to or restricted in a region: edelweiss is ~ in the Alps.
  a) native
2. applies to species or races and adds to native the implication of not having been introduced from elsewhere: maize is ~ to America.
  b) indigenous
3. implies having no known race preceding in occupancy of the region: the ~ people of Australia.
  c) endemic
4. applies to what corresponds to something else from another point of view or in another order of viewing: debated whether higher interest rates are a ~ of economic prosperity.
  d) correlate
5. implies birth or origin in a place or region and may suggest compatibility with it: a ~ New Yorker.
  e) aboriginal
cbeda Right:) group native mean belonging to a locality.

1. implies the restraining or impeding a progress, activity or impetus: deep mud ~ed our progress.
  a) bridle
2. suggests an abrupt or drastic checking or a restricting or restraining that tends to moderate: learn to ~ your appetite.
  b) curb
3. suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom: the ~ role of the First Lady.
  c) check
4. implies a keeping under control by subduing or holding in: they could no longer ~ their interest.
  d) proper
5. suggests a holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes: ~ed themselves from trading insults.
  e) restrain
cbdae Right:) group restrain mean to hold back from or control in doing something.首字母RCCB本人常常<==因为克制是美德

1. implies the existence of or the placing of an insurmountable obstacle: the blizzard ~ed us from going.
  a) prevent
2. may apply to an ideal abstraction, to a quality of mind reflecting this, to quality of inherent truth or fairness, or to treatment due one who has transgressed a law OR who was wronged or threatened: refused to allow such travesty of ~ while she was judge.
  b) equity
3. stress fairness and impartiality, and implies a justice that transcends the letter of law, and is in keeping with what is reasonable RATHER than merely legal: divided the pie with absolute ~ among the greedy children.  (transcend超越)  (in keeping with一致)
  c) justice
acb Right:) group justice mean the art, practice, or obligation of rendering to another what is his, her, or its due.

1. is likely to stress the impact of the blow or the reacting of the target aimed at: ~ a snake with a stick.
  a) commodious
2. primarily applies to a striking with the open hand and implies a sharp or stinging blow with or as if with the palm of the hand: waves ~ against the boat.
  b) smite
3. stresses roominess and comfortable freedom from hampering constriction: a ~ and airy pent-house apartment.  roomy宽敞,空间大having a lot of space inside内部空间大,如a roomy car/flat/jacket宽敞的车/公寓/宽松的夹克
  c) swat
4. somewhat rhetoric and bookish, is likely to stress the injuriousness and destructiveness of the contact and to suggest such motivations as hot anger or a desire for a vengeance: fell as if ~ten by a heavy blow.
  d) slap
5. basically may imply the aiming and dealing of a blow with the hand or with a weapon or tool and usually with moderate or heavy force: ~ a nail with a hammer.
  e) hit
6. implies a quick sharp blow with or as if with the fist: ~ a man in the nose.
  f) strike
7. suggests a forceful slapping blow with an instrument such as a flyswatter or a bat: ~ a baseball out of the ballpark.
  g) punch
edabfgc Right:) group strike mean to bring or come into contact with a sharp blow.首字母SHSSSP的4S想成四海HP想成和平四海和平<==()江山

1. STRESS carrying out what exists in design and intent: ~ the heist exactly as planned.
  a) discharge
2. applies to the operation and functioning of public carriers of goods and persons: ~ managers have rediscovered the railroads; or to the activities of those engaged in the exchange of commodities: ~ in contraband goods.
  b) effect
3. stress the inherent power of agent of surmounting obstacles: personality that help to ~ reform.
  c) perform
4. actions that follow established patterns and procedure and fulfill agreed upon requirement and oft. connotes exceptional skill and experience: ~ gymnastics on the parallel bars(双杠).
  d) traffic
5. successful completion of tasks RATHER THAN means of carrying it out: ~ in a year what takes others a life time.
  e) fulfill
6. adds to accomplish the implication of conquered difficulties: a nation struggling to ~ greatness.
  f) achieve
7. complete realization of duty, responsibility: a rare epic that ~ its ambitions.
  g) accomplish
8. execution AND completion of duties and tasks: ~ his duties promptly and effectively.
  h) execute
hdbcgfea Right:) group perform mean to carry out or into effect.

1. adds to expound the idea of developed and detailed analysis: a passage that the critics have been inspired to ~ at length.
  a) explain
2. implies a careful, often elaborate and learned explanation: the professor ~ the theory of relativity.
  b) expound
3. stresses a throwing light on through explanation, exposition and illumination: a news report that ~ the reason for the crime.
  c) interpret
4. adds to explain the need of imagination, sympathy and special knowledge: ~ the play as an ALLEGORY about good and evil. (allegory寓言,指用某事物表达其他事物,有时讽喻) 
  d) explicate
5. implies making plain and intelligible what is not immediately obvious and clearly known: the doctor ~ what the operation would entail.
  e) elucidate
6. implies the possession of full strength and vigor or freedom from signs of disease or may apply to what manifests or indicates these conditions: the doctor pronounced the whole family ~.  
  f) healthy
dbecaf Right:) group explain mean to make something clear or understandable.

1. is used in contrast to nocturnal and occurs chiefly in poetic or technical contexts: ~ animals that are active by day.
  a) consonant
2. is used with reference to the ordinary concerns of the day or daytime and may refer to weekdays as contrasted with holidays and weekends and may also imply an opposition to nightly: the ~ grind.
  b) daily
3. emphasizes the quality of daily recurrence and may imply a commonplace, routine, or everyday quality to what it describes: found solace in ~ concerns.   如the car sped noisily off through the quotidian traffic汽车嗡嗡地飞速穿过日复一日的车流
  c) quotidian
4. a chiefly technical term, differs from daily or quotidian in implying only approximate equation with the twenty-four hour day: ~ rhythms in insect behavior.
  d) circadian
5. implies the absence of elements making for discord or difficulty: a motto ~ with the company's philosophy.
  e) diurnal
ebcda Right:) group daily mean of each or every day.

1. suggests less steadiness and greater violence than push and implies the application of a single abrupt movement or action: ~ the money into my hand and ran away.
  a) deep-seated
2. implies a strong and often fast, sudden, or rough pushing that forces something along or aside: ~d the man out of my way.
  b) thrust
3. applies to qualities, attitudes so firmly established as to become part of the very structure: a ~ fear of heights.
  c) push
4. shove: thrust: propel驱动: 使向前移动
  d) propel
5. implies the application of force by a body already in contact with the body to be moved: ~ the door open.
  e) shove
6. suggests a driving rapidly forward or onward by a force or power that imparts motion: ship ~led by steam.
  f) push
beacfd Right:) group push mean to cause to move ahead or aside by the application of force.

1. sometimes implies previous difference of opinion and attempts at persuasion, negotiation or discussion: finally ~d to give him a raise.
  a) consent
2. implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or concession: officials ~d to every demand of the prisoners.
  b) acquiesce
3. implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition: usually ~ to his wife's wishes.  (desire表示强烈愿望,慎用,一般用wish ).
  c) melodramatic
4. suggests an exaggerated emotionalism or an inappropriate theatricalism: making a ~ scene in public.
  d) subscribe
5. involves the will or feeling and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired: ~ed to their daughter's wish to go on the trip.
  e) agree
6. implies an act involving the understanding or judgment and may apply to propositions or opinions: potential members must ~ to the organization's credo. (注意judge的名词要去e)
  f) assent
7. implies not only consent or assent, but also hearty approval and willingness to go on record: totally ~d to the free enterprise system.
  g) accede
egbcafd Right:) group assent mean to concur with what has been proposed.

1. suggests a harsh or surly manner that may conceal an inner kindliness: a ~ exterior that conceals a heart of gold.
  a) blunt
2. implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness: a ~ comment about the cause of the foul-up.  disconcert让人困惑怀疑自己,如disconcerted by the large audience面对大量观众感到场)  (foul-up混乱差错mistake or disorganization,如a series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product一系列技术问题延误了新品上市)
  b) gruff
3. implies that a person is in a state of misery that may arise in extreme distress of body or mind or in pitiable poverty or degradation: looked ~, with eyes red and swollen from crying; in reference to things, it suggests such meanness or inferiority or unpleasantness that it arouses utter dislike or disgust in the observer: what ~ weather.
  c) miserable
4. applies to an abrupt sharpness and ungraciousness: a ~ response to a civil question.
  d) crusty
5. connotes a good-natured outspokenness and unconventionality: a bartender with a ~ manner.
  e) brusque
6. suggests directness of expression in disregard of others' feelings: a ~ appraisal of the performance.
  f) curt
7. suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness: puts on a ~ pose in front of strangers.
  g) bluff
dfcegab Right:) group bluff mean abrupt and unceremonious in speech or manner.

1. often suggests a recording of one's impressions sometimes by a mental note, but sometimes in writing or speech: he carried a map and ~ every stream and every hill that we passed.
  a) discern
2. usually implies skill in detection of what is small, or is not clearly within the range of vision, or is trying to escape detection: at last ~ the narrow path along the cliff.
  b) espy
3. implies a fixing of the eyes upon something in abstraction, in enjoyment, or in reference to some end in view: a relaxed moment ~ing the sunset.
  c) note
4. usually implies the mental or physical seeing of what is spread before one or what can be examined in detail and often implies a particular way of looking at a thing or a particular purpose in considering it: ~ a painting from various angles.
  d) remark
5. may be used to imply little more than the use of organs of vision: he can’t see the crowd for he is blind; OR more commonly implies a recognition or appreciation of what is before one’s eyes: went to ~ a ballgame; OR the exercise of other powers including a vivid imagination: I can ~ her plainly now, as she looked 40 years ago;or mental sight: he was the only one who ~ the truth; or powers of inference: though he appeared calm, I could ~ he was inwardly agitated.
  e) descry
6. a somewhat bookish word, may be chosen when reference is to phrases that are idiomatically peculiar to a language, a group, or a person: a pet ~ of the author.
  f) observe
7. implies a heeding and not passing over and may carry an implication of directed attention: closely ~ their reaction. 
  g) locution
8. often suggests an effort to discover or a looking out for someone or something despite difficulty such as distance, darkness or concealment: could barely ~ his form in the gathering darkness.
  h) survey
9. like descry, often implies little more than a making out of something by means of the eyes: ~ an eagle high overhead; BUT more distinctly implies the powers of deeply perceiving and of distinguishing and discriminating what the senses perceive: tried hard to ~ her meaning.
  i) view
10. is likely to suggest a registering mentally of one's impression,  and a judging or criticizing of what is noticed: disdainfully~ the apparent camaraderie between them.
  j) contemplate
11. carries a stronger implication of ocular impression and of distinct recognition and also suggests looking at what is seen: never ~ such beauty.
  k) notice
12. often implies some definite reaction to what is seen or sometimes heard, felt, or sensed, such as making a mental note of it or a remark about it: ~ with alarm that the door was unlocked.
  l) see
13. more often implies a detailed scrutiny or inspection by the eyes or the mind so that one has a picture or idea of something as a whole: carefully ~ the scene before entering the room.
  m) behold
cbjilgfeadmkh Right:) group see mean to take cognizance of something by physical or sometimes mental vision.

1. suggests a failure to notice or remember as a result of external causes or conditions  OR of a determination to ignore: lost in thought, ~ to the rushing crowd around her.
  a) licit
2. applies to what is sanctioned by law or in conformity with the law, especially as it is written or administered by the courts: ~ residents of the state.
  b) legal
3. applies to a strict conformity to the provisions of the law and applies especially to what is regulated by law: the ~ use of the drug by hospitals.
  c) oblivious
4. may apply to conformity with law of any sort, such as natural, divine, common, or canon: the ~ sovereign.
  d) lawful
5. may apply to a legal right or status but also, in extended use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom, or accepted standards: a perfectly ~ question about finances.
  e) legitimate
cbade Right:) group lawful mean being in accordance with law.

1. may imply a getting ahead of another by being a precursor or forerunner or the checking of another's intention by acting first: ~d the firing so she decided to quit first.
  a) impel
2. implies imparting forward and continuous motion and often stresses the effect rather than the impetus: a ship ~n aground by hurricane winds.
  b) drive
3. is very general and implies no more than the fact of changing position: the force that ~s the moon around the earth.
  c) move
4. stresses transmission of power so as to work or set in motion: turbines are ~d by the force of a current of water.
  d) actuate
5. suggests a greater impetus producing more headlong action: burning ambition ~ed her to the seat of power.
  e) anticipate
ebcda Right:) group move mean to set or keep in motion.首字母MADI大米<==一种驱动

1. implies artful persuading or flatteringto attain a thing or a purpose: always able to ~ her doting grandfather out of a few dollars.
  a) cheat
2. stresses depriving someone of what is rightfully his or her own and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth: her own lawyer ~ed her of her inheritance.
  b) cozen
3. implies large-scale cheating by means of misrepresentation or abuse of confidence chiefly in order to attain money: widows ~d of their savings by con artists.
  c) swindle
4. suggests using deceit or trickery that is intended to escape observation: ~ed on the written examination.
  d) defraud
5. presupposes some initial self-confidence that receives a sudden check by something that produces shyness, shame or conviction of inferiority: completely ~ by her swift and cutting retort.
  e) abash
bdcae Right:) group cheat mean to get something by dishonesty or deception.

1. may be preferred when dimensions or extent or capacity or quantity or amount are being considered: a ~ meal; or when breadth, comprehensiveness, or generosity are stressed: tried to respond to some ~ issues.
  a) big
2. emphasizes bulk or mass or weight or volume: a ~ book; or impressiveness or importance: yearned mainly to be a ~ man on campus.
  b) great
3. may suggest a stronger or heavier odor and applies especially to a prepared or synthetic liquid: the ~ of lilacs filled the room.
  c) perfume
4. may sometimes imply physical magnitude, usually with connotations of wonder, surprise, or awe: the ~ canyon cut by the Colorado River; but it more often implies eminence, distinction, or excellence: possessed a very ~ talent.
  d) large
dacb Right:) group large mean above average in magnitude, especially physical magnitude.

1. implies absolute proscription and expected obedience of an order from one in authority: smoking is ~den in the building.
  a) interdict
2. suggests the issuing of laws, statutes, or regulations: ~ed the manufacture and sale of firearms.   law泛指任何法律如自然法神圣法普通法判例法教会法以及立法机构立法,statue特指立法机构立法
  b) ban
3. suggests prohibition stemming from legal or social pressure and strongly connotes condemnation or disapproval: ~ned the new music video.
  c) inhibit
4. implies a monopolization of one's time, interest, or attention: ~d with a desire to climb every mountain in the range.
  d) prohibit
5. implies prohibition by civil or ecclesiastical authority for a given time or a declared purpose: ~ed trade with belligerent nations.
  e) consume
6. implies the imposition of restraints or restrictions that amount to prohibitions, not only by authority but also by the requirements of situation or by voluntary self-restraint: laws that ~ the growth of free trade.
  f) forbid
fdbeac Right:) group forbid mean to debar one from using or doing something or to order that something not be used or done.

1. suggests derision or abrupt rejection or dismissal: ~ed any suggestion that his son was other than angelic.
  a) thankful
2. may suggest an emotional response ranging from strong dislike to loathing: ~ those who show any sign of weakness.  (loathe厌恶憎恶极不喜欢,表示厌恶恶心到不能容忍suggests utter disgust and intolerance, 有时甚至比hate都严重,但有时只是极不喜欢,如loathe self-appointed moral guardians憎恶自封的卫道士,如they loathe each other他们相互厌恶对方)
  b) stout
3. more intellectual, implies a vehement condemnation of a person or thing as low, vile, feeble, or ignominious: ~s the image of women promoted by advertisers.
  c) contemn
4. implies an arrogant aversion to what is regarded as base or unworthy: ~ed all manner of popular music.
  d) despise
5. is often preferred to express one's acknowledgment of divine favor or of what is vaguely felt to be providential: be ~ that you were not badly hurt.
  e) scorn
6. implies a ready or indignant and profound contempt: ~s the very thought of retirement.  profound深刻的,形容既深入又广泛implies both depth and thoroughness,如a profound thinker深刻的思想家)
  f) disdain
bdcfae Right:) group despise mean to regard as unworthy of one's notice or consideration.

1. implies a clever and often biting and ironic remark: many felt the sting of that critic's ~s.   (注意是witticism不要写成wittism)
  a) joke
2. may apply to an act intended to fool or deceive someone, or to a story or remark designed to promote good humor: he is very good at taking a ~.
  b) gag
3. implies a brief, laughter-provoking, foolish remark or act: a frivolous person, given to ~s.
  c) oblivious
4. suggests a sophisticated, knowing witticism and may suggest flippancy or unfeelingness: a comic known for abrasive ~s.  sophisticated两个意思1世故见识广 2复杂,这里采用1) (flippancy不严肃,轻佻,如spoke of the bombing with annoying flippancy说到轰炸时显得轻佻无礼) abrasive 刮擦的伤人的  
  d) witticism
5. applies to any utterance not seriously intended, whether sarcastic, ironic, witty, or merely playful: wry ~s that were lost on her unsophisticated friends.  (witty犀利: 思维聪颖语言锐利suggests cleverness and quickness of mind and often a cutting, caustic tongue,如a film critic remembered for his witty remark一个语言犀利的影评人)
  e) wisecrack
6. implies a sharp, witty, often sarcastic remark or retort: responded to the challenge with a series of biting ~s.
  f) crack
7. suggests a failure to notice or remember as a result of external causes or conditions  OR of a determination to ignore: lost in thought, ~ to the rushing crowd around her.
  g) jest
8. suggests a quick, neatly turned, witty remark: whatever the topic, she is ready with a quick ~.
  h) quip
dabegfch Right:) group jest mean something said or done for the purpose of evoking laughter.

1. stresses an obvious intent to deceive with falseness that fools only the gullible: ~med a most unconvincing limp.  gullible: 非常容易受骗,如you are so gullible to these salesmen联想gull海鸥)
  a) assume
2. suggests an assumption of the characteristics of something else by an close simulation: the training chamber ~ the weightless atmosphere.
  b) feign
3. implies imitation that achieves an extremely high degree of verisimilitude: ~ drunkenness so perfectly that many forgot he was acting.
  c) simulate
4. implies more artful invention than pretend, less specific imitation than simulate: ~ sickness in order to stay home from school.  (artful做事巧妙,有技巧: 懂人情世故做事委婉,如an artful dealmaker一个做事巧妙的交易手)
  d) counterfeit
5. implies make a false show of possessing, using or feeling something, usually for effect: willing to ~ an interest in art in order to impress her.
  e) affect
6. implies an overt and sustained false profession of what is not true: ~ed not to know about her husband's affair. 婚外情,用单数
  f) sham
7. often implies a justifiable motive rather than an intent to deceive: ~ an air of cheerfulness for the sake of the patient.
  g) plain
8. suggests outspokenness and freedom from affectation or subtlety in expression: very ~ about telling them to leave.
  h) pretend
fcdbehag Right:) group assume mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance

1. is likely to stress lack of polish and gentleness: the ~ manners of a man used to living in the outback.(偏僻地方)
  a) raw
2. implies strangeness in comparison to what is felt to be normal, finished, or excellent whether because crude and clumsy OR because lacking in polish and grace: behavior that was unbearably ~.(polish=grace优雅)
  b) invert
3. implies ignorance or difference to good form or materials: fashioned a ~ structure; OR may suggest intentional discourtesy: consistently ~ behavior toward his in-laws.
  c) green
4. may apply to thought or behavior that is gross, obvious, or primitive or ignorant of what is highly developed and fully civilized: the ~ antics of college students on spring break.
  d) crude
5. applies to a change from one side to another by a turning upside down or inside out: a typo consisting of a whole line of ~ed type.
  e) rude
6. suggests being unprocessed, untested, inexperiencedand unfinished: charged with turning ~ youths into young men.
  f) rough
7. implies inexperience and lack of assurance, esp. in a new or complex situation, and often simplicity and gullibility: test the mettle of ~ recruits. (mettle勇气: 不怕困苦又有韧劲的勇气,recruit==enlist募兵)
  g) uncouth
fgedbac Right:) group rude mean lacking in the qualities that make for finish and perfection in development or use.


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