

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-06-09

jason246 发表于 2023-6-17 13:01:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-6-23 19:58:20 | 显示全部楼层
Laura Jarrett leads off our coverage: Laura Jarrett开始报道
stored in the open: 放于开放空间
showing several documents spilling out of a box: 几份文件落到了箱子外
it goes to the core of equal justice for all which is not being seen today: 这事关正义面前人人平等,我们看不到这一点
impeached and acquitted twice: 两次被提案罢免,两次的罢免都没有通过
kept his grip on he Republican base: 仍占有共和党基本盘
caucus goers are still undecided: 一些参加大会的人还没有决定
says he's still in Trump's corner: 说他仍支持川普
ties to show he has a lock on the party, a loss here would show he's beatable: 试图显示他牢牢控制着共和党,如果在此失败,将显示他是可以被打败的
he was wearing a light-colored shirt and handcuffs: 他穿浅色衬衣,戴手铐
mom was stoic but did occasionally looked over at the suspect: 坚忍的但也会偶尔看嫌犯
kind of hit-or-miss: 有点碰运气
a quartruple amputee: 一个双脚截肢者
I took my backpack off and sat on the gound and underneath it was actually a bomb: 我放下背包坐到地上,下边有一个炸弹
was airlifted to a field hospital: 被空运到战地医院
you can catch more uplifting stories: 更多激发人信心的故事

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