

【同义词辨析】 2020-10-14 小的small-miniature

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:24:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
small: is often interchangeable with little, but it applies more to relative size determined by capacity, value, or number: a small amount.       relative相对、比较,是指"相比较而言",如relatively late相对较晚,实际可能并不晚,只是和更早的比起来较晚;如相对relativity,认为时间空间质量是相对概念relative concepts,是相对于参照系system of reference而言的;相反地,认为光速是绝对的absolute,在任何参照系下恒定不变,不受参照系限制,与参照系无关)

little: is more absolute in implication and often connotes less magnitude than is usual, expected, or desired: your pathetic ~ smile.    (magnitude表示尺寸规模程度重要性refers to the size, scale, degree, or importance of something,如magnitude of pulse脉冲幅度, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3 1906年旧金山地震的震为8.3, 如an order of magnitude一个数量级10倍,如we did not realize the magnitude of the problem没有意识到问题的重要性)       习语too little too late太小了太晚了

diminutive: implies exceptional or abnormal smallness: ~ gymnasts outshone her larger competitors.       exceptional(1)和exceptionable(2)都来自exception异常,但1是褒义,表示杰出  2是贬义,表示应当反对的

petite: applies chiefly to girls and women and implies marked smallness and trimness: specializing in clothing for ~ women.     trim苗条a trim person is attractive because there is no extra fat on the body无多余脂肪,如the driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty司机是个大约 30 岁的身材苗条的年轻女子)

minute: implies extreme smallness: a beverage with only a ~ amount of caffeine.    minute amounts of chemicals in the water水中含量极小的化学成分

tiny: is an informal equivalent to minute: ~ cracks have formed in the painting.

microscopic: applies to what is so minute it can only be seen under a microscope: found ~ defect.     如a microscopic creature/particle/analysis/examination生物/粒/显微镜分析/检查,如the sandwiches were microscopic!三明治得快看不见了

miniature: applies to an exactly proportioned reproduction on a very small scale: a doll house complete with ~ furnishings.         (如the model depicts the project in miniature模型是项目的微缩,和minute、diminutive小的一样来自词根MINI/U表示small, least小少,如minimalism简约主义minuscule很小的minutiae细节)

small小的: 常指相对较小,用于容积价值数量等,little小的: 指绝对地小,小于通常期望希望,diminutive小小的: 指异常地小,petite小、苗条: 指女子身材小而苗条,minute极小: 指极端地小,tiny极小: 同minute,但不及它正式,microscopic微小: 小到要用显微镜才能看见,miniature微缩: 指等比例的微缩

记忆方法: 1)首字母SLDPMTMM排列成STDLP送他的礼品3M口罩(小礼品)<==小的          ""的字形像三颗细碎的粒状物,表示形体小,是"少"和"沙"字的初文


              3小的的意思是小于平均尺寸mean noticeably below average in size. 首字母SLDPMTMM排列成STDLP送他的礼品3M口罩(小礼品)<==小的


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