

【同义词辨析】 2020-10-13 相似likeness-affinity

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:24:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
likeness: implies a close correspondence: a remarkable ~ to his late father.       correspond相一致相符合相呼to match, complement, or answer to each other,如fulfillment seldom corresponds to anticipations实际实现很少能符合预期,如your account of events does not correspond with hers你的陈述与她不一致,如the British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor英国的讲师大致相当于美国的副教授)

similarity: often implies that things are merely somewhat alike: some ~ between the two cases.    alike相似,但明显不同implies having close resemblance even though clearly distinct,如siblings who look alike兄弟姐妹长得有点像,如great minds think alike英雄所见略同)       somewhat有点有几分稍微to some degree

resemblance: implies similarity chiefly in appearance or in external or superficial qualities: statements that bear no ~ to the truth.   superficial表面的肤浅的

similitude: applies chiefly when the abstract idea of likeness is under consideration: the ~ of environments was rigidly maintained.   抽象是有选择的忽略abstraction is selective ignorance,如例句只说环境相似,没有具体说是环境的哪些方面,是温度湿度还是光照相似,一概忽略了,因此是抽象意义上的相似

analogy: implies comparison of things that are basically unlike and is more apt to draw attention to likeness or parallelism in relations rather than in appearance or qualities: pointed out the ~ies to past situations.    apt(语言)适合贴切=fit             相似的意思是相像,是"同一类"中的个体与个体之间的比较;而类似是"不同"的集合之间的交集,只是大致相像            (又如the teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump老师打了个比喻,把人的心脏比作水泵,如learning by analogy类推法学习,通过比较不同事物类似之处来学习理解新事物)

affinity: suggests a cause such as kinship or sympathetic experience or historical influence in common that is responsible for the similarity: a writer with a striking ~ for American Indian culture.      affinity 1、亲近喜爱a natural attraction or liking,如Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature萨姆在乡下出生,喜爱(亲近)大自然,如he has a close affinity with the landscape喜爱这里的风景  2、相似a close relationship between two that have similar qualities, structures or features,如there is a close affinity between Italian and Spanish意大利语和西班牙语密切相似。例句中affinity表示义项1: 亲近喜爱)   

likeness相似、像: 指密切相似(close密切),similarity相似: 表示有点相似,resemblance相似: 多指外表相似,similitude相似: 是抽象意义上的相似,analogy类似类比: 只是关系相似,外表属性均不同affinity相似亲近:  表示有相似的血缘经历

记忆方法: 1)首字母排列成as l, as r左右相似<==相似          (""是形声字,从人以声。本义1、"像,相像",如相似类似骄阳似火如胶似漆;可表示2、不确定好像,如似乎疑似看似似曾相识。似字的构型含义不明确)          (""有4个含义  1、比照人物做出的图形,如画像雕像塑像像章   2、相似,与人比照而相似是其范式,如你像他哥哥 3、用作介词,表示如同例如,像爸爸那样工作   4、用作副词,表示好像,如好像不认识,如好像是多年的老朋友


              3相似的意思是相接近mean agreement or correspondence in details.


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