

【同义词辨析】 2020-10-12 虚构fictitious-apocryphal

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
fictitious: implies fabrication and suggests artificiality or contrivance more than deliberate falsification or deception: all names used in the broadcast are ~.    fabricate编造编织suggests an ingenious inventing of something false编造虚假事物,如fabricated an exotic background for her biography编造国外背景,如the evidence was totally fabricated证据纯属编造

fabulous: stresses the marvelous or incredible character of something without necessarily implying impossibility or actual nonexistence: a land of ~ riches.    fabulous有3个意思 1、极好extremely good,如a fabulous performance/cook精彩的表演/烹饪技术极好的厨师  2、巨大very great,如fabulous wealth/riches/beauty巨额财富/财产/非常美丽  3、寓言中的appearing in fables,如fabulous beasts寓言中的野兽,fable寓言是教人道理的短小故事, 通常由动物作主角is a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson especially one with animals as characters如西方阅读量第二的书籍是Aesop's Fables,最著名的一篇教人"the slow and steady wins the race虽然缓慢但是稳步坚持的人赢得比赛"的道理)

legendary: suggests the elaboration of invented details and distortion of historical facts produced by popular tradition: the ~ courtship of Miles Standish.    The Courtship of Miles Standish 《迈尔斯·斯坦狄什求婚记》——美洲殖民地最早的罗曼史之一 legend传奇typically applies to a story, incident, or notion attached to a particular person or place that purports to be historical though in fact unverifiable or incredible关于某人某地的故事,称作是史实,但难以验证置信,如the legend of Paul Bunyan保罗班杨的传奇,如legends tell of a legendary warrior who travels...传说有位传奇(家喻户晓)的武士,是Kung fu panda的起始句,如奥巴马见李光耀时称其legendary传奇人物,是称赞他家喻户晓名声显赫)

mythical: implies a fanciful explanation, often symbolic explanation of facts or the creation of  beings or events: ~ creatures such as centaurs.   Greek myth希腊神话   it is an enduring myth that money brings happiness钱能带来幸福的神话,表示许多人这样认为,但并不真实;如the benefits of the new policy proved to be mythical新政策的利好被证明是个神话

apocryphal: implies an unknown or dubious source or origin or may imply that the thing itself is dubious or inaccurate: a book that repeats many ~ stories.    (来自apocrypha外典旁经伪经Christian religious texts that are related to the Bible but not officially considered to be part of it没有列入正典圣经的经籍,如this may well be an apocryphal story这很可能是个杜撰的故事, 如most of the stories about him are apocryphal关于他的传闻多属虚构)        形近词apocalypse世界末日,大灾难

fictitious虚构: 指编造的,强调人工构思而非故意造假欺骗,fabulous极好巨大: 强调令人惊叹难以置信而非不存在不可能,legendary传奇: 表示传奇般的家喻户晓的,mythical神话的: 指充满想象的、对事物及其起源的解释,apocryphal伪经杜撰: 指来源未知可疑的书籍或故事

记忆方法: 1)首字母FFLMA想成FLAME火焰(E是由F虚构的)<==虚构       


              3虚构的意思是想象出来的mean having the nature of something imagined or mentally invented.


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