

【同义词辨析】 2020-09-24 巨大monstrous-stupendous

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:23:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
monstrous: implies a departure from the normal in such qualities as size, form, or character and often carries suggestions of deformity, ugliness, or fabulousness: the ~ waste of the project.      (monster有3个意思 1、怪物a strange or horrible imaginary creature,如a sea monster 2、巨大的事物something that is extremely or unusually large,如it's a monster of a house房子巨大无比,如the new mall is a monstrosity新购物中心是个巨兽,a monstrous billboard巨幅广告牌 3、邪恶残忍的人或行为a very cruel or evil person or act,如that man is a monster那人邪恶残忍,如a monstrous injustice/crime/criminal邪恶残忍的不公/犯罪/罪犯)         fabulous难以置信的  

prodigious: suggests a marvelousness exceeding belief, usually in something felt as going far beyond a previous maximum of goodness, greatness, intensity, or size: made a ~ effort and rolled the stone aside.       marvelous不可思议的叹为观止的,来自marvel惊叹赞叹to feel great surprise, wonder, or admiration,如the audience marveled at/over the skill of the magician观众对魔术师的技艺感到惊叹,如爱因斯坦说whoever can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed任何人如果不再感到惊叹赞叹,就会像死人一般,眼神黯淡,如marvelous writer/book/idea令人赞叹(不可思议)的作家/书/想法)      (prodigy天才,指年轻又有才华的人a young and talented person,如a math/tennis prodigy数学/网球天才)   这个词用作褒意,如prodigious achievement/amount/effort巨大成就/数量/努力prodigal是贬义,表示浪费挥霍

tremendous: may imply a power to terrify or inspire awe: the ~ roar of the cataract; but in more general use it means little more than very large or great or intense: success gave him ~ satisfaction.      tremendous explosion/experience/amount/person/satisfaction巨大的爆炸/了不起的经历/数量/了不起的人/巨大满足

stupendous: implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, or complexity, or greatness beyond one's power to describe: a ~ volcanic eruption that destroyed the city.  stun和astound同义,表示惊讶

monstrous巨大、令人怪异: 指大到反常,常表示畸形丑陋怪异,prodigious巨大、令人赞叹: 指大到惊叹,用作褒义,tremendous巨大、令人敬畏:  指大到敬畏,或泛指巨大,stupendous巨大、令人惊讶: 表示大到惊讶,无法形容

记忆方法: 1)尾字母是4个ous<==巨大      ""是象形字,是一个张开手脚顶天立地的人的形象,本义是容量体积面积数量力量年龄等方面超过所比的对象,与"小"相对,后引申出"范围程度深广"的含义       ""字本义是用于画直角的曲尺,是"工"字中间加个"口",口字是人手的形状。曲尺这个意思后来写作"矩",巨用作"假借义",表示大,如巨人巨响巨擘艰巨

              2)巨大的意思极其壮观mean extremely impressive.             impressive由于巨大、优秀而令人印象深刻的


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