

【同义词辨析】 2020-09-22 合法lawful-licit

jason246 发表于 2022-10-6 01:23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
lawful: may apply to conformity with law of any sort, such as natural, divine, common, or canon: the ~ sovereign.      natural law自然法a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct永不改变的道德准则,一切人的行为基础。类似于中国人说的天理,伤天害理表示违反了natural law;divine law神圣法a law that is believed to come directly from God由上帝订立的法律;common law普通法law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes依据习俗或判例,而非依据条款,也叫判例法、不成文法,对应于成文法statutory law;canon law教会法an ecclesiastical law宗教法律    (conform 1、一致相似 2、遵守服从,见2020-08-07 非法unlawful-illicit)            (lawful heir/marriage/act/owner/authority/age合法继承人/婚姻/行为/主人/当局/年龄)

legal: applies to what is sanctioned by law or in conformity with the law, especially as it is written or administered by the courts: ~ residents of the state.    administer执行法律、行政,如the Trump administration川普政府          (如legal system/adviser/affairs/action/proceedings/person/remedy/requirement法律体系/顾问/事务/诉讼/诉讼/人/制裁/法定要求)

legitimate: may apply to a legal right or status but also, in extended use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom, or accepted standards: a perfectly ~ question about finances.            (如legitimate right/child/claim/intervention正当(合法合理)权利/出子/声索/干预,如a legitimate reason for being late迟到合理理由,如the legitimacy of a regime lies solely in popular support任何政权的合法性的唯一来源是人民的支持)

licit: applies to a strict conformity to the provisions of the law and applies especially to what is regulated by law: the ~ use of the drug by hospitals.    provision法律条款     法规regulation中的regulate表示管控调控to set or control the amount, degree, or rate of something,如laws that regulate the content of the Internet法律调控/管控因特网内容,如to regulate gun sales调控/管控枪支售卖       (如licit and illicit drugs合法药物和非法药物,如she made some money by licit means他用正当的手段挣了一些钱,如licit distilling符合法规的蒸馏提纯,本例医院用药符合法规

lawful合法:  泛指符合任何种类的法律,legal合法: 指符合法院所订立执行的法律,legitimate合法合理正当: 指权利身份符合法律,或符合传统习俗常规,licit合法合规: 指符合法律条款,特别是法规

记忆方法: 1)首字母4L<==合法

              2)合法的意思是符合法律mean being in accordance with law.


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