

【同义词练习】 第29/30周(2023.11.06--2023.11.12)

jason246 发表于 2023-11-12 16:58:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests a real, sometimes a designed, relationship, but one which is secondary and nonessential: expenses ~ to the performanceof her job.
  a) accidental
2. implies a lack of essential relationship and may suggest casual addition or irrelevance: avoided elaborate designs with superfluous or ~ elements. 
  b) accidental
3. SO strongly suggests chance THAT it often connotes entire absence of cause: believes that life is more than a series of ~ events.
  c) incidental
4. suggests possibility of happening but stresses uncertainty and dependence on other future events: the ~ effects of a proposed amendment to the constitution. 
  d) adventitious
5. stresses chance or unexpected occurrence: any resemblance to actual persons is entirely ~. (chance偶然: determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces由无法理解不可控的力量决定)
  e) fortuitous
6. stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent: a ~ encounter of two acquaintances.
  f) casual
7. retains its basic notion of chance occurrence but may also imply nonessential character: the essential and ~ values of an education. 翻译成“教育的本质和非本质价值”
  g) contingent
Wrong cdegbfa Right group accidental mean not being part of the real or essential nature of something.

1. stress essential and formative relationship of the elements, substances and qualities TO the whole: analyzed the ~ of the district.
  a) ingredient
2. applies to any element or constituent whose presence helps to perform a certain kind of work or produce a particular result: price was a ~ in her decision to buy.
  b) factor
3. applies to any such part and oft. connotes inreducable simplicity: basic ~ of the Gothic novel.
  c) element
4. applies to any substances that can be combined to form a mixture that has qualities  that may be different from its constituents: the ~ of a cocktail.
  d) constituent
5. stress separate identity and distinguishable character of the elements: able to identify every ~ of his firearm.
  e) component
dbcae Right group element mean one of the parts, substances, or principles of a compound or complex whole.

1. implies an increasing of gravity or seriousness of sth already bad or undesirable: the problem has been ~ by neglect.
  a) aggravate
2. sug. a lifting above ordinary or accoustomed: special effects of the movie ~ the sense of horror.
  b) intensify
3. implies strengthing or raising such qualities as desirability, value, or attractiveness: the shrubbery ~ the grounds of the estate.
  c) enhance
4. implies a strenghening or deepening of a thing or its characteristic quality: police ~ their investigation.
  d) heighten
adcb Right group intensify mean to increase markedly in measure or degree.

1. suggests extreme thinness and slightness or shrunkenness: ~ kitten.
  a) spare
2. implies tallness as well as leanness: the pale, ~ limbs of a prisoner of war.
  b) rawboned
3. implies marked thinness or emaciation as from overwork, undernourishment, or suffering: her ~ face showed the strain of poverty.
  c) gaunt
4. suggests a large ungainly build without implying undernourishment: ~ lumberjacks squeezed into a booth.
  d) lanky
5. suggests leanness from abstemious living or constant exercise: the ~ form of a long-distance runner.
  e) skinny
6. suggests awkwardness and loose-jointedness as well as thinness: a ~ youth, all arms and legs.
  f) scrawny
7. stresses lack of fat and of curving contours: a ~ race horse.
  g) lean
8. implies leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality: ~ fashion models.
  h) lank
fhcbadge Right group lean mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh.首字母GRSLSLSL工人瘦了瘦了瘦了<==清瘦

1. may be preferred for intonational reasons or as a more florid word: a demeanor ~ vague and distracted.
  a) frequently
2. usually emphasizes repetition, especially at short intervals: saw her as ~ as he could.
  b) often
3. tends to stress the number of times a thing occurs without regard to the interval of recurrence: they ~ come to dinner.
  c) oftentimes
4. close to often in meaning, is used chiefly in compound adjectives: an ~-told tale; or occasionally in formal discourse: a man ~ seen but seldom understood.
  d) oft
cabd Right group often mean again and again in more or less close succession.

1. implies acting under stress of emotion orthe spirit of the moment, seemingly without thought or volition: ~ act of violence.
  a) instinctive
2. implies prompt action engaging neither the mind nor the emotions and connotes a predictable and unvarying response: his denial was ~.
  b) mechanical
3. stresses spontaneous action involving neither judgment nor will: blinking is an ~ reaction.
  c) impulsive
4. implies lack of prompting and connotes naturalness: a ~ burst of applause.
  d) spontaneous
5. stresses the lifeless, often perfunctory character of the response: over the years, her style of teaching became ~.
  e) automatic
ceadb Right group spontaneous mean acting or acted without deliberation.

1. suggests a dizzying and often insecure height: the ~ of success.
  a) pinnacle
2. suggests the highest point reached in a course or during a specific length of time: an artist working at the ~ of her powers.
  b) climax
3. suggests an apex that is the outcome of a growth or development: the bill marked the ~ of the civil rights movement.
  c) culmination
4. implies the point where all ascending lines or processes converge and in which everything is concentrated: Dutch culture reached its ~ in the 17th century.
  d) summit
5. implies the topmost level attainable: a singer at the ~ of his career.
  e) peak
6. implies a level of quality representing the perfection of a thing: a statue that was once deemed the ~ of beauty.
  f) apex
7. implies the highest point in an ascending series: the moon landing marked the ~ of the program.
  g) acme
aecfdgb Right group summit mean the highest point attained or attainable.首字母SPPCAAC重组成AS CPC Policy Advisor作为中共政策顾问<==顶峰

1. applies to what is actually short in duration or stay: a hotel catering Primarily to ~ guests. 
  a) momentary
2. implies brevity of life or duration: much slang is ~. 
  b) evanescent
3. implies passing so quickly as to make apprehending difficult: in winter the days are short and sunshine is ~. 
  c) transient
4. suggests momentary existence, a quick vanishing, and an airy or fragile quality: the story has an ~ touch of whimsy that is lost on stage. 
  d) fleeting
5. applies to what is by its nature or essense bound to change, pass, or come to an end: fame in the movies is ~. 
  e) short-lived
6. implies extreme brievity of life or existence, often of what might be expected to last or live longer: ~ satisfaction.
  f) transitory
7. suggests coming and going quickly, often merely as a brief interruption of a more enduring state or course: my feelings of guilt were only ~. President Trump met Yang Jiechi momentarily(表示特朗普过来见了杨洁篪一面,很快就中途离开). 
  g) ephemeral
8. is close to fugitive but stresses the difficulty or impossibility of holding back from flight: a life with only ~ moments of joy. 
  h) fugitive
cghbfead Right group transient mean lasting or staying only a short time.

1. applies to something made up of separate items that are or seem pressed together: paintings hung ~ together.
  a) aide-de-camp
2. often implies apprenticeship in a trade or status as an unskilled laborer: a mother’s ~ who performs the duties of a nursemaid.
  b) coadjutor
3. applies to any such a person, regardless of the status of the work: a carpenter’s ~.
  c) close
4. implies equality except in authority and may be used of a coworker or volunteer: viewed the librarian as ~ of her researches.
  d) helper
5. are often interchangeable: a nurse’s ~, a teacher’s ~; but aide frequently and aid rarely denotes a special, highly qualified assistant who acts as an adviser: the President and his chief ~s formulating domestic policy.
  e) assistant
6. designate specifically a military officer who personally attends a general, a sovereign, a president, or a governor, often as an escort but sometimes with definite duties: instructed his ~ to keep the press away.
  f) aid, aide
cdebfa Right group assistant mean a person who takes over part of the duties of another, especially in a subordinate capacity.

1. suggests high-minded and self-sacrificing attentions: a ~ display of duty.
  a) civil
2. often suggests little more than the avoidance of overt rudeness: a ~ reply that showed a lack of enthusiasm.
  b) courteous
3. implies more actively considerate or dignified politeness: clerks who were unfailingly ~ to customers.
  c) gallant
4. stresses firmly inculcating a habit of thought: ~ed a chronic cynicism.
  d) chivalrous
5. suggests spirited and dashing behavior and ornate expressions of courtesy: a ~ suitor of the old school.
  e) infix
6. commonly implies polish of speech and manners with sometimes an absence of cordiality: a conversation as ~ as it was condescending.
  f) polite
dabecf Right group civil mean observant of the forms required by good breeding.CCPGC共产党共产<==有

1. is the usual term for the detailed rules governing manners and conduct and for the observance of these rules: the ~ peculiar to the U.S. Senate.
  a) dignity
2. suggests conduct that is in accordance with good taste or with a code of rules governing behavior under certain conditions: had failed to exhibit the ~ expected of an army officer.
  b) decency
3. implies reserve or restraint in conduct prompted less by obedience to a code than by a sense of personal integrity or status: conveyed a quiet ~ and sincerity that won him respect.
  c) etiquette
4. implies behavior consistent with normal self-respect or humane feeling for others, or with what is fitting to a particular profession or condition in life: maintained a strict ~ in dress.
  d) propriety
5. suggests an artificial standard of what is correct in conduct or speech: regarded the ~ expected of a social matron as stifling.
  e) decorum
Wrong ceabd Right:) group decorum mean observance of the rules governing proper conduct.

1. implies an inevitable and sometimes adverse outcome: the ~ of mariners remains unknown.
  a) fateful
2. implies sth. foreordained and sug. a great or noble course or end: our country's ~.
  b) destiny
3. implies the proportioning of good and evil: the ~ that has been METED OUT(给予通常惩罚) to me.
  c) lot
4. stresses momentousness or decisive importance: the ~ conference that led to war.
  d) fate
5. distinctly stresses finality and implies a grim and calamitous fate: if the rebellion fails, our ~ is certain.
  e) doom
6. sug. a distribution by fate or destiny: it was her ~ to die childless.
  f) portion
dbfaec Right:) group fate meaning unknown

1. implies the complete obstructing of passage or progress : boulders ~ed the road.
  a) hinder
2. implies interfering with something in motion or in progress by the often intentional placing of obstacles in the way: the view was ~ed by billboards. 广告牌
  b) obstruct
3. implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering: tight clothing ~d my movement.
  c) block
4. stresses harmful or annoying delay or interference with progress: the rain ~ed our climbing.
  d) impede
cbda Right:) group hinder mean to interfere with the activity or progress of.

1. suggests a strong, unpleasant, but not necessarily foul smell: rooms filled with the ~ smoke of cigars.
  a) fetid
2. suggests foulness of both taste and smell, usually of fatty substances that have spoiled: the unmistakable stink of ~ butter.  (spoildecay同义表示腐坏但多指食物)
  b) putrid
3. suggests lack of fresh air and sunlight and implies prolonged uncleanness: the ~ rooms of a bus station.
  c) noisome
4. adds a suggestion of being harmful or unwholesome as well as offensive: a ~ toxic waste dump.
  d) musty
5. suggests the foul or disgusting: prisoners were held in ~ cells. (foul: 恶臭肮脏~ language)
  e) rancid
6. implies staleness markedby dampness, darkness, and moldiness: the ~ odor of a damp cellar.
  f) fusty
7. implies particularly the sickening odor of decaying organic matter: the typically ~ smell of a fish pier.
  g) rank
8. may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive: ~ unidentified substances in the refrigerator.
  h) malodorous
9. implies an odor which is peculiarly offensive: skunk cabbage is a ~ weed.
  i) stinking
gefcidbha Right:) group malodorous meaning unknown

1. suggests a sincerity and often zealousness of purpose: an ~ attempt at dramatizing the Bible.
  a) earnest
2. suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity: the ~ occasion of a coronation.
  b) sedate
3. implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude: read the pronouncement in a ~ voice.
  c) staid
4. stresses a seriousness of purpose and absence of levity or frivolity: an objective and ~ look at the situation.
  d) grave
5. implies a composed and decorous seriousness: in the midst of frenzy, the bride remained ~.
  e) solemn
6. suggests a settled, accustomed sedateness, and prim self-restraint: her dinner parties were ~ affairs.
  f) serious
7. implies a concern for what really matters: prefers gothic romance to ~ fiction.
  g) sober
aedgbcf Right:) group serious mean not light or frivolous.

1. applies to either of two balancing forces causing or tending to cause elongation of an elastic body OR to the stress resulting in the body: tested the ~ on the tightrope.
  a) tension
2. are the most comprehensive terms and apply to a force tending to deform a body: the weight of the snow put ~ on the roof; bolts snapping under the tremendous ~ of the impact.
  b) pressure
3. commonly applies to a stress characterized by a weighing down upon or a pushing against a surface: normal atmospheric ~.
  c) stress, strain
acb Right:) group stress, strain mean the action or effect of force exerted upon or within a thing.

1. is a stronger term than bad and usually carries a baleful or sinister connotation: ~ men who would even commit murder.
  a) hector
2. carries an implication of bullying, scolding and domineering that breaks spirit: as a child he had been ~ed by his father.
  b) wicked
3. may imply malevolence or vice: paid dearly for his ~ deeds.
  c) evil
4. may apply to any degree or kind of reprehensibility: the ~ guys in a Western.
  d) naughty
5. usually connotes malice and malevolence: a ~ person who delighted in the suffering of others.
  e) bad
6. applies either to trivial misdeeds or to matters impolite or amusingly risque: looked up all the ~ words in the dictionary.
  f) ill
cafebd Right:) group bad mean not morally good or ethically acceptable.首字母BEIWN重组成WEN BI文笔不好<==坏的

1. sug. utter disgust and intolerance: ~ self-appointed moral guardians.
  a) abhor
2. sug. an strong detestation and oft. moral condemnation: virtually every society ~ incest.
  b) hate
3. implies a deep, oft shuddering repugnace from fear or horror: child abuse is a crime ~ by all.
  c) loath
4. sug. violent antipathy or dislike, but WITHOUT active hostility and malevolence: I ~ moral cowards.
  d) abominate
5. implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity and malice: ~ his former friend with a passion.
  e) detest
6. suggests something fiercely condemned as vile or unnatural: the ~ living conditions of the plantation slaves.  vile极恶劣邪恶suggests disgusting depravity or foulness表示道德败坏肮脏让人恶心,如a vile remark恶毒的话,如the vilest of crimes罪大恶极)
  f) abominable
cdaebf Right:) group hate mean to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for.

1. now usually in the plural means, is very general and may apply to anything or anyone that serves an end: had no ~s of traveling but his own two feet.
  a) medium
2. applies to a usually intangible means of conveying, transmitting, or communicating: resorted to sign language as a ~ of communication.
  b) agent
3. applies to a person who acts to achieve an end conceived by another: dealt with a real estate ~; or to a thing that produces an immediate effect or definite result: salt, an ~ in the melting of ice.
  c) mean
4. as applied to persons, implies a secondary role, sometimes as a tool, sometimes as a dupe: used him as the ~ of her ambitions; and, as applied to things, is likely to suggest a degree of fitness or adaptation for use as a tool: politics, a powerful ~ for change.
  d) instrument
cabd Right:) group mean meaning unknown

1. suggests neatness and order diligently maintained: a ~ desk with everything in its proper place.
  a) trim
2. implies clearness, be it manifested in freedom from dirt or soil: a room as ~ as a pin; or freedom from clutter, complication and confusion: ~ workmanship; or freedom from admixture: took whiskEy ~.
  b) tidy
3. implies neatness and trimness, but it stresses smart and spruce appearance given by clean lines and excellent proportion: a ~ yacht.
  c) neat
bca Right:) group neat mean manifesting care and orderliness.

1. is likely to stress abstractness and a lack of practical experience and interests that deprive one of the ability to deal with realities: the economist's concerns seemed more ~ than practical.
  a) scholastic
2. may suggest learning derived from books rather than actualities: had about him an effete, ~ air.  这里actual=real
  b) academic
3. implies ostentation in learning and stodginess in expression and may connote absorption in scholarly matters to the exclusion of truly significant issues: gave an infuriatingly ~ discourse on the matter.
  c) pedantic
4. is likely to imply aridity, formalism, adherence to the letter, and sometimes subtlety: presented a hopelessly ~ argument.
  d) bookish
bdca Right:) group pedantic meaning unknown

1. implies a strong liking derived from temperament or experience: teenagers with a ~ for gory horror movies.
  a) prejudice
2. suggests a fixed conception likely to preclude objective judgement of anything counter (adj) to it: a slave to his own ~.
  b) bias
3. usually implies an unfavorable prepossesion and connotes a feeling that is rooted in suspicion, fear or intolerance: strong ~ that are based on neither reason nor experience.
  c) predilection
4. implies an unreasoned and unfair distortion of judgement in favor of or against a person or thing: the society shows a ~ against overweight people.
  d) prepossession
cdab Right:) group predilection meaning unknown

1. implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying: ~ing their piety for all to see.
  a) expose
2. emphasizes putting in a position so as to be seen to advantage or with great clearness: ~ sale items.
  b) show
3. stresses a putting forward prominently and openly: ~ paintings at a gallery. 
  c) parade
4. suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading: nouveaux riches ~ing their wealth.
  d) flaunt
5. implies a presenting to view so that others may see or look at: ~ed her snapshots to the whole group.
  e) display
6. suggests a bringing forth from concealment and a displaying, often with a suggestion of unmasking: sought to ~ the hypocrisy of the town fathers.
  f) exhibit
7. implies a showing by outward marks or signs: he ~d no interest in the project.
  g) evince
cefdbag Right:) group show mean to present in such a way as to invite notice or attention.

1. stresses crude animal inclinations and lack of refinement: ~ eating habits make others lose their appetites.
  a) obscene
2. stresses impropriety, indecency, or nasty obnoxiousness: ~ language that violated the broadcasters’ code.
  b) gross
3. often implies boorishness or ill-breeding: a loud, ~ laugh.
  c) vulgar
4. implies roughness, rudeness, crudeness, or insensitiveness of spirit, behavior, or language: found the ~ humor of her coworkers offensive.
  d) ribald
5. applies to what is amusingly or picturesquely vulgar or indecent or crudely earthy: entertained the campers with ~ songs.
  e) coarse
baced Right:) group coarse mean offensive to good taste or moral principles.

1. is a slight and tentative treatment subject to later change and amplification: a ~ of the proposal.
  a) sketch
2. presents material gathered from many sources and arranged for ready and convenient accessibility: a ~ of world opinion on the Central American question.
  b) compendium
3. gives the material necessary for a comprehensive view of a whole subject often in the form of a series of heads or propositions: a ~ for a college history course.
  c) survey
4. is a brief but comprehensive treatment presented often as a preliminary to further study or discussion: a ~ of current trends in higher education.
  d) syllabus
5. gathers together and presents in concise or outline form all the essential facts or details of a subject: a ~ of computer technology.
  e) digest
6. is a concise statement of essential facts or points, often in the style or tone of the original: a ~ of a lengthy article.
  f) precis
aedcbf Right:) group compendium mean a brief treatment of a subject or topic.

1. adds to succinct or terse the implication of richness of meaning or substance: the play's dialog is studded with ~ one-liners.
  a) compendious
2. implies a treatmentat once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment: a ~ report giving all that is known about the disease.
  b) laconic
3. implies pointed, elegant conciseness: a ~ reply that ended the conversation.
  c) succinct
4. implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious: a ~ people who are cold to strangers.
  d) pithy
5. suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation: a ~ listing of the year's main events.
  e) concise
6. suggests the removal of whatever is superfluous or elaborative: a ~ study of the situation.
  f) terse
7. implies precise expression without waste of words: a ~ letter of resignation.
  g) summary
dafbgec Right:) group concise mean very brief in statement or expression.

1. implies a minor degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress: ~ by the heckler's shouts. (heckler诘问者: 如打断说话人,没礼貌地评论等)
  a) upset
2. suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind and often the resulting uncertainty or fear: the ~ing news of a tragic accident.
  b) fluster
3. implies deep disturbance of mind and emotions: ~ by her husband's behavior.
  c) discompose
4. implies the disturbance of normal or habitual functioning of by disappointment, distress, or grief: constantly bickering that greatly ~s their son.
  d) disturb
5. suggests obvious external signs of nervous or emotional excitement: in his ~d state he was unfit to go to work.
  e) disquiet
6. suggests a bewildered agitation caused by unexpected or sudden demands: his amorous advances completely ~ed her.
  f) perturb
7. implies interference with one's mental processes or emotional balance by worry, perplexity, or fear: the puzzling discrepancy ~ed me.
  g) agitate
cefagbd Right:) group discompose mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action.

1. usually stresses the action of forces in opposition but it may ALSO imply a incompatibility or irreconcilability, such as of duties or desires: ~ of professional interests.
  a) difference
2. applies to strife or competition that shows itself in quarreling, disputing or controversy: several points of ~ between the two sides.   (disputecontroversy意思相同争论争议,程度上dispute严重些如领土争议用territorial dispute,又如the controversy surrounding his latest movie围绕他最近一部电影的争议) 
  b) strife
3. emphasizes a struggle for superiority rather than a fundamental disharmony or incompatibility: during his reign the empire was free of ~.
  c) dissension
4. implies discord or strife between persons or things arising from a difference in nature, opinion, or interest: cultural ~s delayed the process of national unification.
  d) variance
5. often in the plural, suggests actual incompatibility or impossibility of reconciliation because of dissimilarity in opinion, character, or nature: decided to negotiate a reconciliation of their ~s.
  e) discord
6. implies an intrinsic or essential lack of harmony that produces quarreling, factiousness, or antagonism between persons or things: years of ~ had left their mark on the political party.  (intrinsic内在: 不依赖外部关系联系的内在属性,如the intrinsic value of education教育的固有价值,essential本质,失去就导致变质根本改变的属性,如社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性”)  (faction派系: 大团体内的互相对立小团体)
  f) conflict
7. implies strife or discord and stresses a division into factions: religious ~s threatened to split the colony.
  g) contention
fgbdaec Right:) group discord mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.

1. primarily denotes one who stands by when something is happening: the policeman took the names of all the ~s; or as merely being present at a place: a ~ was injured in the explosion.
  a) eyewitness
2. sometimes carries a strong implication of watching or regarding intently and often applicable to one who has looked intently upon a person or thing and obtained a clear and accurate impression: a judgment left to the eye of the ~.
  b) beholder
3. suggest casualness or detachment and lack of participation: there was a great crowd of ~s-on at the fire; the surgeon refused to operate in the presence of on-~s.
  c) witness
4. specifically denotes one who has firsthand knowledge and therefore is competent to give testimony: presented a set of ~es who had lived through the tragedy.
  d) observer
5. may or may not imply an intent to see, but usually suggests that one attends closely to details and often keeps a record of them: earned a reputation as a keen ~ of current mores.  风俗习惯=customs and behavior
  e) kibitzer
6. more explicitly implies actual sight as the source of knowledge: there were no ~es of the collision.注意as的用法
  f) looker-on,onlooker
7. can be used for one that attends an exhibition, performance, or entertainment which does not involve an appeal to the sense of hearing: ~s at a football game; more broadly it denotes one who is felt to be wholly apart from whatever is presented to the attention: considered herself a ~ in the game of life.
  g) bystander
8. specifically applies to one who watches a card game by looking over the shoulders of the players and who may annoy them by offering advice; it may also apply to an on-looker who meddles or makes unwelcome suggestions: a group composed equally of players and ~s.  
  h) spectator
gbfcdahe Right:) group spectator mean one who sees or looks upon something.

1. applies especially to the unclothed human figure: a ~ model posing for art students.
  a) barren
2. suggests complete absence of protective or ornamental covering but may imply a state of nature, of destitution, of defenselessness, or of simple beauty: poor, half-naked children shivering in the cold.
  b) bare
3. implies actual or seeming absence of natural covering and may suggest a severe plainness or lack of adornment: a ~ mountain peak.
  c) naked
4. implies the absence of what is additional, superfluous, ornamental, or dispensable: a bleak apartment with ~ walls.
  d) nude
5. often suggests aridity or impoverishment or sterility through absence of natural or appropriate covering: ~ plains with few shrubs and no trees.
  e) bald
dceba Right:) group bare meaning unknown

1. implies deveiving so thoroughly as to make one a fool or to make one unable to distinguish the false from the true: we were ~d into thinking we were safe.
  a) delude
2. stresses the use of charm and persuation to deceive: his ingratiating ways ~d us all.
  b) deceive
3. implies a leading astray from the truth that may or may not be intentional: I was ~ by the confusing sign.
  c) mislead
4. implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes confusion, bewilderment, or helplessness: the salesman tried to ~ me about the car.
  d) beguile
adcb Right:) group deceive mean to lead astray or to frustrate by underhandedness.

1. suggests a succeeding or surpassing in a race or competition: ~ped other firms in selling the new plastic.
  a) surpass
2. implies an attaining of eminence in achievement, accomplishment, or quality and may suggest superiority to all others: ~s in mathematics.
  b) outstrip
3. suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill: the book ~ed our expectations.
  c) excel
4. implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement: ~ed the speed limit.
  d) outdo
5. applies to a bettering or exceeding of what has been done before: ~ herself this time.
  e) transcend
6. implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits: ~ed the values of their peers.
  f) exceed
bcafde Right:) group exceed mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree.

1. mental formulation and sometimes graphical representation of method or course of action: studied the ~ for the proposed industrial park.
  a) design
2. implies a laying out in clearly distinguishable sections with attention on their relations and proportion: outlined the ~ for the new play.
  b) plot
3. stresses calculation of end in view and may imply a plan motivated by craftiness and self-interests: a ~ to swindle senior citizens of their savings. (储蓄)
  c) project
4. stresses enterprise, imagination and vision, can sometimes connote ponderous and needless extension: the ~ to develop the waterfront.
  d) plan
5. often suggests a definite pattern, and some degree of order and harmony: the ~ for three gowns.
  e) scheme
dbeca Right:) group plan mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end.

1. usually suggests great physical weakness such as that associated with infancy, old age, or disease and often connotes a shaking that makes movement extremely difficult and uncertain and that forebodes a fall or collapse: the mast ~ed before it fell.
  a) wobble
2. suggests the fairly violent shaking of the body from the shoulders down which is characteristic of the dance of that name and, therefore, may suggest vibrating motion of an abnormal nature: the ~ing of unbalanced front wheels of an automobile.
  b) dither
3. usually suggests a brief and temporary shaking that affects the entire body or mass and is the result of something horrible or revolting: ~ed uncontrollably at the eerie shrieks. 尖叫,怪物史瑞克
  c) shake
4. implies an unsteadiness that reveals itself in seesawing motions: an inebriated man ~ing as hestands.   (inebriated酒喝得兴奋胡吵乱唱, the inebriated revelers bellowed out songs喝醉酒的人吼唱着)
  d) quiver
5. implies an unsteadiness that shows itself in tottering or in a quavering characteristic of a mass of soft flesh or soft jelly, or in a shakiness characteristic of rickety furniture: his table~s.  (rickety摇摇晃晃的,佝偻病的,a rickety old bridge摇摇欲坠的古桥)
  e) tremble
6. applies specifically to a slight, rapid shaking: her body ~ing with fear.
  f) quaver
7. may be used in place of tremble but it commonly carries a stronger implication of violent shaking or of extreme agitation either from an internal convulsion such as an earthquake, or from an external event that rocks a person or thing to its foundation: a stern lecture that made them ~. (rock把人震倒到地,还表示摇滚)
  g) shimmy
8. can apply to any such movement, often with a suggestion of roughness and irregularity:he ~ with fear. 
  h) shiver
9. typically suggests the effect of cold that produces a momentary quivering: came into the house snow-covered and ~ing, BUT it may apply to aquivering that results from an anticipation, a premonition, a foreboding, or a vague fear: ~ed at the sight of the ancient gravestone.  (premonition预感, had a premoniton that he would die预感自己要死,foreboding害怕=fear, the dark street filled me with forebodings黑暗街道让我害怕)
  i) quake
10. may suggest a slight, very rapid shaking: aspen leaves ~ in the slightest breeze; OR it may suggest fear or passion and an implication of emotional tension: the little boy's lips ~ed as he tried not to cry.
  j) teeter
11. sometimes implies irregular vibration and fluctuation, especially as an effect of something that disturbs: the ~ing flame of thecandle; BUT often stresses tremulousness especially in reference to voice affected by weakness or emotion: made her plea with a voice ~ing withfear.
  k) shudder
12. implies a shaking or a hesitant vacillating movement often as a result of nervousness, confusion, or lack of purpose: ~ed incoherently.
  l) totter
Wrong lgkjaeichdfb Right:) group shake mean to exhibit vibrating, wavering, or oscillating movement often as an evidence of instability. (waver晃动: 站不稳好像要倒his whole body wavered as he crossed the finish line他跑过终点时全身晃动oscillate震荡:

1. applies to conveying of usually unpleasant idea in a sly, underhanded way: ~ that the neighbors were not what they appeared to be.
  a) suggest
2. is close to suggest but may indicate a more definite and logical relationship between the expressed idea to the unexpressed: pronouncement that ~ he has lost touch with reality.
  b) intimate
3. stress put into the mind by an association of ideas, an awakening of desire, initiation of a train of thought: an actress who can ~ a whole character with one gesture.
  c) insinuate
4. stresses delicacy of suggestion without lack of ardor: ~ that she was ready to pop up questions.
  d) hint
5. imply the use of remote and slight suggestion with minimum of overt expression: ~ he was ready for a job line-up.
  e) imply
ceabd Right:) group suggest mean to convey an idea indirectly.


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