

【同义词练习】 第26/30周(2023.10.16--2023.10.22)

jason246 发表于 2023-10-24 08:06:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with OR without reference to extenuating circumstances: said by way of ~ that he would have met them if he could.
  a) excuse
2. sometimes apology, implies not admission of guilt or regret but a desire to make clear the grounds for some course, belief, or position: the speech was an effective ~ for his foreign policy.
  b) apologia
3. applies to what is for the time being held off or suppressed: an ~ distrust of the neighbors.
  c) alibi
4. implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure: used his illness as an ~ for missing the meeting. 
  d) pretext
5. implies a desire to shift blame or evade punishment and imputes plausibility rather than truth to the explanation offered: his ~ failed to withstand scrutiny.
  e) plea
6. stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy: her usual ~ that she was nearsighted.
  f) abeyant
7. suggests subterfuge and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation: used any ~ to get out of work.  (subterfuge故意欺骗,如paltry ~ of an referendum公投这一小欺骗手段)  (paltry小微不足道)
  g) apology
Wrong gbfaced Right group apology mean matter offered in explanation or defense.

1. may emphasize the idea of fitting with what is needed or, sometimes, normal or desirable: the porcupine, ~ed by nature with a built-in defense.
  a) influence
2. implies measurable or decisive influencein determining acts or choices: the wishes of the President obviously had much ~.
  b) prestige
3. implies power from a source such as personal merit or learning to compel devotion or allegiance or acceptance: a policy that has the ~ of the school board behind it.
  c) credit
4. suggests influence that arises from proven merit or reputation for inspiring confidence and admiration: the ~ that he had built up inthe town.
  d) authority
5. may apply to a force or power exercised consciously OR unconsciously to guide or determine a course of action or an effect: used all of her ~ to get the bill passed.
  e) furnish
6. implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or recognized superiority: the ~ of the newspaper.
  f) weight
efdcab Right group influence mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others.

1. is more likely to imply factual than imaginative content: his journal is the only surviving ~ of the expedition.
  a) narrative
2. often applies to something that is unexpectedly found to be agreeable: surprised to find Indian food quite ~. 
  b) palatable
3. may suggest a leisurely and loosely organized recital often of legendary or imaginative happenings: ~s of the Greek heroes.
  c) yarn
4. applies to a brief story featuring a small, discrete, and often humorous incident that may illustrate some truth or principle or illuminate some matter: a biography replete with charming ~s.
  d) anecdote
5. is likely to suggest a rambling and rather dubious tale of exciting adventure, often marvelous or fanciful and without clear-cut outcome: ~s spun around the campfire.   营火篝火
  e) story
6. is the most general term, applicable to legendary lore: the ~ of Arthur; or to an oral or written, factual or fictitious, prose or verse account, typically designed to inform or entertain and characteristically dealing with a series of related incidents or events: repeat the ~ of the opera.
  f) tale
abfdce Right group story mean a recital of happenings that is less elaborate than a novel.

1. may be preferred when the tightness or tautness results in or manifests itself in severe physical or mental tension or strain: the crouching cat, ~ and ready to spring.
  a) regulation
2. in religious use applies to law of church, or in non-religious use, implies  principle or rule accepted  as a valid guide: a house that violates all the ~ of good taste.
  b) ordinance
3. implies imposition by a sovereign authority and obligation of obeidience on the part of all who are subject to that authority: obey the ~.   (sovereign主权的: 意思是"最高")
  c) precept
4. commonly suggests sth advisory and authoritative but not obligatory typically communicated through teaching: the ~ of effective writing.
  d) canon
5. a prescription by an authority to control an organization, situation or system: the ~ affecting neclear power plants.
  e) law
6. suggests closer relation to individual conduct and may imply restriction, usually in regard to a specific situation, for the sake of an immediate end: the ~ of the game.
  f) statute
7. a law enacted by a legislative body: a ~ requiring the use of seat belts.
  g) rule
8. applies to an order govening some detail of conduct or procedure, enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality: a city ~.
  h) tense
hdecagfb Right group law mean a principle governing action or procedure.

1. implies similarity chiefly in appearance or in external or superficial qualities: statements that bear no ~ to the truth.
  a) likeness
2. implies comparison of things that are basically unlike and is more apt to draw attention to likeness or parallelism in relations rather than in appearance or qualities: pointed out the ~ies to past situations.
  b) analogy
3. suggests a cause such as kinship or sympathetic experience or historical influence in common that is responsible for the similarity: a writer with a striking ~ for American Indian culture.
  c) similarity
4. applies chiefly when the abstract idea of likeness is under consideration: the ~ of environments was rigidly maintained.
  d) resemblance
5. implies a close correspondence: a remarkable ~ to his late father.
  e) similitude
6. stress put into the mind by an association of ideas, an awakening of desire, initiation of a train of thought: an actress who can ~ a whole character with one gesture.
  f) affinity
7. often implies that things are merely somewhat alike: some ~ between the two cases.
  g) suggest
dbfeagc Right group likeness mean agreement or correspondence in details.

1. implies a striving after something higher than oneself and usually implies that the striver is thereby ennobled or uplifted: an ~ to become President someday.
  a) corrupt
2. stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations: the city hall was filled with ~ politicians. (probity是经过考验的integrity都表示正直)
  b) aspiration
3. suggests shameful and scandalous wickedness: ~ for their crimes.(wicked: 恶意=malice,malignance)
  c) iniquitous
4. applies to any evil, depraved, or vile conduct or characteristic: ~ behavior that must be punished.(注意是villain不是vallain)
  d) villainous
5. suggests flagrant breaching of time-honored laws and traditions of conduct:  pornography, prostitution, and organized crime's other ~ activities.
  e) vicious
6. may directly oppose virtuous in implying moral depravity, or it may connote malignancy, cruelty, or destructive violence: a ~ gangster wanted for murder. (deprave泛指道德变得败坏)
  f) degenerate
7. implies absence of all signs of justice or fairness: an ~ tyrant, ruling by fear and intimidation.
  g) nefarious
8. suggests having sunk from a higher to an esp. vicious or enervated condition: a ~ regime propped up by foreign support.
  h) infamous
bahdgecf Right group vicious mean highly reprehensible and offensive in character, nature,or conduct. (reprehend严厉批评,offend冒犯)

1. carries stronger implications of disgrace and infamy and may suggest the impossibility of removal or concealment or the resulting social ostracism and public condemnation: bore the ~ of corruption and deceit.  disgrace巨大耻辱often implies loss of favor or complete humiliation and sometimes ostracism完全蒙羞甚至被驱逐,如his conviction for bribery brought disgrace upon his family他受贿被定罪给家庭带来巨大耻辱  infamy臭名昭著implies notoriety as well as exceeding shame表示臭名昭著和非常耻辱,如a gangster whose name retains an enduring infamy遗臭万年的匪徒)
  a) prefer
2. implies modesty, humility, or gentleness on the part of the one who makes the offer: ~ our thanks; and serves as an idiomatic or polite term in certain phrases: ~ a resignation.
  b) tender
3. retains a sense close to offer in legal usage: ~ an indictment.
  c) brand
4. suggests ceremonious exhibition: ~ed to the queen; or the offering of something for use or pleasure: a letter ~ed on a silver tray.
  d) proffer
5. suggests that one is at liberty to accept or reject what is offered, and stresses the spontaneity, voluntariness, and courtesy of the agent: ~red assistance to the elderly man.
  e) offer
6. implies a putting before one of something which may be accepted or rejected: ~ a suggestion.
  f) present
cbafde Right group offer mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance.

1. implies a predicament presenting a choice between equally unpleasant or unacceptable alternatives: faced with the ~ of putting him in a nursing home or caring for him ourselves.
  a) plight
2. suggests a difficult situation usually offering no satisfactory or easy solution: the ~ posed by increasing automation.
  b) predicament
3. are informal equivalent of plight but are more likely to suggest involvement through some error, fault, or wrongdoing: constantly getting their son out of some ~; in a real financial ~ now that she's lost her job.
  c) quandary
4. suggests ardent desire for recognition of accomplishment without actual possession of the necessary ability or qualifications and therefore implies presumption or folly: people with literary ~s frequenting her salon.
  d) dilemma
5. suggests an unfortunate or trying situation: a study of the ~ of the homeless.
  e) pretension
6. stresses the puzzlement and perplexity of one faced by a dilemma: in a ~ about how to repair it.
  f) fix,jam
7. implies a particularly distressing or sorry plight: conflicting obligations that that put me in a real ~.
  g) pickle
dbfeacg Right group predicament mean a situation from which escape is difficult.

1. implies the subordination of oneself and one's desires, opinions, or judgments to those of a superior: the rich are used to seeING others ~.
  a) toady
2. implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention and submissiveness: waiters ~ing over a celebrity.  servile也是低三下四地恭顺阿谀奉承implies lowly status and fawning submissiveness,可见和fawn互释, 都表示卑微恭顺(submissive)和阿谀奉承, 如a political boss and his entourage of servile hangers-on政治老板和攀附于他的奴颜婢色的随从)  hanger-on攀附他人趋炎附势的人
  b) cringe
3. suggests the attempt to ingratiate oneself by an abjectly menial or subservient attitude: never missed an opportunity to ~ to his boss.
  c) wholehearted
4. suggests a display of abject fear before someone who threatens or domineers: as an adult he still ~s before his father.
  d) truckle
5. suggests a bowing or shrinking in physical or mental distress or in fear or servility: ~ing before a blow.
  e) fawn
6. suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving: promised our ~ support to the cause.
  f) cower
deafbc Right group fawn mean to act or behave abjectly before a superior.

1. sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand to make a result certain or to provide for any probable contingency: careful planning should ~ the success of the party.
  a) secure
2. implies a virtual guarantee: the government has ~d the safety of the foreign minister.
  b) insure
3. implies a violent, severe, and often accumulative depredation and destruction: a hurricane that ~ the Gulf coast.(depredation: 掠夺=plunder=loot)(accumulative累积的) 
  c) ravage
4. distinctively implies the removal of doubt, worry, or uncertainty from the mind: I ~ you that no one will be harmed.
  d) ensure
5. implies the taking of action to ensure safety, protection, or certainty against adverse contingencies:  ~ their cooperation by payment of a large fee.
  e) assure
bdcea Right group ensure mean to make a thing or person sure.

1. may imply change in order, side, direction, or meaning: ~d his position on the arms agreement.
  a) transpose
2. implies that one fails to recognize a thing or to grasp its real nature and therefore identifies it with something not itself: ~ synthetic fur for real.
  b) invert
3. implies a change in order or relative position of units often through exchange of position: anagrams are formed by ~ing the letters of a word or phrase.
  c) reverse
4. applies to a change from one side to another by a turning upside down or inside out: a typo consisting of a whole line of ~ed type.
  d) mistake
cdab Right:) group reverse mean to change to the opposite position.

1. implies a mixture of many kinds showing few signs of selection and often suggesting dependence on chance: a ~ assortment of jars and bottles.
  a) motley
2. usually implies selection that is completely devoid of discrimination or restriction and that results in disorderly confusion: gave all the money away in ~ acts of charity.
  b) assorted
3. applies to masses or groups in which diverse or varied individuals or elements  are in proximity or relationship by chance: the ~ structure of granite. 花岗石
  c) promiscuous
4. implies a selection that includes various kinds or involves considerations of tastes or needs: a box of ~ cookies.
  d) heterogeneous
5. adds the suggestion of discordance in the individuals or elements or their striking contrast to each other and carries a depreciative connotation: a ~ aggregation of curs and mongrels.
  e) miscellaneous
6. stresses the sorrowful regret that accompanies true penitence: the beatings were usually followed by tearful ~.
  f) contrition
ecdbaf Right:) group miscellaneous mean a group, collection, or mass, or the things that make up a group, collection, or mass, marked by diversity or variety.

1. implies great length and breadth and sometimes height: a mansion with a ~ front lawn.
  a) brand
2. stresses the ability to hold, contain, or retain in exceptional quantity or to an exceptional degree: a ~ suitcase.
  b) commodious
3. carries stronger implications of disgrace and infamy and may suggest the impossibility of removal or concealment or the resulting social ostracism and public condemnation: bore the ~ of corruption and deceit.  disgrace巨大耻辱often implies loss of favor or complete humiliation and sometimes ostracism完全蒙羞甚至被驱逐,如his conviction for bribery brought disgrace upon his family他受贿被定罪给家庭带来巨大耻辱  infamy臭名昭著implies notoriety as well as exceeding shame表示臭名昭著和非常耻辱,如a gangster whose name retains an enduring infamy遗臭万年的匪徒)
  c) ample
4. implies having a greater size, expanse, or amount than that deemed adequate and may suggest fullness or bulk or freedom from cramping restrictions: we have ~ means to buy the house.
  d) capacious
5. stresses roominess and comfortable freedom from hampering constriction: a ~ and airy pent-house apartment.  roomy宽敞,空间大having a lot of space inside内部空间大,如a roomy car/flat/jacket宽敞的车/公寓/宽松的夹克
  e) spacious
edacb Right:) group spacious meaning unknown

1. implies that the mind responds to new ideas, facts, and experiences by interpreting them in the light of what is already known, thereby making them an integral part of one's body of knowledge: proceeded rapidly with the ~ of new material.
  a) identification
2. implies that the mind responds to new facts, ideas, or situations when and only when it can relate them to what is already known: limited by my ~ of the reality.
  b) solitude
3. stresses aloneness and a lack of contact and may imply being cut off by wish or compulsion from one's usual associates: the ~ enjoyed by the long-distance trucker.
  c) recognition
4. adds to recognition the implication of such prior knowledge as permits one to recognize the thing as an individual member of a class: bird calls aid in the ~ of species.
  d) assimilation
5. implies that the thing now perceived has been previously perceived and that the mind is aware of the fact that the two things are the same thing or identical: encouraged by the patient's ~ of his mother.
  e) apperception
debac Right:) group recognition mean a form of cognition that relates a perception of something new to knowledge already acquired.

1. implies a prolonged or frequent gazing, often in secret and with deep and malicious satisfaction: ~ over the treasure.
  a) stare
2. stresses actual growing and is applicable chiefly to new growth from a bud: allowed only the strongest ~s to grow.
  b) gaze
3. sug. an openmouthed, often stupid wonder: a crowd ~ at the man threatening to jump.
  c) shoot
4. sug. a straining to see closely or fully, often with narrowed eyes, and as if through a small opening: ~ at the bird through his binoculars.
  d) peer
5. suggests a firece or angry staring: silently ~ back at her accusers.
  e) gape
6. implies a fixed and prolonged attention, as in wonder, admiration or abstractness: ~ at the waves breaking along the shore.
  f) glare
7. implies a direct, open-eyed gazing denoting curiocity, disbelief or insolence: kept ~ing at them as they tried to eat.
  g) gloat
gcedfba Right:) group gaze mean to look attentively.

1. is the most general and applies especially to less formal contexts: school ~s at eight; ~ to wash the dishes.
  a) initiate
2. may stress the fact of having attained a mental grasp of something: ~ the instructions. 
  b) begin
3. suggests greater formality: let the games ~.
  c) start
4. suggests a getting or setting into motion: the procession ~ed out slowly.
  d) commence
5. suggests the taking of a first step of a process or series: ~d the custom of annual gift giving.
  e) understand
6. implies a ceremonial beginning: the discovery of penicillin ~d a new medical age.
  f) inaugurate
bedcaf Right:) group begin mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.

1. implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty: ~ in the performance of one's duties.
  a) devotion
2. implies a personal and emotional faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray: valued the ~ of his friends.
  b) allegiance
3. suggests an adherence like that of a citizen to his country and implies an unswerving fidelity maintained despite conflicting obligations or claims: a politician who owes ~ to no special interest.
  c) disclose
4. stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication: a painter's ~ to her artistic vision.
  d) loyalty
5. may also imply a discovering but more often suggests an imparting of information previously kept secret: candidates must ~ their financial assets.
  e) fealty
6. stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental and the observance of duties required by such fidelity: filial ~ demands that I visit my parents.
  f) fidelity
7. implies a fidelity acknowledged by the individual and as compelling as a sworn vow: a critic's only ~ is to truth.  (compel强迫某"人", compelling强烈难以抗拒的;令人信服的strong, convincing,如a compelling need/desire强烈的需要/欲望; compelling evidence有说服力的证据)
  g) piety
fdbacge Right:) group fidelity meaning unknown

1. applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement: an ~ of Murphy's law. 墨菲定律Murphy's law: 事情往往会向你所想到的不好的方向发展,只要存在这个可能性。If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it. 假如一片涂有果酱的面包掉到地毯上,常常是带果酱的一面落在地毯上)
  a) sample
2. may stress the fact of having attained a mental grasp of something: ~ the instructions. 
  b) illustration
3. applies to any individual person, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain, or prove or disprove a general statement: an ~ of history repeating itself.
  c) example
4. applies to an instance that directs attention to a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with: a ~ of mistaken identity.
  d) instance
5. implies a random part or unit taken as representative of the larger whole to which it belongs: show us a ~ of your work.
  e) understand
6. applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case: a typical ~ of bureaucratic waste.
  f) case
7. applies to any example or sample of a whole OR to an example or sample carefully selected to illustrate important or typical qualities: one of the finest ~s of the jeweler's art.
  g) specimen
bedfacg Right:) group instance mean something that exhibits the distinguishing characteristics of the category to which it belongs.

1. stresses harmful or annoying delay or interference with progress: the rain ~ed our climbing.
  a) light
2. may connote difficulty in setting combustible materials alight, and is appropriate when special preparations are needed: we ~ the bonfire just after dark; OR may connote an exciting, arousing, or stimulating: a look that ~ a responsive spark.
  b) hinder
3. like kindle, stresses successful lighting but is more likely to apply to highly flammable materials: ~ a firecracker; OR it may imply a stirring into activity: a love of learning ~d by her first-grade teacher.
  c) kindle
4. is likely to imply anaction for a specific end, such as illuminating, heating, or smoking: ~ a fire in the stove.
  d) ignite
5. suggests blazing and rapid combustion and is usually used with respect to something that ignites readily and burns fiercely:~ a haystack; OR may imply an inspiring, as with passion, zeal, or desire, to energetic activity: an imagination ~ with a thousand new ideas.
  e) fire
bcdae Right:) group light mean starting something to burn.

1. suggests that the ambiguity is intentional and the intent is to mislead: a report on the nuclear accident filled with ~s.
  a) snap
2. a sharp quick action that is abruptly terminated, as in biting, seizing, or breaking: the crododile ~ at the child but missed.
  b) double entendre
3. refers to a word or expression allowing two interpretations, one of them being a cover for a subtle, indelicate, or risque implication: the ~s rife in any bedroom farce.
  c) tergiversation
4. usually refers to the use of a word or phrase in such a way that it may be taken in either of two senses: the ~ in the directive's wording caused much confusion.
  d) ambiguity
5. stresses the shifting of senses during the course of one's argument and usually suggests evasion or looseness of thought and intentional subterfuge: a thesis that relies on several ~s of the word "society".
  e) equivocation
eabdc Right:) group ambiguity mean an expression capable of more than one interpretation.

1. implies unusual power to see into and understand what is puzzling and hidden: the ~ counselor saw through his facade. (façade: 建筑正面,外表假象)
  a) astute
2. stresses the possession or effect of practical, hardheaded cleverness and wise, although sometimes selfish judgment: a ~ judge of character.    (这里judge作动词)
  b) perspicacious
3. sug. using a person or thing that is available BUT idle, inactive or disengaged, by putting to some work or profitable activity: your time might have been better ~ by reading.
  c) employ
4. suggests wisdom, penetration, farsightedness, and mature keenness of judgment: a series of ~ investments tripled her wealth.
  d) shrewd
5. suggests shrewdness, perspicacity, and artfulness, and often an incapacity for being fooled: an ~ player of party politics.
  e) sagacious
bdcea Right:) group shrewd mean acute in perception, sound in judgment.

1. suggests a grossness of mind precluding discrimination or delicacy: a ~, materialistic people.
  a) crass
2. applies to an exasperating obtuseness or lack of comprehension: too ~ to figure out what is going on. (exasperating: 让人不耐烦恼火Hardie could be exasperating to his colleagues哈迪有时让他的同事不耐烦恼火)
  b) dumb
3. implies a slow-witted or dazed state of mind that may be EITHER congenital OR temporary: you're too ~ to know what is good for you.
  c) dull
4. suggests a slow or sluggish mind such as results from disease, depression or shock: monotonous work that left his mind ~.
  d) dense
5. implies a thickheaded imperviousness to ideas or impressions: was too ~ to take a hint.
  e) stupid
6. stress a consecutive, logical thinking: ~ that the murderer must know the victim.
  f) reason
abecdf Right:) group stupid mean lacking or seeming to lack power to absorb ideas or impressions.

1. implies making a light blow usually repeated: ~ on the window to attract a friend's attention.
  a) trump
2. implies a firmer blow, sometimes amounting to a pounding or hammering, and a correspondingly louder sound: the messenger ~ed loudly to awaken us.   (pound 1、重击to strike or hit heavily,如Patrick pounded the couch with his fists用拳头猛敲长沙发,如pounding on the door嘭嘭捶2、快速跳动to beat, throb, or vibrate with a strong regular rhythm,如her heart was pounding她的心怦怦狂跳 3、捣碎碾碎to crush or grind into powder or paste,如pound the cloves with salt把蒜瓣和盐捣碎)
  b) knock
3. suggests a smart vigorous striking on a hard surface that produces a sharp quick sound or series of sounds: the chairman ~ped for order.smart表示聪明时,暗示能胜过常人,这里是形容动作轻快rap music说唱音乐,快速说唱歌词,也叫快板乐,起源于黑人音乐
  c) subside
4. places more emphasis on the sound and often implies the result of something falling or striking rather than of something being struck: heard the severed tree limbs ~ as they fell.
  d) rap
5. suggests a falling to a low level and an easing of turbulence: the protests ~d after a few days.
  e) tap
6. implies a solid pounding or beating that produces a dull booming sound: heard the ~ing and banging of carpenters working on the floor below.  boom低沉有回响的声音隆隆声a loud, deep, resonant sound,如thunder boomed in the sky空中传来隆隆的雷声,如the guns boomed大炮隆隆作响,如'Stop right there,' boomed the Headmaster”站住”,校长用低沉的声音,另外表示繁荣成长prosperity and growth,如business is booming商业蓬勃发展,如baby boom生育高峰,特别是美国二战后的生育高峰,如baby boomer)
  f) thud
ebdfca Right:) group tap mean to strike or hit audibly.

1. applies to things such as acts, ideas, or movements that are felt as harmful to or destructive of society or the social order or institutions: tried to discourage ~ behavior among her students.
  a) low
2. may connote crafty cunning, vulgarity, or immorality and regularly implies an outraging of one’s sense of decency or propriety: refused to listen to such ~ talk.
  b) nonsocial
3. applies to what cannot be described as social in any relevant sense: ~ bees.
  c) asocial
4. applies more often to behavior, thoughts, or acts viewed objectively and implies a lack of all the qualities conveyed by the word social, and rather stresses a self-centered, individualistic, egocentric orientation: dreaming is an ~ act.  (objective客观就事论事的,是指以当事人以外的人的立场看问题,如an objective analysis/assessment/report/criteria客观的分析/评价/报告/标准)  (ego自我意识: 指对自身的看法,包括自我价值自尊心自信心applies to a person's sense of own value and importance,如winning the prize really boosted her ego获奖大大增强了她的自信心,如he has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met他是我所见的最自负的人,egomaniac自私自利的自我主义者,如Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac亚当足够聪明,但是他也有点自私自利)
  d) antisocial
5. implies a distaste for the society of others or an aversion to close association or interaction with others: a very ~ temperament.
  e) unsocial
dabce Right:) group unsocial mean not social and therefore opposed to what is social.

1. stresses the possession of expert knowledge and appreciation of fine food and wine and of the rituals of preparation and serving them: an annual banquet that attracts ~s from all over.
  a) gastronome
2. stresses liveliness and spirit in the enjoyment of fine food and drink in company: ~s rang in the New Year in style.
  b) gourmet
3. implies fastidiousness and voluptuousness of taste: a delicacy that only an ~ would appreciate.
  c) bon vivant
4. implies a less fastidious and discerning appreciation of food and wine, but a hearty interest in an enjoyment of them: a robust dinner fit for an eager ~.
  d) gourmand
5. suggests a connoisseur in food and drink and suggests discriminative enjoyment: ~s rate the restaurant highly.
  e) epicure
acedb Right:) group epicure mean one who takes pleasure in eating and drinking.

1. applies to things acquired before or at birth and transmitted from one's ancestors: eye color is ~.
  a) innate
2. suggests a quality or tendency actually present at birth OR so marked and deep-seated as to seem so: her ~ love for rugged, outdoorsy life.
  b) inborn
3. applies to things acquired before or at birth during fetal development: a baby with ~ heart murmur.
  c) inbred
4. applies to qualities and characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature: a person with an ~ sense of superiority.
  d) congenital
5. suggests something acquired from parents, either by heredity or nurture, or deep-rooted and ingrained: a man with ~ extremist political views.
  e) hereditary
ebdac Right:) group innate mean not acquired after birth.

1. may imply that the things under consideration are one thing OR, although distinct, have no appreciable difference: we took the same ~ on the ~ day.
  a) selfsame
2. like selfsame, implies identity: you're the ~ person I've been looking for.
  b) identical
3. implies correspondence in value, magnitude, or some specified quality and therefore equivalence: divided it into ~ shares.
  c) equal
4. always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things: it was the ~ ring I had lost years ago.
  d) same
5. implies amounting to the same thing in worth or significance: two houses of ~ market value.  
  e) very
6. may imply self-sameness OR suggest absolute agreement in all details: their test answers were ~(不是同一份答案,但完全一致)
  f) equivalent
decafb Right:) group same mean not different or not differing from one another or others.

1. suggests an unbroken perpendicular expanse: climbers able to ascend ~ cliffs.
  a) impregnate
2. implies such sharpness of pitch that ascent or descent is difficult: a ~ staircase leading to the attic.
  b) precipitous
3. applies to steepness approaching the vertical: the airplane went into a ~ nosedive.
  c) abrupt
4. implies a thorough interpenetration of one thing by another: a cake strongly ~d with brandy.
  d) steep
5. implies a sharper pitch and a sudden break in the level: a beach with an ~ drop-off.
  e) sheer
edbac Right:) group steep mean having an incline approaching the perpendicular.


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