

【同义词练习】 第24/30周(2023.10.02--2023.10.08)

jason246 发表于 2023-10-13 13:11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. implies a devoted allegiance to the teachings of one chosen as a master: ~s of Gandhi.
  a) follower
2. denotes a person who attaches himself either to the person or beliefs of another: an evangelist and his ~s.
  b) disciple
3. implies a tendency to favor one of two or more actions or conclusions: ~d to do nothing for the moment.
  c) incline
4. suggests a close and persistent attachment: ~s to the cause.
  d) partisan
5. suggests a zealous often prejudiced attachment: ~s of the President.
  e) adherent
baced Right group follower mean one who attaches himself to another.

1. usually suggests initiation and is applicable to one who is new to and learning the ways of something, such as an association, science, or art, and often connotes youthful eargerness and unsophistication: could easily tell the eager ~ from the jaded professionals.
  a) apprentice
2. stresses inexperience: a ski slope designed for ~.
  b) postulant
3. implies the making whole or sound of something that is broken, torn, or injured: the wound ~ed slowly.
  c) neophyte
4. applies to a beginner on trial for a period of time in which he or she must demonstrate aptitude: among the graduate students who were ~ in the field.
  d) novice
5. designates a candidate on probation, especially for admission to a religious order: gives advice to young ~ in the community.  (admission: 加入组织admittance进入楼房等)
  e) mend
6. applies to a beginner serving under a master or teacher, and stresses subordination THAN inexperience: a bricklayer's ~.
  f) probationer
cdefba Right group novice mean one who is a beginner in something, such as a trade, profession, career, or skill.

1. implies appealing as much to the emotions as to reason by such things as pleas, entreaty, or expostulation in attempting to win over: ~d them to obey the ceasefire.
  a) timid
2. usually used with on or upon, carries a strong implication of overcoming opposition or reluctance with sustained argument or pressure or cogent appeals: ~ed upon them to stay for the night.
  b) persuade
3. the most neutral of these terms, can replace any of them, especially when the method by which a decision is brought about is irrelevant or deliberately not stressed: finally ~ the boy to do his homework.
  c) induce
4. implies an influencing of the reason or judgment often by pointing out the advantages or gains that depend upon the desired decision: ~d them to vote for his proposal.
  d) prevail
5. stresses lack of courage and daring and implies extreme cautiousness and a fear of venturing into the unfamiliar or the uncertain: a ~ investor impairing his capital in a vain search for complete security.
  e) get
bdeca Right group induce mean to move one to act or decide in a certain way.

1. suggests being rewarded beyond one's deserts or expectations: have been ~ in my business investments.   deserve应得的,可贬可褒,如I don't deserve you我不上你,大多数时候是反讽,如you deserve your success你的成功名至实归,是褒义
  a) happy
2. combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.
  b) fortunate
3. more definitely implies the help or intervention of a higher power in the coming of good or the averting of evil fortune: it was ~ that the rescuers arrived in the nick of time.
  c) providential
4. implies either a dispossessing or usurping of another's place, possessions, or privileges or an uprooting of something and its replacement with something else: discovered that he had been ~ed in her affections by another.
  d) supplant
5. stresses the agency of chance in bringing out a favorable result: the ~ day I met my future wife.
  e) lucky
bacde Right group lucky mean meeting with or producing unforeseen success.

1. may imply recovery from a deathlike state, such as a stupor or faint: ~ him from a faint with cold water; but is widely applicable to restoration to a flourishing state: the showers ~d the withering crops.   stupor神志不清恍惚deadening of senses,如apsed into a stupor following a night of drinking喝了一夜酒烂醉如泥(恍惚神志不清)
  a) revive
2. commonly implies a restoration to consciousness by arduous efforts to overcome a serious impairment: ~ a nearly drowned person with artificial respiration; and can suggest a restoring to vitality of someone or something in which life seems nearly or wholly extinct: labored to ~ her old interest in sports.
  b) restore
3. applies to things that has lost their sparkle or zest and become dull and lifeless: although well-regarded in its day, this novel now seems ~.
  c) revivify
4. tends to suggest adding of new life and carries a weaker suggestion THAN revive of prior depletion: a good night's sleep ~ies the strongest person.
  d) resuscitate
5. implies a return to consciousness, health, or vigor often by the use of remedies or treatments: hearing can sometimes be ~d by surgery.
  e) flat
Wrong adecb Right group restore mean to regain or cause to regain signs of life and vigor.

1. may be indefinite and involve any criterion of classification whatever: that ~ of ice-cream; or may suggest  natural and inherent criteria: a zoo with animals of every ~.
  a) analytic
2. may imply a capacity for orderly thinking or, more especially, the power to impress others that clearness of thought and freedom from bias underlie the products of one's thinking: an infuriatingly ~ mind, utterly devoid of emotion.
  b) logical
3. often as the variant analytical, stresses the power to simplify what is complicated or complex or what is chaotic or confused by separating and recombining elements in a logical manner: proceeded by precise ~ processes to find the hidden cause.
  c) kind
4. basically implies a capacity to penetrate below the surface and perceive fine distinctions and minute relations, and it usually connotes exceptional skill in reasoning and analysis: saw the heart of the crisis through ~ logic.
  d) subtle
cbad Right group logical mean having or showing skill in thinking or reasoning.

1. implies an exertion of overwhelming power of attraction: ~ by the promise of great wealth. (注意不是exersionexertion)
  a) cadence
2. implies the reduction of rhythm to system and measure and the establishment of a definite rhythmical pattern: an epic in hendecasyllabic ~.  
  b) meter
3. implies movement and flow as well as an agreeable succession of rising and falling sounds and the recurrence at fairly regular intervals of a stress, such as a prolonged syllable or an accented note: moved gracefully to the ~.
  c) rhythm
4. may be equivalent to rhythm or to meter or may stress variety in ordered sequence, often with falling or rising effects: the gentle ~ of the local dialect.
  d) bewitch
dbca Right group rhythm mean the more or less regular rise and fall in intensity of

1. implies a reference to a question at issue or a matter about which there is a difference of opinion: the candidate discussed his ~on the war.
  a) patch
2. is likely to imply a point of view colored by personal or party feeling and asmuch the product of temperament or emotion as of thoughtor conviction: he took a humorous ~ toward life.
  b) stand
3. is similar to position, but connotes a stronglyheld or expressed opinion: took a ~ against continuing government subsidies.
  c) position
4. implies an often temporary or hasty mending of a rent or breach with new material: ~ potholes with asphalt.
  d) attitude
cdba Right group position meaning unknown

1. refers to the pattern formed by the disposition and arrangement of component parts: modular furniture allows for a number of ~s.
  a) conformation
2. implies a complicated structure composed of harmoniously related parts: a ~ that is proportioned and symmetrical.
  b) figure
3. usually suggests reference to BOTH internal structure and external outline and often the principle that gives unity to the whole: an architect who appreciates the interplay of ~s.
  c) shape
4. suggests giving advice that puts one on guard or suggests precautions against EITHER a prospective or present risk or peril: the doctor ~ him against overeating.
  d) form
5. applies chiefly to the form as determined by bounding or enclosing outlines: cutting doll ~s out of paper.
  e) caution
6. like figure, suggests an outline but carries a stronger implication of the enclosed body or mass: the ~ of the monument was pyramidal.
  f) configuration
fadebc Right group form mean outward appearance.

1. in its basic use implies less advance toward civilization than barbarian: a ~ tribe with a gathering economy; and in its extended use is ordinarily very close to barbarous: a ~ attack.
  a) barbaric
2. often implies a state midway between tribal savagery and full civilization: traded with ~ peoples to the north.
  b) savage
3. LESS stress on putting in a place THAN subsequent fostering and care that help it become stable and fixed: dont transplant a tree once it is ~ed.
  c) establish
4. is more likely to imply uncivilized cruelty or ruthlessness or sometimes complete lack of cultivated taste and refinement: outlawed the ~ practices of war.
  d) barbarian
5. tends to imply a wild profusion and lack of restraint that is indicative of crudity of taste and lack of self-restraint: punished the animal with ~ crudity.
  e) barbarous
bdcea Right group barbarian mean characteristic of uncivilized people.

1. stresses frank declaration and acknowledgement of personal responsibility for what is declared: ~ed that all investors would be repaid in full.
  a)  protest
2. stresses affirmation, especiallyin the face of denial or doubt: ~ed that he had never had a more splendid meal.
  b) assert
3. implies stating confidently or even brashly without need for proof or regard for evidence: ~ed that modern music is just noise.
  c) declare
4. implies conviction and willingness to stand by one's statement because of evidence, experience, or faith: ~ed the existence of an afterlife.
  d) despoil
5. applies to the looting or robbing of a place or people without suggesting accompanying destruction: the Nazis ~ the art museums of Europe.
  e)  avow
6. stresses the making of an open or public statement: the jury ~d the defendant guilty.
  f)  affirm
eabfdc Right:) group assert mean to state positively usually in anticipation or in the face of denial or objection.

1. implies a leading to an unplanned end or state by a flow of consequences: such good results can only ~ to our credit.
  a) conduce
2. implies work in which one engages regularly or by preference, especially as a result of training or experience: his ~ as a trained auto mechanic.
  b) redound
3. applies to one factor out of a group of influential factors that furthers an end or produces a result: their studies ~d much to our knowledge of the past.
  c) contribute
4. implies having a predictable tendency to further an end: a country setting that ~s to relaxation.
  d) occupation
bdca Right:) group conduce mean to lead to an end.

1. refers to the faculty for order, sense, rationality in thought, inference, and conclusion about perceptions: tried to approach each problem with calm and ~.
  a) understanding
2. implies an attempt to sweep from its path every obstacle to victory: a fortress that has never been ~ed.
  b) intuition
3. stresses quick knowledge or comprehension without evident orderly reason, thought, or cogitation: responded on the basis of ~.
  c) storm
4. may widen the scope of reason to include most thought processes leading to comprehension and also the resultant state of knowledge: research that led to a new ~ of the disease.
  d) reason
dcba Right:) group reason mean the power of the intellect

1. implies great and continuous risk of harm or failure and small chance of successfully avoiding disaster: claims that smoking is ~ to your health.
  a) attack
2. implies the initiation of action, often sudden and violent: sustained running ~ resulting in an early touchdown.
  b) hazardous
3. suggests insecurity and uncertainty resulting FROM danger or hazard: has only a ~ hold on reality.
  c) precarious
4. applies to whatever may cause loss or harm unless dealt with carefully: soldiers on a ~ mission.
  d) dangerous
5. often applies to a known and voluntarily accepted danger: shy away from ~ investments. (shy away回避,避开:Alan doesn't shy away from controversy艾伦不回避争议 )
  e) risky
6. strongly implies the immediacy of danger: the situation at the foreign embassy has grown ~. (immediate直接: 之间没有任何其他东西)
  f) perilous
bacdef Right:) group dangerous mean bringing or involving the chance of loss or injury.

1. is likely to imply a natural or homogeneous association of similar things or persons: a ~ of bananas.
  a) group
2. suggests the need for constant or recurring attention: a shepherd ~ing his flock.
  b) cluster
3. basically refers to a group of things growing together: a ~ of grapes; but it is often extended to persons or things that form small groups especially within larger masses: cataloging ~s of stars.   如计算机集群computer cluster花团锦簇flowers in clusters簇clusters of stars
  c) lot
4. is likely to convey an impression of disapproval: the whole story was a ~ of lies.
  d) parcel
5. implies some unifying relationship and ordinarily a degree of physical closeness: a ~ of people waiting for a bus.
  e) bunch
6. applies to persons or things that are associated or that have to be dealt with as a whole: the books were sold in ~s.
  f) tend
efbdac Right:) group group mean a collection or assemblage of separate units.首字母GCBPL中的BG想成8个PLC是警察police三个音节开头,8个警察<==一个群组

1. in both military and general use is likely to imply a complete yielding and a dependence on the mercy or humanity of a stronger power: called for the unconditional ~ of all enemy forces.
  a) capitulation
2. stresses conditions elaborated between parties to a surrender, BUT is likely to imply completeness or finality of the yielding: forced their ~ to her demands.
  b) surrender
3. suggests stronger control, grasp, or retention and suggests continuity or actual occupation: ~ absolute power over the whole country.
  c) submission
4. stress acknowledge of power or authority of another, and oft. sug. loss of  independence: hung his head in a gesture of ~.
  d) hold
Wrong badc Right:) group surrender mean the yielding up of one's person, forces, or possessions to another person or power.

1. suggests that the attention is engaged lightly or frivolously: ~ yourself while I prepare dinner.  amusement park游乐场
  a) amuse
2. suggests supplying amusement or diversion by specially prepared or contrived methods: comedians and pretty girls to ~ the troops.
  b) prudent
3. apply to someone rich in practical wisdom, and ability to exercise self-restraint and sound judgment: a ~ decision to wait out the storm.
  c) divert
4. implies the distracting of the attention from worry or duty especially by something different, often something light: tired businessmen looking for a comedy to ~ them.  distract分心转移注意力to take attention away
  d) entertain
adbc Right:) group amuse mean to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly.

1. implies a frustrating by confusing or puzzling: ~d by the maze of rules and regulations.  confuse分不清混淆to fail to distinguish two things,如confuse moral and political issues混淆道德和政治议题)
  a) outwit
2. suggests a frustrating or checking by deliberately crossing or opposing one making headway: the park department is ~ed by public indifference to littering.
  b) foil
3. suggests the interposing of obstacles or hindrances: legal restrictions ~ed police efforts to control crime.  (interpose放置阻碍障碍to put something that delays or obstructs,如rules that interpose barriers between children and creativity这些规则阻碍了孩子的创造力) hinder阻碍干扰to delay or interfere, 如the rain hindered our climbing下雨阻碍了我们爬山)
  c) circumvent
4. implies making vain or ineffectual all efforts, however vigorous or persistent: ~d all attempts at government reform.
  d) thwart
5. implies a checking or defeating so as to discourage further effort: her parents ~ed my efforts to see her.
  e) balk
6. suggests craft and cunning in frustrating or circumventing: the rebels ~ted the army  repeatedly.
  f) frustrate
7. implies a frustrating by means of a particular stratagem: ~ed the law by finding loopholes.  漏洞  stratagem诡计计谋手段,骗人或躲避的伎俩a plan or trick  to deceive or evade, 如price discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to attract customers折扣是吸引顾客的竞争手段。该词多用于贬义,不要和战略策略strategy混淆,战略策略指如何投入力量使用资源)
  g) exonerate
8. implies a complete clearance from an accusation or charge and from any attendant  suspicion of blame or guilt: a committee ~d the governor from charges of bribery.
  h) baffle
hdefbacg Right:) group frustrate mean to check or defeat another's desire, plan, or goal.

1. sug. one of the functional units composing a body: an arm is a bodily ~.
  a) suppress
2. implies little more than a checking or restraining and often suggests that the thing restrained may break out anew in a different way: had difficulty in ~ing his curiosity.
  b) member
3. implies a putting down or keeping back completely, typically by the exercise of great or oppressive power or violence: ~ed the revolt; ~ an impulse.
  c) repress
bca Right:) group suppress mean to hold back more or less forcefully one that seeks an outlet.

1. implies a close, detailed, even prying watch kept on something and especially on a person felt likely to require unexpected or immediate attention: police ~ of known criminals.
  a) supervision
2. a law enacted by a legislative body: a ~ requiring the use of seat belts.
  b) statute
3. attributes the power or right to act to the watcher and implies the intent to assure the good condition or effective functioning of what is watched: a manager with ~ of all phases of the operation.
  c) surveillance
4. carries a much stronger implication of authoritative powers or responsibilities: responsible for the ~ of the entire district.
  d) oversight
Wrong cbda Right:) group oversight mean a careful watching.

1. implies a state of repose often in contrast with or following strife or turmoil: a former firebrand grown ~ in his old age.
  a) favor
2. suggests lack of excitement or agitation and an equable temper and may imply a degree of complacency: led a very ~ existence.
  b) placid
3. implies the rendering of a service out of goodwill and without imposing an obligation on or expecting a return from the one favored: luck ~ed him in all his enterprises; it can sometimes carry a suggestion of gratuitousness or of patronizing: ~ a friend with unsought advice.
  c) tranquil
4. often implies a contrast with a foregoing or nearby state of agitation or violence: the protests ended and the street were ~ again.
  d) serene
5. suggests a deep quietude or composure: the ~ beauty of a formal garden.
  e) calm
6. stresses an unclouded and lofty tranquility: a woman of ~ beauty.
  f) peaceful
fbaecd Right:) group calm mean quiet and free from disturbance or harm.

1. implies being unaccompanied or unsupported by, or not combined or united with any other: a ~ example will suffice.
  a) separate
2. implies singular or numerical distinctness from other instances, examples, or members of a class: a very ~ kind of wine.
  b) particular
3. stresses discreteness, or disconnectedness, or unconnectedness from every other one: a country with a ~ set of problems. (discrete不同: 是看似接近连续实际分离不同的不同,如: two discrete problems are confused here把两个不同问题搞混了) 
  c) unique
4. applies to the only one that exists, acts, has power or relevance, or should be considered: my ~ reason for moving there.
  d) solitary
5. stresses a complete disintegration or dissolution and final disappearance: the fog was ~d by the morning sun.
  e) sole
6. applies to the only one of its kind or character in existence: the medal is ~, for no duplicates were made.
  f) single
7. implies being BOTH single and isolated: television was her ~ link to the outside world.
  g) dissipate
fbaegcd Right:) group single mean one as distinguished from two or more or all others.

1. implies a considered evaluation or estimation as the basis of recognition of worth: after many years they came to ~ her views.
  a) admire
2. implies a high valuation and a consequent warmth of feeling or attachment: no citizen of the town was more highly ~d.
  b) practically
3. suggests a usually enthusiastic but uncritical appreciation and often deep affection: ~d the natural beauty of the scene.
  c) esteem
4. implies a difference between what meets ordinary or practical demands and what qualifies in some formal or absolute way: the road is ~ finished; cars can use it all the way.
  d) respect
dcab Right:) group respect mean to recognize the worth of a person or thing.

1. suggests earnest application to some specific object or pursuit: very ~ in her pursuit of a degree. pursuit事业:指投入极大热情的工作: IT is his pursuit他的事业是IT)
  a) felicitate
2. implies painstaking and persevering application: a ~ reconstruction of the events of that night.
  b) busy
3. stresses careful and unremitting application: mastered the piano only after ~ practice. (assiduous想象成ass驴认真不懈地推磨)
  c) diligent
4. implies characteristic or habitual devotion to work: a people ~ by nature.
  d) industrious
5. stresses activity as opposed to idleness or leisure: too ~ to spend time with the children.
  e) sedulous
6. more formal in tone, implies that the recipient of the expression is regarded as happy or is wished happiness: ~d the parents of the new child.
  f) assiduous
cefdba Right:) group busy mean actively engaged or occupied.

1. implies little more than position on the other side, as in a debate, election, contest, or conflict: ~s of the project cite cost as a factor.
  a) recalcitrant
2. stresses resistance to attempts to manage or mold: special schools for ~ children.
  b) opponent
3. suggests self-will that is impatient of restraint, advice, or suggestion: a ~ young army officer bent on engaging the enemy.
  c) willful
4. implies either incapacity for or escape from control or guidance by oneself or others or a state of being unsubdued: ~ rage.
  d) refractory
5. implies an obstinate and often capricious determination to have one's own way: a ~ disregard for the rights of others.
  e) unruly
6. suggests determined resistance to or rebellious and deliberate defiance of the will or authority of another: acts of sabotage by a ~ populace.  populace普通群众,population人口,都表示整体,后者更通用。
  f) intractable
7. implies unwillingness to submit to discipline or incapability for discipline and often connotes waywardness or turbulence of disposition: ~ children.
  g) headstrong
8. suggests stubborn resistance to guidance or control: the farmers were ~ in their opposition to the hazardous-waste dump.
  h) ungovernable
bdghcaef Right:) group unruly mean not submissive to government or control.

1. suggests an aggregate made by piling together things of the same kind: the cave held a ~ of pottery.
  a) verify
2. implies establishing genuineness by adducing legal or official documents or expert opinion : handwriting experts have ~ the diaries. (adduce引证:引用以证明We can adduce export opinion to support the claim我们能引证专家观点支持该说法  )
  b) authenticate
3. implies the offering of evidence that demonstrates or proves a contention: claims that have yet to be ~d. (demonstrate演示:以行动动作去展示证明)
  c) validate
4. suggests the strengthening of evidence that is already partly established or accepted: witnesses ~ his story.
  d) confirm
5. implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or certification OR factual proof: to ~ a passport.
  e) mass
6. implies the establishment of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at:  all statements of fact in the article have been ~ied.
  f) substantiate
7. implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact: ~ed reports of troop movements.
  g) corroborate
ebfgcad Right:) group confirm mean to attest to the truth or validity of something.

1. suggests urgency rather than courtesy in encouraging or asking: continually ~ed our advice.
  a) invite
2. sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand to make a result certain or to provide for any probable contingency: careful planning should ~ the success of the party.
  b) solicit
3. implies the making of an effort or appeal to win or attract or the offering of a tempting opening for something: ~ding for their sympathy.
  c) bid
4. suggests an endeavor to win something, such as favor, or to gain something, such as love, by suitable acts or words: a candidate ~ing the votes of young urban professionals.
  d) insure
5. commonly implies a formal or courteous requesting of one's presence or participation but may also apply to a tacit or unintended attracting or tempting: a movie remake that ~s comparison with the original.
  e) court
bdcea Right:) group invite mean to request or encourage someone or something to respond or to act.

1. implies a disposition to live on good terms with others in necessary proximity and to be helpful and kindly on principle: prompted by ~ concern to inquire about her health.   proximity(时间或空间)接近邻近,介词用in
  a) friendly
2. stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause: the stifling heat made us all ~.
  b) amicable
3. stresses cordiality and often warmth or intimacy of personal relations: sought his ~ advice on this important matter.
  c) quarrelsome
4. implies a state of peace and a desire on the part of the parties not to quarrel: maintained ~ relations even after the divorce.
  d) neighborly
dcab Right:) group amicable mean exhibiting goodwill and an absence of antagonism.

1. may suggest presumptuous, slavish, or inept imitating of a superior original: American fashion designers ~d their European colleagues.
  a) copy
2. suggests the following of a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation and may imply inferiority in the product: ~ a poet's style.
  b) mature
3. stresses the completion of development; when applied to people, imply attainment of prime of life and powers: a writer with a deft, ~ style; whereas in application to things may imply a completion of a course, process, or period: reinvest the ~ bonds.  (deft明快的: light,neat,sure常形容写作)
  c) imitate
4. suggests the duplicating of an original as closely as possible: ~ied the painting and sold the fake as an original.
  d) mimic
5. implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike simulation: pupils ~ their teacher.
  e) mock
6. usually implies imitation, particularly of sounds or movements, with derisive intent: ~ing a vain man's manner.
  f) ape
fcbade Right:) group copy mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing.首字母排序成MAIM Creativity损害创新<==模仿

1. stresses suddenness and abruptness, and may imply a movement both graceless AND forceful: gave the dog's  leash a quick ~.
  a) snap
2. a quick and heavy pulling and tugging:~ bedcloth over his head.
  b) yank
3. a sharp quick action that is abruptly terminated, as in biting, seizing, or breaking: the crododile ~ at the child but missed.
  c) twitch
4. is applied to what tends to lower a thing in value or status: her habit of referring to human body in the most ~ of ways.
  d) jerk
5. applies to a quick, light and spasmodic movement that oft. combines tugging and jerking: the sleeping cat, its body ~ as it dreamt.
  e) depreciatory
dbaec Right:) group jerk mean to make a sudden sharp quick movement.


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