

【同义词练习】 第23/30周(2023.09.25--2023.10.01)

jason246 发表于 2023-9-30 08:08:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. is applicable to anything that is not the reult of natural processes or conditions: the state is an ~ society; but especially to something that has a counterpart in nature or imitates something natural: ~ teeth.  (来自两个词根ART表示skill技术,和词根FIC表示feign假装,如artificial satellite/intelligence/island人造卫星/人工智能/人造岛屿)
  a) ersatz
2. implies a putting down or keeping back completely, typically by the exercise of great or oppressive power or violence: ~ed the revolt; ~ an impulse.
  b) synthetic
3. applies chiefly to emotions or states of mind not naturally caused or spontaneously aroused but artfully produced to serve some end: created a ~ demand for the product.
  c) artificial
4. applies especially to a manufactured substance or to a natural substance so treated that it acquires the appearance or qualities of another and may substitute for it: ~ furs.
  d) suppress
5. often implies the use of an inferior substitute for a natural product: served ~ cream with the coffee.  ersatz coffee咖啡替代品
  e) factitious
cdeba Right group artificial mean brought into being not by nature but by human art or effort.

1. implies an interposing of something that shelters, hides, or merely obscures: ~ed her true identity from her colleagues.
  a) hide
2. may OR may not suggest intent: a house ~den by trees.
  b) secrete
3. emphasizes the quickness or promptness with which something is done: indicated her ~ for the task.
  c) screen
4. implies a covering with or submerging in something that hides completely: ~ied the note in a pile of papers.
  d) readiness
5. usually implies intent, and often specifically implies a refusal to divulge: ~ed the weapon in a pocket.
  e) conceal
6. suggests a depositing, often by stealth, in a place screened from view or unknown to others: ~ the cocaine in the hold of the ship.
  f) bury
cadfeb Right group hide mean to withhold or withdraw from sight or observation.

1. applies to a practice or usage so steadily associated with an individual or group as to have almost force of an unwritten law: the ~ of mourners wearing black at funerals.
  a) custom
2. stresses fact of  customary usage and its distinctive quality: conform to the ~ of polite society.
  b) repress
3. implies little more than a checking or restraining and often suggests that the thing restrained may break out anew in a different way: had difficulty in ~ing his curiosity.
  c) habitude
4. implies a doing unconsciously or without premeditation and often compulsively: his ~ of constantly tapping his fingers. 
  d) wont
5. suggests an act or method followed with regularity, and usually through choice: our ~ is to honor all major credit cards. (注意是honor不是respect)
  e) habit
6. suggests a fixed attitude or usual state of mind: greeted her friends warmly from ~.
  f) practice
7. suggests a customary action so generally followed that it has become a social norm: western-style dress is now common ~ in international business.
  g) use
8. applies to an habitual manner, method, or practice that distinguishes an individual or group: as was her ~, she slept until noon.
  h) usage
agbefchd Right group habit mean a way of acting that has become fixed through repetition.

1. denotes the edge of something that falls away steeply: walked to the ~ of the cliff; and may imply abrupt transition: nations on the ~ of peace.
  a) verge
2. applies to the upper inner rim of something hollow: fill the cup to the ~.
  b) rim
3. applies to an edge of something circular or curving: the ~ of a wagon wheel.
  c) subject
4. applies to the line marking an extreme limit or termination of something: an empire that extended to the ~ of the known world.
  d) brink
5. denotes a border or definite width or distinguishing character: a ~ of one inch on the page’s left side.
  e) edge
6. implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone: all reports are ~ to editorial revision.
  f) border
7. refers to the part of a surface just within a boundary: magazine cover’s red ~; or the boundary itself: across international ~s.
  g) margin
8. denotes the line of termination made by two converging surfaces as of a blade or a box: the ~ of the table.
  h) brim
dhbagcfe Right group border mean a line or outer part that marks the limit of something.首字母MBB VERB,MBB马季伯伯VERB说话说相声<==天南海北,漫无边界

1. stresses BOTH the ease with which something yields to pressure and the quickness of its return to original shape: the cake is done when the top is ~.
  a) flexible
2. expresses the fact of freely yielding to impulse and can replace either of the other terms though it is less positive in implication: lived a life of complete ~.
  b) supple
3. implies the ability to recover shape quickly when the deforming force or pressure is removed: a good running shoe has a ~ innersole.
  c) elastic
4. applies to something which may or may not be resilient or elastic but which can be bent or folded without breaking: ~ plastic tubing.
  d) springy
5. implies the property of resisting deformation by stretching: slacks that come with an ~ waistband.
  e) unconstraint
6. applies to something that can be readily bent, twisted, or folded without any sign of injury: shoes made of luxurious, ~ leather.
  f) resilient
defacb Right group elastic mean being able to endure strain without being permanently altered or injured.

1. applies primarily to duration, and may imply condensation, conciseness, or occasionally intensity: a ~ speech.
  a) short
2. implies the development of indifference or hostility with consequent loss of sympathy or divorcement: had become ~d from their family after years of neglect.
  b) estrange
3. may imply sudden stoppage orincompleteness: the interview was rather short.
  c) brief
cba Right group brief mean lacking length.

1. suggests open country and farming: a diminishing portion of the island remains ~.
  a) rustic
2. implies an idealized simplicity and peacefulness and apartness from the world: the ~ setting of an exclusive health resort.
  b) rural
3. suggests a contrast with city life and connotes rudeness and lack of polish: a hunting lodge filled with ~ furniture and decoration.
  c) govern
4. may refer to either the charming and desirable OR the undesirable aspects of country life: fed-up city dwellers imagining a ~ bliss; trapped in a ~ nightmare.
  d) pastoral
5. implies a keeping in a straight course or smooth operation for the good of the individual OR the whole: the British monarch reigns, but the prime minister ~s.
  e) bucolic
bdaec Right group rural mean relating to or characteristic of the country.

1. implies that the persons involves are approving and helping, or that the circumstances are advantageous: ~ weather conditions for a rocket launch.
  a) offense
2. characterizes the position or methods of the attackers with specific reference to their desire for supremacy: went on the ~ to gain as much ground as possible.
  b) auspicious
3. sug. the presence of signs and omens promising success: an ~ beginning for a great parternership.
  c) favorable
4. milder than auspicious, describes events or conditions that imply a continuing favorable condition: the time is not ~ to start a new business.
  d) propitious
cabd Right group favorable mean pointing toward a happy outcome.

1. carries an implication of bullying, scolding and domineering that breaks spirit: as a child he had been ~ed by his father.
  a) chivvy
2. suggests persecution by teasing or nagging: ~ed her husband to the breaking point.
  b) badger
3. refer to those from whom loyalty is expected or demanded and stresses the effects, such as rebellion or discontent, of alienation without actual separation: a coup led by ~ed party members.
  c) heckle
4. implies unrelenting pursuit and persecution: ~ed on all sides by creditors.
  d) hound
5. implies persistent interruptive questioning of a speaker in order to confuse or discomfit: drunks ~d the stand-up comic.
  e) hector
6. implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim: siblings ~ed each other constantly.
  f) disaffect
7. implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy: ~ed her father for a  raise in her allowance.   (frenzy疯狂狂乱: 因紧张激动而情绪失控,常伴有动作suggests loss of self-control and violent agitation often manifested in action,如shoppers driven to a frenzy during the annual sale年度促销使顾客疯狂)
  g) bait
eafdcgb Right group bait mean to harass persistently or annoyingly by efforts to break down.

1. otherwise very close to pitiful, almost always implies a contemptuous commiseration, though contempt may be weakly or strongly connoted: faced a weak, ~ resistance from the opposition party.
  a) temperate
2. stresses deliberate self-restraint especially in regard to expressing feelings or satisfying sexual desires: a nation known for its frugal and ~ leaders.
  b) pitiable
3. implies moderation in the use of food and especially drink and may suggest composure under stress and freedom from emotional excess: a calm ~ disposition well-fitted to function in an emergency.
  c) continent
4. may imply a subduing of feeling or passion by rationality: presented a reserved, ~ appearance; but often it  connotes a resulting coldness or hardness of heart: prosecuted the case with ~ loathing.
  d) unimpassioned
5. stresses moderation and implies such control that one never exceeds the bounds of what is right or proper: maintained her equanimity and her ~ outlook.
  e) sober
bceda Right group sober mean having or manifesting mastery of oneself and one's appetites.

1. usually suggests mild or good-humored teasing: students ~ted their teacher about his tardiness.
  a) prize
2. deride: mock: taunt: twit:
  b) deride
3. suggests a contemptuous and often bitter ridiculing: ~d their efforts to start their own business.
  c) ridicule
4. suggests a jeeringly reproachful insult or derisive challenging: terrorists ~ed the hostages.
  d) twit
5. implies a scornful deriding often ironically expressed by mimicry or sham deference: youngsters began to ~ the helpless old man.
  e) mock
6. applies to spoils captured on the high seas or in the territorial waters of the enemy: a pirate ship ruthlessly seizing ~s.
  f) ridicule
7. implies a deliberate often malicious belittling: consistently ~d everything she said.
  g) taunt
Wrong dfbgeac Right group ridicule mean to make an object of laughter of.

1. implies the soundness and the excellence of every part, element, or quality of a thing, frequently as an unattainable or theoretical state: a ~ set of teeth.
  a) intact
2. implies perfection deriving from the integrity, soundness, or completeness: recorded the ~ Beethoven corpus.
  b) lie
3. is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty to the speaker: to ~ under oath is a serious crime.   (blunt两个意思 1、钝的without a sharp edge or point,如a blunt knife刀子,如the police said he had been hit with a blunt instrument警方说他遭到了器袭击  2、直言不讳saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite,如she has a reputation for blunt speaking她说话出了名的直截了当,如to be blunt, your work is appalling直言不讳地说,你干的活糟透了,如she is blunt about her personal life她对自己的个人生活直言不讳)
  c) perfect
4. suggests a completeness or perfection that can be sought and attained or lost and regained: an experience that made him feel a ~ man again.
  d) whole
5. implies retention of an original or natural perfection that might easily have been lost: somehow the building survived the storm ~.   retain保留维持,指在有被夺走丧失的风险的情况下得以保留,如保留尊严dignity、政府控制权control of the government,古香古色old world character.
  e) entire
cebda Right group perfect mean not lacking or faulty in any respect.

1. implies a double or counterpart exactly corresponding to an original in all significant respects: make a ~ of the key.
  a) facsimile
2. applies especially to one of a number of things reproduced mechanically: ~ies of the report were issued to all.
  b) brazen
3. adds to shameless an implication of defiant insolence: stood up to him with ~ arrogance. 
  c) copy
4. suggests a close reproduction in the same materials that may differ in scale: a ~ of an illuminated medieval manuscript. 这个词容易写错,先记住发音,利用英文"能读就能写"的特点把facsi记住,结尾英里mile,这样就不会错了,另一写法是Fax传真
  d) duplicate
5. implies an exact or close imitation of an existing thing: ~s from the museum’s furniture collection.
  e) reproduction
6. emphasizes the closeness of likeness and is specifically used of a reproduction made exactly like the original: ~s of the ships used by Columbus.
  f) replica
dcbaef Right group reproduction mean something that closely resembles a thing previously made, produced, or written.

1. implies a stern face and contracted brows that express concentration, bewilderment, anger, displeasure, or contempt: the teachers ~ed on my boyish pranks.
  a) reverse
2. suggests a similar expression that conveys bad humor, sullenness, or resentful puzzlement: a grumpy old man who ~ed habitually.
  b) scowl
3. suggests a menacing darkness or gloomy anger and refers either to persons OR to skies that promise bad weather: ~ed as he went about his work, never uttering a word.
  c) glower
4. implies a direct defiant brooding stare or glare as in contempt or defiance: the natives merely ~ed at the invading tourists.brood这里指一直盯着瞪着,原意是母鸡孕育小鸡,一小鸡,比喻长期怀有想法,如he brooded over his dead mother他对已故母亲念念不忘,如for years he brooded vengeance/suicide多年来他一直在盘算报仇/自杀,如a brood of chicks一小鸡,可用于人,如a mother and her brood母亲和一窝孩子,如a remarkable brood of writers几位优秀作家) glower原意是stare凝视盯,但现在主要表示glare瞪
  d) lower
5. usually applies specifically to a high court's action in overthrowing a disputed law, decree, or court decision: the court of appeals ~d the opinion of the circuit court; when applied to actions or judgments of a non-judicial nature, it implies an upsetting of what was previously done: convinced the umpire to ~ his decision.
  e) frown
ebdca Right group frown mean to put on a dark or threatening countenance or appearance.

1. implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion: quickly put down the ~.
  a) mutiny
2. differs from revolt in suggesting more intransigence and less organized purpose: Nat Turner’s unsuccessful slave ~.  intransigent不妥协让步means completely unwilling to change,如intransigent enemies/opponents顽固的敌人/对手,如he was angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides他由于双方各不相让而生气沮丧)
  b) insurrection
3. implies an open, organized armed resistance that is often unsuccessful: the ~ failed for lack of popular support.
  c) revolt
4. implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial: had not the ~ to see beneath their deceptive facade.
  d) rebellion
5. applies to insubordination or insurrection especially against military or naval authority: the famous ~ onboard the Bounty.
  e) penetration
6. applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change in constituted authority: the American ~.
  f) revolution
7. implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds: a ~ by the young Turks that surprised party leaders.
  g) uprising
gbdeafc Right group rebellion mean an armed outbreak against powers in authority.

1. implies a ruthless accuracy or directness that is wounding to the feelings and may suggest sarcasm, harshness or asperity : makes the most ~ remarks with that quiet voice.
  a) cutting
2. is likely to suggest a loss of identity in what is taken in or an enrichment of what takes in: a lotion ~ed quickly by the skin.
  b) crisp
3. implies an energetic cutting or probing that defines differences sharply and clearly or reveals what is hidden: a ~ critic of political pretensions.  (probe调查和problem问题的词根都是prob表示证明prove)
  c) clear-cut
4. suggests the absence of any blurring, ambiguity, or uncertainty of statement or analysis: made a ~ distinction between the two military actions.
  d) incisive
5. implies a power to impress the mind by directness and decisiveness: an ~ command that left no room for doubt.  (decisive决定性的: 如a decisive battle决定性战斗) 
  e) absorb
6. adds a greater implication of harsh vehemence or ironic force and suggests a power to impress deeply the mind or memory: a biting commentary on the election.
  f) biting
7. suggests both incisiveness and vigorous terseness: jurors were impressed by the witness's ~ answers.
  g) trenchant
aegcdfb Right group incisive mean having or showing or suggesting a keen alertness of mind.

1. often means little more than to start into action with no hint of consequent action: made no effort to ~ their fears.
  a) rouse
2. usually implies an exciting to action or expression of what is latent or dormant by something that agitates or disturbs: news events that ~red the public; it may also imply the evocation of deep and agitating but usually pleasant emotion: a sight that ~red pity.
  b) arouse
3. frequently imply an ending of sleep or connote the stimulating of spiritual or mental powers into activity: ~ed the conscience of the nation(awaken); gradually ~ing to love's delights(waken).
  c) suppress
4. implies a putting down or keeping back completely, typically by the exercise of great or oppressive power or violence: ~ed the revolt; ~ an impulse.
  d) awaken, waken
5. implies a gathering together of diffused forces that stirs up or rouses from lethargy or inaction to action: ~ied her strength to overcome the blow.
  e) stir
6. suggests an incitement to vigorous activity and ensuing commotion from a state of rest by startling or frightening: ~d from sleep by cries of panic.
  f) rally
bedcfa Right group stir mean to shift from acquiescence or torpor into activity or action.

1. applies especially to something attended by, or someone bent on, bloodshed: the Civil War was America's most ~ conflict.
  a) bloody
2. is applied specifically to bleeding, bloodthirstiness, or the color of blood: one of the most ~ of the Jacobean revenge tragedies.
  b) sanguine
3. suggests a profusion of blood and slaughter: exceptionally ~, even for a teenage horror movie.
  c) gory
4. implies rudeness of manner due to lack of culture, insensitiveness to others’ feelings, or unwillingness to be agreeable: your ~ behavior at the wedding reception.
  d) boorish
5. is applied especially to things that are actually covered with blood or are made up of blood: ~ hands.
  e) sanguinary
ebcda Right group bloody meaning unknown

1. merely states the fact of death by an agency of some sort in some manner: frost ~ed the plants.  霜冻  形近词froth泡沫
  a) assassinate
2. specifically implies a killing with stealth and motive and premeditation and therefore full moral responsibility: convicted of ~ing his parents.
  b) execute
3. is a chiefly literary term implying a killing marked by deliberateness and violence: ~ thousands of the enemy.
  c) advice
4. stresses quickness and directness in putting to death: ~ed the sentry with a single stab.
  d) slay
5. stresses a putting to death as a legal penalty: to be ~d by firing squad at dawn.
  e) kill
6. applies to a deliberate killing openly or secretly often for impersonal or political motives: terrorists ~d the Senator.
  f) dispatch
7. implies real or pretended knowledge or experience, often professional or technical, on the part of the one who advises: a book of ~ for would-be entrepreneurs.
  g) murder
egdfbac Right group kill mean to deprive of life.

1. implies vigorous, luxurious, and often unchecked or excessive growth: the ~ plant life of the tropics.
  a) fundamental
2. applies to something that forms a foundation without which an entire system or complex whole would collapse: the ~ principles of democracy.
  b) rank
3. suggests something on which an outcome turns or actively depends: one of the ~ events of the Civil War.
  c) cardinal
4. suggests something that is necessary to a thing's continued existence or operation: air bases that are ~ to our national security.
  d) vital
bacd Right group fundamental mean so important as to be indispensable.

1. an obligation to perform or a responsibility for performance: the ~ of a lifeguard.
  a) task
2. implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes confusion, bewilderment, or helplessness: the salesman tried to ~ me about the car.
  b) assignment
3. implies a definite limited task assigned by one in authority: your ~ didn't include interfering with others.
  c) job
4. a carefully alloted or measured quantity of assigned work or service: during his ~ as a governor.
  d) duty
5. implies usually a specific piece of work imposed by a person in authority or by circumstances: performed a variety of ~ for the company.
  e) deceive
6. a minor routine activity necessary for maintaning a household or farm and may stress the drabness of such activity: each child has a list of ~ to do.
  f) chore
7. applies to a piece of work voluntarily performed, or to an assigned piece of a menial work, and may sometimes suggest difficulty and importance: took on the ~ of turning the company around.
  g) stint
debgafc Right:) group task mean a piece of work to be done.

1. may imply dishonor or public shame: tried to avoid the ~ of bankruptcy; but more often it applies to a negative attitude or judgment attached to something in order to bring discredit or disapproval: the increasing ~  attached to smoking in the workplace.
  a) devote
2. is likely to imply a giving up or setting apart because of compelling motives: ~d his evenings to study.
  b) stigma
3. imply a blemish that diminishes but does not extinguish the honor of a name or reputation: a ~ on the family name(blot); wanted there to be no ~ on her record.
  c) blot, stain
4. carries stronger implications of disgrace and infamy and may suggest the impossibility of removal or concealment or the resulting social ostracism and public condemnation: bore the ~ of corruption and deceit.  disgrace巨大耻辱often implies loss of favor or complete humiliation and sometimes ostracism完全蒙羞甚至被驱逐,如his conviction for bribery brought disgrace upon his family他受贿被定罪给家庭带来巨大耻辱  infamy臭名昭著implies notoriety as well as exceeding shame表示臭名昭著和非常耻辱,如a gangster whose name retains an enduring infamy遗臭万年的匪徒)
  d) brand
bacd Right:) group stigma mean a mark of shame or discredit.

1. adds the notion of extreme emotional excitement: in a ~ of ecstasy at the thought of seeing her again.  注意不要写成tacy
  a) crow
2. suggests loss of self-control and violent agitation often manifested in action: shoppers driven to a ~ during the annual sale. manifest清楚展现展示implies a plain, direct, immediate revelation,如manifested her musical talent at an early age她小时候就展现出音乐天赋)
  b) hysteria
3. usually implies exultant boasting or blatant bragging: loved to ~ about his triumphs.
  c) frenzy
4. usually implies excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm: a society with a ~ for football.
  d) delirium
5. implies emotional instability that is often marked by swift transitions of mood: the ~ of fans.
  e) mania
dcaeb Right:) group mania mean a state marked by exaggerated reactions and a loss of emotional, mental, or nervous control.

1. implies a lack of clear definition or formulation because of inadequate conception or consideration: made ~ promises of reimbursement.  报销
  a) equivocal
2. stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality: left behind ~ works on alchemy.
  b) accomplishment
3. applies to the deliberate use of language open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading: the prisoner would give only ~ answers.
  c) vague
4. implies an imperfect or clouded revelation often with ominous, mysterious, or sinister overtones: muttered ~ hints of revenge.
  d) dark
5. implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge: the poem is ~ to those unlearned in classics.
  e) cryptic
6. implies a purposed concealed meaning and often an intent to perplex or challenge: a ~ message only a spy can decode.
  f) ambiguous
7. implies a socially useful skill: mastery of a foreign language is an admirable ~.
  g) obscure
8. applies to a difficulty of understanding arising from the use, usually inadvertent, of a word or words of multiple meanings: an ~ directive that can be taken either way.
  h) enigmatic
chadgebf Right:) group obscure mean not clearly understandable.

1. adds to foresee the suggestion of exceptional wisdom or discernment: an European traveler who ~d the course of American destiny.
  a) hoax
2. implies an intent, not always vicious, to delude by means of a ruse or fraud: special effects can ~ moviegoers into believing anything.
  b) divine
3. implies the contriving of an elaborate or adroit imposture in order to deceive: ~ed the  public by broadcasting news of a Martian invasion.
  c) gull
4. suggests unwariness in the person deluded: ~d us into buying a lemon of a car.
  d) trick
5. stresses credulousness or readiness to be imposed on or made a fool of: you are so easily ~ed by these contest promoters.
  e) dupe
bdaec Right:) group dupe meaning unknown

1. stresses resistance to attempts to manage or mold: special schools for ~ children.
  a) condition
2. implies ARRANGEMENT of circumstances that makes for particular condition such as embarrassment, advantage or difficulty: keep abreast with  changing political ~.
  b) status
3. often implies sum of qualities at a particular time and place: the present ~ of economy.
  c) refractory
4. more distinctly implies the effect of immediate or temporary influcences: left in a feeble ~ after his illness.
  d) state
5. applies to one's state or condition as determined with some definiteness, esp. for legal administrative purposes, OR by social or economical consinderations: improved her ~ in the company.
  e) situation
cedab Right:) group state mean the way in which one manifests existence or the circumstances under which one exists or by which one is given a definite character.

1. implies an arriving at a logically necessary inference at the end of a chain of reasoning: ~ that only he could have committed the crime.
  a) conclude
2. implies an aggressive manifestation sometimes of anger or of zeal but often of an emotion that causes one to show one's sense of dignity or importance: an accusation that made her ~.
  b) bristle
3. suggests a pompous affectation of dignity, especially in gait or bearing: ~ like a peacock.
  c) strut
4. usually suggests an awareness of a threat to one's dignity or state and a reaction of hostility or resentment: local government officials who ~d against interference.
  d) swagger
5. implies an ostentatious conviction of one's own superiority, often manifested in insolent gait and overbearing manner: ~ed onto the field.   ost有3个t==conspicuous明显的,  (manifest明显地表现implies plain, direct, immediate relevation,如manifested musical ability at an early age自小便表现出音乐才能)
  e) bridle
abced Right:) group strut mean to assume an air of dignity or importance.

1. implies being actively at war or engaged in hostilities: ~ nations respected the country’s neutrality.
  a) pugnacious
2. stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause: the stifling heat made us all ~.
  b) repress
3. suggests a disposition that takes pleasure in personal combat: a ~ student always getting into scraps.
  c) contentious
4. suggests a disposition to fight: an intoxicated person in a ~ mood.
  d) belligerent
5. implies perverse and irritating fondness for arguing and quarreling: wearied by her ~ disposition.
  e) combative
6. like pugnacious, connotes readiness to fight on the basis of a genuine cause: assumed a ~ stance under questioning.
  f) quarrelsome
7. implies little more than a checking or restraining and often suggests that the thing restrained may break out anew in a different way: had difficulty in ~ing his curiosity.
  g) bellicose
dfagceb Right:) group belligerent mean having an aggressive or truculent attitude.首字母BBPCQC联想成PQBCBC脾气不错不错<==就是好斗

1. emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruits or offspring, or projects, inventions, or works of art: came from a remarkably ~ family.
  a) fruitful
2. may be preferred for intonational reasons or as a more florid word: a demeanor ~ vague and distracted.
  b) fecund
3. implies the power to reproduce in kind or to assist reproduction and growth: ~ soil; or it may suggest readiness of invention and development: a most ~ imagination.
  c) oftentimes
4. stresses rapidity of spreading or multiplying by or as if by natural reproduction: one of the most ~ writers of science fiction.  multiply乘法倍增,表示增长速度快
  d) fertile
5. adds to fertile and fecund the implication of desirable or useful results: undertook ~ research in virology. 病毒学
  e) prolific
bcdea Right:) group fertile mean producing or capable of producing offspring or fruit.

1. implies aggressively taking the initiative in a struggle: seek new ways to ~ the problem of poverty.
  a) storm
2. implies an attempt to sweep from its path every obstacle to victory: a fortress that has never been ~ed.
  b) assault
3. suggests abundant emission: it never rains but it ~s; and may sometimes imply a coming in a course or stream from or as if from a spout: workers ~ed from the subway exits.
  c) attack
4. suggests a direct attempt to overpower by suddenness and violence of onslaught in a direct confrontation: commando troops ~ the building from all sides.  突击队   onslaught猛攻,剧烈猛烈毁灭性打击suggests a vigorous, destructive attempt to overwhelm by force of momentum or numbers or intensity,如succumbed to the onslaught of the disease被猛烈突发的疾病击垮)  解释中有2个direct,可见强调直接近身
  d) assail
5. implies attempting to conquer or break down resistance by repeated blows or shots: ~ed the enemy with artillery fire.
  e) bombard
6. applies to attacking continuously and devastatingly with bombs or shells: ~ed the city nightly.
  f) pour
cafbde Right:) group attack mean to make a more or less violent onset upon.

1. is a brief but comprehensive treatment presented often as a preliminary to further study or discussion: a ~ of current trends in higher education.
  a) survey
2. applies to a task or responsibility imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, or calling: the lieutenant governor had a few official ~ies.
  b) office
3. is typically applied to the function or service expected of a person by reason of his or her trade, profession, or special relationship to others: exercised the ~s of both attorney and friend.
  c) function
4. applicable to anything living, natural, or constructed, implies a definite end or purpose that the thing in question serves or a particular kind of work it is intended to perform: the ~ of the stomach is to digest food.
  d) duty
5. applies to a function, office, or duty that naturally or logically falls within one's jurisdiction or competence: it is not governor's ~ to set foreign policy. jurisdiction司法权审判权管辖权the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws
  e) province
adbce Right:) group function mean the acts or operations expected of a person or thing.

1. implies a reduction in length OR duration: ~ the speech to Fit the allotted time.
  a) curtail
2. implies a making shorter usually by omitting or cutting off some part: hostile questioning that ~ the interview.
  b) retrench
3. implies a reduction in compass or scope with retention of essential elements and relative completeness of the result: the ~ version of the novel.
  c) abridge
4. suggests a reduction in extent of something felt to be excessive: falling prices forced the company to ~.
  d) shorten
5. adds an implication of cutting that in some way deprives of completeness or adequacy: ceremonies ~ because of the rain.
  e) poignant
6. applies to what keenly and sharply affects one's sensibilities: a ~ documentary on the plight of the homeless. (a poignant reminder of the passing of time伤感的感到时光飞逝)
  f) abbreviate
dfcbae Right:) group shorten mean to reduce in extent.
1. implies an attempt to divert or distract attention AWAY from one's real intent: the ballcarrier used ~ to draw the defensemen out of position.
  a) trick
2. implies a trick or tactic to gain advantage, often by harassing or embarrassing an opponent: tried a new ~ in the peace negotiation.
  b) stratagem
3. implies roguishness and deception and illusion, and either evil OR harmless intent: used every ~ in the book to get teacher's attention.
  c) artifice
4. implies a ruse used to entrap, outwit, surprise and circumvent an opponent or enemy: a series of ~ that convinced both sides that he was their agent.
  d) ruse
5. sug. an attempt to entrap or deceive by giving false allurements: used all his ~ to get his uncle's favor.
  e) wile
6. stress an attempt to mislead by giving false impression: secured a papal audience through  a clever ~.
  f) gambit
7. may add to gambit a suggestion of finesse and roguishness: used a new ~ in order to gain entrance.
  g) feint
8. implies an adroit and skillful manipulation of persons or things to solve a problem or avoid a difficulty: a bold ~ that won him the nomination.
  h) maneuver
9. implies ingenious contrivance and invention: his smile is just an ~.
  i) ploy
gfabedihc Right:) group trick mean an indirect mean to gain an end.

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