

【同义词练习】 第22/30周(2023.09.18--2023.09.24)

jason246 发表于 2023-9-23 07:16:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to the value that represents the point at which there are as many instances above as there are below: the average of a group of persons earning 3,4,5,8,and 10 dollars a day is 6 dollars, whereas the ~ is 5 dollars.
  a)  norm
2. suggests a deviation from a traditional or conventional course or type: a book that ~s from the usual memoirs of a film star.tradition传统: 指代代传承风俗信仰applies to customs or beliefs passed on or handed down from generation to generation,如it’s a tradition to give gifts at Christmas圣诞节送礼物是传统习俗,如keep up revolutionary tradition保持革命传统,如Japan's unique cultural traditions日本独特的文化传统(=traditional culture传统文化),按照传统by tradition,如by tradition, nobody interrupts an MP’s maiden speech按照传统,任何人不能打断下议员的首次演说,也可以说依照传统)
  b) mean
3. may be an average, OR it may represent value midway between two extremes: annual temperature ~ of 50 degree; the tranquil ~ between misery and ecstasy.
  c) average
4. denotes the computed or estimated average of performance of a significantly large group, class, or grade and implies a standard of reference: scores about the ~ for 5th grade arithmetic. 注意不要写成arithmatic
  d) depart
5. is exactly or approximately the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of a set of figures by the number of figures: scored an ~ of 85 in a series of five tests. 
  e)  median
edbac Right group average mean something that represents a middle point between extremes.

1. implies a turning from a customary or prescribed course and often implies irregularity: the witness never ~d from her story.
  a) veer
2. suggests a deviation from a traditional or conventional course or type: a book that ~s from the usual memoirs of a film star.tradition传统: 指代代传承风俗信仰applies to customs or beliefs passed on or handed down from generation to generation,如it’s a tradition to give gifts at Christmas圣诞节送礼物是传统习俗,如keep up revolutionary tradition保持革命传统,如Japan's unique cultural traditions日本独特的文化传统(=traditional culture传统文化),按照传统by tradition,如by tradition, nobody interrupts an MP’s maiden speech按照传统,任何人不能打断下议员的首次演说,也可以说依照传统)
  b) deviate
3. may equal depart but usually suggests a branching of a single path into two or more leading in different directions: after medical school their paths ~d.
  c) depart
4. implies an often gradual arousing of angry feelings that may range from impatience to rage: her constant nagging ~ him to no end.
  d) swerve
5. suggests a usually somewhat abrupt physical, mental, or moral turning: suddenly ~d to avoid hitting an animal.
  e) digress
6. implies a major change in direction often under an outside influence: at that point the road ~s to the right.
  f) diverge
7. applies to a departing from the subject at hand: frequently ~ed during his lecture.
  g) irritate
bcfgdae Right group swerve mean to turn aside from a straight course.

1. stresses a voluntary, often permanent thrusting out or driving away: ~ed from college.
  a) oust
2. implies the application of force by a body already in contact with the body to be moved: ~ the door open.
  b) evict
3. chiefly applies to a turning out of house and home by a legal or comparative process: ~ed  for nonpayment of rent.
  c) expel
4. carries an especially strong implication of throwing or thrusting out from within: ~ed the obnoxious patron from the bar.
  d) push
5. implies removal or dispossession by power of the law, by force, or by compulsion of  necessity of situation: issued a general order ~ing all foreigners.
  e) dismiss
6. implies a getting rid of something unpleasant or troublesome by refusing to consider it further: simply ~ed the quarrel from her mind.
  f) eject
cdbfae Right group eject meaning unknown

1. stresses lack or restraint and often of discrimination in desire: soldiers ~ for glory.
  a) greedy
2. implies obsessive acquisitiveness especially of hoardable wealth and strongly suggests stinginess: ~ thrift that left them morally bankrupt.
  b) secure
3. implies inordinate desire, often for what is rightfully another’s: ~ of his brother’s success.
  c) avaricious
4. implies difficulty in obtaining or keeping safely in one's possession or under one's control: an ad agency that ~ many top accounts. (account这里表示固定客户主顾,多指公司客户won  many  accounts  i n  China在中国赢得很多固定客户 )
  d) acquisitive
5. adds an implication of eagerness and selfishness and often suggests use of unfair or ruthless means: ~ developers defrauded the homesteaders.  ruthless不同情的,来自ruth因心变软而同情sympathy or compassion resulting from a softening heart,如an old man ignorant of the healing effects of ruth那个老人不懂得同情的治疗作用。这个词还是很好的女子名叫露丝,如菊与刀的作者Ruth Benedict是研究东方文化的学者)
  e) grasping
6. implies both eagerness to possess and ability to acquire and keep: mansions that were the pride of the ~ class.
  f) covetous
acfbed Right group covetous mean having or showing a strong desire for possessions and especially material possessions.

1. implies having a sneering disbelief in sincerity or integrity or sometimes a vicious disregard of the rights or concerns of others: always ~ about other people's motives.
  a) cynical
2. implies having a gloomy, distrustful view of life and things in general: a philosopher ~ about the future of the human race.
  b) pessimistic
3. suggests an increase of length in either time or space: ~ the school year.
  c) misogynistic
4. applies to a man having a deep-seated distrust of and aversion to women: a ~ scientist more at home in his laboratory.
  d) misanthropic
5. suggests a rooted distrust and dislike of human beings and their society: a zoologist who had grown ~ in recent years.
  e) lengthen
abecd Right group cynical mean deeply distrustful.

1. stresses personal reaction and the horror of loathing induced by something felt as outwardly or inwardly extremely ugly: a hurricane that caused ~ destruction.
  a) unsightly
2. may apply not only to what is not pleasing to the eye but to what offends another sense or gives rise to repulsion, dread, or moral distaste in the mind: a street of small drab ~ houses.
  b) hideous
3. stresses the paying back of an equivalent in kind or amount: ~ a loan.
  c) ill-favored
4. is likely to refer to a material thing on which the eye dwells on without pleasure and connotes a suggestion of distaste: a dump that sat on a ~ blot on the landscape.
  d) ugly
5. applies especially to personal appearance and implies ugliness to the sense of sight without in itself suggesting a resulting distaste or dread: self-conscious about his ~ features.
  e) repay
bdeac Right group ugly mean neither pleasing nor beautiful, especially to the eye.

1. suggests the imperative quality that arises from inner necessity, compulsion of law or regulation, or the exigencies of the situation: the patient ~s constant attention.
  a) exact
2. implies not only demanding but getting what one demands: ~ a promise from a friend.
  b) claim
3. implies a demand for the delivery or concession of something due as one's own or one's right: ~ed to be the first to describe the disease.  delivery提交concession承认,如承认败选演讲concession speech是承认自己败选
  c) strange
4. implies peremptoriness and insistence and often the claiming of a right to make requests that are to be regarded as commands: the physician ~ed payment of her bill.
  d) require
5. stresses unfamilarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unacccountable, or the new: immigrants adjusting to ~ new customs.
  e) demand
dabec Right group demand meaning unknown

1. usually sug. an attempt to outdo each other: success that ~ hers.
  a) compete
2. suggests a less intense effort, but a more concious awareness of an opponent than compete: ~ with one another for her attention.
  b) incidental
3. stresses a struggle for an objective that may be conscious, but typically is quite impersonal striving: athletes ~ in college sports.
  c) rival
4. suggests a real, sometimes a designed, relationship, but one which is secondary and nonessential: expenses ~ to the performanceof her job.
  d) emulate
5. implies a concious effort to equal or surpass someone that serves as a model: strove to ~ his teachers.
  e) vie
ceabd Right group rival mean to strive to equal or surpass.

1. always suggests certitude even where there is no evidence or proof: an unshakable ~ in God.   (certitude坚信implies a faith strong enough to resist all attack强烈的信念,如believed in his innocence with a fair degree of certitude坚信他是无辜的)
  a) faith
2. suggests intellectual assent without implying anything about the validity of the grounds for assent: a theory given little ~ by scientists.
  b) instrument
3. as applied to persons, implies a secondary role, sometimes as a tool, sometimes as a dupe: used him as the ~ of her ambitions; and, as applied to things, is likely to suggest a degree of fitness or adaptation for use as a tool: politics, a powerful ~ for change.
  c) credence
4. suggests mental acceptance but may or may not imply certitude in the believer: my ~ that I had caught all the errors.
  d) belief
5. implies assent on grounds other than direct proof: give no ~ to idle rumors.
  e) credit
acbde Right group belief mean to assent to the truth of something offered for acceptance.

1. suggests an expansion or swelling of a surface caused by pressure withion or below: ~s soon appeared in the tile floor.
  a) protrusion
2. implies a growing or swelling out from a surface in rounded form: a skin disease marked by warty ~s.
  b) protuberance
3. suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems an excrescence or a deformity: the bizarre ~s of a coral reef.
  c) projection
4. implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle: those ~s along the wall are safety hazards.
  d) bulge
5. implies a considered evaluation or estimation as the basis of recognition of worth: after many years they came to ~ her views.
  e) respect
dbace Right group projection mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface.

1. may imply only slight drunkenness and the consequent lessening of muscular an mental control: a ~ patron began making unwelcome amorous advances.
  a) intoxicated
2. usually suggests obvious drunkenness: at midnight he returned, ~ as a drum.
  b) plastered
3. implies such a state of intoxication that exhilaration, noise, or undue excitement results: the ~ revelers bellowed out songs.
  c) tipsy
4. is a more formal, less derogatory term and likely to be used in legal or medical contexts: arrested for driving while ~. context上下文,语言环境words before or after other words
  d) mislay
5. are the plainspoken, direct, and inclusive terms: arrived at the party already ~(drunk); a ~ man stumbled out of the bar; but drunken may imply habitual excess in drinking and also applies to whatever proceeds from intoxication: a drunken brawl.
  e) drunk,drunken
6. usually implies a misplacing in the baisc sense but stresses a forgetting of the place in which the thing has been put and therefore often means to lose, usually temporarily: I have ~(mislaid) my glass.
  f) tight
7. refers to one who has become wholly incompetent through intoxication: so ~ they could not stand up.
  g) inebriated
cfgaedb Right:) group drunk,drunken mean considerably and conspicuously affected by alcohol.

1. may denote false show or the evidence of it: a person utterly devoid of ~; or it may apply to something such as an act, an appearance, or a statement intended to convince others of the reality of something that in fact lacks reality: gained their confidence under false ~s.
  a) make-believe
2. successful completion of tasks RATHER THAN means of carrying it out: ~ in a year what takes others a life time.
  b) accomplish
3. is often used in the sense of false show and implies an unwarranted belief in one's desirable qualities that results from conceit or self-deception: harbored ~s to wealth and good breeding.
  c) pretension
4. applies chiefly to pretenses that arise out of a strong or vivid imagination, as of a child or poet: delighted in her world of ~.
  d) pretense
dbca Right:) group pretense mean the offering of something false or deceptive as real or true.

1. stresses effort or experiment to test or prove something: ~ several times to find a solution. (experiment即表示试验也表示实验,这里表示尝试性,所以是试验)
  a) try
2. stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort and suggests the strong possibility of failure: will ~ to photograph the rare bird.
  b) endeavor
3. implies exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort: continue to ~ for a lasting peaceful solution.
  c) essay
4. heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty and connotes a striving to fulfill a duty: ~ to find the survivors of the crash.
  d) indecorous
5. suggests a violation of accepted standard of good manners: your ~ manners marred the wedding reception.
  e) strive
6. implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting: had ~ dramatic roles on two earlier occasions. 
  f) attempt
afebdc Right:) group attempt mean to make an effort to accomplish an end. (effort努力:泛指任何长度强度的用力,基础词不要解释)

1. suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed: an unspoken ~ seethed between the two.
  a) antipathy
2. suggests a clashing of temperament leading readily to hostility: a long-standing ~ between the banker and his prodigal son.
  b) hostility
3. implies strong prejudice and often malevolence and spiteful ill-will: my objections are devoid of any personal ~.
  c) proficient
4. suggests a strong, open enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression: a history of ~ between the two nations.
  d) animus
5. implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice: a translator thoroughly ~ in Russian.
  e) enmity
6. implies a natural or logical basis for one's hatred or dislike, suggesting repugnance or a desire to avoid or reject: a natural ~ for self-important upstarts.
  f) animosity
7. stresses bitter brooding and nursing of a grudge or grievance: ~ filled every line of his letters.
  g) rancor
8. suggests anger, intense ill will, and vindictiveness that threaten to hurt or destroy: ~ that eventually led to revenge.
  h) antagonism
Wrong ehdbcagf Right:) group enmity mean deep-seated dislike or ill-will or manifestation of such a feeling. 首字母HER AAAA,她得四个A,遭人嫉妒<==产生敌意

1. stresses firmness in enduring physical or mental hardships and suffering: a trip that tested their ~.
  a) pluck
2. implies a willingness to fight or continue against odds: fought on with ~ and courage.  (do something against odds做某事困难重重成功可能性很小implies something is impossible or very unlikely to succeed,如some women do manage to achieve business success against odds尽管困难重重,一些女性还是在商场获得成功)
  b) behave
3. considered by some to be not entirely polite, stresses fortitude and stamina and implies effectiveness and determination in facing and coping with what alarms or repels or discourages: lacked the ~ to pull it off.
  c) grits
4. may apply to the meeting of a standard of being proper or decorous: ~ very badly throughout the affair.  (proper恰当: 符合本质身份proper role of first lady第一夫人的恰当角色) (decorous得体: 符合社交常规品味a decorous kiss礼貌得体的吻一下) 
  d) backbone
5. stresses unyielding resolution and indomitableness in the face of hardship or danger: ~ beyond her years.
  e) fortitude
6. emphasizes resoluteness of character and implies either ability to stand firm in the face of opposition or such determination or independence as requires no support from without: held their own as long as they kept their ~.
  f) guts
eafbcd Right:) group fortitude meaning unknown

1. implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious: a ~ people who are cold to strangers.
  a) caress
2. implies expression of affection by gentle stroking or patting: the ~ of a soft breeze.
  b) cuddle
3. implies doting fondness and sometimes a lack of dignity; it may suggest more intimacy and less gentleness than caress: ~ a baby.
  c) fondle
4. applies a close but gentle embracing designed to soothe or comfort: ~ a frightened puppy.
  d) laconic
5. applies to caressing or fondling children or animals: ~ a cat; but may also apply to excessive indulgence: a spoiled ~ted child; or to amorous fondling in which it may suggest undue familiarity: decided not to ~ with her boyfriend.
  e) pet
dacbe Right:) group caress mean to show affection by touching or handling.

1. close to worldly-wise, stresses alienation from spiritual interests and dedication to  happiness in this world: chose to focus on ~ concerns.
  a) disillusioned
2. applies to someone who has lost all illusions and hope as a result of experience and who lacks enthusiasm or ideals: saw the world around him through scornful, ~ eyes.
  b) sophisticated
3. implies either refinement, urbanity, cleverness, or cultivation: guests at her salon were rich and ~; or artificiality of manner, over-refinement, and absence of enthusiasm: too ~ to enjoy the carnival rides.
  c) worldly-wise
4. implies a lack of responsiveness to common joys as a result of real or affected surfeit of experience and cultivation: ~ travelers who claimed to have been everywhere.
  d) fruitful
5. suggests a close knowledge of the affairs and manners of society and a concentration on material ends and aims: a ~ woman with a philosophy of personal independence.
  e) blase
6. adds to fertile and fecund the implication of desirable or useful results: undertook ~ research in virology. 病毒学
  f) worldly
fabecd Right:) group sophisticated meaning unknown

1. usually stresses a subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance: felt ~ that he had forgotten something.
  a) certain
2. intensifies sureness or certainty and may imply opinionated conviction or the forceful expression of it: she is ~ that he is the killer.
  b) sure
3. may apply to a basing of a conclusion or conviction on definite grounds or indubitable evidence: scientists are now ~ what caused the explosion.
  c) positive
4. implies a skeletal presentation of an article or narrative suitable for rapid examination: read a ~ of the screenplay.
  d) synopsis
5. implies presumptuous or careless positiveness: you're always so ~ about everything.
  e) cocksure
bcade Right:) group sure mean having no doubt or uncertainty.

1. applies to qualities or attributes or attitudes characteristic of men and not shared by women: a ~ physique.
  a) male
2. stresses sturdiness and resolution: a ~ effort to achieve success.
  b) manful
3. suggests the qualities of the mature man, especially the finer qualities of a man or the powers and skills that come with maturity: wounded his ~ pride.
  c) masculine
4. is more likely to suggest characteristically masculine faults and foibles: exhibited a thoroughly ~ disregard for details; but sometimes its reference to human beings in general and then it suggests resemblance to the human kind: an early hominid, vaguely ~ in appearance. (hominid人科动物: family of Hominidae)
  d) manly
5. suggests the qualities of fully developed manhood but is AT ONCE stronger in emphasis and more specific in many of its applications than manly or masculine: a man of eighty yet still strong and ~; and in more general applications is likely to imply manful vigor: walked with a ~ stride.
  e) merry
6. is often used derogatorily in situations in which womanliness might naturally be expected or wanted: adopted an aggressively ~ stance; but in more neutral use, especially as applied to styles and dress, it carries little more than a suggestion of actual masculinity: dressednattily in a ~ suit of tweed.
  f) mannish
7. is broadly applicable to plants, animals and persons and stresses the fact of sex: a ~ tiger.
  g) virile
8. blithe: jocund: jovial: jolly:
  h) manlike
cbdhgfae Right:) group masculine mean of, characteristic of, or like a male, especially of the human species.

1. emphasizes jealousy safeguarding something considered precious: ~ the mementos of her youth.
  a) appreciate
2. often connotes understanding sufficient to allow enjoyment or admiration of a thing's excellence: ~s fine wine.
  b) cherish
3. implies a special love and care for an object of attachment: ~ed her children above all.
  c) malign
4. implies rating a thing highly for its intrinsic worth: ~ our friendship.
  d) prize
5. implies taking a deep pride in or setting great score by something one possesses: all people ~ their freedom.
  e) value
6. applies to something inherently evil or harmful: the ~ effects of smoking on one's health.
  f) treasure
fabedc Right:) group appreciate mean to hold in high estimation.

1. usually suggests an emotional reaction to a situation that calls forth rejoicing of happiness or elation: heard the news with a ~ heart.
  a) cheerful
2. implies a sense of well-being and complete content: nothing made him so ~ as to be at home with his family.
  b) joyful
3. is more likely to apply to something that is by its nature filled with joy or a source of joy: sang song after ~ song.
  c) lighthearted
4. suggests a strong spontaneous flow of good spirits: broke into a ~ song as he strode along.   (cheers祝酒干杯,cheer up打起精神振作to become cheerful,如I wrote that song just to cheer myself up我写那首歌给自己打气,如cheer up, boy!振作起来,小伙子!如cheer up, better times may be ahead打起精神来,好日子还在后头。表示给体育队加油cheer on,如their fans cheered them on from the sidelines支持者站在两旁加油,或直接用名词three cheers for our team为我们球队喊三次加油==hooray for our team,cheerleader是啦啦队长)  
  d) joyous
5. stresses a struggle for an objective that may be conscious, but typically is quite impersonal striving: athletes ~ in college sports.
  e) glad
6. stresses freedom from worry, care, and discontent: went off to school, ~ and gay. 和gay是同义词
  f) compete
7. may convey polite conventional expressions of pleasure: we are so ~ you could come; or it may convey the idea of an actual lifting of spirits, delight, or even elation: a face that makes me ~.
  g) happy
bgdafce Right:) group glad mean characterized by or expressing the mood of one who is pleased or delighted.首字母GHCLJJ想成GCHLJJ高唱欢乐京剧<==快乐

1. implies a socially useful skill: mastery of a foreign language is an admirable ~.
  a) attainment
2. implies a distinguished achievement (in the arts or sciences) and suggests fully developed talents: honored as woman of the year for her many ~s.  又如we can't exaggerate his scientific attainment我们无法估量他在科学上的造诣,如he is a scholar of the highest attainments他是位造诣很深的学者  attain取得获得stresses the spur of aspiration or ambition and suggests a reaching for the extreme, the unusual, or the difficult强调异常困难,需要巨大努力远大志向,如vowed not to relax his efforts until peace was attained誓言取得和平不停歇)  achieve同样强调需要克服巨大困难
  b) accomplishment
3. stresses the effort involved and the inherent value of what is gained: the ability to concentrate is a valuable ~.
  c) acquirement
4. suggests the result of continued endeavor to cultivate oneself: an appreciation of good music was not one of his ~s.   (acquire有2个意思 1、获得to get something, 如acquire a new home获得新家,如she acquired control of the company她获得公司控制权,如the old word has acquired a new meaning旧词获得了新含义  2、努力获取新技术能力to gain( a new skill, ability, etc.),如he has acquired a reputation as a good worker/for dishonesty赢得了好工人的声誉/奸诈的声誉,如I have recently acquired a taste for olives我最近开始喜欢吃橄榄了,her art is an acquired taste欣赏她的美术作品需要培养品味(表示起初不容易欣赏和喜欢,需要培养品味),如broad beans are very much an acquired taste慢慢适应才能吃得惯蚕豆,如she has acquired a fluency in English她英语已经流利。acquirement来自义项2)
  d) gourmand
5. implies a less fastidious and discerning appreciation of food and wine, but a hearty interest in an enjoyment of them: a robust dinner fit for an eager ~.
  e) acquisition
baecd Right:) group acquirement mean a power or skill won through exertion or effort.

1. suggests a close competition, as for superiority or in excellence: a voice which none could ~.
  a) rival
2. implies fainthearted, fearful flinching: never ~ed even as his head was lowered on the guillotine.  3个f fainthearted胆小的胆怯的not confident, not taking strong actions, because being afraid of failing,如this is no time to be faint-hearted现在不是怯懦的时候,词组not for the faint-hearted表示不适合怯懦的人applies to something that is unusual or extreme, and is not suitable for people who like only safe and familiar things,如it's a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted这部电影是讲连环杀手,不适合胆小的人看)
  b) approach
3. suggests close equivalence, as in quality or value or, and is typically used in negative constructions: as for durability, no current product can ~ the new product.
  c) blench
4. implies that one thing is the mate rather than the duplicate of another, as in power, strength, beauty, or interest: feels that no language can ~ French for clarity and exactness.
  d) match
5. implies such closeness in matching or equaling that the difference, though detectable, scarcely matters: a beauty ~ing perfection.
  e) equal
6. implies such close equivalence, as in quantity, worth, or degree, that no question concerning a difference or deficiency can arise: a love of glory ~ed only by a fear of shame.
  f) touch
acfdbe Right:) group match mean to come up to or nearly up to the standard of someone else.

1. tends to emphasize the means by which something is moved or the fact of supporting off the ground while moving: ~ied the basket on her head.
  a) carry
2. suggests that one is at liberty to accept or reject what is offered, and stresses the spontaneity, voluntariness, and courtesy of the agent: ~red assistance to the elderly man.
  b) transport
3. suggests the continuous movement of something in mass: the pipeline ~s oil for more than a thousand miles.
  c) convey
4. stresses the effort of sustaining or the importance of what is carried: ~ the flag aloft.
  d) proffer
5. implies the orderly moving of something often over great distances to its destination: trucks ~ing farm produce to market.
  e) bear
adceb Right:) group carry mean to move something from one place to another.

1. suggests fortitude and resolution in adherence and imperviousness to influences that would weaken it: a ~ defender of free speech. 
  a) steadfast
2. stresses continuing firmness of emotional attachment without necessarily implying strict obedience to promises or vows: ~ lovers.
  b) miserable
3. emphasizes firm determination to adhere to a course or purpose: ~ in his determination to see justice done. 
  c) constant
4. implies firm resistance to any temptation to betray or desert: the army remained ~ to the czar.
  d) faithful
5. implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted: ~ to her marriage vows.
  e) loyal
6. implies that a person is in a state of misery that may arise in extreme distress of body or mind or in pitiable poverty or degradation: looked ~, with eyes red and swollen from crying; in reference to things, it suggests such meanness or inferiority or unpleasantness that it arouses utter dislike or disgust in the observer: what ~ weather.
  f) resolute
7. implies a steady and unswerving course in love, allegiance, or conviction: ~ in their support of democratic principles. 
  g) staunch
gcfedba Right:) group faithful mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance.

1. applies to a surface or line that forms a continuous surface a line with another surface or line: the river's surface is now ~ with the top of the banks.
  a) flat
2. applies to any surface devoid of noticeable curvatures, prominences or depressions: the work surface must be totally ~.
  b) even
3. applies to a horizontal surface that lies on a line parallel with the horizon: the vast prairies are nearly ~.  (prairie北美等地大草原)
  c) plane
4. applies to a flat or even surface especially free of irregularities: a ~dance floor. (平整舞池)
  d) smooth
5. applies to a surface that is noticeably flat or level OR to a line that is observably straight: trim the hedge so that it is ~.
  e) preempt
6. applies to any real or imaginary flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies wholly and continuously within that surface: the ~ sides of a crystal.
  f) flush
7. implies beforehandedness in taking something desired or needed by others: news of the crisis ~ed much of the regular programming.
  g) level
fagdbce Right:) group level mean having a surface without bends, curves, or irregularities, and with no part higher than any other.

1. may suggest a slight falling short of adequacy OR merely an absence of superfluity: a ~, concise style of writing.
  a) motive
2. implies a thin scattering of units: a ~ population.
  b) exiguous
3. usually suggests niggardliness and penury as the cause of the deficiency: tacky house developments on ~ lots. (tacky: of low quality or taste质量差品位差,如tacky clothes难看的衣服)  (niggardly==penurious吝啬: spending or giving the smallest amount possible: gave his wife a niggardly household allowance给他妻子生活费少得可怜)
  c) scanty
4. suggests a falling short of what is desired or desirable RATHER than of what is essential: accorded the guests ~ welcome. 
  d) sparse
5. implies a marked deficiency in number or measure that makes the thing described compare unfavorably with others of its kind: tried to function and thrive despite ~ resources. 
  e) scant
6. implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act: a crime without apparent ~.
  f) meager
7. implies the absence of elements, qualities or numbers necessary to a thing's richness, substance, or potency: a ~ portion of meat.
  g) spare
8. stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent: supplies too ~ to last the winter. 
  h) skimp
gdhcbafe Right:) group meager mean falling short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable.

1. implies a clearly defined but not necessarily unalterable course or direction: an encounter that altered forever the ~ of my life.
  a) tenor
2. may apply to a tendency whose direction or course may be determined by external forces: the ~ of population away from large cities; or it may apply to an underlying or obscure trend of meaning or discourse: a racist ~ runs through all of his works.
  b) current
3. applies to the general direction maintained by a winding or irregular course: the long-term ~ of the stock market is upward.
  c) tendency
4. stresses a clearly perceptible direction and continuous, undeviating course: a suburb seeking to maintain its ~ of tranquility(宁静).
  d) trend
5. implies an inclination sometimes amounting to an impelling force: the ~ to expand the limits of what is art. (impel巨大驱动力: great impetus to move)
  e) drift
6. implies the appeasement to the point where one is not disquieted or disturbed even though every wish is NOT gratified: refused to ~ herself with the answer.
  f) content
bedacf Right:) group tendency mean movement with a particular direction or with a particular character.

1. stresses an ability to deal with ticklish situations tactfully and effectively: be ~ in asking them to leave. ticklish: 1、棘手 2、怕痒的: he is very ~他怕痒) (tactful得体圆通: 处理问题得体,考虑全面,有分寸Alex tactfully refrained from further comment亚历克斯很识趣(得体),没有再发表什么评论)
  a) bait
2. suggests often an excessive, deliberately assumed suavity: the ~ sales pitch of a car dealer. (sales pitch推销语言His sales pitch was smooth and convincing他的推销词流畅又有说服力)
  b) politic
3. emphasizes the mildness of manner and absence of irritating qualities: a ~ manner suitable For early morning radio.
  c) bland
4. implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim: siblings ~ed each other constantly.
  d) diplomatic
5. implies a shrewd as well as tactful and suave  handling of people and situations: an ambassador's wife must be ~ and discreet. (shrewd精明: 聪明有判断力: a  ~ judgment of character)
  e) suave
6. suggests a specific ability to deal with others easily and without friction: a luxury restaurant with an army of ~ waiters.
  f) urbane
7. implies high cultivation and poise coming from wide social experience: the ~ host of a television series.
  g) smooth
dgcabef Right:) group suave mean pleasantly tactful and well-mannered.

1. implies a protecting with vigilance and force against expected danger: all entrances to the White House are well ~.
  a) protect
2. implies taking precautionary protective measures against MEREly potential dangers: individual rights must be ~ whatever the cost.
  b) safeguard
3. denotes a warding off or repelling of actual or threatening attacks: a large army needed to ~ the country.
  c) guard
4. may denote false show or the evidence of it: a person utterly devoid of ~; or it may apply to something such as an act, an appearance, or a statement intended to convince others of the reality of something that in fact lacks reality: gained their confidence under false ~s.
  d) shield
5. sug. intenvention of cover OR barriar against imminent danger or actual attack: tried to ~ her child from the real world.
  e) defend
6. implies use of sth. as a bar to admission or impact of what may attack, injurE, or destroy: ~ one's eyes from the sun with dark glasses.
  f) pretense
cbefda Right:) group defend mean to keep secure from danger or against attack.


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